metal detecting service near me Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost diamond earring found in home in Winter Garden, Florida…found by metal detector specialist Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding your lost ring or other sentimental item, call a professional metal detecting expert. Mike’s metal detecting service is here for you…call or text anytime, day or night, 24/7 at 321-363-6029!

Here is a short review by Abhi and what all transpired with his wife’s lost diamond earring! Abhi writes, « I am beyond thrilled that we met Mike! What a pleasure and blessing it was to work with him. My wife lost one of her treasured diamond earrings a few weeks ago going back and forth between our kids rooms at night as they were not feeling well. There was a lot of tossing and turning! She took her earrings out, placed them on the night stand and a few days later only found one of them there! After extensively and exhaustively searching our home, we decided we needed some professional help. Mike came to our house and was incredibly patient and thorough, asking amazingly detailed and thoughtful questions. He was looking EVERYWHERE! Even diligently taking tissues out of the trash bin, one by one, to make sure no stone was unturned! We ended up finding the lost diamond earring underneath a rocking chair cushion tucked all the way in the back corner which was only seen due to the large industrial flashlight he was carrying. He was amazingly sincere, patient and ultimately got the job done. Thank you Mike! »

How I thank God for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to help Abhi and his dear wife! Maybe someone else has experienced similar situation and needs help locating a lost ring, piece of jewelry or other metal object! Do not hesitate to call, text or leave a message. The number is 321-363-6029…give me a call and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…eager to help you in your time of need!

Found Ring McCalla, AL

  • from Montevallo (Alabama, United States)

This all started November 22nd. Jennifer contacted me about her lost engagement ring, it just so happened to be her Grandmothers ring. She had a rough idea of where she lost it but was unable to locate it. Her and her husband had borrowed an older detector but was unable to pinpoint anything because « all it did was beep on everything » I assured her if it was there I would find it. She was going out of town for Thanksgiving and wanted to set something up for the following week. She contacted me Saturday the 30th after Thanksgiving and asked if I was available for Sunday mid-day to early afternoon. Knowing how sentimental this ring was to her, I decided to load up the whole arsenal and my wife with her detector. We arrived and Jennifer showed me a few areas where she was doing some yard work. She was very confident it was in a small area where she was spreading straw. So we began. The spot was in an animal cage so I knew there would be some chatter from all the fencing, so I popped the small coil on and went to work. First signal hit strong and only gave me one arrow on the Equinox 700, a quick glance revealed a concrete slab right under the dirt with rebar in it. I knew then that was going to present a new obstacle. Second target sounded great and in the gold range, however it was a piece of foil. Then all the sudden a loud assertive double tone and a 22 popped up on the Equinox my wife and I looked at each other with silent joy as to not get anyone’s hopes up, but we knew that sound all to well. My wife reached down and brushed away the straw to reveal a beautiful vintage solitaire engagement ring. We silently walked the ring over to Jennifer, who was visually very upset, and placed it into her shaking hands. Immediately the emotions poured down her cheeks. Right then I knew this ring was truly something special for her. Listening to her tell us about the struggles she had faced this year, my wife and I both struggled to not cry both for her and with her. This was truly the most emotional and rewarding recovery I have done to date. This is why I do what I do.

Diamond Stud Earring Lost in Sand Recovered with Metal Detector, Southern California Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you need help finding a lost piece of jewelry call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text .. 949-500-2136

… Robert and Monique were at Balboa Pier which is located in the city of Newport Beach, CA. Monique dropped her gold diamond stud earring in the sand.

After frantically search by hand with no success, Robert contacted me asking for help. I did tell him there was a possibility that it may be difficult to find with a metal detector because some stud earrings don’t have enough metal.

I do have a special detector that has settings that work well for small gold and I carry  sifting equipment if necessary.

This search was successful using my high frequency metal detector settings. Thankfully it was not buried too deep in the sand after all their attempts to find it.

This was an hierloom past down from a relative and irreplaceable. I always feel good after these small metal recoveries because they can be difficult to find.

Call now for prompt response to recover your lost ring or othe metallic keepsake . I WILL TRY ANYWHERE .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Keys and key fob lost in Lake Virginia, Florida…found with strong magnet by Ring Finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)


Elizabeth was relaxing on a dock on Lake Virginia just behind a local college and as she went to pull her water bottle out of her bag it somehow hooked her key fob and it went sailing into the water.  Of course Elizabeth was shocked and determined to retrieve them as soon as possible, especially since it was only a few feet deep she figured she could jump in and feel around with her feet.  But the pondweeds were very thick and made it difficult to feel anything on the bottom.  So her next thought was that maybe she could rent a water proof metal detector and find her lost keys that way and that search led her to web site where she found my number and decided to call.  I assured Elizabeth that there was a very, very good chance to find and retrieve her lost keys and fob and a few hours later we met.  I determined to try my large Magnetar magnet first and if that method did not work then I would put on my wetsuit and use my waterproof Garrett ATMax metal detector and find it that way.  Thankfully it only took 10 minutes with my large magnet and Elizabeth was super thankful for this unique and unusual service called, « The Ring Finders »!

Need help finding something lost in the grass, sand, ground, water or in your car?  Call today and let’s talk…321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…ready to help you in your time of need!

Platinum Wedding Ring Lost from Backpack in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Found in a Night Time Search

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Successful recoveries have to be done in a timely manner. Timing is very important, If you lose something on the beach or any public location, don’t wait. Call as soon as possible . Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. I will answer the phone 24/7.. 

***Dan called me late after sunset asking for help to find his Platinum Wedding Ring. Most likely lost in the sand in Newport Beach, CA. He and his family are staying in a beachfront vacation rental home. Their first day on the beach did not go well. He put his platinum wedding ring in a backpack while the family set up at the towel line for their day on the beach.

Returning to the beach house, Dan went to the backpack to retrieve his wedding band. It was not in the backpack. He was thinking it must have been pulled out because other items being removed may have caused the ring to come out falling in the sand.

I arrived on the beach in the dark, soon after Dan called me. When I arrived there was another guy with a metal detector that volunteered his help. I  asked that he keep some distance because often other detectors can interfere with each other. Either way I would have to search the whole area anyway. I wasn’t confident of his experience metal detecting. Also he didn’t have a sand scoop.

We had to do the search now. Tomorrow the beach cleaning machines would be hitting the towel line as early as 5am.. Our problem this night was getting in the general area where they had been earlier that afternoon. Dan gave me an area to start, but his daughter believed they were actually 50 yards south.  Now it gets a bit confusing, I’m used to this happening. I take the first idea and do a thorough grid search, making sure I don’t get distracted. There will be plenty of time to get both areas searched.

After about ten 40 foot passes on my grid search. I found Dan’s platinum wedding ring.  He had never lost or misplaced it in over 25 years of wearing it. He said this made him realize how important it was to have it back where it belongs. I also learned to stay on track and not get distracted by the many ideas of where it could have been lost.. Patience, Persistence, the Best Equipment and Experience  paid off again.


Your privacy is very important to me especially in stressful momements. Please trust me to help you find your sentimental keepsake . I’m available to answer any questions about how this service works and if we have a chance to find your lost item.. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  Calliing me anytime is the most the best and the most successful approach .. Stan 949-500-2136

Lost ring or jewelry in the Montevallo, Pelham, or surrounding Alabama area??

  • from Montevallo (Alabama, United States)

Hey there my name is Jon. I have been detecting on and off for about 15 years (the last 6 years continuously). I recently came across The Ring Finders while searching for the owner of a ring I had found in a park near me. In that moment it only seemed fitting that I join and offer my assistance to others who have lost their rings, jewelry, or other items. I have always found joy in helping others and hope to continue that through The Ring Finders.

Lost and found ring in the ocean off Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you’ve recently lost some jewelry and are looking for someone with a metal detector to find it, call / text  Louis 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting recovery service and can come out and find your lost item.  This ring was recovered off of Miami Beach in the shallow water.  She wasn’t able to meet me there, but took good pictures of where she lost it and I was able to go based off of her pictures the surrounding area I was able to find it in about 3 feet of water. Met them up and returned Her ring. 🙂

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Saint Cloud, Florida…Found and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! Theringfinders metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

Paul was doing some yard work, like pulling up weeds and putting new plugs of grass in, and after a few hours of sweating and working hard he noticed that his wedding ring was no longer on his finger. Paul had previously injured his middle two fingers on his right hand and was using his left hand to do most of the work and the obvious motion that caused his ring to come off was the pulling and throwing of the weeds into a pile. And thankfully he had saved all of the rubbish to be thrown out later. He and his wife tried searching the yard on their hands and knees thinking maybe, just maybe they could spot it but Paul’s ring had just seemed to disappear! That evening Paul’s wife went online and purchased a cheap metal detector and they spent the next day trying to figure out how to work it and decipher the strange sounds that it made. The next evening they came across and gave me a call.

After hearing Paul’s story I decided to do a thorough search of the area where he thought was the most likely place where he felt it could have been lost. I gave him four cones so he could mark out the general area and I set about doing a tight grid search going back and forth…being careful to overlap each pass. Paul stayed right there watching my every move and after 15 minutes I got a super clean gold signal reading very shallow and I told Paul to come over and check out what was hiding just under the grass! Paul was so, so thankful and immediately picked it up and put it back on his finger and smiled a big smile of relief!

I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to help Paul and his wife! How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Happy to be swinging as a member of

Help Finding Platinum Ring Manhatten Beach, CA. ..Lost and Found by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

*** Brad and his young daughter had spent the day at Manhatten Beach, one of the Los Angeles county beaches. At sunset they were walking off the beach when he felt his platinum wedding ring slip off his finger disappearing in the soft sand.

It was cold and getting dark, so Brad decided not to waste time searching the dry sand. He went to the internet for professional help. He contacted me and I told him I could leave right now to meet him at the location.

He was able to stay at the location, which makes it easier to have a successful recovery. We met and within a few minutes the platinum ring was in my sand scoop. Not all recoveries are this easy but many people give up trying to find their ring because they think it’s impossible to find a ring in sand. Especially late at the end of the day. I’m grateful that I’m free most anytime of day to help people find their sentimental keepsakes.

Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

Locate Water Shutoff Valve for Anahiem, CA. Motel … Using Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you need help finding anything lost where a metal detector could be used, I’m available to help you now.. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Jordan is a manager of a motel near Disneyland in Anahiem, CA. They have city inspections that have to be met to keep their business license updated. There is a fire hydrant shut off valve that has been covered by the while doing repairs in the parking lot. He asked for help to find this valve, so they didn’t have to tear up the new  asphalt. 

I was able to bring my equipment and mark the location of the valve. I do have several types of detectors that can be used on either ferrous or non ferrous metals. This was a simple type search that saved the management from a lot of extra work and expense.

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Call or text anytime 24/7 … 949-500-2136