The Ring Finders Category | The Ring Finders

Yellow Gold Anniversary Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Garden City SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Right around 11:30 pm on Friday, July 19th, I got the following text, “Good evening, I lost my anniversary ring 2 days ago, out of my pocket. It could be on the beach or on the walk or at our rented beach house. I’ve looked over the house so likely at the beach. I just saw info about your services. We leave tomorrow morning; would you be available to search by chance tomorrow?” We text back and forth for a few minutes about the area so I could get an idea of where I’d be looking and then I asked her to call me. When she called, we discussed some other details and I found out they had to be out of the rental by 10 am the next morning. I agreed to meet her and her husband at 9 am. When I arrived, I met Melanie and her husband, Wes in the driveway of the rental. We walked the block down to the beach access and out on the beach. It was early but the beach was filling up quickly with tourist excited about starting their vacation. Melanie said when they were there Wednesday, the day she lost it; they had set up in front of the umbrellas and chairs that were put out on the beach. At some point the lifeguard told them they’d have to move behind the chair line, which they did. Melanie also pointed out another portion of the beach where she had run to pick up trash that had blown away.  We said our goodbyes and I started a grid search behind the chair line that had already been set up. As time went by, more and more people were showing up and detecting was getting difficult. I did about an hour and a half and called it, there wasn’t much more I could do at the time and the heat was unbearable. I planned to be back out there the next day, but had to play the crowd, the tide and the heat. As I was in the car typing up a text to Melanie, they showed up to check on me. We talked but I didn’t mention I was planning on coming back out.

The next day, Sunday, I showed up about 4:30 pm. I know this is about the time people start leaving the beach to get cleaned up and figure out dinner. Also, the chairs and umbrellas usually get picked up around 4:30-5 pm. The beach looked a lot different than the day before. I started a north/south grid search parallel to the tide line and about halfway up the slope. The closer I got to the chair line; more and more people were leaving. Melanie described her ring as a yellow gold anniversary ring, so I knew that would show up as a 13-14 on my Nox 800. Unfortunately, 13-14 is exactly what pull tabs show up as. Saturday, I must have dug up 7 or 8 pull tabs. So, as I’m walking along my grid line, I got a 13-14. I dug up the target and had it in the scoop. As I’m shaking the sand out of the scoop, I saw a glimmer of yellow gold. I shook quicker and emptied the scoop, reached in and pulled out Melanie’s beautiful ring. It was 5:27 pm when I sent her a picture of her ring and a text saying, “BOOM!!!!! Came back and just found it!” She couldn’t believe it. I put it in the mail and sent it overnight to her and she got it Tuesday afternoon. I love finding people’s lost treasures and returning something they thought was gone forever. Melanie shared with me that she got the ring on her and Wes’ 25th anniversary; they’re now on their 27th. She just added another chapter to the ring’s story. Wish you two many many more anniversaries.

Melanie/Wes – Thank you for allowing me to help find your lost treasure.



Wedding Ring lost on the Beach, Surf City NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey

It was a beautiful afternoon at the Jersey Shore when Bill and Barb decided to spend the day on the beach in Surf City LBI. They were in town for a wedding and decided to soak up some rays when things went wrong. Barb had placed her wedding ring in the side pouch of their beach bag, and a little while later Bill needed a napkin for his hands. Not aware of the rings presence, he pulled out a napkin, and the ring obviously came out with it. He knew about my NJ Ring Finder service on LBI, and quickly reached out to see if I could assist in recovering the ring. Obviously I shot right down to his Surf City location ASAP, and after getting the details, within minutes their precious ring was in my scoop.

Follow my metal detector recovery stories on Facebook 

Wedding Ring Lost Off Deck in Yard in Eagle Rock…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Josh contacted me regarding his wedding ring that he lost while washing his dog on his backyard deck. His house is on a hillside, and his deck is a couple stories above the ground below. He was washing the dog when he flicked his hand, and the ring came off and bounced into the grass down below. He watched it go over the side, so he had an idea of where it could have gone, but the ground cover below was thick and tall; and very hard to find something as small as a ring.

When I got there Josh showed me the area he thought the ring went into, and estimated the distance it had traveled. I got my detector, and climbed down for the search. The hillside was thick with tall grass, maybe 8 to 10 inches high with a lot of weeds intermingled. I began at the edge of the walkway, and worked my way down the hillside slowly pushing the grass down, and listening for even the faintest of signals. I did find many construction orientated items during the search, and kept looking, going over new ground working away from the walking path. I finally found the ring in a very thick patch of tall grass, and was able to bring it back up to Josh who was happy to see it again. A lot of work rewarded with a great smile.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Lost and found gold wedding band Sandbanks Provincial Park

Received a text from James yesterday about having lost his gold wedding band, on Monday, while camping at a Sandbanks Provincial Park camp site. While tossing a ball back and forth with his friends, he went to catch the ball and felt his ring being knocked off his finger. This was right at the edge where sands stops and weed beds begin. James went and purchased a metal detector and tried to find his ring. Unfortunately, cheaper metal detectors cannot be submerged (the head portion) deep enough for his recovery. After arriving at the camp site, quickly Facetimed with James to get further details. 30 minutes later, found the ring and it’s now in the mail to Ottawa. Life is good.

How to find a lost wedding ring in the sand?

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you’re on vacation And lost a valuable piece of jewelry on the beach or in the ocean give me a call/text (Louis) 305-608-1870 I have a Metal Detecting service and can find your last item for you.  Be sure to check out my other recoveries and blogs (over 100).  This couple was in town at Miami Beach from Switzerland and placed his wedding ring on a towel while they were putting on sunscreen and picked up the towel and the ring went flying off. They tried for hours to find it with No luck. They came across my information on the Internet, and I was able to find it for them Within a few minutes.  If you’re in the same situation, don’t wait. Give me a call.

Lost Rose Gold, Tungsten and DIAMONDS Wedding Band at Pililaau Army Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call this evening from Chief Warrant Officer Dustin who was having a vacay with his family at Pililaau Army Recreation Center.  While enjoying time at the beach at some point his Rose Gold & Tungsten Diamond encrusted Wedding Ring went missing.  He was sure it was in the dry sand but he had also gone in the water briefly.  I told Dustin I would get there as quickly as I could but Google Maps was saying an hour.  It was late so I brought my headlamp and a backup flashlight.  When I arrived Dustin met me at the gate and then brought me down to the beach where his lovely wife Sarah and the kids were still looking in the sand for the ring.  I asked Dustin to draw me a box where he thought I’d find the ring.  After starting my grid search the first target of course was a pulltab.  Continuing on the third leg of the grid gave a booming #57 solid on the Manticore and after two scoops there was Dustin’s amazing ring in the scoop.  I yelled « BINGO » and Sarah and Dustin came running over as I pulled the ring from my scoop.  OMG!  A few hugs and well wishes and then I headed home as it was now dark.  So happy I didn’t have to go in the water.  Aloha to Dustin & Sarah!

Lost gold wedding band at Centennial Beach… Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)


If you’ve lost something sentimental, don’t weigh call or text ASAP, 24/7, Chris 778-838-3463

I received a text message earlier this morning in regards to a lost Ring possibly at Centennial Beach. The thing was he wasn’t 100% sure he lost it there but it made the most sense to go back and have a look. He told me he didn’t sleep very well that night, because he only  had been married one and a half weeks and already lost his beautiful white gold wedding band.

I was excited for the challenge, when we met up at the beach we discuss the searche and he show me the area he was sitting eating pizza. I began my search and within only five minutes I had found his beautiful white gold wedding band. I was so excited to be able to surprise him with it, knowing how much it meant to him and how it would get him out of the doghouse lol

I love my job! if you’ve lost something contact me ASAP 24/7. Chris 778-838-3463 The sooner we search the better chances we have for making a recovery. Look forward to finding your smile.


Lost wedding Ring in Lake, Returned in Kelowna

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Nick had been married for 2 days and was honeymooning in Kelowna BC. On the busy Beach at City Park, with the temperature over 30, he decided to go for a swim. His wife said maybe you should take your ring off, he didnt and he lost it in the Lake. He called me for assistance, and I responded within 30 minutes. He walked me out to the location, and said right here. I got a signal and in my first scoop was his ring, two feet further out was the deep dropoff, and it would have been too deep. An early response and a good location marked was the key to success.


Wedding ring Found AGAIN at Carpinteria State Beach

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

It was nearly two years ago that I got a call from a customer who had lost her rings while moving her chair at the beach while camping at Carpinteria State Beach. As I always do when i make a recovery I wish the folks well and joke that I hope to never see them again under these circumstances. Fast forward to today and I got a call from you know who, the same client from two years ago at nearly the same spot on the beach! This time instead of the chair being the culprit it was her young son. She had placed the rings on a small table while she put sunscreen on her son. For some reason he decided to pick up her rings and bring them to her but dropped one in the sand.

Unlike two years ago, instead of buying a metal detector and spending 5 hours trying to figure out how to use it she knew right away to call me at 805-290-5009. We laughed a bit and I assured her I would be out within the hour and have her ring back.

In about 3 minutes I had the ring in the scoop and it was back where it belonged. She made me promise to not put a picture of her in my blog because she was my first repeat customer. I assured her it’s always good to have a friend in the ring recovery business for those « just in case » times like these. We all had a good laugh and once again I told her I hoped I wouldn’t have to see her again under these circumstances.

If you have lost a ring do the smart thing and call or text me at 805-290-5009. I’m retired so I’m often available immediately to help you recover your ring in the sand, the water, the dirt or the grass.


18K white gold ring found in Huntington Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)


Kyle lost his ring while playing cornhole at the beach yesterday. Monette, a friend of Kyle’s wife posted on a Huntington Beach facebook page about the lost ring. I reached out to her and offered my services. Monette met me at the beach the next morning and gave me great info on where t  hey were sitting and playing cornhole.

I checked the area where the canopy was set up and the ring was not there, so I moved to the area where the cornhole game was and that’s where the ring was found.

Greg, a friend is showing Kyle’s ring and I am wearing the ring after I found it.