Lost Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Set in Ocean .. Newport Beach, CA. . Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Jasmine called me four hours after losing both her gold /diamond engagement and wedding ring set in waist deep water at Newport Beach, CA.  She was home now, 50 miles from the beach. Jasmine could barely talk with out crying. It happen at a high tide which gave us a chance to find the rings at the next low tide (4:30am).

As we talked I believed I knew exactly where she had been when the loss occurred. I tried to be realistic about our chances to find the rings. I told The we had a 50/50 chance to find the rings because of the ever changing sand conditions. I’m so glad she sent me a photo of the large rock she had been near when she felt the two rings slip off her finger.  I would have waisted my time going to the wrong location. My plan was to start the search an hour before they met me the next morning at 6:00am.

I had to walk down a hillside walkway as the beach parking isn’t open till 6:00am.  After finding the large rock ( half the size of a house), I started my grid now that it was low tide. Walk straight out on the north of the rock.Just as I got to ankle deep water I got my first signal. “Boom” the big 1.7 ct. diamond engagement ring. Three feet away another much fainter signal but it was a solid tone and it was the yellow gold wedding band with diamonds. 

I met Jasmine and her husband John in the parking lot where I ask her to point out the rock and describe the rings. 

Then I immediately held up her rings. Tears of joy and John kept saying over and over “ I can’t believe it” He almost didn’t come to  meet me because he believed it was impossible to find rings lost in the waves for almost 18 hours.

We had a great talk and they were home probably before 10:00am to enjoy the rest of the day. These ring searches in the ocean surf seem to be successful in cycles. I’ve had several recoveries in a row but then there have been times when they just don’t want to be found, sometimes the people are not sure when or if the ring came off in the water. Also there are times when Mother Nature just will not co-operate, the sand and currents can not be predicted.  You can’t find them if you don’t try.

If you have lost your ring or other sentimental keepsake, please contact me ASAP. You will not be bothering me. I will answer the phone 24/7. Our chances of finding your valuable metal keepsake are greatly increased if we can discuss it as soon as possible.


1 Comment »

One Reply to “Lost Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Set in Ocean .. Newport Beach, CA. . Found with Metal Detector”

  1. Griff dit :

    Great work Stan!! All the forces were working in your favor this time.

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