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Lost Engagement Ring Found Newark Delaware

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


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Testimonial from Angie on my facebook page!

« I had such an amazing experience today when John and his friend Rich came to look for my ring! I had lost all hope I’ve had someone else come to search for it before and I had such low expectations. I was just going to try it as a last resort but gosh am I glad I did! They started searching and I was watching for a bit just to see if they would get anything quickly. I then went to the grocery store with the kiddos because I needed to grab a few things. Rich texted me to see if I was coming back soon and told him I was checking out at the register. Came home and John told me that rich wanted to ask me a question. I said of course with baby in hand walking down the yard I saw John turn his GoPro on and at first I was kind confused then I come down and Rich walks up and asks to see my picture of my ring again. Then as soon as I show him he goes looks a lot like this one doesn’t it? And I full blown cried. I am so thankfully for them today. They did an absolutely amazing job and I am so beyond thankful. I cannot express it enough!! These guys will find it if you can’t! I promise you! Thank you again so much. »


Cherry Hill couple loses the symbol of their unity. Lost Engagement Ring and Wedding Band Found Margate NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Check out the story here:

Downbeach.com News Article


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The Ring Finders South Jersey Facebook Page

Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!

The Ring Finders South Jersey

Lost ring in the sand? Lost ring in the ocean? Lost your keys? Even a cellphone!

We are just a call away! Don’t wait!




Lost Ring North Miami Beach…Found

  • from North Miami Beach (Florida, United States)

My name is Craig,

I joined TheRingFinders to help people find their lost rings & sentimental items. If you need help finding something contact me ASAP…I’ll do my best to find what you thought was lost forever.

Ringfinder members featured in the Tigard, Oregon news!

Lost a ring on the beach?

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!

Man’s Silver Wedding Band Lost in the sand – Found North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a phone call from a third party asking if I’d contact Brian to possibly assist him in finding his Silver Wedding Band on the beach. I called Brian and he agreed that he wanted me to help in finding his ring so I jumped in the car and was there in about 15 minutes.

Brian and his wife gave me the details on what the ring looked like and the area of sand it should be in. I squared in the area, confirmed it and started doing my grid search. On my third line I got a strong signal, took a scoop of sand and shook it out and there was his very handsome ring. I called him over, held out the scoop and let him take the ring out. He gave a big fist pump and his family broke out in applause. His bride had a big smile on her face and gave him a kiss – what a moment!!!!!

This was a text book recovery thanks to Brian getting the ball rolling as soon as he lost his ring that resulted in a very happy ending!!!

Brian – thank you for the generous reward. Hope you and your family have a safe and relaxing vacation.

Remember – if you’ve lost your ring, jewelry or other treasure contact a member of the Ring Finders as quickly as possible.

Thank you for reading my Blog.

Jim Wren


Miracle find on 20th Ave N., North Myrtle Beach

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a phone call about mid-morning from Michelle asking if I could help find her son’s black and silver medallion on a silver chain that was very sentimental to him that he lost the day before. She had originally called Chris Turner who told her to look for a TRF in her area. She then called Matt Fry, TRF for Myrtle Beach and Matt gave her my number since the loss was in North Myrtle Beach.

I got the description of the medallion and the location of the loss and headed out. I met Michelle and her son on the beach about 20 minutes later and they gave me the general area where the medallion was lost after a towel the item was laying on was picked up and shaken. I started working a north/south grid which was almost impossible as the beach crowd started showing up with their umbrellas and beach chairs laying claim to spots in the sand. I covered as much area as I could without disturbing anyone and decided I’d return in the early evening when the vacationers would be off the beach.

This is where the story turns into a real “Serendipity” (as defined by Wikipedia). I arrived back on the beach at about 5pm, which was an hour earlier then I had told Michelle I’d be there. As I’m walking down the narrow beach access path, which was not the same one I had originally taken on my first visit, I passed a gentleman (Jimmy) who wished me luck. I told him I was there searching for an item that I had gotten a call from someone on. He asked me if I was searching for a black and silver medallion and silver chain with a date engraved on the back. I replied I was and he told me he and his wife saw a little glisten in the sand when they arrived and pulled it out of the sand. He said he took it to his room to turn in at the front desk a little later. I about fell over at this point. I called Michelle and had her verify the engraved date and told her the story which she just couldn’t believe. She called it a miracle. I put Jimmy on the phone so he and Michelle could work out the details of returning the medallion.

This is an unbelievable story that has to go down as Michelle put it – a miracle. What’s the odds of me walking down this particular path instead of the other one, running into this one beachgoer out of the thousands that come and go on this beach in a day and us exchanging conversation to find this item? Plus I don’t think Michelle and her family are staying in the same hotel as Jimmy and his wife, so if that’s the case Michelle’s son would not have gotten the medallion back. Also if I hadn’t run into Jimmy I’d of been out on the beach for a long time searching for something that wasn’t there.

I may not have personally picked this item out of the sand but I bumped into the one guy who did and because we met the goal of The Ring Finders of getting a lost item back into the hands of the rightful owner and putting a BIG smile on their face was obtained.

Michelle – Thank you for the generous reward!!!

Thank you for reading my post.

Jim Wren

Lost Wedding Band Found at Jericho Beach, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Summer is knocking at the door/beach already! The temperature will be in the high 80’s for the next 10 days and people are hitting the beach hard!

That being said I got a call yesterday about a lost wedding band at Jericho beach, it was lost in the ocean and they looked for an hour with no luck and the young man’s wife came back the next day and spent another hour or more searching at low tide…No luck!

Thankfully the lifeguard passed the young couple my rack card and told them about… TheRing Finders.com

I met Chris at the beach this morning around 9am and he showed me the location the ring was lost at and because I had to wait a couple of hours for the tide to go out he hit the road for a bike ride.

I hunted the beach dry & wet sand for a while and found 7 $2.00 coins and 2 $1.00 coins and some dimes & quarters.

About an hour later I hit the water and found Chris’ tungsten carbide wedding band in about 8-10 minutes at chest deep water.

I love my jog!


The Ring Finders











Chris told me he was married only 8 months and he really wanted his ring back! Yes you can always buy another ring but its not the same! Not the ring you got married with!





Chris’s Ring












Every ring has a story! Contact a member of TheRingFinders.com and you will have a 2nd chance to find what you thought was lost forever!

View Video of each below.


You Lost Your Ring in the Bathroom???

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

You Lost You Ring in the Bathroom???Lost Ring in the Bathroom????

We received an email from a gentleman named Les, he said that he was changing clothes in his apartment bathroom and when he went to pull his shirt over his head his wedding ring slipped off and hit the floor.  He said he actually heard it hit the floor.  He decided to finish dressing and then find the ring.  Mind you this is a very small apartment bathroom.

Les looked and looked for the ring, he and his wife checked everywhere.  They even had the maintenance men come and move their washer and dryer in the attached room to see if the ring was underneath.  Les lost his ring on his ONE MONTH wedding anniversary.  It has been 3 months since the ring went missing and he found « The Ring Finders » on the internet.  He lives literally 5 minutes from my home.

My wife, Ellen, and I arrived about 7pm not really believing we would have much luck.  Metal detectors are not of much use inside a home let alone a small apartment bathroom.  But Les was so nice and asked us to try so we agreed.  We took our Garrett Pinpointers and our Detection Camera Scope.  Upon seeing the size of the bathroom we knew it had to have bounced somewhere strange.

      In looking at the bathroom we found a small open lip under the cabinet where the kick plate is. It was only a 1-1/2 inch opening that I could not even get my hand into, I got out my 3ft Detection Camera scope and worked it into the slot, nothing at first but on the second side, there in the dark glowing under the light from the camera scope was Les’s Platinum Wedding Band.   I said, ‘hey Les, take a look at my detection screen, is that your Ring?’  He was so excited, he and I had to break loose the baseboard under the sink in order to reach it.  He hollered for his wife, « they found It, they found it! »  Another successful hunt for « The Ring Finders ».

Don & Ellen Wilson

Dallas, Texas

Lost Breitling Watch in the Ocean at Kits Beach, Vancouver BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Well this was a first for me in the 18 years I’ve been offering this service here in Vancouver… Two watch searches in less then 24 hours, the first was for a Rolex that was lost in the ocean and I found that one and this search for a Breitling…Both high quality watches and both I have owned back in the day so I understood how hard that must have been on both of them.I received a call from a young man that went on to explain that he lost his Breitling Transocean at the beach a few days ago and he wanted to know if I could help. Time is always a factor and watches are easy to spot so I explained that someone could have already found the watch. Well after seeing the area the watch was lost in I decided to come back at 3am to search the low tide where he thought it was lost at…After setting up my glow sticks  on the shore so I’d have a reference markers to line up with I started my grid search. After 1 1/2 hours in the dark I received a good strong signal and as I looked into my sand scoop I saw the watch! I felt so happy that I found the watch and that I’d get to text him a picture for him to see when he woke up. Thank you very much for the kind reward Aviv!I have the greatest job in the world! I love my Job! Lost something?Call me ASAPYou can watch the video on the link below…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGJ5o0eYZe0