metal detector for hire Tag | The Ring Finders

Metal Detecting Lost Gold Family Heirloom Ring…Found in Accokeek, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Howard’s 10 karat yellow gold family heirloom diamond ring once owned by his late grandfather successfully recovered in the backyard by ring finder Brian Rudolph.

Brian Rudolph’s client, Howard, smiling from ear to ear knowing that his much cherished gold and diamond family heirloom ring was back on his finger!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Howard was playing with his boys in the backyard of their house when his 10 karat yellow gold family heirloom diamond ring flew off of his pinky finger when one of his boys bumped into Howard’s hand.

This ring (which he inherited 2 years ago from his parents – once owned and worn by his late grandfather who passed away nearly 20 years ago) meant everything to Howard.

The family searched the grass for a couple of hours, but all of their efforts led to no avail. The very handsome yellow gold and diamond ring could not be found anywhere on the back lawn.

At some point that same afternoon, Howard had the wisdom within to search the internet for some metal detecting help. He found the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. That is when he was able to locate my services and immediately gave me a call for help.

Early the next morning, at 6:00 a.m., I drove to Accokeek, Maryland with the mission in mind to recover and return Howard’s very sentimental keepsake. After showing me the approximate location of where he was standing when the ring flew off of his finger, the two of us asked the Lord to assist me in being able to help my desperate client recover his lost ring. Then, I then began to metal detect the very thick grass before me.

Within a few minutes, I hit a very strong signal that I clearly identified as most likely being Howard’s late grandfather’s gold and diamond ring! I knelt down in the grass, took my pinpointer out, and carefully inspected the area deep below the thick blades of grass. There it was! I found it! Howard’s 10 karat yellow gold halo was a beautiful sight below the grass line!

Howard could not have been more grateful for the work that I did to bring his favorite piece of jewelry (besides his wedding band) back to his pinky finger! My early morning mission was fully accomplished and my client and I took a moment to thank the Lord for helping me with my metal detecting skills to help my new friend Howard recover his very handsome family heirloom ring!


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Huntington Beach Photographer Loses Ring in the Sand .. Stan the Metal Detector Man Recovered the Keepsake

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










I can help you now, if you lost something where a metal detector can be used. Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Che is visiting Huntington Beach from Puerto Rico. He was making surf movies on the south side of Huntington Beach Pier. His son was going out with his surfboard for a photo shoot and handed Che his platinum / diamond wedding band to keep safe. 

It was just before sunset when they finished the photo shoot. They walked off the beach to the parking lot. That’s when Che’s son asked for the ring. It had slipped off his dad’s finger, somewhere between the waterline and the parking lot. ( more than 150 yards )

A call to me at 8:30pm let us set up a meeting at the location where he had set up his camera tripod.. This is where he had spent the most time and the best place to start before the tide comes in. After a few minutes I got a great signal from something metal in the sand. A quick scoop in the sand revealed the precious and very sentimental platinum wedding band. 

Che was very relieved and happy to have his son’s ring to give back. Needless to say he was feeling guilty that he had lost the ring. Now he is the hero for getting a metal detector specialist to find the important ring.

Available to help you now, I can answer any questions you have about how this service works.. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Caduceus Ring in the Ocean, Harvey Cedars NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finders

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Trish called and said she was at the beach with her son Shawn, his ring slipped off his finger in shoulder deep water. It was a large med school ring that I figured wouldn’t travel to far due to its size. She gave me all the details and that she also spoke to the lifeguards, and they were going to keep an eye open for it.  Luckily we have had very light breezes, and a pretty calm surf for New Jersey.  We arranged to meet at the next low tide, and that’s where I started, right at the waters edge.  After one pass I went right into the trough, it wasn’t easy working there with the waves breaking, and the strong moon current pulling. I only worked a small area because the life guards had pointed to the spot they were standing when the ring slipped off. I got a nice strong signal and prayed it wasn’t a penny, knowing the ring was quite large, and would signal the same. With a few small shakes to clear the sand I felt klunk, klunk, and was almost certain it was the ring, YES!!!!!!! it was. This ring is extremely special, Shawn’s dad had given it to him for his Med School graduation, and unfortunately he passed  last year.


Lost ring in sand, Ormond Beach, Florida….Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Florida ring finder Mike McInroe–Ring Recovery Specialist! Lost your ring? Metal Detecting Service/Call any time 321-363-6029

I received a call from Will asking for my help in regards to a lost gold cuban link ring in the sand! He said he knew right where he was when he lost it and even took some videos of his friends and family looking through the sand at the exact location where he fell and realized his ring had come off. It was later in the evening so I told Will I would try to do a search the following day at low tide. Normally I like to get to any ocean search as soon as possible because of the tides and the simple fact that a heavy gold ring can sink very quickly in soft sand, thus putting the ring at a deeper depth. Will said they were in the soft sand so the next day I opted to take my Garrett AT Max metal detector, thinking that machine would be able to detect to a reasonable depth to find his ring. But I was mistaken! I searched the whole target area in Zero Mode and then in All Metal Mode and was unable to locate Will’s lost gold ring! It was due to the fact that they had run their hands back and forth through the sand, which actually caused his heavy gold ring to sink deeper in the sand. After two hours I decided to come back another day and try again. Ten days later I received a call to locate a ring in North Daytona Beach and after an unusually quick search and recovery I decided to drive 15 miles up to Ormond Beach to try looking again for Will’s gold cuban link ring, only this time I was going to use my Whites TDI pulse machine. Upon arriving I could tell that the rather steep beach had changed somewhat and I hoped and prayed that Will’s ring had not gone deeper but that some of the top sand would have been taken out and away. So with that prayer and hope in mind I started my search at the surfs edge and began working my way up the slope. I dug a few crusty coins here and there and 30 minutes later I received a solid, repeatable signal that revealed a beautiful cuban link gold ring! I was stunned and so very thankful to God for allowing me to actually find Will’s lost ring! Three days later I met up with Will and was able to hand him his ring, which he was sure he would never see again!

Have you lost something in the grass, sand, water or in your car? Call or text me ASAP! 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….delighted to be a member of

Lost diamond ring in yard, Ocoee, Florida….amazingly found by owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Lost your ring, or other valuable jewelry, cell phone, keys or other metal object…call or text Mike McInroe at 321-363-6029 ASAP! I am a ring recovery specialist serving all of central Florida and beyond!

I was called to help Will and Rachel look for their lost diamond engagement ring and they described to me that it went flying across the yard and was nowhere to be found! (Every search for rings is completely different and this one was no exception!). Will told me that he had even bought himself a cheap metal detector and spent a few frustrating hours trying to figure out how to operate the machine. Later that evening they decided to go online and search for someone to help them and they discovered website. He read some of my stories and decided to give me a call and that led to meeting up the next day at their home. On this occasion I decided to invite my dear wife, of 42 years, to go along and she agreed to accompany me! Will and Rachel were very pleasant, friendly and super thankful to have more help in their desperate search and after a few minutes I began my systematic grid search of the front yard. I spent over an hour covering the whole front lawn, the flower beds, the neighbors yard and even out into the street….and no ring! It was there somewhere but I just could not seem to find it. I mentioned to my dear wife to take Rachel and look over the street really good and then to check the other side of the road as well. A few minutes later we heard Rachel let out a scream, « I found It! »! And sure enough there it was on the edge of the street laying plainly in the open so anyone could see it…waiting for Rachel to come along and pick it up! How I thank God for allowing us to be a help and encouragement to Will and Rachel and to see them smiling and happy once again!

Call or text me ASAP and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….thankful to be a member of

Lost Diamond in grass, Orlando, Florida…..Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

In Tina’s own words, she says, »Saturday, March 11th I brought the dog out to do his business. He was taking his sweet time and as I was waiting for him I started fidgeting with my diamond ring, as I often do! With the first twirl around my finger I felt the diamond pop off of my ring. I was sure it just dropped straight down into the grass. I hurried the dog back inside and then returned to where I was standing so I could get a better look at the ground. It was no where to be found! I then woke up my husband and my son and they both rushed outside to help me look for my lost diamond. We even had a couple of our neighbors join in the hunt as well. After approximately 5 hours we decided to borrow a friend’s metal detector and we dug up a good section of our yard, but we had NO LUCK! We then waited until it got dark and went back out with a couple of strong flash lights to see if we could catch a glimmer of the diamond sparkling in the light but even that failed! It made it more difficult since it was just the diamond, with the prongs still attached and not the whole ring. So after exhausting all the suggestions we could think of I tried the internet and Googled « How to find a diamond in the grass »! Then I came across! There were a couple of Ring finder members in the Orlando area so I went with the one who had the most successful recoveries! I called Mike McInroe shortly after 12 noon and he was able to come by our house around 4:30pm that same day! He thoroughly searched the immediate area and after two hours my husband and I were starting to give up hope. And then all of a sudden Mike came over to me with my diamond in his hand!!! We were so so very thankful! It was truly a blessing that I found him on line and that he was able to find my precious diamond. We couldn’t thank him enough! »

Lost something special and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of

Lost family heirloom diamond ring in Atlantic Ocean, Ormond Beach, Florida….found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jade and her family’s Labor Day get away to the beach started out great! They arrived at the beach early and got their things all set out and could not wait to get into the warm ocean surf. Everyone was enjoying the water even though the waves were a bit rough…still it was the perfect day to enjoy the water, sand and sun! As they made their way deeper into the water Jade’s husband noticed that Jade was wearing the precious diamond heirloom ring that his grand mother had passed down to his own mother and then she had passed it on to Jade when they got married! With the hope of one day passing it on to their son, Everetts, when he gets married. Jade was sure the ring fit snug enough to not have to worry about loosing it and as she pulled on the ring to show that it was tight…off it came and dropped straight into the churning wave tossed waters!

Shocked beyond belief she let out a scream and immediately everyone came to help her locate the ring! Even when knowing exactly where it fell into the water it turned out to be so much more difficult to locate then they had ever imagined! Hours passed and they drove to a nearby store to purchase a metal detector and tried it but ended up shorting out the headphones as it was not a water proof metal detector!

Meanwhile, Jade’s son Everett found « website » on his phone and decided to call me for help. As I listened to what had happened and the fact that they were very sure of the exact location where the ring had dropped, I offered to come out right away and do whatever I could to help them. Even though the surf was rough and the waves were fairly big I felt that her ring would be where it fell even through to the next low tide cycle. I asked Jade what the sand felt like under her feet while they were looking for her lost ring…soft or hard packed? She said soft in some places and hard in other places. And with that info I knew I had to search ASAP and I could not afford to wait till the next days low tide. It was around 5:30 pm Monday evening and low tide was coming up at around 11:30pm and I determined to search under an overcast moon and trust that by God’s grace I would be able to find Jade’s lost ring before it sunk too deep!

Under normal daylight hours I am able to use small wire survey flags to mark the sand and then by lining the two rows of flags up I am able to back my way into the surf and use the flags to help me go out and come back in a straight line. Once I get out as far as I can safely go I then take two steps over and walk out keeping myself lined up just about four feet off of where I went into the water. But in the middle of the night on a dark beach there is no way to visually see my flags! So as I was passing the time waiting for the next low tide I walked across the Ocean Shore Blvd. to the Dollar Store and began walking the isles to see what I could use to mark my path and progress. Thankfully they had some Halloween decorations out and I came across some 8 inch long glow sticks! I was able to use the two glow sticks to keep me lined up and began my night time search about 10:00 pm and little by little I backed my way out into the dark waters as far as I could safely go and the two glow sticks worked like a charm!

Earlier in the day as I was waiting for it to get dark I detected on the dry sand just to see if anyone had dropped anything and I used up a couple of hours of battery life!!! Not smart!! Reason being as I only have one battery and it lasts maybe 5 hours total! I water hunt using the Whites TDI Beachhunter and hip mount the box and it works great! Normally that is about all I can handle when working in and out of the surf in the hot sun and fighting against the current and waves!

After an hour and a half of covering the main target area I noticed my low battery light had come on and my detector started making the usual odd sound. I felt I was really close to the actual spot where she said the ring was dropped and now my battery was dying! I prayed and asked my heavenly Father to help my detector last just long enough to be able to find Jade’s lost heirloom ring! God then gave me the idea to go sideways out as far as I could where it was just over my waist and the sandy bottom had areas where it dropped away a foot or so. Fifteen minutes later I got a funny signal that sounded much like sunglasses sound only distorted like. I dug three scoops trying to retrieve the curious item. Actually it was the only signal I had gotten all the while and as I shook out the sand my head lamp lit up the scoop and there to my utter amazement was Jade’s precious lost ring! Words cannot express my joy and the emotion I felt and I let out a loud prayer of thanksgiving to my Father God!

I could not wait to get to the car and dry off and send Jade the good news! We talked and I assured them that we could meet anytime in the next day or two to pick up their precious ring! Early the next morning Jade arrived at our home and I was able to personally hand her the ring she thought was lost forever in the churning waters of the Atlantic Ocean! Google gave them a very, very slim chance of ever seeing their ring again but thankfully God came through and used little ol me to help them out of a desperate situation! And I am so thankful they gave me a call and trusted me to do what I could in their time of need!

Have you lost something and need help trying to find it? Call or text me ASAP…I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….blessed and honored to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in grass, Longwood, Florida….found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Marybeth was playing with her children in the back yard throwing water balloons and as she raised her hand to catch one that was thrown in her direction it hit her in the left palm just right and knocked her precious wedding ring right off of her finger. She actually felt her ring come off and immediately she began to look in the grass around her. Unfortunately the type of grass was our famous St. Augustine grass that is super thick and is known to swallow up rings and the like!
She spent a few hours on her hands and knees looking and feeling through the grass desperately hoping to find her lost ring. Realizing the futility of trying to spot it with her eyes she began thinking that maybe a metal detector would be the proper tool for the job. Her first thought was to see if there was somewhere that would rent her a metal detector for the day and after typing « Metal Detector Rental » on her phone….up popped « » website and one of my stories!
Later that day I met Marybeth and she showed me the exact spot where she was standing and it only took a few swings of my Garrett AT Max metal detector and Bingo!!! What a privilege it was to help Marybeth find her lost ring!

Have you lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP….I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….so thankful to be a member of

Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring – Found in Ruckersville, Virginia

  • from Leesburg (Virginia, United States)

Call Ray at MyGoldFinder for lost items 571.258.7217

I received a call from Vinny Thursday morning around 9:00 AM. He was frantically trying to locate someone to help him find his wife’s platinum engagement ring. Vinny and his wife were out on the front lawn the afternoon the day before and she had lost her gorgeous engagement ring. They both looked exhaustively for the ring on their hands and knees for hours but could not locate the ring. The day Vinny called me was also his wife’s birthday so he was frantic and hopeful he could return his wife’s ring back to her on yet another special day, her birthday.

I immediately  prepared to travel the 2 hours to Vinny’s location as I knew I had to reunite this lady with her ring. I arrived at the site and Vinny gave me the layout of the location and the events leading up to losing the ring. I immediately went to work and within 5 minutes had the ring back in Vinny’s hands. This was one of the fastest recoveries I’ve been on!! 4 hour round trip drive, 5 minute recovery…Awesome!!

God Bless and Keep on Hunting…

Lost wedding ring in Fairview Lake, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Peyton and his wife were enjoying a beautiful sunny day on Fairview Lake and as he jumped off of his boat and into the shallow water he felt his gold wedding ring slip off of his finger. After 27 years of marriage and having already lost one of his wedding rings years ago he was stunned that here it was happening again. After feeling around in the sand and mud he gave up and decided to come back and look for it again with a mask and hookah dive system and a small hand held waterproof metal detector. He also was able to mark the area where he was anchored on his boats GPS system making it much easier to pinpoint the exact area, which is so, so important!

Peyton returned the next day and searched for a couple of hours but was unsuccessful in finding his lost gold ring. Later that evening as he was searching on line to buy a full size waterproof metal detector he came across web site and found my name. We made arrangements to meet later on that day and I figured if he marked the area it would make the ring much easier to locate. Peyton was waiting in his boat when I arrived and as soon as I loaded all my gear we were off to the other side of the lake. There was a fairly stiff breeze and after getting the anchors set I jumped into the water and with Peyton guiding me I placed four PVC poles around the area where he figured he lost his ring. Usually a large gold ring will give me certain numbers on my waterproof Garrett AT Max metal detector so I concentrated on any signal that read even close to those numbers. I dug a number of nickels, pull tabs and other assorted targets and as I was coming close to finishing up the 2500 square foot area I asked Peyton to think about what direction to expand my search area….and he felt confident it was in the general area that I was finishing up. And sure enough as I was on my last grid line I got a clean, solid, mid-tone signal and as I dumped out my scoop onto my floating sifter…there shining bright and beautiful in the evening sun was Peyton’s lost gold wedding ring! How I thank God for allowing me to find and return Peyton’s lost ring and to be a part of seeing such joy and relief on his face. And thank you Peyton for calling me and for giving me that opportunity!

Maybe you have lost something precious and valuable and need my help?!! Call or text me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….grateful to be a member of