gold wedding band Tag | The Ring Finders

A Lost Treasure Found: The Return of Janine’s Wedding Ring

  • from Erie (Pennsylvania, United States)

It all started with a text from Mike on Saturday evening – his wife Janine had lost her custom 8-diamond wedding ring back in the spring of 2023. They had tried everything: bought a metal detector (but had no idea how to use it) and enlisted 8 friends to help search the yard – all without luck.

The ring had gone missing while Janine was mowing the lawn, likely bouncing out of her sweatshirt pocket. I knew this wasn’t going to be a typical ring recovery. A heavy gold ring lost that long wouldn’t just be on the grass – it would be in the dirt.

Despite the 3-hour commute, cold 45-degree rain, and muddy conditions, I got to work. After digging around 60 holes across their 1.5-acre yard and 3 hours of searching… success! The ring was just a few feet off the driveway.

When Janine saw it, she burst into tears, gave me the biggest hug, and said she thought she’d never see it again.

There’s no better feeling than helping someone recover a symbol of love and memories they thought were lost forever.

Heirloom Wedding Ring Lost In Emerald Isle Waters Found Weeks Later

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Anna was walking in the shallow water with her son when a large wave knocked her son off his feet. When Anna grabbed him, her wedding band came off. The gold ring was given to Anna’s mother by her father’s great aunt, and Anna had worn it for five years in place of her own wedding rings. I began my first search for Anna’s ring one week after she lost it. Unfortunately, the sand had shifted, and I found very little metal that first hunt. The sand along the water’s edge stayed soft and deep, only giving up very light metals. My fourth search was three weeks later. I was also searching for a special bangle that was lost further out. As I was working along the shoreline, I received a very strong signal. As I moved the sea shells out of my sand scoop, I noticed Anna’s gold ring! I immediately left the water for the dry sand and inspected the ring that was a match to Anna’s description of the inscription. I sent her a few photos minutes later. Anna told me on the first attempt she had confidence in me finding her heirloom ring, and the fourth attempt she was correct! Thank you, Anna, for your trust, and it was a pleasure meeting you and your family.
I began my first search for Anna’s ring one week after she lost it. Unfortunately, the sand had shifted, and I found very little metal that first hunt. The sand along the water’s edge stayed soft and deep, only giving up very light metals. My fourth search was three weeks later. I was also searching for a special bangle that was lost further out. As I was working along the shoreline, I received a very strong signal. As I moved the sea shells out of my sand scoop, I noticed Anna’s gold ring! I immediately left the water for the dry sand and inspected the ring that was a match to Anna’s description of the inscription. I sent her a few photos minutes later. Anna told me on the first attempt she had confidence in me finding her heirloom ring, and the fourth attempt she was correct! Thank you, Anna, for your trust, and it was a pleasure meeting you and your family.

Yellow Gold Mans Wedding Band Lost/Found At Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

I received a call regarding a lost yellow gold mans wedding band (with 10-27-23 engraved inside) on the beach in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The ring was lost on 07/20/24, while James was enjoying a day at the beach. James had placed his treasured ring in a zippered bag for safe keeping, when he decided to put his ring back on his finger he found that it was no longer in the bag. There had been several people who were going in and out of the bag so James felt that the ring had fallen out of the bag and into the sand. I was given the possible location of the lost ring as being on the beach south of Prospect Street at the South end of Rehoboth boardwalk and about three quarters of the way out towards the water. I searched the area for about an hour and a half with no luck in finding the ring. With the ring being lost in the sand for six days prior to my searching for it I felt that the sand rake had gotten it and moved it or that it had been found by someone else with a metal detector. Feeling that I had done my best to find the ring, I began to walk back to the boardwalk while still swinging my metal detector, I all of a sudden heard a familiar tone in my headset and upon digging the item up I found that it was James lost ring. I then promptly took a photo of the ring and texted the photo to James who was happy to get the news. James was in his home state of Maryland at which time he was attending a wedding. I was told that upon hearing the news of the ring being recovered, everyone at the wedding had asked for my cell number.  James was on his way to Bethany Beach on 07/27/24 so I met him in the parking lot of a local business at which time I reunited him with his lost ring.

White Gold Mans Wedding Band Lost/Found At Cape Henlopen State Park Lewes, Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

I received a call from Scott regarding his lost white gold wedding band that had been lost at Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, Delaware on the beach. Scott said that he had been throwing a football to his son and that his ring flew off of his finger and landed in the wet sand just as a wave washed over top of it. Scott said that he ran over to try to recover his ring, but the ring disappeared into the sand as the water covered it. The ring had been lost several hours prior to low tide so when I arrived it was actually low tide and the area of the lost ring was just wet sand. Scott showed me the area that he had marked where the ring was lost, I began to check the area and with a few swings of the metal detector the lost ring was found and returned to its rightful owner. A spectator who was watching me recover the ring approached me and gave me a fist bump and the group of people that he was with up on the dry sand of the beach were cheering and clapping.

Recovering a Precious Family Heirloom on a Rainy Day

  • from Erie (Pennsylvania, United States)

I received a call from Donna, who was understandably distressed after an afternoon of backyard fun turned into a moment of loss. Her grandson had been playing badminton in the backyard, and when the game ended, he realized that his ring was missing. This wasn’t just any ring; it was a cherished family heirloom, passed down to him from his father, making it irreplaceable and deeply sentimental.

Knowing how much this ring meant to Donna and her family, I didn’t hesitate to offer my help. The day was rainy, which added another layer of difficulty to the search, but I was determined to recover this important piece of family history.

Upon arriving at Donna’s home, I quickly assessed the backyard. Despite the rain and wet conditions, I began methodically searching the area. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before my detector signaled a hit. Just 25 minutes into the search, I spotted the ring, partially hidden in the damp grass.

The relief and joy on Donna’s face when I handed her the ring made the rainy day search more than worth it. Moments like these remind me of the importance of what I do—recovering not just objects, but the memories and connections they represent.

Thank you, Donna, for trusting me with this precious find. It was an honor to help bring back something so meaningful to your family. If anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help reunite you with those special items that carry so much history and love.

Wedding Ring Set And Gold Necklace Lost During Beach Gathering Found!!!

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Amanda was attending a get together of about 30 friends and family one evening at a Emerald Isle beach access.  Her initial message stated she placed her rings on her necklace to wash her hands off in the surf.  She also went the the bath house and wasn’t sure where it actually was lost.  I woke up early the next morning to her text message and knew I needed to get out there quickly.  I sent her a message that I was going to search as soon as possible.  She told me later, she didn’t sleep all night.  I started a grid search of the area her and her friends were the night before with no luck.  After her arrival, I expanded the area still not finding anything of value.  Amanda went back to the steps to sit with her mother-in-law (out of sight of me).  I began another grid to the water and back up the sloped soft sand and received a very loud target hit signal.  One scoop had her ring above the surface.  I sent her a picture of it and she replied « COMING!!! ».  After a brief discussion, I told her I would now try to find her necklace.  She was walking away from me when I had another target about five feet lower.  I called her back and one more scoop showed her necklace in the mound of wet sand.

Four Rings Lost On The Beach In Ocean City Maryland/Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 06/10/2024, I was contacted by Angie regarding four rings that she had lost on the beach at 94th street in Ocean City, Maryland. Angie had placed all four of her rings in the pocket of her shorts for safe keeping while she went swimming. After swimming, Angie picked up her shorts at which time all four rings fell out of the pocket of her shorts into the sand. I met Angie at the beach at which time she guided me to the area of where she had lost her rings. The four rings were found all in the same area and returned to Angie.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band… found in Iowa City, Iowa


I received a call today from a guy named Cameron who lost his platinum wedding band while gardening in above ground planters. I put my small coil on the CTX and found the ring in around 15 minutes.

Lost denture recovered in Princes Risborough

Sometimes the slightly odd request comes along!

I had a call from a chap who was slightly embarrassed, but asked if I could search for his lost denture? I said as long as there was some metal, I could probably detect it.

He said he lost it while talking to his friend from his apartment window, and out it flew!…..this I found amusing and had to apologise for laughing a bit.

We agreed a time, and I set off.

I arrived and was greeted by the chap, there was a distinct gap in his smile, but not a very big gap. So this was quite a small denture I was looking for, with probably not much metal for a good signal.

I chose my smallest high frequency coil, which was necessary, as said denture had been lost in a dense bush.

This was quite a  challenging search, as it was also a very trashy location, lots of bottle tops, drainage and other utilities in close proximity, but with a de-tuned , this made things a little easier.

Thankfully after about 45 minutes, and not a bad signal the denture was re united with its very happy owner!

Platinum Ring Recovery

  • from St. Louis (Missouri, United States)

I was contacted on 6/4/204 to find a lost Platinum Ring. Here’s her story


Last week – on the way out of town (literally the family was in the car) – I decided I needed to water my plants on the patio. A decision I’d come to regret. The cicada game was fierce and I was watering with my right hand and swatting them away with my left. And then, I felt my wedding ring fly off my finger. But I didn’t see where it went – and didn’t hear it hit the patio and land. I was sure it was in one of the four bushes there – but with a few minutes of checking we gave up and decided we’d look upon our return Sunday.

Well, after a several hour Sunday search and three bushes dismantled branch by branch – we gave up and decided to get professional help.

I contacted Jeremy Conrad Roth from The Ring Finders and he said he could be out within a day. 🥳

Then, to add more fun variables to a horrible situation – the lawn care came while I was away and mowed the lawn where the ring could’ve been even though I contacted them and canceled. 😡😭

But, the next day – after a few hours of completely selfless work on Jeremy’s part (and after I started to lose hope a little) Jeremy did not give up and went in for another check of the original suspect bush and saved the day!! HE FOUND MY RING!!!

I may have to plant some new bushes by the patio – but I have my ring back!! If you ever need help finding a lost item – call him!