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Lost ring found in Crystal Lake Benzie County, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

Received a call from Max on Friday he had lost his Platinum wedding band in Crystal Lake on Wednesday. He was on the lake for a day of fun boating with the family. He was throwing a football and swimming just having a relaxing day. They had pulled the boat up on a sand bar in 4 feet of water about 50 yards off shore. The next morning he noticed his ring was missing.

I met him at the closest spot to the location on shore. He got permission to cross private property for me to get to the search area. The search area was very large and not having an exact spot the boat was anchored. Plus the wind was blowing directly into the shoreline with waves about 1 to 1 1/2 foot high and winds 15-20 mph. Max had to fly home the next day back to California and wanted to try to get the ring before flying back home. The boat was anchored in water about 4 feet deep. He pointed me in the direction of the area they anchored the boat in. Searched the area for 3 hours and the waves were growing. After the second wave went over my head, I decided to stop for the night and wait till the winds either died down or change direction. Called Max back and told him the plan and he did not want me to go back he was happy with my effort. I was not happy yet till the area had been completely searched.

Waited till Sunday and the wind was blowing off shore and the surface was calm.  I had asked Max to text me any pictures the group had facing the shoreline. In the background of one of the pictures, I noticed a small pine tree lining up with a window frame on a house. On the other side of the picture in the background the land owners property I had to cross had a boat on a lift. The support for the canopy lined up with the windshield on the boat. I used those 2 points to triangulate a starting boat position. Max had stated he was in an area about 100 foot circle around the boat.  So, I started the second search from the area I could not get to Friday due to the waves. I used snowplow stakes to mark a grid area and found the ring about 20 feet away from the Triangulated spot I had marked.

Shipped the ring to Max in California and I’m happy to help out.

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

The White Gold Diamond Ring was lost on a farm. After performing many hours of searching over two days, the ring was found and return to the owner. They were very happy to have the ring return to them.

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Newark, OH. “FOUND”



Lost Gold Wedding Band @ William D Cuts School, Larose Drive, St. Albert. Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Neil requested my services this afternoon in finding his lost wedding band which he had lost on Sunday. He had taken his ring off and placed it in the side pocket of his soccer bag with his keys and when the game was over he took his keys out and walked back to his car.   When he arrived home the ring was not in his bag and he figured that the ring would have fallen out when he took his keys out.

Neil and his wife spent a couple of hours yesterday searching for the ring with no luck.  He then went on Facebook looking to rent a metal detector and a reporter  from the local newspaper saw it.   This reporter had done a story about me a couple of years ago, contacted him and recommend him to get in touch with me.

I called Neil and met  him at the school half an hour later. He showed me the area and the direction he walk from the field. Five minutes later  I had his ring back on his finger.

Another happy client!

Thank you Neil



Wedding band returned with help from Google Map of Cape Cod

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 12,2018

Contacted via E-mail for a lost ring at a small private beach. No parking available so a hike was in order from a town beach. The first night showed no sign of a ring. With Google Earth map in hand, Jim and I headed back the second night and expanded the area of our search. A bit of confusion on which Sunday and which “little” jetty and if the jetty could be seen at high tide kept us guessing. No need to make any more guesses; as I was was about to leave the original search area after 5 hours of searching the area the ring said it had had enough and reluctantly crawled into my scoop. YES, the search was over. Return was arranged via the USPS, delivered and waiting photos.

On to the next search and return adventure…

Lost Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Set in Ocean .. Newport Beach, CA. . Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Jasmine called me four hours after losing both her gold /diamond engagement and wedding ring set in waist deep water at Newport Beach, CA.  She was home now, 50 miles from the beach. Jasmine could barely talk with out crying. It happen at a high tide which gave us a chance to find the rings at the next low tide (4:30am).

As we talked I believed I knew exactly where she had been when the loss occurred. I tried to be realistic about our chances to find the rings. I told The we had a 50/50 chance to find the rings because of the ever changing sand conditions. I’m so glad she sent me a photo of the large rock she had been near when she felt the two rings slip off her finger.  I would have waisted my time going to the wrong location. My plan was to start the search an hour before they met me the next morning at 6:00am.

I had to walk down a hillside walkway as the beach parking isn’t open till 6:00am.  After finding the large rock ( half the size of a house), I started my grid now that it was low tide. Walk straight out on the north of the rock.Just as I got to ankle deep water I got my first signal. “Boom” the big 1.7 ct. diamond engagement ring. Three feet away another much fainter signal but it was a solid tone and it was the yellow gold wedding band with diamonds. 

I met Jasmine and her husband John in the parking lot where I ask her to point out the rock and describe the rings. 

Then I immediately held up her rings. Tears of joy and John kept saying over and over “ I can’t believe it” He almost didn’t come to  meet me because he believed it was impossible to find rings lost in the waves for almost 18 hours.

We had a great talk and they were home probably before 10:00am to enjoy the rest of the day. These ring searches in the ocean surf seem to be successful in cycles. I’ve had several recoveries in a row but then there have been times when they just don’t want to be found, sometimes the people are not sure when or if the ring came off in the water. Also there are times when Mother Nature just will not co-operate, the sand and currents can not be predicted.  You can’t find them if you don’t try.

If you have lost your ring or other sentimental keepsake, please contact me ASAP. You will not be bothering me. I will answer the phone 24/7. Our chances of finding your valuable metal keepsake are greatly increased if we can discuss it as soon as possible.


Lost Heirloom Gold Ring at the Beach in Sand .. Recovered Next Day

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
















I received a call from John Paul, asking how TheRingFinders service works. He was curious if I could help him find a ring that his friend , Jason had lost on the beach.  I explained to him hoe well metal detectors can find rings if he could get me to the general area. 

John Paul has recently move to California from back east. He and his friends had rented these electrics scooters that are very popular at SoCal beach cities. They are set up with an app on his cellphone that gave him the exact location of where the parked the scooters at midnight. When they walked out on the sand to take a quick swim in the ocean. Jason put his heirloom gold ring in his had on the upper beach and forgot to take it out when they finished.

The next morning Jason realized the special ring that had been passed down for more than three generations was somewhere on the beach. He was devastated and sure it was impossible to find. His friend John Paul went to the internet to inquire about metal detector information. That’s how he contacted me. I told him we could give it a try but it would be couple hours till I could meet him.

That was perfect with him and we met and he showed me the possible location. He was not sure and that was ok with me because I have learned that many people can’t remember where they were on these large sandy beaches. I eliminated aloud 400 square feet of dry sand finding a few coins before getting the magic gold tone I was listening for. One scoop was what it took to find Jason’s ring only 3 inches under the soft sand. John Paul was ecstatic breaking into big smile. Jason was not there, he had total given up staying back at the house. So, John Paul,immediately called Jason with the good news. It was John Paul’s persistence and caring for his friend that made this turn out to be a special event that makes me grateful to be a member of TheRingFinders.

Lost Silver & Gold Ring Found In South Bethany Beach Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/08/18, I received a call from Shanti requesting my help in finding her silver & gold ring that had been lost on the beach in South Bethany Beach Delaware. Shanti asked if I was available to come to the beach to search for her ring right away because the tide was coming in. I told Shanti that I would be at the beach in about twenty minutes to look for her ring. When I arrived at the beach, Shanti told me that she had placed her ring in a pocket of her shorts which had been laid on a beach chair. Shanti said that the beach chair and the shorts had been moved from their original location on the beach to a second location and that after the chair and shorts had been moved her ring was no longer in the pocket of her shorts. Shanti said that the ring could be in the sand at either of the two locations. I began the search for the ring at the original location and as I started to swing my detector the ring revealed itself buried at about an inch in the sand. The ring was recovered and returned to its rightful owner. Shanti was delighted to have her ring back.

Lost 1951 Georgetown University College Ring Found In Rehoboth Beach Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/01/18, I received a call from William regarding the loss of a 1951 Georgetown University Class Ring. The ring had been lost on the beach in the town of Rehoboth Beach Delaware. William requested my help in locating the ring. William was not sure if the ring had fallen off of his finger at the edge of the water while he was rinsing off his child or if it had been lost in the sand in the area that they had been sitting. I told William that I would be able to meet him at the beach later in the day so that I could search for his lost ring. Upon arriving at the beach and making contact with William I learned that the lost ring had belonged to his grandfather and that his grandfather had passed away earlier in the year. William, his father and I walked down to the beach where William showed me the area that he had been sitting on the beach and also the area where he had been in the water. Upon searching the area where William had been sitting I found nothing except a penny and a small piece of metal. I then turned my attention to the edge of the water at which time I located the ring in the wet sand buried about six inches down. I removed the ring from my sand scoop and handed it to William at which time he shouted out « he found my lost ring » and there was a cheer from the crowd on the beach. William asked me to come back to residence where he was staying because his mother wanted to thank me for finding the lost ring as the ring had belong to her father. Upon arriving at the residence Williams mother thanked me and told me that I was her hero.

Ring lost in La Jolla Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

What I thought was going to be an easy search and return didn’t exactly work out that way. I’ll let Edie tell her story……….

« We called Mark after hunting for 5 days for my ring.  One evening I was tossing out two old oranges into the ivy-covered hillside behind our house and above our back patio.  My hands were a bit wet and unfortunately this loosened up a very special ring that I’ve worn on my index finger for over 20 years.  So when I was throwing out the second orange – my ring flew off along with the orange! Horror of horrors!!  I only saw it like a split-second whir going off slightly to the left of the two oranges. Didn’t see exactly where it landed, only an approximate area.  We hunted for several hours that night, and then on and on for 5 days, including after we bought a Pin-Pointer metal detector. The vines are very thick, though not too deep underneath them, and the vegetation has been there for decades on a rather steep hillside….  Mark looked everywhere for over an hour, even trying all of his highly sensitized equipment and doing a simulated test of my throw to approximate where the ring might have fallen.  He was very patient and calm the whole time, but even he was finally ‘running out of options,’ as he said.  Then he went up the hillside one last time, and further up and further to the left than we had ever considered it could go.  There it was lying on the ground in perfect condition, not even encased in dirt.  I had not expected to see the ring ever again, but Mark persisted in his search and continued to look beyond where we thought it could be.  We are very grateful to Mark for coming the morning after we called him and for being so persistent in his search.  We recommend him highly to anyone who has lost a ring or any other valuable metal object. »

I couldn’t have said it better myself!  The ring was found at the top of the hill in the upper right of the photo. About 4 feet from the back fence. Quite a nice throw Edie! A pleasure to meet you and your husband Jim. Thank you for the generous reward! 



Lost Wedding Ring Victoria B.C. Recovered and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

Monday June 18th  Jon and Cheryl were at Langford Lake boat ramp teaching their dog to swim. Jon told me, I do remember feeling it slip off when the dog I was holding started to swim towards shore. I remember my feet in the muck but I was facing the shore. I tried diving down when it happened and maybe I buried it with all the commotion. It’s platinum – not sure if that makes it harder to detect or not.
Cheryl contacted me June 26th, “Don can you help, My husband of just 9 months lost his wedding ring. »
I started searching that afternoon, After three failed attempts to recover this heirloom platinum wedding ring I returned one more time, it was bugging me that I was not able to recover and return this ring.
Well persistence paid off, found it and returned to a very happy couple.

I love my job.