lost ring Tag | Page 47 of 151 | The Ring Finders

Ring lost in Alpine Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

April contacted me yesterday asking if I could travel to Alpine, Ca. to search for a lost wedding ring. Sure I could! We made arrangements to meet today at 1pm to conduct the search. It seems that after dark the night before, in a momentary fit of pique, she threw the ring across the street from her house toward the front yard of a neighbor. She shortly regretted her actions, and with her husband, searched for hours with an inexpensive metal detector without success. After getting the description and likely area where the ring should have landed, I started a grid search in the ice plant with my Equinox, while my wife did a visual search along the street, sidewalk and yard area. After a little over 15 minutes and several pieces of foil later, I got a good signal in the ice plant right next to a bush. I pulled some of the surface branches aside and ran my pin pointer down inside. Just as I received a signal, I could just see the beautiful white gold engagement/wedding ring. My wife went back across the street to give them the good news. After showing them where the ring ended up, I removed it from it’s hiding place and handed it to a happy April. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.


fastest ring find yet!

  • from Oklahoma City (Oklahoma, United States)

This was the fastest ring find yet. A nice gentleman called about a ring he lost while raking leaves in the yard. He showed me a spot where he had raked up the leaves that was grass with a light layer of dirt from the raking was – I ran the detector over and found it in the first pass. Feels good to be able to help!

Lost Wedding Ring Found at Paihia

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Ring Finder – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost ring? Lost necklace? Lost keys?… Metal Detector Service – Call ASAP 021 401626

Having the presence of mind to accurately fix your location, and rapidly contact a dedicated ring finder can make the world of difference when you have lost a ring or other piece of sentimental jewellery.

Josh was enjoying his holiday, lounging in the warm summer shallows at a Paihia beach, when he decided to remove his white gold and diamond wedding ring from his finger to thread it onto his necklace for security.
Fate intervened and the ring fell into the cloudy water.

He spent some time looking for it with a mask, although the zero visibility made it impossible to see.
That was when his wife contacted me.

Josh had made a mental note of a couple of items on shore that lined up, as well as an accurate depth and distance from the beach. It was high tide, but rather than wait for the next low tide the following day, the tight start point encouraged me to make the attempt before the evening light faded.

I waded out, counting my paces and gauging the depth as described by Josh, until I was in the general area. Josh directed me a little further to one side where he felt the ring would be and I started to grid.

Just after I turned to start the second run, I got a clean tone in the headphones – the audio too ‘bright and smooth’ to be litter.

The scoop went in, I checked the hole was clear and shook the sediments out of the scoop. The sand flowed away revealing the lost ring.

One of my fastest recoveries yet – thanks must go to Josh for providing an excellent start point and contacting a Ring Finder ASAP.


How to find a lost ring in snow…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


I got a distress call early evening Saturday in regards to a lost diamond engagement ring in Chilliwack. After talking for 20 minutes we arrange a time and place to meet the next day, originally I was looking to meet around noon but the young man asked if I could do it sooner as his wife was struggling with the fact that she lost her engagement ring.

They even told me they bought a metal detector and search for it also 10 or more people walking by the time stop to help search in the snow unfortunately finding a platinum diamond ring in the snow is virtually impossible. The fact that they bought a metal detector doesn’t always mean they’re going to fine with Dave Lost. If you have never used a metal detector it would be hard to understand how it works and how to properly search for it. I have 50 years of a Metal Detecting Experience and lots of lessons I have learned over the years on wear rings turn up, it’s not always where you think they’re going to be.

After meeting the young couple they showed me where they believe the ring could be, they cleverly marked two trees so they could get back to the area… Very smart thing to do because sometimes people don’t always get you back to the exact area. After searching for close to 30 minutes and no Ring the young lady went to the second location she thought it may have come off her finger and that was by the lake, her husband stayed behind to watch me and shortly after I found her beautiful diamond ring and surprised her husband. We agreed to go to the lake and surprise his wife!





Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and I get to see how happy they are when I find it.

Video ofthe search below…


Matapouri Lost Ring – Found!

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Ring Finder – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost ring? Lost necklace? Lost keys?… Metal Detector Service – Call ASAP 021 401626

Matapouri Bay is a very popular beach on the Tutukaka coast with its soft yellow-gold sand and clear ocean water. Unfortunately the beach environment is also one of the prime locations for lost items.
Loss of a ring at the beach is usually due to that fateful combination of sunscreen and wet hands, which can stealthily remove rings, sometimes without the wearer even being aware.
It is advisable to leave rings at home when visiting the beach. At the very least taking them off and leaving them somewhere safe, in a pocket or bag.
However despite precautions, even being in a pocket can be no guarantee that the beach won’t take and hide your precious jewellery…As Tuyana found out a week ago.

She had been enjoying the day at the beach with family, and took her sentimental gold and emerald ring off and put it in the pocket of a dress laying with some other clothes for safekeeping.

At the end of the day, the dress was collected during packing up and when the pocket was later checked for the ring, it was missing.

And so began another ring recovery story.

A local offered to try and locate the ring the following morning with his metal detector, although regrettably was unsuccessful.
After a detailed phone conversation later in the week with Tuyana, I headed down to Matapouri from the Bay of Islands the following weekend to see what I could do.

I had another appointment at Tutukaka at 9am, so made it an early start, leaving at 2am and was on the beach just before 4. I have found four hours searching is usually sufficient to secure 90% of rings – if there is an accurate start point.

By torchlight, I marked out the various high, medium and low probability areas between the ‘towel spot’ on the beach, and the carpark. Then switched the torch off and after a few minutes to allow the eyes to recover, started searching by starlight. One of the joys of having an audio-only machine with no menus or target ID numbers to read.
The area where Tuyana was sitting was probably clear, having already been searched. I rechecked it anyway [Assume Nothing, Believe No-one, Check Everything].

Now I moved into the almost arcane side of things…
We, as a species, are really quite predictable in our unconscious movements.
Have you been on a walk and seen a puddle on the track with new routes caused by people walking around, rather than through it?
Crossing the road, you always adjust your step to land on the curb, not in the gutter… This concept follows through into Ring Finding.

Just under an hour from starting, and while searching the margins around Tuyanas likely path back to the car, I found myself crawling around under one of the boardwalks that leads down onto the beach.
I carefully and systematically checked around each supporting post. Heavy stainless fittings meant the main coil was no good, so it was inch by inch with the handheld pinpointer.
At the third or fourth post, I got a signal just off to the side, I scooped the sand with my hand, and my fingers closed on the shape of a ring.

After verifying by touch that it wasn’t one of those old-style ‘Beaver Tail’ pulltabs off a drinks can, I flicked the headlamp on and sitting in my hand was a beautiful emerald ring.
At just after 6am, I felt it was early enough to text Tuyana and let her know. After all, how better to wake up to the new day knowing your precious lost ring is now found?

Later that morning, after my other appointment, I got to meet Tuyana and add her smile to my collection, then drove off with my own smile.

Job done.


Lost Ring Minnesota Metal Detecting Service

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lost ring Eden Prairie Minnesota. Lost in the snow while out playing with the puppy. Found after a 5 minute search – Congrats!


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP  Anytime 24/7   918-313-2202!


Not the prettiest recovery I have ever done, but at least the sentimental aspect and symbolic meaning behind a wedding ring is still there, recovered and given back to the owner. This flattened platinum and rose gold wedding ring will need a little TLC, but I think it can be repaired.

Got a text message about a gentleman who lost his ring a week and a half ago while sledding with the family. He took his glove off once and that must have been the time when he lost it. When he texted me, he said it was either at his house in his front yard or at the hill where they were sledding. I started off at his house, figured that would’ve been the fastest and the easiest, since the yard was small and grass wasn’t that thick. I scanned it in no time and didn’t find his ring.

I drove down the road to the sled slope and began detecting. After about 15 mins, I realized it wasn’t there and started to walk away when I noticed a shiny bar-like item in the road. I walked over and picked it up and realized, « IT WAS THE RING!!! » flattened, but it was the ring!

I texted the gentleman, sent photos and told him I found it, but he wasn’t going to like how it looks! He responded with « Awww, THAT DOES SUCK, BUT THAT’S ALRIGHT, I’LL KEEP IT AS A MEMENTO »


Good/Sad ring recovery! #platnium #gold #ring #lostandfound #recovery #garrettmetaldetectors @garrett_metaldetectors #sgtwhitey #fyp #metaldetecting

♬ original sound – SGT_Whitey






Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com

Lost thrown ring, Orlando, Florida…..found and mailed to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

This young couple was enjoying a night on the town and decided to call an Uber to help them get safely back to their hotel. Their ride dropped them off a few hundred yards from their hotel and as they walked they talked!! I am not exactly sure what the topic of conversation was but I do know that during their walk along the quiet street Mr. John Doe got very upset and took off his wedding ring and with a back handed throw sent his ring sailing into the street and the ping could be heard and then silence!

It didn’t take long for Mr John Doe to realize the error of his way and later that evening he returned with his phone and tried desperately to find his ring. But after a couple of hours of searching the street, the grass and even in the bushes he decided to look online for some help and typed in « Metal Detecting Service Orlando »! The first result was « Theringfinders.com » and as he checked out the « Directory » he noticed my name and all the successful recoveries and decided to give me a call. So we met later that day and « John » showed me where he thought he was when he threw his ring. At first I thought that it would be a fairly easy search but an hour and a half later I was beginning to have second thoughts. I expanded the search area by 30 feet on either side and still no ring. It was getting late and « John » was planning on starting their drive north that same day…so I assured him that I would come back later in the week to look some more. He was very happy to hear that and then we parted ways.

The next weekend I returned and decided to look even further along the street, searching the bushes and the 8 foot grass strip along the street. At one point I was a good 45 yards away from the area where « John » said he threw his ring and while I was swinging my detector along the curb and over onto the grass, I glanced out onto the street and low and behold there was the young man’s ring…just laying in the street. I could not believe my eyes and was so, so thankful to see it just sitting there untouched and not a scratch on it. I made a quick little video with my phone and sent it to the owner and he was thrilled that I actually found it! And a couple of days later it was mailed off to « John » and so the story continues!

Lost your ring, or something valuable? Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….here to help you!

Lost Engagement Ring Found Sea Isle City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?


Don’t wait to call!

Not all engagement rings are found using a metal detector! This engagement ring that was found in Sea Isle City New Jersey was a interesting story…

I received a message about a lost engagement ring on the beach in Sea Isle City, NJ. After speaking with the fiancé about how the ring was lost we met up and started the search for the lost ring.  After about an hour and half the ring was not found.  I asked some more questions trying to jog his memory as to the whereabouts of the engagement ring.  After a few more questions the search continued .. which led to a bag in the trash can! Sometimes you have to act like a detective to find the sentimental ring that went missing! The vacation could end on a happy note in Sea Isle City, NJ.


Lost Gold and Diamond Ring, Palm Harbor, Fl. …Found!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)


Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder 

Lost a ring or other metal valuable in a grassy or sandy areaJewelry slip off of you while working outside or swimming? Please call me ASAP at (843)995-4719. I offer a free metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

I received a call from Miti who was referred to me through the Ring Finders website by a local metal detector store owner. She explained to me that her mother who was visiting from India was throwing some food to a deer who had approached a fence that separated Miti’s yard from the adjacent woods when her beautiful gold ring flew from her finger into the high weeds and brush. Miti’s husband Rachit met me when I arrived and showed me the area where they believe the ring had landed which was within about five feet of the fence. I crossed over the short wire fence and began to press my detector coil down into the thick weeds because it was very difficult to swing it back and forth. After about ten minutes of searching I rang up a 16-17 on my Equinox 600 which was within the range I was looking for, pushed the tall weeds aside with my gloved hand, and uncovered the beautiful gold ring! I held the ring up for Rachit to see and he had a big smile on his face. After I took several photos of the ring where I found it, I returned the ring to Rachit who in turn gave it to Miti. As Miti’s mother had returned to India the day before without her precious ring, this was a very emotional return so I simply took a photo of the ring on Miti’s hand and respected their right to privacy.

Miti and Rachit, thank you for contacting the Dunedin Ring Finder and trusting me to return this beautiful ring to you. Thank you for the generous reward as well!