how to find a lost ring in sand Tag | The Ring Finders

Ring lost at Pacific Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Kentrel was playing a game of Frisbee football in the dry sand at the beach. Afterward, he discovered his ring was missing from his finger. He looked all about without success, headed home to hopefully discover that maybe he hadn’t brought it to the beach that day. Nope, it was still missing. A friend recommended he try and find a metal detector and he ended up at website and my contact info. We arranged to meet in about 45 minutes, so, I grabbed my gear and headed out. We met, Kentrel explained the situation, and he showed me the probable search area, which was fairly good sized. Might take 1-2 hours to cover it completely. That beach gets detected a lot, so, there were hardly any targets which helped me move along faster than usual. After about 45 minutes, and only a few junk targets, I got a nice « round sound », looked down, and could just see the edge of a gold ring. Yes! I called Kentrel over to take a look and he confirmed that it was the one. A happy Kentrell could now relax and enjoy the rest of the day. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.


Hand Made Ring From Santorini Lost On Honeymoon Island, Florida…Found By Dunedin Ring Finder!!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)

Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder

“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!

Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach including the water or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Don’t waste time and money purchasing or renting your own metal detector to try to find your lost item. Please contact me ASAP at (843) 995-4719 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

Thank you, Heather for writing this testimonial:

“Laurel – Rhode Island
Beth – Connecticut
Heather and Allison – KY

We are on a girls trip. Laurel and Beth have been best friends for over 50 years. Beth is Allison’s mom and Heather is her best friend for over 10 years.

23 years ago Laurel was in Greece and in the small town of OIA on the island of Santorini They found this ring. The jeweler said he only had one. They told him they would only buy it if he would make them one more and ship it. That is exactly what the jeweler did. She realized that her ring was gone Thursday night and searched the room and house to try to find it. In the morning she let the rest of us know and we did another sweep of the house and the car. Beth and Laurel went to the restaurant we had lunch at and searched. The staff was so kind and searched too. Laurel and a kind teenager went under the deck and searched for the ring. Allison went online to find the number for the restaurant we ate at the night before. Heather found the state parks Facebook page and wrote a comment asking if any found a ring. We went in our boat tour and had lunch. When we got back Heather checked her messages and Steve Thomas had sent me a message. Then the magic happened and throughout many questions, Steve Thomas found the ring!!!”

Laurel, Beth, Heather and Allison, it was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for contacting Steve Thomas, Dunedin Ring Finder to help you find Laurel’s precious ring! And thank you for the generous reward for grandsons Tillman and Anson’s college funds!

Kind woman with dementia lost ring while gardening

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I received a call from the niece of a kind older woman who lives in a lovely mid-century modern home designed by Joseph Eichler. #housegoals
She told me that her aunt had lost a ring while gardening but that she didn’t believe she knew where she actually lost it, due to dementia. My instinct was to trust « Eva » over the niece who just seemed to be annoyed by her aunt’s diminished mental faculties. And I am glad that I did.
The dirt was hard-packed but there were a few trees with ivy around the bases and one tree with a bench built in a square around the base. This was the spot Eva thought she lost the ring. When she told me that I caught the niece’s eyes, she rolled them and walked away. I did a preliminary swing around the trees and benches with my small coil to get into the nooks and in to the ivy. Then I returned to the area where Anna said she lost the ring. Detecting along the fence line a glimmer of silver caught my eye and there it was! Her cherished Scandinavian silver ring lying just beneath the gap under the fence right next to where she knew it would be. She was right all along.


Gold Ring Lost While Gardening

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

A lovely couple reached out to me about a gold wedding band that had been lost while gardening in their backyard. I got their details and went to their house as soon as I could. I swung around their lovely backyard for a while in the area they thought it would be. I found a couple of coins and then came across the ring in a small pile of dirt that had been shoveled out of a hole while they were planting some new flowers. And voila! The ring was found. Such a joyous reaction!

Paladium Ring made for him by his wife!

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I received a call from fellow detectorist and ringfinder, Laura, who is located up in Marin County. She got a call for a lost ring at Montara Beach just south of Pacifica in San Mateo County and referred them to me as I am closer in proximity to Montara. I connected with Jenn and Zakk and planned to head out to the beach the following day. The atmospheric river had other plans for me though. I called off the hunt that day and, instead, headed out the next day when it was cold but nice and sunny.
What I found when I arrived at the beach was a HUGE cut caused by the torrential rain the day prior. It cut the beach in half and I worried that the ring may have been washed away.

Using the photos that they sent me, like a treasure map without the « X » marks the spot, I headed over the cut to the south end of the beach where they were fairly certain the ring had been lost. Because I had to go after work I knew I would be fighting the daylight. I texted Jenn asking for a few minor details to zero in on the exact spot and went to work swinging horizontally to the water, they perpendicularly, then extending the search area again horizontally and perpendicularly. Two hours later I had come up with nothing but false tones and a handful of carefully rolled up twist ties.
The sun had set and I was feeling defeated. I knew how important this ring was for them. They had take a class and each made a ring for the other from paladium so clearly the sentimental value of these rings far outweighed any monetary value (even though paladium is not cheap).
There was a second spot that they circled on the aerial photography they sent me. It was between the cut and the stairs that go up to the parking areas. Since it was dark and the trail I took down from the parking area was slippery with mud I decided to walk toward the stairs and try to swing through the second, less likely, location on my way out. It was very dark and the little light on my Legend was helpful but I took out my phone and used it’s flashlight for additional light. I swung as I walked toward the stairs until I got a loud signal ringing in my ears. Alas, it was only a bottle cap.
Thinking I was going to have to call them and tell them I hadn’t been able to recover the ring I walked a few feet closer to the stairs and suddenly a banging signal rang in my headphones. A split second later my eyes locked on a silver circle sticking out of the sand. I knew without question that this was the ring!
Excited I packed up my machine and walked up the stairs with Zakk’s ring on my index finger smiling and shaking my head. I had spent 2.5 hours out there searching for this ring and couldn’t believe my luck.

It is always disappointing when I can’t recover someone’s lost item. I don’t give up easily and often head back out the next day or next weekend to look again because defeat is not something I am willing to accept.

When I got back to my car I first sent photos and let her know I had found it. When I didn’t hear back right away I called Jenn, but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. I let her know that I had found it and to let me know how I should get it back to her.

Moments later she texted back, « OMG OMG OMG! »

She let me know they were in the process of putting their beloved dog down and my heart broke. I have been through losing my dogs 3 times in my adult life so far and it is the worst possible feeling. But knowing this made me even more grateful that I had found the ring for them. They were having a really shitty week and I was able to bring them some light in the darkness.

I kept the ring safe for a few days and we planned to meet Saturday at a restaurant a few minutes from my house. They drove in from the East Bay where they live and we met at The Ramp. I joined them a little late but they even bought me lunch and we sat there and talked for a couple of hours. We realized we have a lot in common – we like the same kind of television shows, including a lot of British programming – and Zakk was thinking about getting in to metal detecting now. If there is one thing I love, it’s corrupting new people into this wonderful, fun, interesting and educational hobby.

We tried several times to part ways and end our conversations, but kept finding more to talk about. And through all of this distraction and excitement I totally forgot to take a photo of the ring in the daylight and with Zakk and Jenn! Fortunately Jenn remembered and sent me a couple photos with the ring safely back on Zakk’s hand.

Ring recoveries are one of the most gratifying, special things a person can do with a metal detector. And I am thankful for every single person that puts their trust in me for this task.


Spring Lake NJ, Wedding Ring Lost in the sand, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Erin had posted on her local Facebook page about her husbands lost wedding ring on the beach, providing detailed information about the location. Several followers of NJ Ring Finder tagged me in the post, and Erin soon reached out for help. The first thing I advised her was to remove the location details to prevent anyone else from trying to hunt for it. By the time she contacted me, the ring had already been on the beach for 24 hours. Fortunately, I knew the area well—it wasn’t a frequently searched beach, so I felt confident the ring would still be there.

Since Erin had already returned home for the weekend, we arranged for me to meet her parents on the beach the following day. When I arrived, they met me on the boardwalk, and as we walked toward the location, they explained what had happened when the ring was lost. They were fairly certain about the general area, though it was a bit large, and if it wasn’t there, suggested it might be a few feet farther north, closer to the lifeguard chair.

I began methodically working my way back and forth through the marked area. As I passed by where Erin’s parents were sitting, her father pointed out some trash, seaweed, and shells that he remembered being there when the ring was lost. He was confident this was the exact spot. Just a few swings of my detector later, I got a nice low tone—one that very well could have been the ring. Sure enough, as I shook the sand out of my scoop, I heard the unmistakable clink of metal.

Erin’s parents were amazed that I found the ring, and with that, another happy ending to a weekend on the Jersey Shore!

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Great Grandmothers Heirloom Blue Diamond Ring Recovered From Ocean Post Hurricane See the Surprise Return to Owner.

  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

This was the hardest and my best recovery in 30 years metal detecting.  This heirloom rare blue diamond ring belonged to my clients great grandmother, who gave the ring to his grandmother, then to his mother who gave it to my client when he got married. It is a very rare blue diamond ring.  For the complete story and adventure of finding this incredible ring, please click on the 3 YouTube links.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: The Surprise Reaction of the Return:

Honest Metal Detecting Service NE Florida .. call or text for a professional metal detecting expert ..Don’t Wait, time is critical for recovery.  Text or call Adam 714-785-5111


  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Matt and his family were attending the New Year’s Day Dolphin Dip on Surf City beach. This event draws a large crowd to take a polar plunge into the cold Atlantic Ocean’s water. Matt removed necklace and stored it out of sight, and when it was time to leave, he left the area without his necklace. He returned a short time afterward to find dredge pipes laying where his family had their belongings.
This necklace holds great meaning for Matt. His grandfather purchased identical necklaces for the grandsons during a trip to Norway when Matt was just a boy. Being a boy, he lost his necklace shortly afterward. After Matt’s brother passed away, Matt began wearing his brother’s necklace in remembrance of both his brother grandfather.
Matt reached out to Crystal Coast Ring. dredge pipes had been moved, and a search began shortly. Though he wasn’t present, Matt provided detailed information and a of where to search. It wasn’t long before Matt’s valuable necklace was found.


  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Lani’s husband lost his black tungsten wedding band in a field near their home. They searched with and without a metal detector for a week. I got the call, and once I had an understanding of the job, made the 45-minute trip to the location. I met with Lani to go over the area where the ring was lost. I laid out a search area of about 1000 square feet. The first half was dry, the second had 1″ of water with the grass being about 4 inches tall. The whole area was trash-free, so all sounds were taken seriously.  About halfway thru the second half (the wet one) I got a strong 48 reading on my Garrett. Had to move grass and poke around with the pin-pointer for the ring.  Lani was very happy and so was I. Thank you, Lani, for the generous reward.


Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Volley Ball Court at Manhattan Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Renan contacted me right about sunset asking for help in finding his wedding ring. He had been playing volley ball when as he was striking the ball, his ring flew off of his finger. He, his wife, and friends searched for the ring, but were unable to find it. Also he was on vacation from Brazil, and was not cherishing the thought of leaving it in the USA when he returned home. I was available, and left right away.

When I arrived, it was already dark, but that is not a hindrance for a search at the beach. Renan took me over to the court, and showed me what he had done when striking the ball. I began by searching the most logical possible path the ring probably took when coming off of his hand. I searched just behind where he was standing, right where he was standing, and all the way to the other end of the court from where he was standing, and got nothing but a few pull tabs. At this time I decided to search the whole court, and 10 feet outside of it, searching both sides; nothing again. Now it was time to do a cross grid in order to insure I didn’t miss the ring because it was in a weird position. I began my cross grid on the side he was on originally, and when I got to the center of the court, which was behind and to his right (the ring was on the left hand) by 15 feet, I got a scratchy signal, dug, and scooped up a very thin gold ring. Renan’s friend came right over and identified the ring, and everyone rejoiced. He now can go home with his token of love for his wife of two years.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.