lost jewelry Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost white gold man wedding ring. It recently snowed and after shoveling his driveway he brushed off his toddler that was playing in the snow and there went his ring slipping off into the snow somewhere. He searched and searched for a while with no luck. I was able to respond the same day to complete a search. After searching for a few, there was the ring hidden in the snow. He was very happy to have the ring returned to him.

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

Kind woman with dementia lost ring while gardening

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I received a call from the niece of a kind older woman who lives in a lovely mid-century modern home designed by Joseph Eichler. #housegoals
She told me that her aunt had lost a ring while gardening but that she didn’t believe she knew where she actually lost it, due to dementia. My instinct was to trust « Eva » over the niece who just seemed to be annoyed by her aunt’s diminished mental faculties. And I am glad that I did.
The dirt was hard-packed but there were a few trees with ivy around the bases and one tree with a bench built in a square around the base. This was the spot Eva thought she lost the ring. When she told me that I caught the niece’s eyes, she rolled them and walked away. I did a preliminary swing around the trees and benches with my small coil to get into the nooks and in to the ivy. Then I returned to the area where Anna said she lost the ring. Detecting along the fence line a glimmer of silver caught my eye and there it was! Her cherished Scandinavian silver ring lying just beneath the gap under the fence right next to where she knew it would be. She was right all along.


Gold Platinum Ring lost Jensen Lake Neighbourhood St. Albert Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Last evening, Mike contacted me to inform me that he had just lost his gold platinum wedding band of 17 years. While disposing of garbage, he slipped on ice and, upon regaining his footing, inadvertently dislodged the ring from his finger, which subsequently fell into the snow. Despite an extensive one-hour search, he was unable to locate the ring.

I have agreed to meet with Mike this morning.

Upon meeting Mike at his residence, he demonstrated the area where he believed the ring might have landed. However, it is important to note that such assumptions may not always be accurate. I conducted a preliminary search of the area without success and subsequently explored the opposite side of his driveway. To our delight, I discovered the ring approximately 12 feet from the location where Mike had anticipated its presence. Another happy client thank you Mike.

Lost wedding ring recovered near hiking trail east of Macon, Georgia using a metal detector.

  • from Warner Robins (Georgia, United States)

RD was enjoying a beautiful afternoon hiking the trails of Brown’s Mound with his newlywed wife JD on a cool January day. RD can’t help but notice the new ring on his finger and his new life status – happily married to his beautiful bride. He also is struck this morning by how his ring felt a little looser as he twirls the ring on his finger. He can’t help but hear his bride’s words suggesting that maybe he should consider getting his ring resized. As they hike onward, they notice a great deal of leaves on the ground so careful footing is essential. A mile or so into the hike they reach one of the highest points in Middle Georgia, providing them with an unobstructed view of the wildlife area. Eventually they head back and halfway along the trek, RD notices something is wrong, something is missing, his wedding ring is no longer on his finger! He marks the location with a stack of large branches and visually searches the immediate area. Eventually he must give up the search that day, but RD is not one to give up hope. RD returns to the trail and conducts multiple searches. He notifies the local wildlife area officials and informs anyone he encounters of his lost ring account. RD even obtains a metal detector from a friend, but in all his searches his lost ring is not to be found.

At this point RD then takes a new track for his search. Armed with the information from an internet search for metal detecting services, RD contacts ring-finder Jim Fuss. I meet RD that same day and we walkthrough the trails and some likely spots the ring may have been lost. The next day, RD and I return to conduct a more thorough search. As we search approximately one mile of hiking trails, a very generous number of pull tabs, coins, metal food container remnants, and spent rifle cartridges are found, but the elusive wedding ring remains MIA. At this point RD needs to exit the day’s search for an appointment, and I decide to carefully search a section of the ridge trail containing a prolonged section of buried barbwire. After a 45-minute search of this area, my metal detector emits the tone for platinum amongst background of iron. Separating the pile of leaves and debris, the object of the quest is revealed like a bride on her wedding day. Jim immediately sends a picture to RD with a single word: “Victory!”  I am extremely grateful that RD contacted me through ringfinders.com


Anniversary Gold Ring Dropped Inside a Vehicle! Charlton Heights Sherwood Park.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Adele called me asking if I was able to find her anniversary ring lost between her seats in her vehicle she told me she just left her nail salon and the nail care technician told her that her ring was very loose on her finger and she said to Adele to get her ring resized  before she lost it, While Adele was driving home she stopped at a red light, she took off her ring to switch the ring over to her other finger and thats when the ring fell between her seat and disappeared after I asked Adele my usual questions I agreed to help locate her ring. The next day Adele was going on Vacation for a week so the ring stayed in her Vehicle while she was gone, in the back of her mind she kept thinking of her ring, when she arrived back home  she did a Google search how to find a lost ring in a car and found the Ringfinders webpage and contacted me. While driving to Sherwood Park I said to myself this will be an easy search and it should not take long to locate her ring, I meet Adele at her home she took me into the garage and she told me that’s her car and the ring was in it somewhere because she heard a ring Ping and ring disappeared, Adele looked for the ring also her husband spent a couple of hours removing the mats and checking everywhere with no luck. I started to check the situation out and found out the only place the ring could be was the ring had made its way through the opening in the carpet and must have ended on the floor on her vehicle and that the ping she heard. I got my bore scope camera out and carefully inserted between the carpet and the vent, check around but could not see any sign of the ring so the next thing I removed the four bolts that held the seat to the frame of the car but could not disconnect the seat completely due to the Airbags where attached and if had disconnected the seat the Air bags could deploy. I then carefully cut a slit in the carpet where the vents came through the carpet to gain more access to the vehicle frame then through the bore scope I could see her ring then I was able to reach her ring and handed her ring back to Adele. Boy was I wrong when I said to myself this was going to be an easy search in total it took me over three hours to find the ring and put her vehicle back together again. Adele and her husband were overjoyed to have the ring back on her finger once again. Thank you Adele and Nick it was a pleasure meeting you both and having a successful search.

IPhone lost in Snow in Philadelphia, PA….Found and Returned!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

After the largest snow storm of the year dumped 6 inches of snow in Philadelphia this week…Adeep ventured out to have some fun in the deep snow drifts around his University City apartment. Unfortunately his Iphone slipped out of his pocket while playing around. His « find my iphone » app got him close to the location of the lost phone but it was clearly under the snow somewhere! He found me listed in the Ring Finders directory and several hours later I was there with my metal detector! He pointed out where he was fooling around in the snow….and where the « find my iphone » app was suggesting its location. Less than 10 minutes into search I got the signal I was looking for with my machine…moved aside about 8 inches of snow…and there was his iphone!!! Adeep was surprised and very happy that I was able to locate his lost phone so fast!

Lost gold ring found in London

  • from London (Ontario, Canada)

Driving along on the freeway, this gentleman had a welding mask fly out of the truck in front of him that actually got lodged under his car. So he had to pull over on the snow covered shoulder and dislodge this mask from under his car. Unfortunately, while doing so, his wedding ring had come off. His wife helped him look for his ring for an hour, but luck was not on their side. The next day he had found me online, and we set a time to meet up on the highway. I’m glad to say he will be taking his wedding ring home today!

Ring lost at Ocean Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Pedro was involved in a volleyball game, when his wedding ring decided to take a sand bath. He went online and found TheRingFinders.com and contacted Curtis Cox up the coast a ways. Curtis told him to contact me (thanks Curtis!) as I am a lot closer. When I met Pedro at the beach volleyball court, another detectorist they met on the beach was already there and searching the side of the court that Pedro had been in. I started on the opposite side up against the net and made a couple of passes post to post parallel to the net. With not even one target, I figured I should probably verify the other guy had been thorough with his side. The other guy detecting was already beyond the end line of the court, so, I started on his side up against the net and made a pass there. About 3/4 of the way across, I got a nice 30 tone on my Equinox 900 and told Pedro that this is a good sound for a gold ring. Sure enough, my pin pointer zeroed in on the target and Pedro’s ring was just under the surface of the sand. A pleasure to meet you Pedro, glad you won your game, got your ring back, and thank you for the reward.

On a side note, people should be careful who they ask for help in these situations. I think in this case, the other guy detecting was probably an upstanding individual and would have happily returned the ring, but, that isn’t always the case, as I know a couple of guys that won’t return anything, or, hold it hostage. In addition, you don’t know what sort of expertise these random people have either, and you may just give up if they don’t find the item, thinking that they eliminated that area as the target zone when in reality, they just missed the target, like in this case. All the members here that I’ve worked with know how to properly grid and area, know their machine, and I’m confident that they will return your lost item. Why take a chance, when you can get a GENUINE ring finder!


Found Ring McCalla, AL

  • from Montevallo (Alabama, United States)

This all started November 22nd. Jennifer contacted me about her lost engagement ring, it just so happened to be her Grandmothers ring. She had a rough idea of where she lost it but was unable to locate it. Her and her husband had borrowed an older detector but was unable to pinpoint anything because « all it did was beep on everything » I assured her if it was there I would find it. She was going out of town for Thanksgiving and wanted to set something up for the following week. She contacted me Saturday the 30th after Thanksgiving and asked if I was available for Sunday mid-day to early afternoon. Knowing how sentimental this ring was to her, I decided to load up the whole arsenal and my wife with her detector. We arrived and Jennifer showed me a few areas where she was doing some yard work. She was very confident it was in a small area where she was spreading straw. So we began. The spot was in an animal cage so I knew there would be some chatter from all the fencing, so I popped the small coil on and went to work. First signal hit strong and only gave me one arrow on the Equinox 700, a quick glance revealed a concrete slab right under the dirt with rebar in it. I knew then that was going to present a new obstacle. Second target sounded great and in the gold range, however it was a piece of foil. Then all the sudden a loud assertive double tone and a 22 popped up on the Equinox my wife and I looked at each other with silent joy as to not get anyone’s hopes up, but we knew that sound all to well. My wife reached down and brushed away the straw to reveal a beautiful vintage solitaire engagement ring. We silently walked the ring over to Jennifer, who was visually very upset, and placed it into her shaking hands. Immediately the emotions poured down her cheeks. Right then I knew this ring was truly something special for her. Listening to her tell us about the struggles she had faced this year, my wife and I both struggled to not cry both for her and with her. This was truly the most emotional and rewarding recovery I have done to date. This is why I do what I do.

Ring lost in Ocean Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Alex and his family were at a local sports park, and after tossing a ball for the last time, he pulled his hand out of his baseball glove and inadvertently pulled his wedding ring off his finger in the process. They looked around the grass for quite some time and finally gave up and went home. An online search brought Alex to TheRingFinders.com and my contact info. 40 minutes later, we met at the site and he gave me the story, description of the ring, and the approximate 50 foot squared search area. I set up some cones and got to work gridding. As most of you know, parks usually have a ton of stuff buried in the grass, and this place was no exception. Slowly, I made my way back and forth across the suspected search area, checking out dozens and dozens of targets. After about 45 minutes and an assortment of trash later, I got another good sounding target in the same « gold ring » range. I looked down, and sitting there in plain sight was his ring. Alex was walking around with his eyes to the ground in hopes of spotting his ring. I called him over and pointed to the ground in front of me. Alex was super happy to get his ring back, called his wife with the good news, and I got a big thank you from her too. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.