underwater metal detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

18k English Gold Wedding Band Lost 16 Years ago in Professors Lake, Brampton, Region of Peel, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I was contacted by James way back in late February of this year inquiring if I could search for his lost wedding band and what the process is. The 18k English gold wedding band was lost within 15m of the edge at a specific spot into Professors Lake in Brampton, ON. His wedding band was actually lost 16 years ago!

I explained that I would need special permission to search that area of the Lake and I would start early to mid summer if permission was received.

I reached out to James in early June and was connected to his Father-in-Law Brian who is a local resident in the area of the Lake.

After weeks of trying to obtain permission I received the go-ahead from Commissioner Parks prior to his retirement.

The next day I had teamed up with James’ Father-in-Law Brian unbeknownst to James and we proceeded to the area. I was also very grateful for my work colleague Carlos for keeping an eye on the situation as I deemed Brian my water safety spotter.

With-in 20 minutes of entering the water, pulling out old pop cans, a glass jar, fishing lures and garbage, I heard the sweet tone of gold on my underwater metal detector. I pulled out the underwater pin pointer and zoned in on the lost wedding band. WE FOUND IT!!

Check out the video of the entire process;

Next day I met with Brian and proceeded to FaceTime James pretending to ask more questions about the lost wedding band. We completed the task of surprising James with much surprise and delight. James then planned to surprise his lovely Wife on their 17th Wedding Anniversary day while spending it with Family. It was priceless!

James had also inscribed the wedding band with « What was lost is now found ». Beautiful.

Thank you James for your charity donation to The Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! This is part of my pay-it-forward program as I don’t take a reward. The donation assists breast cancer patients with financial support for items such as medicines, wigs, rent or food on their table! I am truly grateful for the benefits from my work place.

Tiffany and Company platinum wedding band lost in DUBE Lake, Orrville, Seguin, Parry Sound, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Tim and Family were enjoying a peaceful summer vacation at a tranquil cottage on Dube Lake in beautiful Orrville, Seguin Falls in the District of Parry Sound, Ontario! Absolutely amazing area in Northern Ontario Muskoka’s cottage country!

Tim went in for a dip in the refreshing waters, pushed off the dock approximately 10’ to 14’ out, waved his hands and his Tiffany & Co platinum wedding band was not longer on his left ring finger.

With the help of a Google search, ‘The Ring Finders’ directory popped up and Tim was referred to my Ring Finders home page and blog recovery stories.
I had a lovely sunny fresh morning 3 hour drive to Ontario’s fabulous cottage country!

Met the family, geared up, coaxed the snapping turtle “Fred” to relocate, and Tim showed exactly what he doing when he lost his wedding band in the 6’ wide by 12’ length area.

Off I went into the very dark waters to start my underwater search with the Dive BLU3 Nomad battery operated hookah air system, my trusty Minelab Excalibur2 underwater metal detector and the Deteknix pin pointer.

Once I was approximately 10’ out I was 12’ depth and I heard the unmistakable tone of platinum on my detector. It was complete black visibility even to turn on my pin pointing. I had to move up to 6’ depth to see the on button and then proceeded back down to the target area to re-locate Tim’s wedding band.

Finally l, with the help of the pin pointer, I was able to here / feel the ring just tucked in behind a branch and popped back up to the surface to surprise Tim and Family!

It took roughly 7 minutes because of Tim’s accuracy of the area where he lost his wedding band! I love “quickies”!

Check out the video and please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE;

Thank you so very much Tim & Family for the generous donation to The Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation on behalf of my work! Tim receives a tax receipt for his wonderful donation!

Prescription Ray Ban sunglasses lost in the waters of Lake Muskoka, Port Carling, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Had a message from repeat customers Ellen & Stephen that their Friends were visiting their home in Port Carling.

Their Friend tried out the paddle board and unfortunately tumbled into the water just off the dock area dropping his prescription Ray Ban sunglasses into the water below. The depth was approximately 8’ deep with half decent visibility and they knew the exact area.

I used my Dive BLU3 Nemo battery operated hookah system which has a 10’ hose and was perfect for this recovery.

I proceeded to the area and caught a glimpse of the inside white portion of the plastic arms in a matter of 10 seconds!

Check out the video here;

An awesome surprise to Ellen & Stephen to recovery their Friends prescription Ray Ban sunglasses in such little time and not even needing my underwater metal detector!

Thank you Ellen & Stephen for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation as part of my pay-it-forward fundraising efforts!

I use my passion for metal / scuba / hookah dive detecting to raise donations as I’n in my 14th year participating for this wonderful charity!



Aggie Ring and Wedding Ring Lost in MUCK in Ennis, Texas Lake

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a young man who had been riding a horse with his wife and decided to cross the lake to the island in the center.  As they entered the MUCKed Up section the young man’s horse sank up to his belly in the MUCK.  He crawled off his horse and crawled through the MUCK to the shore.  Concerned that they would need a tractor to get his horse out he sent his wife to get a ranch hand to assist.  But the horse was able to break free and get himself out.  Then he realized that both his Aggie Ring and his Cobalt Ring were gone.  He looked over at the MUCK and thought the worst.  He may never see his rings again.

Then he checked the all knowing “Google” to rent a metal detector and during his search the Dallas Ring Finders listing came up.  We scheduled to come in the next day.  We were able to locate both rings in under a minute, see the full video on our channel “Dallas Ring Finders”, another happy customer  for the Dallas Ring Finders.

Plumber Looses Ring While Digging Ditch in Dallas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a local team of plumbers who were digging a ditch in the cold December Texas weather and one of the men lost his wedding ring.  He was frantic, fortunately, we were available and went quickly to the site.  The hole was 4ft deep and full of horrible muddy water and muck.  After several passes with our large Metal Dectortors, we switched to our handheld detectors and checked all the walls by nearly standing on our heads reaching into the mucky muddy water hole.  But luck & skill were with us and we FOUND the man’s ring.  He was so excited, it was so funny watching 4 big plumbers jumping up and down and dancing in the front yard of the home.

Another successful Find for the Dallas Ring Finders

Lost diamond ring in yard, Ormond Beach, Florida…Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from a lady in Miami who was anxious about finding someone to help her daughter find a lost ring. The mom went on to explain that her daughter lost her diamond engagement ring in the thick grass and was at the local Walmart looking to buy a cheap metal detector. Somehow the concerned mother had found theringfinders.com website and assured her daughter that there was hope of finding her lost diamond ring. A few minutes later I called Brittany and got a few more details about what happened and I assured her that I would pack up my equipment and come ASAP!

An hour later I pulled up in front of her house and could see Brittany walking thru the yard looking for her ring. It had just been raining quite hard and Brittany was afraid that her ring would wash down the ditch and disappear into the storm drain under the driveway. I tried to reassure her that rings dropped in grassy areas very seldom get moved around by rain and being as they are mostly made of gold, which is heavy, plus the opening in the center of the ring and too if there is a diamond sticking out the side….all these variables cause the ring to hang up and they just want to go down deeper into the grass. Brittany also felt very embarrassed about exactly how the ring ended up in the yard and again I assured her it happens all the time and the main objective now was to try and locate her lost ring and get it back on her finger where it has been for the last 8 years!

For these kinds of searches I carry a few inexpensive rings with a small piece of surveyors tape tied to it that I use for a test throw to help me mark the approximate location of where the actual ring may have landed. I encouraged Brittany to remember how she felt and to do exactly what she did the day before. Bless her heart–she even asked me to turn around and not to watch as she went into action. The test ring laded out in the yard some 40 to 45 feet away and I promptly set up my 4 small flags around the spot where the test ring landed and began my grid search. And sure enough not 8 feet away from the test ring I got a reading of 46 on my ATMax metal detector and it showed two inches deep. I pulled my pin pointer out to help locate the object and there it was…a beautiful white gold diamond ring…just waiting to be found! Brittany was so, so happy and I was almost as excited to be the one to find it for her.

May God bless you Brittany and may your marriage and your ring remain strong and in tact!

Lost something and need help? Call ASAP!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a part of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring in yard, Lakeland, Fl….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

(That is me in the photo, filling in for Dave, as he was a bit shy!)

Dave was needing to get some brush cleared along the back side of his property and spent the good part of a day cutting and hauling branches out to the front of the house where the garbage truck could pick it all up. Every now and then he would remove his gloves and wipe the sweat from his brow or take a nice long drink of cold water, and then go back to work. On one occasion as he removed his gloves he felt his ring slip off of his finger and he quickly retrieved his ring and slid it back where it belonged. But as he was finishing up his work he looked at his left hand and saw that his ring had come off again so he tipped up his glove to shake out his ring but this time his glove was empty! He began looking the yard over, thinking he could easily find it but after an hour of combing thru every possible place he could think of—NO RING! The thought of finding it with a metal detector seemed like the most logical thing so he went out and bought a lower end model and started searching the yard from back to the front and along the sides. Dave was determined to find his ring and then it slowly began to dawn that maybe it had dropped into the canal at the back side of the property. A week went by and Dave realized he needed more help and that led him to one of my stories on theringfinders.com web site.

It was a two hour drive to Dave’s home and it was threatening to rain big time but after hearing his story I felt there was a good chance of being able to find his ring so off I went. After arriving and surveying the yard I set up my Garrett ATMax metal detector and went to work. (A few days earlier Dave had a chain link fence installed along the canal–so that was the most challenging part. With the metal fence and the drop off into the canal!). With the sun starting to set I turned my attention to the front of the house where Dave had hauled all the debris. I decided to start by the front door and follow the sidewalk down to the mailbox when I got a loud, sharp signal that showed two inches deep on my display and low and behold there was Dave’s lost wedding ring–just barely visible under the grass. Dave was putting his two little ones to bed at the time so I texted him a short « I found your ring! »

Whenever I am called to help someone look for a lost valuable I always ask my family and my parents, who are 88 and 87 years old, to pray for me. I assure people that God knows exactly where their item is hiding and He just needs to put my coil over the top of it. Again I thanked God for allowing me to find Dave’s lost wedding ring—just in time for their 7th year anniversary!

How can I help you? Call me ASAP at 321-363-6029. Or send me a text or shoot me an email!

Mike McInroe…always ready to search for your lost item!

Happiness Returns

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

While playing with her daughter in the water at the lake happiness was very high that day, only to realize her husband’s wedding set had slipped off and feelings got a little low.  We were able to search the designated area and locate the rings which had sunk from being stepped on.  Yes, happiness returns with a great big smile. Check out our website at “TheRingFinders.com”.

Wedding ring + boat dock = oops!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

Jordon’s beautiful wedding ring was accidentally pulled from her husband’s back pocket when he reached for his phone.  Luckily,  their boat had been tied to the dock so the ring hit the edge of the boat and fell into the water.  Her husband immediately jumped in after the ring but could only stay in for a very short period of time b/c of the water temperature…cold!  He contacted us and by Don using his scuba gear was able to dive down and stay until the ring was found.  Great day in Oklahoma!!

checkout our Website at “TheRingFinders.com”.


Lost gold ring on Disappearing Island, New Smyrna Beach, Fl…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe—Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost Your Ring?…Call ASAP! 321-363-6029

Alicia was enjoying a relaxing day at Disappearing Island with friends and as she was swimming she somehow felt her small gold ring come off of her pinky finger. She tried grabbing it as it fell thru the water but to her horror it vanished in the soft sand at her feet. She desperately tried feeling in the sand, running her fingers back and forth but her precious ring just seemed to disappear!

This small gold ring was very special to Alicia as it was a gift to her when she was 12 years old from her mother and she has worn that ring every day for the last 23 years, until now. The location where she lost the ring was on Disappearing Island at Ponce Inlet in north New Smyrna Beach. And it is a very popular place for the boaters to park and enjoy the calmer waters and especially at low tide. During high tide the island is quite small but during low tide there is plenty of area for boats to park and especially on weekends the island is lined with boats of all sizes.

I made plans to meet Alicia at the Smyrna Dunes Park and we each brought our own kayak and with my Whites TDI Beach Hunter metal detector, scoop and other essential gear we set out across the busy inlet water way. It took a bit of figuring as Alicia texted her friends and had them each send a pin on a google map photo of where they had anchored the boat and where they would have been swimming the day she lost her ring. Alicia was worried about me being able to find her lost ring but I assured her that if she could put me in the general area where she was swimming then there was a good chance of actually finding her lost ring. So we pulled our kayaks up onto the beach in the 95 degree heat and I set about my grid search going from the wet sand and out into the water and back again, dragging one foot to mark my trail so I could actually overlap each pass so as not to miss one inch of sand. (The day she lost her ring she was in waist deep water at high tide and today we were there just before low tide so my target area was the wet sand out to knee deep water.) After an hour and a half and only digging up bottle caps, pull tabs and other miscellaneous junk I was needing a water break and while talking to Alicia we determined I had gone far enough on the one end of the beach and now I needed to go in the other direction. Alicia was feeling a bit useless and asked me several times what she could do to help me in the search. She offered to cover each hole I dug and tried to assist in finding the hidden target after I would dig a scoop of sand and dump it on the ground. After a while I tried to encourage her that the best thing she could do was « Pray » as I assured her that God knew exactly where her ring was hiding and that He would just need to get me over the top of it with my coil for us to find it. It truly is a matter of inches, as Chris Turner always says, and finally there in ankle deep water I got a faint signal and as the sand drained out of my scoop I could see a small gold ring nestled in the bottom. I motioned for Alicia to come over and look at what I just found and I will never forget the look on her face! The joy and relief and happiness all mixed in with thankfulness!

Lost something? Call, text or email me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…wowed to be a member of theringfinders.com