metal detecting service Florida Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost gold ring while planting flowers in Lake Alfred, Florida…found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service…just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you.  Don’t wait until tomorrow…call or text me now at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mr Chester was planting some new plants in his front yard and using a post hole digger and other tools he managed to get the holes dug deep enough to hold some new soil and using his hands he began setting the first plant.  Only minutes into the planting process he felt his large gold ring slip off of his finger and he immediately picked it up, brushed it off and put it back on his finger…thinking that now he would be more careful.  Ten minutes later Mr Chester again noticed that his beautiful gold and diamond ring was not on his finger and this time he figured it had to be deep down in one of those holes he had just dug and filled.  Not wanting to totally pull up the plants and sift all the dirt, he got to thinking about other ways to locate his lost ring and that thought led him to search online for a « Ring Finder » and up popped and one of my successful ring search and recovery stories.  He called me and we made plans to meet up at his place the following Saturday.  Mr Chester was 99% positive that he lost it in the dirt while planting so that is where I concentrated my efforts.  I recovered two small items of aluminum and the 3rd signal was strong and repeatable which proved to be Mr Chester’s lost gold ring!  It truly was an honor and privilege to meet Mr Chester and to be able to help him find what he thought he would never see again.

Have you lost something and need my help?  Call or text me ASAP and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…super thankful to be a member of TRFs!

Lost gold ring in the lake, Winter Garden, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

My name is Mike McInroe and I am a Lost Item Recovery Specialist!  I find metal items on land, in the water, in the grass, woods, houses, vehicles and under ground!  If you need my help please call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk…I am here to help you!

Olivia lost her ring in Lake Avalon early in the morning on New Years Day when her future brother in law, Enzo, put her over his shoulder and jumped off the end of the dock and into the lake!  She has had this ring for the last two years and it has her initials engraved on it.  This is her most prized possession as it is a family tradition for generations that once you graduate from high school the family gifts you a gold signet ring to celebrate your hard work and their love and appreciation for you!

Olivia wrote:  « Later that day Enzo, my future brother in law, found theringfinders information on line and gave Mike a call.  Mike did an amazing job at finding my size 2 gold pinky ring in the black mucky lake water.   He managed to find it in less than 8 minutes!  He was super kind and a very personable guy.  I am so thankful for him coming out and saving my most prized possession.  I really didn’t think I was going to see it again.  I would definitely recommend him to get the job done! »

Mike McInroe…proud member of


Lost wedding rings in the sand at Flagler Beach, Florida…found with a metal detector by Florida ring finder Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Do you need a lost item recovery specialist to help you find something on land, in the water, grass, yard, woods, in your house or vehicle or under ground?  Call or text Mike McInroe ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!  I am here to help you!

Candice and her husband, Jason, were enjoying a much needed break on Flagler Beach over the Thanksgiving holidays and late evening on Thanksgiving eve she and her husband were relaxing on the dry sand when the unthinkable happened…she felt her diamond engagement ring and wedding ring come off of her finger and watched them disappear into the soft beach sand.  They searched desperately for hours and they simply could not find them and a heavy sadness came over Candice that crushed her heart and spirit.  (It is for this very reason that I joined and that is to be able to help give hope and practical assistance to those who find themselves in these kinds of desperate situations.)

Jason called me at 12:35 am Thanksgiving morning and I could hear the pain and desperation in his voice as he briefly told me what happened.  It took me only 10 minutes to get my equipment packed up and at 2:00 am in the morning I met Jason and Candice and in the pitch dark of night we walked out onto the sandy beach.  Thankfully they had marked the area where she thought she dropped her rings and after a 5 minute grid search I got a sweet signal that I figured had to be her lost rings.  I made a circle in the sand around the signal and gave Candice my Garrett Pro Pointer and told her to find and retrieve her own rings…and what an absolute thrill and joy it was to see her melt and cry tears of happiness and total relief!  Jason gave me a huge bear hug and Candice just knelt there in the sand and cried.  How I thank God for allowing me to be used by Him to help this dear couple in their time of need!

How can I help you?  Call or text me anytime day or night at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…honored to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in the water, Astatula, Florida…Found with a metal detector by Florida ring finder!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s metal detecting service just for you!  Do not put it off or wait till tomorrow…time will work against you!  Especially if you have lost something in a public place!  We find lost rings, necklaces, pendants, cell phones, property stakes… anything metal!  Call or text…321-363-6029!

Erick wanted to help the folks at a local RV park in Astatula, Florida where a large tree had fallen across a narrow canal that was blocking access to Little Lake Harris.  The large oak tree had been dragged close to the shore which allowed Erick to use a rented chain say and after hours of intense labor, all that was left was the thick three foot section of the trunk in two and a half feet of water.  Erick’s daughter had been videoing the whole process and at the last few minutes of recording, Erick’s hands were very wet and sore and he went to shake the water off of his left hand and that action sent his beautiful wedding ring into the water just a few feet from where he was standing.

This is not the first call I have had from Erick to help him find his lost wedding ring!  On this occasion as soon as his ring hit the water he said, « I need to call Mike! »   It was late in the day and as I talked to Erick I could hear the panic and desperation in his voice.  So under an absolutely beautiful full moon I arrived at the location all geared up with wet suit, scuba boots and my trusty Garrett AT Max metal detector and waded into the cool dark water and began my search.  It took a few minutes and then I remembered Erick saying that his daughter had recorded the whole ordeal!  As soon as I saw the video and located the one lonely lily pad right next to where his ring hit the water….it look only seconds and my metal detector beeped loudly, indicating a shallow, strong, gold signal!

Erick was overcome with sentimental emotion and the bear hug that I received was evident how much his wedding ring meant to him and how much he loves his beautiful wife of 20 years!

Have you lost a ring..or phone..or keys..or chain..or something metal?  Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and lets talk about how we can help you!

Mike McInroe…thankful to God to be a member of

How to find a lost ring in the grass, Maitland, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)









Steve decided to do a little yard clean up after Hurricane Helene and while he was picking p all the branches and leaves he noticed that his wedding ring was no longer on his pinky finger.  Earlier in the day he noticed his hands were swelling so he took his wedding ring off and « temporarily » put it on his little finger.  He searched desperately for his ring but soon realized the futility of trying to find such a small item in the thick grass and bushes.  A close friend had a couple of metal detectors and they tried for hours to locate his lost ring and when that did not work, Steve decided to search online for help and typed in « Jewelry Recovery Services » and up popped!  Steve called m and after a brief discussion I made the drive to his home.  Steve had emptied the large bin and looked through all the sticks and leaves and had also attempted to search the bushes as well and I could tell he was quite tired and frustrated.

I always pray and ask God for wisdom and direction before every search attempt and on this occasion I began my search along the corner of the street and the driveway.  My very first signal was a sprinkler head and one step further another strong signal that registered shallow and with the right numbers.  All total I had searched…maybe 1 minute…and there nestled down in the thick grass was Steve’s lost wedding ring!  I called him over to verify that I had found the correct ring and he was shocked that I was able to find it so quickly!  What an honor it was to help Steve find his lost ring and to be a part of their 25 year marriage story!

Lost something and need help?  Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of in sunny Florida

Thrown ring into woods, Paisley, Florida…Found with a metal detector and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)












It happens allot…rings get thrown into the water, into the woods and into grass yards and parks all over the world and most of the time the rings are never found! But there is hope when you call or text a ring finder because this is what we love to do…help people who find themselves in this very sort of situation!

Mike texted me to ask if I could help find his wife’s diamond engagement ring in the woods behind their home. Seems there was some sort of misunderstanding and the end result was a lost ring in the woods. First off I asked a few questions like: What time of the day or night did this happen? Did you or your wife actually see it as it flew through the air and into the woods? Did your wife play softball in high school? I encouraged them that the answers to these questions would help determine the likely hood of actually finding their lost ring and with the information they gave me I felt fairly confident that I could find their lost ring.

Mike and his family live out in the country and the small area where the ring was thrown was littered with dead branches and vines, small trees and a few palmetto palms as well. My first task was to clear the underbrush away and cut a few low hanging palm fronds so I could effectively swing my metal detector. It took about 15 minutes to cover the target area and I was beginning to think that either the ring bounced off of one of the small trees or maybe she actually threw her ring in a different direction. The ground was relatively free of any metal targets so I was very confident that if my metal detector went over it I would hear the signal and easily uncover it among the leaves. Thirty minutes passed and I called Mike out to verify the direction and Mike indicated it could have gone off to the left more. So as I started searching off to the left I looked over to where I had previously searched and noticed a 6 foot palm tree that had broken branches going up the sides and I had swung my detector casually along the sides but thought I had better check it more thoroughly just to be sure. I started at the bottom and poked my Garrett pin pointer into each opening where the dead branches were and made my way around and all the way to the very top and low and behold a slight beep came from my pin pointer! No way, I thought! And as I poked it around closer the beeping increased. I could not see into the small opening but was able to stick my finger down into the space and as I removed the leaves and debris I got a short glimpse of something shiny and then I saw the diamond!! Mike and Candace were thrilled t have their beautiful diamond engagement ring back once again! I give God the credit for prompting me to investigate that palm tree and for allowing me to be a blessing and encouragement to this dear young couple.

Lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in car, Palm Coast, Florida…Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

While driving home from work Nick took his wedding ring off and set it on the center console. At one point he heard it slide off of the console and assumed it went down in between the seats into one of the cracks. Many a ring has plumb disappeared this very same way and Nick figured when he got home he would move the seats backward or forward and find his ring. As Nick soon found out there are many places where a ring can hide in a car in this type of situation. He tried his best to locate his lost ring but every attempt ended up in frustration and his next move was to take it to the BMW dealer and have them remove the seats…and even that did not reveal his lost ring. So a few days later Nick went online to see if he could find a service that offers help in locating lost rings in cars and up popped a story on website. Nick texted me and I made arrangements to meet up at his garage later that week.

I never realized how little space is in the back seat area and how tight all the seats and carpets are in a BMW sports car…and the only place I could find where a ring might hide was in the small air vents under each seat. I had my endoscope pushed all the way down each vent and I could not see anything that resembled a gold ring. After searching for over an hour I noticed on the front of the passengers seat there was a small spacer area where a person could adjust their seat to allow more support under their knees that all a person needed to do was pull on the front of the seat, between their knees, and it would extend forward a few inches or it could be moved backward as well. I took my endoscope and stuck it into the slight space and pushed it along from the door side and moved it along towards the center console. I caught a glimpse of something pink and gold colored and my heart skipped a beat! The gold looked really bright, but the pink color was strange. So I immediately pulled my scope and slipped it into the other end and there, to my utter surprise, was Nick’s wedding ring sitting smack dab on top of a pink pull tab! What a huge relief as I thanked God for showing me where to look and for giving me the persistence to keep looking and not give up!

Nick was thrilled to have his ring back and I was honored to be able to help him in his time of need!
Lost a ring or something personal and need my help?
Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost engagement ring in the water off of dock, Lake Maitland, Orlando, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you have lost a ring or something precious to you…do not wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Call ASAP…call now 321-363-6029!

Lindsey texted me saying she had dropped her engagement ring off of a dock and into 7 feet of water and weeds and asked if there was any way I could help her and her husband! They had been sitting on the dock and enjoying the cool evening breeze and Lindsey said she was kind of fiddling with her 2 rings and all of a sudden they both slipped off and she happened to actually catch her wedding band but her engagement ring fell to the deck and then she heard it hit the water. Her dear husband Cole, spent a total of 6 hours diving and trying desperately to find her ring but to no avail. A search on line led them to one of my stories on web site and after talking with them I agreed to conduct a scuba dive search around the dock. Neither one of them had actually seen where the ring fell into the water so I figured to start right under where they were sitting. My wife and I arrived later that day with all my gear and as I suited up I said a short prayer to God Almighty and asked that He might help me find this special ring and be a blessing to this dear, young, newly wed couple! Normally there are lots of metal targets under docks but here it was super quiet as I swept my XP MI-6 pin pointer through the mud and slowly made my way across the back side of the dock. I had stuck a 10 foot PVC pole down into the water about where we were able to determine the most likely area where Lindsey’s ring could have rolled and landed…and we were right on target! Five minutes into the dive and the very first signal that sounded off was Lindsey’s lost engagement ring! I swam back to my starting point and stood up and took off my mask and said, « Anyone want to see what I just found? »

How I thank God for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to help Lindsey and Cole!

How can I help you? Call or text me anytime and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost wedding ring found under dock, Cocoa Beach, Florida…and returned to grateful owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Doug and his wife had just returned from a beautiful day out on the water fishing and as they unloaded some personal items onto the dock a very special ring dropped from the small table and bounced and managed to fall directly through one of the cracks and into the water below. This was a super sentimental ring and meant the world to Doug’s dear wife. Doug got right at trying to find someone who could retrieve the ring and looked up « Ring Finder » on his phone. service came up and he noticed a number of members of this service were in the area but none of them were equipped to do an underwater search of this kind. Doug eventually found my number and gave me a call.

It was the middle of December and I attempted a recovery dive but the water was just way too cold and we decided to try again later on the following summer. So in May when the weather and water temperatures were much more bearable I showed up to give it another try. The oyster shells were strewn across the bottom and this made digging difficult and the visibility was only a foot or two…until I would start digging and then visibility went to 10 inches. Other members of have shared a wonderful idea that helps with grid searching in these types of conditions and that is a sinking pvc square that will sit on the bottom which allows me to methodically search an area even though I cannot actually see where I am going or where I have been but by following the grid with one hand and scanning the bottom with my small handheld metal detector with the other hand…I can cover an area very thoroughly and when finished I am able to move the pvc grid to another area and thoroughly search that area as well until I find what I am looking for. (Doug had also informed me that a few years back the dock was completely destroyed in a hurricane…so there was an awful lot of other signals to sift through before God allowed me to find Doug’s wife’s lost ring!)

What an honor it was to help find and return this precious lost ring to its rightful owner!!

How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…counting my blessings as a member of

Lost BMW Fob/ Business Key Remote in Lake Wippoorwill, Orlando, Florida…Found with Large Magnet!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Got a call from a young man who told me he lost his BMW fob/ remote to his car and business where he works. It wasn’t until I met him and listened to his story that I found out that he actually got upset about something and ended up throwing…not just one set of keys but two sets! And to add more fuel to the fire he admited that he threw them into a lake behind his house…and when I asked if he played baseball in high school he said sheepishly, « Yes »! So I asked him to throw two stones that were similar in size and weight to the key sets and that gave me some idea as to how far out into the water I needed to start looking with my large magnet!

I slid my kayak into the water and spent the next two hours slowly bobbing it off the bottom and every 30 seconds or so I would pull it up to see if I had found them. It was very tiring and I figured I did approximately 200 or more bicep curls…but in the end I was able to retrieve one set and the young man was very thankful for that much. (I chose not to do a scuba dive for the simple fact that the search area was just way to large and it was over 10 feet deep!).

All in all I was very thankful that God allowed me to find at least one set of his keys for him and hopefully he learned a valuable lesson! These situations happen allot and please do not feel that it is a hopeless cause.

If you have lost something and need help please feel free to call or text me anytime and lets talk! 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe…grateful to be a member of