lost and found Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond Engagement Ring During Softball Game…Found by Brian Rudolph in Vienna, Virginia

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Emily’s rose gold 1 carat diamond engagement ring which almost was lost forever had it not been for THE RING HERO Brian Rudolph.

Emily happily shares her beloved rose gold and multiple diamond engagement ring which ring finder Brian Rudolph found near the softball field backstop where Emily had been sitting.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Emily called me in a state of panic because she had lost her two most important personal material possessions: her rose gold 1 carat diamond engagement ring with multiple diamonds surrounding the center stone and all around the band along with her rose gold wedding band with multiple diamonds which nests together with the engagement ring.

Emily shared with me that she had searched for several days looking for her two most important material possessions in the world but all of her efforts led to no avail. The two main areas she looked was at home (where she applied lotion to her child) and along side the softball field where she watched her daughter play her game.

My client did all of the right things but still came up way short of finding the rings. She looked all around the house and nothing was found. She then got a metal detector from a friend and scanned all of the areas where she had been sitting, walking around and taking photos with her phone. Still nothing. She gave the metal detector to several other people and they also could not recover her precious jewelry.

Finally, Emily heard about THE RING FINDERS from somebody on a community forum and immediately reached out to me. I asked her all the questions that I needed answers to in order for me to assess the situation. We then agreed to meet out by the softball field early that evening.

While I drove to the search site to meet up with Emily and her father-in-law, I received a call from my client expressing second thoughts about attempting a recovery of the rings. I asked her why and she shared that after talking with her husband, he suggested that they let go of the search idea and just file an insurance claim. I told Emily that I didn’t understand the reasoning because there was no risk on their part other than my travel fee. And if I did find the rings they would remit the reward value indicated on a form which I had Emily fill out in advance of the search. An amount that we ring finders ask to be fair and reasonable.

I reminded Emily that these were her very rings that her husband Tyler placed on her finger at the moment that she was proposed to and during the wedding ceremony when Emily said, « I do ». I asked, « Why would you not try one more time by hiring a professional ring finder like myself to see if those rings were still there or never there in the first place? » After some more dialogue back and forth between us, Emily decided to move forward with the search!

When we met up at the softball field, Emily introduced me to her father-in-law Steve (who was also unsuccessful metal detecting the grassy areas) and she showed me all of the places where she had been during her daughter’s game. I then got busy by laying grid lines down on the grass right next to the softball field and then began my metal detecting project.

Even though there was a lot of metal that was scattered about on the surface and below the dirt, I am excited to share that I recovered Emily’s beautiful rose gold and diamond filled engagement ring! I found it in the location where she had been sitting on a blanket and had applied sunscreen to her little one during the game. When the game was over, her friend picked up the blanket (not knowing that Emily forgot to put her rings back on) and the irreplaceable keepsake ended up lost in the grass!

Emily and Steve were so very happy to see that amazing looking rose gold and diamond treasure back on Emily’s finger! She was so grateful for my work and my client was beyond happy that she had ultimately decided to listen to my plea to not cancel the search but to allow me to metal detect the area just to make certain of whether or not it was there or not! Yes, she was very grateful that I lobbied hard to convince Emily to keep with the vision in having me help her find her so very special rings! Indeed, my client truly made the right choice in the end and her husband Tyler was also glad that his wife didn’t listen to his advice to « abandon ship »!

Emily had to leave the school yard to take her husband on a birthday getaway. So Steve stayed with me and I continued to search for the missing rose gold and diamond wedding ring.

(This concludes PART 1 of the search. Stay tuned for the conclusion of this wonderful ring search story!)


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Lost Gold Wedding Band – Found in New Kensington near Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I received a text from Christina asking if I could look for her husband’s gold wedding band. They were not sure but thought it could have been lost in the yard a few days prior when they were doing some yard work. I drove out later that afternoon and met Christina and her husband Kurt. They showed me where he had been working in the yard and I got to work. I checked about half of the area when I hit a pretty good sound…only to find a nail. However, following the cardinal rule of always checking the hole again I got another good sound and this time I struck gold! I pulled out the ring and asked Christina to come outside. She could not believe that I found the ring and I gave it to her to return to her husband. Kurt was very happy to have his ring back. Not knowing for sure if it was in the yard it was definitly a nice surprise for all of us. As alwasy – it was great to meet kind and generous people and be able to return the lost ring!


Metal Detector Rental Maple Ridge

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist…

I recieved a call from a young man who told me he had lost his wedding ring on the side of the street possibly in the snow. He was inquiring about my services, he told me he had rented a metal detector and was going back to look for it,  I just said when you’re done and if you can’t find it, call me and I’ll be happy to come out and find it for you. He said he looked for close to four hours the day before, and he would put it away and wait for me to come out as he was pretty much done with the rental detector.

I adjusted my day switched a search over and headed to his location as it was more important because it was in a public area where somebody may be able to find it before I got there, even though there’s snow, it could’ve landed on the sidewalk or road for anyone to see. When I got there, I met William and he told me his feelings on where the ring should’ve been and I could see his spent a lot of time searching in the area as the snow was almost completely melted where he had been looking.

He had to go back to his place so I started to search and just before I got going a young lady stopped with her kids and asked me if that was a metal detector. I said yes and I was out there looking for someone who had lost their wedding. She said do you make house calls and I said absolutely, she told me that her husband had just lost his wedding band the night before making a snowman for his kids in the backyard. I told her that once I was done finding this ring I would head on over to her place to find her husband’s ring.

Back to Williams lost ring…After 20 minutes of grid searching I found the ring in an area where he did not look, it few backwards quite a distance into a hedge where it wedged into the leaves and dirt hidden from view. It was so nice to surprise him with his ring when he came back, and it was a beautiful ring with mountains and a diamond for the sun or stars very unique… He was such a nice young man, and loved his wife so much. It was such an honour as they all are to be able to find and reconnect these people with these beautiful and sentimental items.




Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.








Wife Loses Husband’s Wedding Band at Vienna, Virginia Private School…Found by Detectorist Brian Rudolph

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band that professional ring finder Brian Rudolph successfully recovered after hours of metal detecting.

Metal detectorist Brian Rudolph holds up Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band that was found at one of the possible search sites where wife Katie potentially lost the irreplaceable keepsake.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Katie was given Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band to keep safe while he headed to the hospital for a medical procedure. She decided to wear the special jewel on her index finger as she drove one child to a Vienna, Virginia private school and the other one to an Oakton, Virginia dance studio. By the time Katie completed her drop-offs, she stopped at a Starbucks drive thru to buy a cup of coffee and it was there that she realized that her husband’s very handsome wedding ring was no longer on her finger!

In a panic, the poor wife who had been entrusted with Tommy’s irreplaceable keepsake, first checked her car to see if it slipped off her finger and dropped to the floor or fell between the seats. Then, when nothing was found, she quickly
headed back to her daughter’s nearby dance studio. When nothing panned out there, she returned to her son’s day school campus to see if she could find the lost band somewhere near the drop-off gate entrance and at the school’s designated donation station where Katie handed some bags of clothes to one of the teachers. Unfortunately, the perplexed young lady had no success in recovering Tommy’s wedding day « souvenir ».

After the Oakton, Virginia spouse spent another couple of frustrating days searching for the ring in the same places as before, Katie had no choice but to leave her information about the missing ring with the school, the dance studio and at the Starbucks. A « lost and found » bulletin went out to all of the day school program parents just in case somebody happened to pick up the precious piece of property sometime later that week. Still, there was no happy breakthrough or positive leads that became of all of her diligent efforts to retrieve the runaway ring.

Katie felt very guilty for losing her spouse’s special « symbol of love ». So much so that she began looking online to rent a metal detector to further her efforts. During her search on the internet, the desperate young lady happened to stumble upon a metal detectorist directory called THE RING FINDERS – an elite international database of ring finding specialists who enjoy solving mysteries just like this one. Katie contacted me and filled me in on the entire story regarding the loss of Tommy’s ring.

Even though this particular search project did not look too promising in regards to a successful recovery (since the loss of the ring appeared to have taken place in one of three public environments), I was greatly up for the challenge and I couldn’t wait to start the search the very next morning.

When I arrived at the private school in Vienna, Virginia, I first searched Katie’s vehicle with some special search equipment. Though it was extremely cold outside with a chilling temperature of 32° Fahrenheit, I was determined to conduct a thorough investigation for Tommy’s missing ring. I ended up concluding that the band was not lost in the car.

Next, my client showed me where she walked and dropped off her little boy at the outdoor playground fence gate. Katie clearly remembered holding his lunch bag with one hand and struggling to release her young one with the other hand due to the boy having an emotionally difficult morning. We then walked over to another side of the property where my client had deposited her give-a-ways out by a designated outdoor donation station.

I held off doing any searching at the school premises until Katie oriented me over to the Oakton, Virginia dance studio and at the local Starbucks where she realized Tommy’s ring was no longer on her finger. I metal detected and scanned both of those potential search sites and unfortunately there was no sign of the wedding band at either one of those two locations.

Once I finished checking out the Starbucks drive-thru area, I returned to the school and immediately began setting up my grid tapes out on the parking lot. I first wanted to check the concrete pavement to see if the ring fell off of Katie’s finger during the time that she either carried her child to the drop off site or if it went missing while taking the bags of clothes over to the donation station. The purpose in checking the parking lot first was because later that day the entire area would be filled with cars due to an afternoon function. I wanted to make sure that I had full access to every square inch of that blacktop before visitors began to show up.

I spent at least a couple of hours out in the bitter cold weather grid searching almost the entire parking lot of the school. It was a lot of territory. The reason why I did the majority of the concrete was because the ring was heavy and it was quite possible that if it fell off, it could have rolled down the parking lot since it was on a decline. When I completed that task, I was 100% confident that the ring was not on the parking lot pavement. This did not mean that someone had already eyeballed it and picked it up sometime the last couple of days.

Next, I took my metal detector over to the patch of ground where Katie dropped off her son with the school staff. It was the last place to check before I had to wrap up the search. There were leaves and little clumps of grass here and there around the outside of the fenced in area. Not only had Katie searched that particular section already, but plenty of other parents and teachers who had gotten word about the disappearance of Tommy’s precious sentimental piece of jewelry also scanned over that same territory. Up to that point nothing was discovered by any of the good Samaritans in this particular « hot zone ». Yet, I never base my search strategies on escaping the odds. One must search everywhere just in case the lay person happens to miss the obvious areas. That’s why it’s so pertinent that people reach out to a professional metal detectorist like myself instead of trying to do the search on their own.

Well, I am so very happy to share that after metal detecting the area near the fence line where Katie dropped off her son, I eventually picked up a wonderful target signal coming from underneath some leaves over to the left of the chain link fence entrance gate. I knelt down to the ground and took out my handheld metal detector to pinpoint the exact location of where my machine detected the signal. After removing a few leaves, there it was!… I found it! Right in front of my eyes was the very handsome white and rose gold wedding band that I had been searching for for the last few hours! I did it! I successfully recovered Tommy’s lost ring! With all of the foot traffic coming and going at that drop off point, nobody ever eyeballed the long sought after « symbol of love »! Incredible! It was lying there under a few leaves for a number of days and yet It was never recovered by anyone!

When I surprised Tommy and Katie with the great news, the couple immediately reacted as if they both were in a state of shock when I pulled Tommy’s lost wedding band out of my pocket! As I handed them the irreplaceable wedding memento, the two couldn’t believe what they were staring at! Even though Katie grabbed a hold of whatever hope she could muster up when she initially hired me to search for the missing keepsake, the young lady admitted that she didn’t think that they would ever see that very special ring ever again! I am so glad that at the end of this special ring story… I was able to prove my client’s intuition to be quite wrong! I love it when it works out that way!


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Ring Finder in Annapolis, Maryland Helps Woman Recover Lost Diamond Engagement Ring Found in Street by Good Samaritan

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Beth’s one and only yellow gold solitaire diamond engagement ring recovered after item recovery specialist, Brian Rudolph, suggested to his client to inquire at a law office to see if someone reported finding the lost jewel!

Beth and Thomas extremely relieved that the engaged couple’s diamond engagement ring was found and returned to the rightful owners due to Rudolph’s ring finding guidance!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

I received a text from a young lady who just got engaged and yet sadly she had lost her beautiful diamond engagement ring earlier that day.

She texted, « Hi Brian, my name is Beth and I lost my engagement ring in Annapolis Maryland. I am hoping you can help me. »

I quickly responded back and before long we were talking many details on the phone about the disappearance of the lost jewel. Beth had just gotten home from her physical therapy appointment in Annapolis, Maryland when she realized that her irreplaceable yellow gold 1 carat diamond engagement ring was missing from her finger. The frantic young lady quickly checked her car, house and street pavement to see if it had slipped off after she returned home. Unfortunately, all of her efforts led to no recovery of her precious keepsake.

Beth called the physical therapy office to report the missing ring but nothing was found by the staff. She then immediately drove back to the street where she had parked at the time of her chiropractic visit. Sadly, after checking the sidewalk, street and reporting the missing « symbol of love » with the businesses along that block where she had walked earlier that day, no one had any good news for the depleted new fiance.

A couple of hours later, Beth took to the internet to seek out some ring finding help and that’s when she found THE RING FINDERS website – an elite metal detectorist directory that specialize in recovering lost items of every kind…especially rings.

After getting all of the details from my client over the phone, I immediately made plans to meet Beth in Annapolis, Maryland where we would rendezvous out on the block where she had her physical therapy appointment.

Upon arriving, I had Beth take me on a tour of where she walked from the chiropractic office all the way down the street where she had parked her vehicle. As we strolled together down the sidewalk, I kept my eyes wide open just in case I might eyeball the missing ring.

Once we got towards the end of the block where Beth remembered parking her Subaru on the street, I asked her if she was certain that she went to every business along that block to see if anybody had turned in her special jewel. My client responded by saying, « Yes, I’m pretty certain that I went to every business. » I looked at where she was parked on the street and I just happened to pry a little deeper by inquiring, « Beth, how about this law office over here? Did you make sure you went to this building as well? » Instead of getting the anticipated response of hearing her say that she was confident that she hit that attorney’s office for certain, the young lady paused and thought about it for a quick moment. She surprisingly responded, « Actually, that law practice is the only place that I didn’t make an inquiry. »

One thing that I have learned as a professional item recovery specialist is that one must expend all options and investigate all possibilities when searching for a lost item. Upon hearing my client’s response, I requested that she check with the attorney’s office to see if anyone had turned in the ring. While I walked back to my car to get my metal detecting gear and video probe to inspect her vehicle, Beth agreed to my suggestion and headed for the house that was converted into the law practice.

Upon returning to Beth’s Subaru Outback that was parked very close to the attorney’s office, I received the incredible news that someone had reported finding a diamond ring out on the street sometime earlier that day! The fellow left his phone number with the firm’s receptionist just in case someone came back looking for the lost sentimental keepsake! Beth was totally beside herself when she was shown a yellow sticky note from the employee who took down the gentleman’s information! I could not have been more excited for Beth! She was going to get her ring back!

Now that we knew what happened to the diamond « halo », Beth and I immediately called the apparent « ring hero » so that steps would be taken for my client to meet up with the guy and reclaim her most valuable material possession! This whole experience was something that I will never forget! Beth was so grateful that I had asked her whether or not she had inquired about her ring over at the law office! Had I not, she said that she didn’t think she would have ever known that the ring had been reported to the firm as being found!

Once we got the gentleman on the phone, we learned that the guy had been walking down the sidewalk about three or four feet from where Beth’s car was parked. He just happened to see a sparkle coming from a small object lying on the street pavement which the sun’s light was reflecting off of! As soon as it caught his eye, he went to retrieve the mysterious item and that’s when he realized that he had found something extremely important that needed to be returned to its proper owner if all possible! What a good human being this man turned out to be!

This particular search not only encouraged me with the fact that my client was able to recover her one and only irreplaceable engagement ring, but it also helped to restore some lost hope that there are still some very honest and compassionate people out there in the midst of a very troubled, greedy and selfish world.


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From Sesuit Harbor to Corporation Beach Dennis MA Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

September 25, 2022

Just as I was putting the finishing touches to the previous posting, my phone rang and much to my surprise Sean was on the phone. We talked about last night’s ring return at his wedding reception. Then he dropped the news that he had his ring that had been on his finger just about a day before it slipped off and buried itself into the dry sand. Yes, of course I would be right there, how could I refuse such a bizarre set of circumstances.

How could this repeat? I got to the beach and did not see Sean. Just like the night before no one was there to greet me. I called and sure enough Sean had not yet arrived but did so in another minute. Then a short walk to two circles in the sand. The smaller one was Sean’s best bet but said it may be out as far as the second circle. On my second pass there was on iffy signal but was too deep. Continuing onto my third pass, there it was the wonderful sound in my ears of a ring. One scoop and a few shakes to rid the scoop of excess sand and I saw the glitter of a ring.

Sean, with doubt, looked into the scoop and retrieved the ring. After a bit of being unsure it was his as it was still covered with sand. Then when all the sand fell away and the Celtic Knots glittered in the flashlight’s beam the smile came. I wish I had my camera ready at that moment, but I did not so the picture of the smile will have to live in my memory, something I cannot share, sorry.

A brisk walk back to the parking lot a few pictures and Sean with his ring was off to his mother’s home and his new bride whom I am sure will have an equally wonderful smile tonight. What a story, what a beautiful, dark star lit sky, soft gentle breeze and swish of the incoming tide and another Happy Ending. I am sure that both Sean and I will remember the night for many years. I am also sure we both went home to our bride, and before going off to dream land we would reconcile any of the day’s tense feelings with our wife, say an “I Love You” and give a good night kiss. Bless.

Ring Returned on Harwich Cape Cod, MA Beach

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

A year had passed since wedding vows were exchanged on a small footbridge and today another emotional moment took place just over the same footbridge, a cherished wedding band was “lost” in the sand. A very stressful hour passed with many hands helping in the search the sand for the ring. A few calls had been made one to the police, one to the beach superintendent two to my wife, Jane, who finally got in touch with me. I had been out detecting and was on my way home. That segment of the trip would have to wait, I was now on my way south, not west to my home. At this point I was unsure just which beach I needed to end up at. Jane relayed messages between Catherine the beach’s gate attendant, Sarah, and me. I arrived at the beach with a big sign telling me were to find Sarah, thanks to Catherine’s foresight as the beach was about to close for the evening.

Sarah had removed her rings to apply sunscreen lotion, putting the rings safely in her pants pocket. Lotion applied, it was the removal and folding of her pants when her engagement ring fell from the pocket into a beach bag, The wedding band did not follow the engagement ring, but rather fell on the sand and disappeared from sight. As it usually happens, many of the beachgoers helped search the sandy area to no avail. The ring would not see the fading sunlight until my third signal when I recovered it. I left the ring in my scoop so Sarah could remove the ring and place it back on her finger.

Several hugs, congratulations, cheers from near-by beach goers filled everyone’s face with a smile. Catherine even showed up as the many Thank Yous continued and the usual picture taking and answering of questions followed. It was time to leave the beach and as we did a nice chat was had between three of us, Sarah, Josh her husband, and myself. It was difficult for me to tell just who had the biggest smile. It really did not matter, the “lost ring” had been found and returned. A beautiful ending to a beautiful day on Cape Cod.

Metal Detecting Service Finds Lost Gold Wedding Ring in Columbia, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Adam’s handsome 14 karat yellow and white gold wedding band shining brightly once again after metal detectorist Brian Rudolph recovers the precious keepsake.

Adam and wife Mikaela pose for a photo capturing the exciting moment when member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph, surprises the couple with the amazing « symbol of love »!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Adam and Mikaela volunteered to help with a landscaping project at their friend’s house in Columbia, Maryland. Adam gave his ring to his wife for safe keeping while he worked in the flower beds and built a retaining wall. Mikaela carefully placed her husband’s size 13 yellow and white gold wedding band in her shirt pocket. Once they got home that evening, Mikaela reached into her pocket so that she could give Adam his ring back. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. The couple realized that the ring must have fallen out either at their friend’s house somewhere in the front of the house, backyard, or even perhaps it was lost in the vehicle somewhere while Mikaela was leaning over.

Over the next two and a half weeks the couple searched for several hours hoping to find the sentimental keepsake. Even some neighbors volunteered their time metal detecting the yard and flower beds but no ring was ever discovered. Finally, Adam and Mikaela went online and found THE RING FINDERS, the elite metal detectorist directory that specializes in finding lost rings and other lost items. After getting all of the details from the couple, we scheduled to meet out at their friend’s house the following day.

When I arrived at the search site, Mikaela showed me around the property. I got all of the additional information needed to conduct the search and then immediately got my gear out to begin the recovery process.

I made sure that I was thorough with my « investigation of the lost wedding band ». I searched all of the grass where Mikaela had walked, which included: the front lawn, the side lawn areas, most of the backyard, the garage and finally the long flowerbed in the front of the house.

After a couple of hours had passed, Adam and Mikaela left to go back home approximately 45 minutes away. By that point I had scanned almost all of the grassy areas. I never gave up. Finally, as nightfall came upon me, I put my headlamp on and started detecting the flower bed (which would be the last place left for me to search). Though there were so many metallic obstacles in that area of the property, I finally got a promising target located towards the very end of the long strip of well arranged mulch and beautiful plant life. It was situated in the middle of that stretch of the flower bed section and buried approximately 6 inches beneath the earth. I even had to cut through the fabric that was laid down on top of the initial dirt in order to penetrate farther below the ground.

Once I had finally reached the depth necessary to retrieve the mystery object, I grabbed a handful of dirt in that region and brought it closer in front of me. It was at that moment that I couldn’t believe my eyes! At the very last minute of my long 3 plus hour search, I finally recovered the massive white and yellow gold wedding band that had once been placed on Adam’s finger on the couple’s wedding day several years earlier! I could not have been any happier for Adam and Mikaela! I never gave up and I kept eliminating section by section until I finally struck gold!

Although it was very late at night by the time I had recovered the very handsome « symbol of love », I excitedly drove all of the way to the couple’s house and gave Adam and Mikaela the biggest surprise of their life! Yes indeed, it was a big « ring size 13 » surprise which those two lovebirds will now never forget!


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Lost Cell Phone Returned to Owner at Bayview Beach, Dennis, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 20, 2022
I was called to find a bracelet but as I was searching, I was asked “Had I found the phone? What? No, I was looking for a bracelet. I saw disappointment in the inquisitive face. I could not let it go, I said where was it lost and was it waterproof? Here and yes, it was waterproof. OK, I will search for both.

After about two hours of searching and finding only two beer bottle twist off caps and two pull tabs I was beginning to think there may be something wrong with my detector. No, it was just that the beach was heavily detected, and all good targets had been removed. Then my ears began to ring with a sound like I had just swung the detector’s coil over a large beer can. But I had to scoop carefully just in case it was a precious object. Yes, it was the yellow phone. Mike came over to me and in disbelief said: “It is still working!”

A couple of quick Thank Yous and he was off toward the shoreline. I continued to search for the Bracelet. A few minutes later Mike and his niece Pina came back into the water and thanked me again.
I had no means of taking any information so I asked if they would please text me with the information I needed for this blog. It is so wonderful that I get to see many smiling faces and hear cheers form the beach goers when I get to return a precious item and in this case an item filled with many photo memories, ones that could not be replaced.

Unfortunately, I have not yet found the bracelet that I had initially been called to help find. I had stayed well after dark on Saturday and returned Sunday morning for another two-hour search. I will return mid-week and expand the area of search. It is not time to give up hope, there are other detectorists I will keep in touch with as one might just find the bracelet before I do. Until then I will keep Pina’s smile in my phone and perhaps it will bring a bit of good luck for me to locate the bracelet.

Mike: thanks for not giving up on your family’s and your searching efforts. Had you left without giving me your contact information, I may not have been able to unlock the phone and retrieve information that would have led to Pina. And I would not have a wonderful smile to remind me of her hope to have her phone returned.

Lost Ring: Lighthouse Beach in Chatham – Cape Cod, MA Found and returned!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 9, 2022
Seals, sharks and sand were all in their place, but Connor’s new wedding band was not. It had slipped from his ring finger as he rinsed off his hands in the waters of Lighthouse Beach. He and his wife reached out to Luke, another RingFinder, for help in recovering his ring. Luke was unable to leave work, so he called me to help in finding Connor’s ring. I made arrangements with Connor to meet up just before low tide to search for the ring. I had planned to detect a few freshwater beaches as many of the local saltwater beaches were closed to swimming due to the presence of Portuguese Man of War jellyfish. Leighton, who is also a RingFinder, would also join in on the search. It is great working as a team, it also helps in the probability of finding the lost treasure.

The four of us met up for the walk to the area where Connor had spent many previous visits over the past several years. Christina was to stand at the edge of the water where Connor had rinsed his hands. Connor stood high on the sand where he had had been sitting. The area between the newlyweds set up an area for the search as the exact moment of loss was not known. Leighton and I now started the search. First the sand and slope would be searched. Then the water would be last as sharks were known to prowl the area. That is why we saved it for last and would be very aware of anything lurking in the water.

Gridding the dry and wet sand only had one hidden pull tab that was found. We headed onto the steep slope and into the water where the sharks have been seen and the ring was most likely waiting to be found. My first target was the head of a metal fishing lure, all that had not rusted away. The second was the ring. It was looking very shiny and in perfect condition. I left it in the scoop and headed up the beach’s slope to the area Connor and his wife were standing. What a joyful reunion it was seeing the ring replaced onto Connor’s ring finger.

It was now time for the half mile walk back to the parking lot. After the exchange of a few more Thank Yous, other information and picture taking before it was off to dinner and another night of celebration for Connor and Christina. The honeymoon was back on.