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Lost Rolex Watch at 3rd Beach at Stanley Park, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

        I got  call and an email and a text message in regards to a lost Rolex Watch at 3rd beach in Stanley Park last night. The young man as you could imagine was pretty upset and found my service on the internet a day after he lost his watch.  He went back with a rake and searched the water but no luck.I called Patrick and told him that low tide was around 4 am and I’d like to meet him at 2am to start the search as the tide was going out.I met patrick in North Vancouver at 2am and we drove to 3rd beach to search for his Rolex. When we got to the beach Patrick showed me the area he thought the watch was at. It was a pretty  big area and the fact it was black out it was hard for him to pinpoint the exact area.I started the grid search with the help of Patrick who stood on the shoreline with a flashlight so I could use that as my reference point…After 45 minutes in about waste deep water we were rewarded with a beautifully  Rolex watch in my water scoop!I let out a yell that got Patrick very excited and when I got to shore I put the watch in his hand… This watch was very special  as he bought it after he graduated from carpentry school 3 years ago…Thank you very much Patrick for the generous reward! I will be donating 15 % of the reward money to Children’s Hospital as I do with all my recoveries.I love my job!Lost something?Call me ASAP!Watch the video of the recovery on the link below…

Lost Stainless Steel Wedding Band at 3rd Beach Stanley Park…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










I received a call the other day in regards to a lost Stainless Steel wedding band that a young man had lost at 3rd beach in Stanley Park, Vancouver.

I met up with the man and his friend and they told me the story how they were throwing a frisbee and when he came out of the water the ring was gone.

These searches can take a while because you have to set the grid until you get in the right area and I did get in the right area after 30 minutes…

I love my job and I love to see the smiles after you find what you’re looking for…I’ll never get tired of this job!

Thank you Sean for the kind reward!


Lost something?

Call me ASAP

Watch the video on the link below…








Diamond Wedding Band Found at Quonochontaug Beach, Charlestown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call from Lisa after she had lost her diamond wedding band while vacationing with her husband in their favorite RI fishing and camping spot.  She contacted me through The Ring Finders website.  Lisa had been collecting quahogs in a marshy area of a salt water pond, digging them with her bare hands from a raft.  When she finished, she realized that she had lost her ring somewhere in the mucky bed of the pond.  Lisa’s husband, Erik, led me to the remote area in the hopes of recovering his wife’s ring; however, Lisa did not hold out much hope of ever seeing the ring again.  After searching for five hours and just before we were ready to leave, I found the ring in my last scoop of the day.  I put the ring in my pocket, not letting on that it had been located.  After reaching the shore, I pulled out the assorted junk I had dug up. The last item I revealed was the ring.  Lisa and Erik were ecstatic!  They could not believe that it had been found!  Bringing such happiness to this nice couple quickly made the long search worthwhile.



Lost Diamond and Pink Sapphire Ring Arlington Heights (Reunited)

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call to locate a new 14K white gold ring with diamonds and pink sapphires. The ring was just given to her two days ago by her husband. Not sure if she lost it while gardening at her home in Arlington Heights, IL.  or at other locations. Could also be at other locations in the yard. Just knew it was lost. About 30 minutes into the search in her garden….Bling!! and I mean BLING!

Less than 30 seconds ring found at Montrose Beach chicago, Il

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

I received a call from a young man who had just lost his new wedding band at the volleyball court at Montrose Beach.

He and his wife had just been married two weeks ago and were having a picnic with their friends. On the way over he asked his wife where her rings were and she said that because they were going to the beach she left them home…..Well I got the call.

Literally on the first swing of the coil, I had a tone. I swept back to verify, and dug. BINGO!

His comment…. »THATS IMPRESSIVE »

There were so many cameras taking pictures, I felt like a rock star.

It’s great to be a Ring Finder.

Diamond Ring Found at Kelly Beach, Bonnet Shores, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

After locating me through The Ring Finders’ website, Paul contacted me a few days ago about a ring he had lost while swimming at a Rhode Island beach.  This ring was precious to Paul.  It was a beautiful gold ring with five diamonds that his mom had given to his dad on their 25th wedding anniversary–the diamonds signified their five children.  Before Paul’s dad passed away 11 1/2 years ago, he gave the ring to Paul, the oldest of the five children, who never took it off.  That is until 12 days ago when he lost it while swimming.  I met Paul at the beach early this morning when I could take advantage of the low tide.  Within 20 minutes, in knee-deep water, I located the ring about 8 inches deep in the sand.  Paul couldn’t believe it!  He was thrilled to have this special ring returned to him.  Thank you Paul for this opportunity.  I was so happy to be able to return this keepsake to you and your family!

White Gold Wedding Band recovered in Trippe Creek in Easton, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Success once again! This time my buddy and I found ourselves back in the water looking for this target. I have to be honest, after 20 minutes or so of searching this creek bed I really thought we would be skunked for the first time since joining The Ring Finders. The bottom of the creek was not only muddy, but it was extremely SOFT! So much so that every step we took put us 6-9 inches deep in the clay-like bottom. What was worse, when we went to scoop a potential target, we sunk another 6-12 inches! It was like searching in quicksand. One slightly off scoop attempt could push the ring down into no man’s land making recovery impossible at that point. We decided a few minutes later that we would give it another 20-30 minutes and admit defeat if we were unsuccessful at that point. Luckily, a few more minutes of searching I got a good audible signal and made a very careful scoop attempt and……..well, I’ll let Denise tell you her story!

Up the creek!


My son was kayaking with my nephew in Trippe Creek near our house in Easton, Maryland.  Men will be boys, and they started cutting up and tipped over the kayak. His wedding ring (which should have been sized better) slipped off his finger in 4 or so feet of water.  He could not find it.  He was in serious trouble with his wife and was quite upset with himself.


The next day I searched online to find someone who had equipment for us to buy or rent or perform the search for us.  I found The Ring Finders website and called the person with the address closest to our home and it was Jim.  He agreed to come out on Sunday with his friend.


He asked us to try to narrow the search area as much as possible.  So, when they arrived on Sunday we had lined up my mom who had witnessed the incident and with my son on phone (he had already returned to his home out of state) we outlined a search area. The guys were patient, polite, and friendly. They were thorough in the search, and after almost 45 minutes in the water, Jim found the ring. Even they were amazed to find it, as it was in the muddy floor of the creek in almost 4 feet of water.  I would highly recommend to anyone as Jim says, they have 100% success rate.



Easton, Maryland

Returning the ring to Denise


A happy Denise!


The « thought to be lost forever » band.

Lost Wedding Ring in the Ocean at Jericho Beach, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

 I got a call last week from a young man who I learned is from Peru and he told me that he had lost his wedding ring in the ocean at Jericho Beach in Vancouver. He felt pretty sick about the whole thing but he did something not many people do and that is make a note of the location where he lost the ring …This is a great thing to do as it gives me a chance to narrow down the search area and concentrate in a smaller area. As you can only imagine how hard it is to find something so small in such a big ocean makes it a bit of a challenge.   Floyd met me at the beach the second day and showed me the approximent area and that helped tremendously as I was in the wrong area the first time out.This morning I was determine to get out there at low tide and find that ring for the young man. After 3 hours and hardly a signal I got what I was looking for…a great signal… As I scooped up my target I saw that beautiful yellow colour that I was visualizing the whole time I was out there.I have the greatest job and my office is always amazing. It was nice meeting you Floyd and I was thrilled to be able to help you find what you thought was lost forever. I love my job!Lost Something?Call me ASAP! Watch the video of the search on the link below…

Lost Gold Ring at Simco Park in New Westminister, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Over two weeks ago I was in touch via email in regards to doing a search at a park not to far from me,  for a lost gold band. Because of both of our schedules we didn’t meet up until this evening.

When I met with David he told me the story of where he thought the ring might be, but he wasn’t sure if it was there or not, as he felt someone could have found it or maybe it was lost some where else.



We discussed the search and I started to do my grid with the hope of finding his ring. This Ring was given to David by his father and he was going to wear it when he gets married this December.

I was into my grid search for 30 when I got a good hit on my V3I, I bent down with my pinpointer and after I moved the grass I could see the outline of his gold ring…



I was so happy that it was found and I called David and his girlfriend over and I have to say I have the best job in the world! I get to make people smile and I love it.

I Love My Job!

Lost Something?


Call me ASAP!


Watch the video of the search below.

Lost Palladium Wedding Band at a Baseball Field in Vancouver, BC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was driving home from two earlier searches when I received a call in regards to a young man’s lost wedding band that was made out of palladium.

The young man told me that he lost it the night before and searched with some friends but didn’t find it. When I showed up at the park there were kids everywhere…Summer soccer camps and other events but that didn’t stop us for asking if we could search the area,  the coaches were kind enough to let us search…



After 30 minutes of searching in a high potential area that John felt the ring could be in, I moved to the fence where it made sense to John and I that the ring could be in that area due to taking off his glove after the innings…




There it was in the long grass not far from a dirt patch and I was delighted to see it looking back up at me! You see John was just about to leave to go back to work, so the timing was perfect to surprise him! That I did…


I love my Job!

Thanks for the kind reward John!

15% of all money I make from my rewards goes to Children’s Hospital


Watch the video below for this recovery…