Lost Heirloom Gold Ring at the Beach in Sand .. Recovered Next Day

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
















I received a call from John Paul, asking how TheRingFinders service works. He was curious if I could help him find a ring that his friend , Jason had lost on the beach.  I explained to him hoe well metal detectors can find rings if he could get me to the general area. 

John Paul has recently move to California from back east. He and his friends had rented these electrics scooters that are very popular at SoCal beach cities. They are set up with an app on his cellphone that gave him the exact location of where the parked the scooters at midnight. When they walked out on the sand to take a quick swim in the ocean. Jason put his heirloom gold ring in his had on the upper beach and forgot to take it out when they finished.

The next morning Jason realized the special ring that had been passed down for more than three generations was somewhere on the beach. He was devastated and sure it was impossible to find. His friend John Paul went to the internet to inquire about metal detector information. That’s how he contacted me. I told him we could give it a try but it would be couple hours till I could meet him.

That was perfect with him and we met and he showed me the possible location. He was not sure and that was ok with me because I have learned that many people can’t remember where they were on these large sandy beaches. I eliminated aloud 400 square feet of dry sand finding a few coins before getting the magic gold tone I was listening for. One scoop was what it took to find Jason’s ring only 3 inches under the soft sand. John Paul was ecstatic breaking into big smile. Jason was not there, he had total given up staying back at the house. So, John Paul,immediately called Jason with the good news. It was John Paul’s persistence and caring for his friend that made this turn out to be a special event that makes me grateful to be a member of TheRingFinders.

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