beach metal detecting service Tag | The Ring Finders

Men’s Lost Wedding Band Found and Returned, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

  • from Falmouth (Massachusetts, United States)

Mark was enjoying a swim at the beach, only to find that his gold wedding band had disappeared.  His wife did some searching on the Fabulous Falmouth web page and discovered the searches and recoveries I’d made with The RingFinders.  Early the next day I received her call for help.  Fortunately, low tide was coming up in a couple of hours, similar to the timing of the loss the previous day, so I arranged to meet Mark at the beach to do a search.  He described how he had put lotion on his hands before going in the water, and he felt confident that the slippery lotion and shrinkage in the cool ocean accounted for the ring making an unwanted exit from his finger at some point during his swim.  We identified the boundaries of a substantial area where the ring might be and I headed out to do a search.  I started shore-parallel swaths at the deep edge of the area and slowly worked toward the beach, keeping ahead of the incoming tide.  A frustratingly large number of solid targets turned out to be aluminum trash, but after about four hours I dug a sweet gold signal and his beautiful ring came up in my scoop.  Mark had left an hour or so earlier, so I called him and he returned to collect his ring.  It was a great to see the big smile on Mark’s face, and it was another great day for The RingFinders!

Gold Wedding Band Lost in Surf at Salt Creek Beach, Dana Point, CA. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

Hailee called me asking for help find her husband’s gold wedding ring. They were at Salt Creek Beach, Dana Point, CA. While throwing a football at high tide in ankle deep water his ring slipped off his finger into the surf, disappearing immediately .

After discussing what had happened and it had been the day before calling me. I determined it was possible to find it at the next low tide. Hailee was not able to meet me at the location which was not a problem. She sent me photos with good land marks in the background.

The next low tide I was at the location and the ring showed up almost exactly where she described the spot.

She picked the ring up later that evening with the intention of surprising her husband that night. Awesome recovery and a very nice lady.

I’m ready to help you find your missing metal item lost at the beach, yard, park or in the water. Also I have been able to recover jewelry in cars, homes or other places where a metal detector can’t be used using endoscopes and other search tools.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ call or text for help or information .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136


Gold Ring Lost in the Sand at Newport Beach, CA. Recovered by Stan the Metal Detector Man

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




If you need a metal detecting specialist call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man  … 949-500-2236

*** Sara is visiting Newport Beach from Idaho. Her friend was getting married and she wanted to see the ocean while being here in Southern California. The group of friends walked out to get a view of the Pacific Ocean, she stood on the upper sand watching the waves. She threw her hands in the air and her gold ring went flying. As the ring hit the sand it disappeared immediately. It happened so fast she couldn’t determine what direction it went. She knew for sure that was when the ring was lost.  Many times people think when they notice the ring missing that could be where it was lost.

Sara and her friends were able to optain a loaner metal detector. This was not going well so one of her friends found my information online after a onlooker suggested getting a metal detecting specialist. After receiving the call I met them on the beach a couple miles from where I live. The tide was coming in but we had plenty of time before it would be a problem.

Setting up my grid pattern to go over the area they had already searched, I planned to go outside the zone they had believed the ring had traveled. Rings seem to come off at the end of a throw. Sometimes they come off straight down to the feet of the person that threw a ball, brushed of sand off their clothes, rings lost playing volleyball can end up in the craziest of places. This ring was actually found ten feet outside of where everyone thought it would be..All those that searched for the ring were totally surprised where the ring ended up. Nothing surprises me anymore. Sara was very grateful, this was a ring that was a family heirloom, irreplaceable.


Call me anytime time if you have any questions about how this service work… Available to help you now.. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

Lost Gold Cross Pendant 1000 Steps Beach in the City of Laguna Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Jorge called Stan the Metal Detector Man member of TheRingFinders.. He needed help to find a very sentimental gold pendant lost in the sand.. if you need help call or text Stan ..949-500-2136


*** Jorge lost a gold cross pendant in the sand at 1000 Steps Beach which is in the city of Laguna Beach. Someone on the beach suggested that he contact me using TheRingfinders website. He called me telling me what happened. 

I told him, I could be at the location in less than an hour. Our chances were good if he stayed there to get me in the general area of the loss.Traffic was not bad which was a good thing. 

After descending a couple hundred steps, I met Jorge at the volleyball court. He showed me where his neckless had broken. After a few swings of my detector I got a faint signal. Put the sand scoop to retrieve the signal. BOOM! There was Jorge’s very sentimental gold cross, that had been given to him many years before by his mother.

It was a quick recovery and I was happy to be able to help him. It was a bit tough to climb those 222 steps to the top of the cliff.

If you’ve lost something important to you call a metal detecting specialist.. Stan the Metal Detector Man ready to help you now.. 949-500-2136 … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

Pendant Lost from Necklace in the Sand at Corona Del Mar State Beach Recovered and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Tim was playing volleyball with his friends at Corona Del Mar Beach with is in the city of Newport Beach, CA. When he jumped up to spike a ball over the net. He felt his cross pendant snag on the net. His cross pendant pulled loose from his necklace.

His friends found me detecting on the beach asking for help to find Tim’s sentimental keepsake.

A short walk across the sand was not a problem for me. Besides I’d rather recover and return a lost item for someone than wonder around on the beach finding a few coins, pull tabs and bottle caps.

Tim was able to show me the general area. A couple quick swings of my detector coil and I received a signal. Good thing the metal detector was in all metal mode because the cross was ferrous metal. I’ve learned in past searches that you can’t always assume that jewelry is precious metals. I could have missed the target if I was searching in discrimination mode.

He and his friends were very happy to see how easy it was to find their friend’s pendant. They didn’t know that they could have spent hours trying to find it in the sand.. Timing was important as it is with all searches. 

How to Find a Gold Ring in the Sand with a Metal Detector … Laguna Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Laguna Beach Ring Finder Stan available to help you now !! .. Call or Text  949-500- 2136

*** Carol had been at a well known Laguna Beach surfing beach with a whole group of friends. She put her ring in a hat that was on her towel. After returning from a swim in the ocean, the hat got picked up and he ring went directly into the sand. 

More than 8 or 10 people tried to be the hero by finding the ring. Even thought the ring was dropped in a 4’x4’ area, it couldn’t be found. Finally one of the friends in the group found my contact information on TheRingFinders directory of metal detector volunteers. 

I was less than 10 miles from the location. Asking Carol if she could stay at the location as it could make the recovery much quicker, she agreed to wait.

Parking could be time consuming but I was lucky to catch a great parking spot. I love it when traffic and parking go well. Walking down the steps to the beach, Carol was waiting patiently. I didn’t waste time asking too many questions, just turned on the metal detector as she pointed to the spot. The same spot where everyone tried to find her ring by dragging their fingers through the sand. 

BINGO !! Two swings of my machine and we had her ring in my sand scoop. She was very surprised and happy to have her special white gold ring back on her finger.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE and I will answer your text or call to help you with any questions you may have about how this service works.  Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

Lost Platinum Wedding Ring from a Beach Chair .. Found Using Metal Detector for Hire Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)









If you lost something that can be found with a metal detector CALL or TEXT ASAP … Stan the Metal Detector Man   … 949-500-2136

*** Kurt texted me for help finding his platinum wedding ring lost in the dry sand at a Dana Point, CA. beach. He had been on the beach and placed his platinum wedding band in the pocket of his beach chair. After returning to his hotel room he realized the ring was no longer in the pocket of the chair.

He called me explaining that he could not meet me at the location as he had a 1 pm flight for the east coast. He was able to give me verbal directions and I was at the location early that morning. 

This beach had recently had super high tides and there were very few dry sand areas to set up. Kurt had sent me a google earth screen shot photo that showed a home in the background with a red roof. 

Perfect directions as it only took a few swings of my metal detector and I had his ring safe in my scoop. I figured this return would involve sending the ring in the mail which is always a worry for me, because I know things get lost in the mail..

I called Kurt with the good news, then to my surprise he said he was close enough to meet me in 15 minutes. Perfect, I don’t need to worry for 3 or 4 days about the mail getting lost. We met at the parking lot after I walked up the long stairway. It was another special reunion of a very sentimental original wedding ring that he had worn for many years..

I’m Available to Help You Now … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE…. Stan .. 949-500-2136

Small Thin Gold Ring Found After Lost in Sand at Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












If You need a metal detector hire a metal detector expert to help you… Call Stan the metal detector man .. Member of the Ringfinders  .. 949-500-2136

*** Lydia and  her husband are here in Newport Beach on Vacation. They will be returning to Colorado in a couple days. She lost a very small thin white gold and rose gold wedding ring in the sand.

While they were searching the sand, when person saw them desperately searching the sand. They told her about the Ringfinders metal detector directory. After searching the internet, Lydia contacted me. I explained how the service works and she said they would wait for me on the beach.

I arrived soon at their location, after agreeing to help them. As I was setting up my metal detector, I gave them a short explanation on how the detector works. Then I started a grid pattern, slowly sweeping my search coil. I knew it was a small thin gold ring, so it required setting up my sensitivity as high as possible. Not long after starting I got  a whisper of a signal in my earphones. A quick dig with my sand scoop revealed a thin two colored ring just like Lydia described.

They were very surprised and happy to have this special ring back where it belongs. Another successful recovery for two very special people to remember as part of their vacation to Newport Beach, CA.

I am available to help you now. Call now and I will answer any questions you have about how this service works .. 949-500-2136 … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

Lost Gold Ring in the Sand at Crystal Cove State Beach, Newport Beach, CA. .. Found by Ring Finder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you lost your ring  don’t waste time buying or renting one, call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136  .. member of TheRingFinders.

*** Mindy’s friend dropped his gold wedding band in the dry sand at Crystal Cove State Beach, CA.  They tried to find it for over an hour. A passerby told her about the Ringfinders directory. After doing a google search she called me.

Crystal Cove is a short drive from where I live. I met her on the beach shortly after talking to her. Most the conversation was explaining how the metal detecting service works. Assuring her I could find the ring if they could stay at the general location.

We met on the beach and I found the ring after just a few swings of the metal detector. It’s not just a metal detector, it’s a state of the art detector that is able to work in highly mineralized beach sand and salt water to depths of 60 ft. 

They were very happy to have the sentimental gold ring returned after I seemed impossible to find before they had to return home. Not all beach searches are easy because many people don’t feel the ring slip off their fingers. Sometimes people leave the beach before discovering the ring is missing. Then if they are able to return to the beach , they can’t find the location. 

 Mindy and her friends were amazed at how fast the ring was found, they had no idea how effective a professional type metal detector was to find a small gold ring.

I am available to help you now.. Call anytime to ask any questions you have about how this service works .. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE..   949-500-2236

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring at a Volleyball Tournament .. Found with Metal Detector.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you lost jewelry in the sand or grass call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Jesse and his wife spent the day at Belmont Shores, Long Beach, CA. They were watching a volleyball tournament when his wife removed her wedding ring because it was a little uncomfortable. Before she could put in a safe place, she dropped it in the soft dry sand. A long search was unsuccessful. 

Two days later he found me on a google search. When he talked to me I was driving home from the west side of Los Angeles. My detectors were in the car so I was available to meet Jesse at the volleyball courts soon after discussing the location and how the loss occurred.

We both pulled up in the parking area and the volleyball court was only 50ft from where he parked. Even though it had been a couple days since the ring was dropped it showed up in my scoop after a few swings of the metal detector. It’s always easier to find a lost metal item if the person can put me in the general area. It’s not always possible for people to meet me at the location but with the help of photos, gps pin markers, google earth screen shots, and other landmarks we can conduct searches. 

It’s always special to see the surprised look on a person’s face when they see a sentimental ring or piece of jewelry come out of the sand when they had spent so much time looking for it..


Newport Beach Ring Finder Stan Ross .. Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call or Text Now .. 949-500-2136 .. Available Now .. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE