lost engagement ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Bracelet lost at La Jolla Shores found.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Namith was playing volleyball on the beach, when one of his bracelets popped loose and disappeared into the dry sand. A search ensued, but, it couldn’t be found. After asking the lifeguard service and an online search, Namith ended up at our door and my contact info. My wife and I had just finished dinner with friends at a local restaurant, so, we were ready to go work off a few calories. After heading home to get my gear, we headed over the the beach and met Namith. We discussed the details of what I needed to find and the approximate search area. I then got to work gridding the area. After a couple of junk targets, I got a steady 4 on my Equinox 900. A scoop later and I had the target out of the ground. My pin pointer zeroed in on it and I pulled the bracelet out of the clump of sand. After removing the sand stuck to it, we found that the clasp was missing. The search continued, but, I wasn’t able to find it. Namith was still very happy to get his bracelet back. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.


  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

TIMING IS IMPORTANT .. call or TEXT Adam ASAP .. 714-785-5111 .. With all the spam calls if I don’t answer please TEXT..

I received a phone call last night from someone who stated that his wife lost her gold diamond wedding ring set somewhere in their house. He said that they searched and searched for it but was unable to find it.   I met with them in the morning and conducted a search starting with the bedroom. The bed was a waterbed which made it hard. After taking apart the custom headboard I located and recovered the 2 ring set.

If you lose something of value, I may be able to help you… Call or Text anytime…Adam 714-785-5111

If you need help finding a ring, jewelry or any metallic important item Call or Text me ASAP. I’m always available to help you answer any questions you have about how this service works.  Call a Member of TheRingFinders ..       “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE EXCEPT ALLIGATOR PONDS”

.. Call and Text – Adam someone you can TRUST

Gold Diamond Wedding Band Lost On Emerald Isle Beach, Near Pier, Quickly Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Haley & Wesley decided to play along the Bogue Inlet Pier shoreline with their babies.  Before heading for the water, Haley gave her wedding set to her Mimi to hold until they returned.  Mimi placed them on her finger.  When Haley returned, Mimi stood up to return the rings.  It was then she realized Haley’s wedding band was missing.

A plea was made on a popular social media group asking for someone with a metal detector to help.  I was quickly alerted to the lost ring and made contact as soon as possible.  I loaded up and made my way to the pier parking lot.  After a rough walk through soft sand and the heat, I met Wesley who didn’t leave the spot of the lost ring.  I started my search from the inside then picked started to grid back when I received a 43 VDI (Video Discrimination Indicator) number on my Deus II metal detector.  I told them this looks promising just before bending down and pulling Haley’s missing ring from it’s hiding spot under the sand.

#bogueinletpier, #crystalcoast, #emeraldislenc, #boguebanks

Ring lost at Pacific Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Rowan walked out into the surf to meet her fiance and take his surfboard to try her luck with the waves. She didn’t want to do that with her engagement ring on, so, she took it off to hand to him so he could bring it up to where they were camped on the beach. Ooops, fumble, and into the drink it went in knee/thigh deep water. It instantly disappeared under the sand and no amount of frantic searching was going to make a gold ring pop back up again. After a recommendation to try TheRingFinders.com, Rowan contacted me and we set up a time a couple of hours later (at a lower tide) to conduct the search. We met up at 7:30pm that night with no problem and decided on the boundaries of the search area. I had asked earlier for them to take a few photos of the search area, and count how many paces from the dry sand to the approximate « drop » point it was so it would help zero in on the spot. We picked a line running from sand to surf to start my grid. After several passes on both side of that center line, it was recommended that it was more likely to be toward the south rather than north. I ran another dozen passes to the south with only one cent being found in that entire area. I went up and asked how far south I should go and we decided to resume my grid north a couple more passes before I decided to start my cross grid parallel to the water’s edge. On the 2nd and last planned pass to the north, I hit a most promising 31 on my Equinox 900. One shallow scoop and I had a beautiful engagement ring matching the description in my scoop. It was now dark and Rowan and her friend had taken a walk, but, her fiance and his friend were waiting up on a blanket in the dry sand. I walked up to them and asked if I should go any further to the north. They didn’t think so. I asked if they had a light so I could look at something as I had left my phone and keys there with them while I was in the water. I said good, as I was getting cold and glad I didn’t have to go back into the water to find this…..and produced the ring in the light! They were bowled over and hatched a plan to surprise Rowan. We took a few photos of the ring, called Rowan to say I was calling it a night, and asked her to return to discuss a future search. When she and her friend returned, I handed her my card and said she could have it, as it was my prop for this….and handed her the ring. An overwhelmed Rowan shed a few tears and gave me a big hug before we took a few more photos and bid each other farewell. A pleasure to meet you all, my best wishes on your upcoming wedding, and thank you for the reward.

Brigantine NJ Lost Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost Ring?
Dont Wait!
Call Now!

Friend’s bachelorette weekend in Brigantine, NJ and all you want to do is get a good tan in. On day two of beautiful weather, drinking rosé, eating Wawa sandwiches, and laughing about life, we suddenly see our bride jump up and say she can’t find her ring. We all immediately run over and are on our knees digging through the sand. The sun is shining on us, some tears were shed, texts to each other’s significant others is in full swing and we decide to give the bride some space. Some took turns talking to the bride, random civilians pulled out their metal detectors or sifted through trash, others comforted from afar, and one friend decided to draw a ring on the sand. We felt helpless. Once John appeared, it was so simple. He found her ring in under 5 minutes and we all ran to her once she confirmed she had it. If you are ever in this terrible position, please call John. Thank You!!! 


Pendant found in Santee

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Mick contacted me wanting to find a pendant that his father used to wear before he passed. Mick himself buried the gold nugget pendant on the other side of a retaining wall in the back yard of the family residence for safe keeping. Now, years later, the mother has passed too and the house is to be sold, so, time to dig up the pendant….except Mick can’t quite remember exactly where that is, or, how deep, except that he didn’t think it was more than a foot. After some digging in a 3′ X 15′ area, he decided using a metal detector would be much easier. I met him at the site this morning before it got too blazing hot. A relatively small search area, but, rebar in the retaining wall, irrigation plumbing, various metal junk, and landscape lighting made it a bit more difficult. After using both my 15″ and 6″ coils without success, it was time to scrape off a layer to get to deeper targets. With the sun starting to poke through the overcast, I could feel why shoveling this dirt was plan B. Another pass over the search area finally produced a non-ferrous signal worth investigating. Even though the pendant was initially buried inside a plastic bag, no remnants of said bag came to light, but, the pendant did! A happy Mick can now sell the house without any sadness or lingering doubts about leaving his family heirloom behind. A pleasure to meet you Mick, and thank you for the reward.

Thrown ring into woods, Paisley, Florida…Found with a metal detector and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)












It happens allot…rings get thrown into the water, into the woods and into grass yards and parks all over the world and most of the time the rings are never found! But there is hope when you call or text a ring finder because this is what we love to do…help people who find themselves in this very sort of situation!

Mike texted me to ask if I could help find his wife’s diamond engagement ring in the woods behind their home. Seems there was some sort of misunderstanding and the end result was a lost ring in the woods. First off I asked a few questions like: What time of the day or night did this happen? Did you or your wife actually see it as it flew through the air and into the woods? Did your wife play softball in high school? I encouraged them that the answers to these questions would help determine the likely hood of actually finding their lost ring and with the information they gave me I felt fairly confident that I could find their lost ring.

Mike and his family live out in the country and the small area where the ring was thrown was littered with dead branches and vines, small trees and a few palmetto palms as well. My first task was to clear the underbrush away and cut a few low hanging palm fronds so I could effectively swing my metal detector. It took about 15 minutes to cover the target area and I was beginning to think that either the ring bounced off of one of the small trees or maybe she actually threw her ring in a different direction. The ground was relatively free of any metal targets so I was very confident that if my metal detector went over it I would hear the signal and easily uncover it among the leaves. Thirty minutes passed and I called Mike out to verify the direction and Mike indicated it could have gone off to the left more. So as I started searching off to the left I looked over to where I had previously searched and noticed a 6 foot palm tree that had broken branches going up the sides and I had swung my detector casually along the sides but thought I had better check it more thoroughly just to be sure. I started at the bottom and poked my Garrett pin pointer into each opening where the dead branches were and made my way around and all the way to the very top and low and behold a slight beep came from my pin pointer! No way, I thought! And as I poked it around closer the beeping increased. I could not see into the small opening but was able to stick my finger down into the space and as I removed the leaves and debris I got a short glimpse of something shiny and then I saw the diamond!! Mike and Candace were thrilled t have their beautiful diamond engagement ring back once again! I give God the credit for prompting me to investigate that palm tree and for allowing me to be a blessing and encouragement to this dear young couple.

Lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Engagement Ring Lost in Pond at Disc Golf Tournament in Guelph, Wellington County, Ontario Canada

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Patrick & his Fiancé Kiana are seeded ‘disc golf’ players in Southern Ontario. Who knew that was even a sport! I sure didn’t!

They attended Eastview Community Park in Guelph, Ontario to participate in a Disc Golf Tournament on the weekend prior to meeting them in mid July 2023.

One of Kiana’s disc shots ended up in the pond so she decided to try and retrieve it. Instead, she ended up losing her beautiful engagement ring into the pond water. She was absolutely devastated!

After the weekend, Patrick reached out to me and set up a time after work to meet up at the location.

I proceeded into the water with both Patrick and Kiana to start the grid search in touch conditions. Leeches bring the main concern!

Thankfully, I brought along my hip waders because of all the pond and possible underwater creatures. Both Kiana and I were protected but poor Patrick did not have hip waders!

Approximately 35 minutes later, my Minelab Equinox 800 detector found that magic tone of gold!

Once the ring was out of the water and presented back to Kiana the heartfelt tears of joy overcame Patrick and Kiana. The I teared up seeing their tears of joy!

To see such emotion from what this engagement ring meant to both of them means everything to me!

I am so honoured to have been called upon to help this lovely young couple and I am also grateful for their extremely generous donation to my charity, The Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!! My gay is my PayPal-It-Forward REWARD!

Thank you very much Kiana and Patrick! I look forward to hearing all about your nuptials in October 2024! God bless you both for a very long, happy and healthy marriage!

Please check out the YouTube video of this Ring Recovery! Please Like & subscribe. Thank you!

Video link here;

July 2023


Platinum Wedding Rings found in the Curbside Garbage Bin after Searching Home in Brampton, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Raj and her Husband were preparing for a trip out west to Vancouver and thought she had put her wedding rings on top of the dresser!

Both her and her husband had tried looking for them, and during their time away, she followed up with him as he thought she had!

When they arrived back home, they continued to search the home with no luck!

They called upon me on Canada Day to come down to search the home! I started off in the first area of the process: the master bedroom! I searched through every nook and cranny in the drawers, the bed/bedding, the flooring, the floor vents, the closets, the storage bins, the bathroom sink and toilet!

I continued on in the other bedrooms and bathroom with no luck. I proceeded to the main floor and continued my search process.

After an hour, I proceeded outside to the Region of Peel curb-side garbage bins where there were a total of six bags of garbage to search!

It never fails, but I came upon searching the very last garbage bag and lo and behold, I recovered Raj’s platinum engagement ring and wedding!!!

Both Raj and her Husband were absolutely thrilled, but what a small world it is as her Husband is a work colleague of mine!

Region of Peel Garbage ZERO – Ring owners ONE!

Check out the video of this incredible ring recovery and please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel! Thank you, Ally

Link below;

#CityofBrampton #brampton #Bramptoncity #regionofpeel #lostrings #lostringingarbage #ontarioringfinder #lostinhome


Necklace lost at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Kitty was visiting here and spent the last day of her vacation at the beach. She took off her special necklace with attached pendant, that was given to her from her grandmother, to apply some lotion. Well, you know the rest, it ended up in the dry sand where it seemed to completely disappear. After searching online, trying to contact some people in vain, talking with a few, including my fellow ring finding buddy Curtis just north of me. He told her that I was closer and could probably get on site quicker, since she had to get to the airport to catch her flight. Being Father’s day, a Sunday, summer time, and a hot sunny day (at least at my house), traffic and parking can make a 20 minute drive turn into an hour or more. My wife came with me in case she had to circle for a while if it came to that.  As luck would have it, the weather at the beach had turned a bit cool and overcast, so, lots of folks were leaving the beach area and allowed us to get there quickly and find a parking spot close by.  We met Kitty at the search area and got the story of the lost necklace. Not a huge area, maybe 20′ X 30′, but, she had no feeling as to the most likely spot. I decided to start at the north most end and work my way south. First target on my first pass was promising, but, not knowing what this was actually going to read on the detector, I would be investigating every signal. Success! A gold chain with it’s pendant came to light. An emotional Kitty gave us both a big hug and tearful thank you. A pleasure to meet you, glad you could make your flight, and thank you for the reward.