Pedro was involved in a volleyball game, when his wedding ring decided to take a sand bath. He went online and found and contacted Curtis Cox up the coast a ways. Curtis told him to contact me (thanks Curtis!) as I am a lot closer. When I met Pedro at the beach volleyball court, another detectorist they met on the beach was already there and searching the side of the court that Pedro had been in. I started on the opposite side up against the net and made a couple of passes post to post parallel to the net. With not even one target, I figured I should probably verify the other guy had been thorough with his side. The other guy detecting was already beyond the end line of the court, so, I started on his side up against the net and made a pass there. About 3/4 of the way across, I got a nice 30 tone on my Equinox 900 and told Pedro that this is a good sound for a gold ring. Sure enough, my pin pointer zeroed in on the target and Pedro’s ring was just under the surface of the sand. A pleasure to meet you Pedro, glad you won your game, got your ring back, and thank you for the reward.
On a side note, people should be careful who they ask for help in these situations. I think in this case, the other guy detecting was probably an upstanding individual and would have happily returned the ring, but, that isn’t always the case, as I know a couple of guys that won’t return anything, or, hold it hostage. In addition, you don’t know what sort of expertise these random people have either, and you may just give up if they don’t find the item, thinking that they eliminated that area as the target zone when in reality, they just missed the target, like in this case. All the members here that I’ve worked with know how to properly grid and area, know their machine, and I’m confident that they will return your lost item. Why take a chance, when you can get a GENUINE ring finder!