gold ring Tag | Page 23 of 28 | The Ring Finders

Lost Engagement Ring Sturgeon County Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Emma stating that she had lost her engagement ring in her yard on her acreage in about one foot of fresh snow.  Emma recalled that she had the ring when she came out of the house and that after doing her chores noticed that her ring missing. She searched for her ring for a couple of days but had no luck finding it so she did an internet search and was able to locate me on the web through the “ directory” and gave me a call.

When I arrived at her acreage Emma showed me approximately where she thought her ring was lost. I thought to myself that this search was going to be a challenge! (Mechanics Yard if you know what I mean) and as well, Emma had moved some snow around and pilled it on a tarp. I searched for 3 hours with no luck that day, I told Emma to call me once all the snow has gone from her yard as I would have a better chance of finding the ring.  Three weeks later Emma called me and told me that most of the snow had gone and would I come out to her acreage again. She informed me that she had rented a metal detector and with friends had hunted for several hours over the weekend with no luck. She was giving me another chance to find it and was prepared to go purchase another ring if I didn’t.

I headed out to her acreage and went to work searching the area again with no luck. Something was telling me to look beyond the area which she thought her ring might be. I searched for two more hours and there in a small patch of snow I found her ring. I can tell you she was one very happy lady when I called her over to her ring. It had been there lying in the snow for over one month!

Thank you, Emma, for giving me the opportunity to locate your lost engagement ring. I wish you all the best to you on your wedding day this summer.

Take care,

Norm Peters

Ring Found in Hills at Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand

  • from Wellington (New Zealand)
Sharon reunited with her ring

Sharon reunited with her ring

Sharon's ring deep in the grass

Sharon’s ring deep in the grass

Sharon was walking her dogs in the hills above her suburb when they were ambushed by another dog.  While attempting to separate the dogs one of her gold rings was flung off her finger and disappeared into very long grass somewhere downhill.

When we arrived it was drizzly and misty but Sharon’s bubbly personality meant the weather couldn’t put a damper on our mood and she couldn’t wait to show me where she had lost her ring.

Sharon took me to the exact spot where she had been standing.  A very large, prickly, gorse bush was very close and had me a bit worried but first to check out the long grass.

In less than 1 minute I got a faint signal.  I pressed down on the long grass and had trouble getting another beep and when it did it came back with a ferrous signal.  I thought it might have been a nail or barbed wire.  I used the pinpointer and tracked it about 6 inches right to the bottom of the tuft of grass, spread the blades and exposed a beautiful gold ring covered in diamonds.

There was an audible gasp from Sharon and as I looked up to see a beaming smile and then received a bear hug that nearly knocked me over.  Priceless.

Very generous reward – some of that will go to Life Flight Trust Rescue Helicopter.

Ring Found.. Balboa Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

At 6:30pm  I was detecting at Newport Beach, when I received a phone call from Monique. She spent the day at the beach near Balboa Pier. While putting on sunscreen she had lost a ring that belonged to her mother . She drove home, more than 30 miles from the beach, believing that the ring was lost forever. She found The RingFinders site on her computer and my cellphone number. Even though she was very distraught, she was able to give me a very good description of the area where she lost it. I was only two miles from Balboa and was able to drive to the area and found the ring within 25 minutes. I called Monique and we set up a meeting place and she had the ring by 8pm that same night.. I know she was very happy and for sure she slept well.                                      I also know that the area where she lost the ring is worked everyday with the beach sifting machine and many other people with metal detectors, so it was very important to be able to get there as soon as possible.

Monique sent me a thank you letter that she said I could share on my blog. Here is her story:

Dear Stan,

I can’t thank you enough for finding my mother’s ring.  This ring means so much to me as my mom passed away on December 17, 2012.  This ring was her favorite ring as she designed it her self from different rings she had and my dad who passed away on February 12, 2013 was the one who had it made for her.
My kids and I had spend the day at the beach.  My mom would always tell me to remove my rings when I put on cream, wash dishes or take a shower.  She said it would get dirty and my rings wouldn’t shine.  So, when she passed away I wanted to make sure I honored her wishes and I always take off her ring when I do any of these things.  I took off the ring to put on sun block and put it on my lap.  I must have got up for something and it must have fell.  We were at the beach for about 4 hours when I remembered it was in my lap. When I looked down it was gone.  My kids and I looked for over an hour.  We asked the life guard if he had a metal detector and he said no, but let us know people come with metal detectorsin the morning.  When I called my husband he said we had to go right away and wait for someone with a detector.  I gave up hope figured it was gone and I would never see it again.  I was so sad and mad.  I prayed at the beach it would be found and on the way home.
When I got home I was so sad crying and upset.  I looked up what to do when you lose your ring in sand and the Ring Finder website came up.  I wasn’t sure about it, but figured what do I have to lose the ring is already gone.  I called Stan and explained where I was at and he said he would get over there right away before anyone else worked the beach and before it was combed.
Not even an hour went by and Stan called me to let me know he had found the ring.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was shocked.  How was that even possible.  My husband and I met with Stan and he returned the ring.
Thank you Stan for your honesty.  I am so glad that there are people like you in this world. You are one of a kind.


Wedding Ring Found on Farm in Levin, New Zealand

  • from Wellington (New Zealand)
Dave's ring given to him by his grandfather

Dave’s ring given to him by his grandfather

Dave reunited with his grandad's ring

Dave reunited with his grandad’s ring

Dave was spending his Easter break doing some work around his friends farm in Levin.  They were clearing some scrub when Dave realized that his wedding ring was missing.  This was a very special ring as it had been engraved and given to him by his grandfather and he believes that it may have  belonged to his great grandfather originally.

When I got the call we took the 1 hour drive immediately, but arrived just as it began raining.  A welcome sight for the farmers as we have had a bit of drought this summer.  We all walked across the paddocks to the area where Dave and John had been cutting into the bush.

The grass was very long but had been trodden down where the men had been working.  I thought this was going to be a tough search but Dave was fairly sure where he had been working and there was no other metal in the ground.

I was about 1 metre outside the boundary that Dave had set when I put the metal detector to work.  I got an immediate and very clear signal.  I couldn’t believe that it could be that easy but when I lifted a layer of grass the ring revealed itself.

Big smiles and hugs all round.  No one could believe we could find it so easily.

My wife and I stayed for a lovely lunch with some lovely people.  The smiles were still on everyone’s faces as we departed and Dave gave us a very generous reward.

Gold Tiffany & Co. ring found in Aurora, Colorado park

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Jena Manning was visiting a friend in Aurora, Colorado. While their children played on the playground equipment the girls chatted and then Jena did something that is normally not in her nature, she tossed her gum into a nearby patch of juniper bushes. When she did this her Tiffany & Co. ring slipped off finger and followed the gum into the junipers. The two girls searched the junipers for several minutes with no success.

Jena sent me an email and we exchanged phone numbers and played phone tag for a couple of days. Finally we connected via phone and decided to meet so she could show me the location of her loss and for me to search bright and early Sunday morning. The search area was a large patch of knee high juniper bushes. I placed my 12” coil on my White’s V3i and began my search hoping that the ring was hung up on the branches of the juniper bushes. Trying to perform a grid search while walking through those bushes was not easy and though I did hear a couple of signals the ring was not found. I then placed a 4”x6” coil on my MXT and began to poke around the bushes. This was the only effective way to search this tangled mess of shrubbery. After a couple of hours search the ring was still hidden amongst the bushes and I needed to get going due to prior commitments. We made arrangements for me to meet Jena again the following Tuesday to continue the search.

Tuesday evening I arrived back at the site and began my search again. When Jena arrived I had her toss a ring with high visibility string attached a few times. The ring always made its way through the bushes and to the ground so that would mean that I needed to use my small coil and poke through the bushes. After a little over an hour of searching and finding only garbage I had Jena toss the ring and string a few more times. I noticed that a couple of her tosses were shorter than the others so I started searching a bit closer to the edge of the patch than my previous searches. Within a couple of minutes my V3i sounded off and there was Jena’s ring. Due to the rings design, basically gold chain mail, the ring gave an exceptionally low VDI number. Jena couldn’t believe that I had found her ring as she was beginning to give up. Luckily I don’t give up too easily or this ring would have never made its way back to where it belongs, on Jena’s finger.


Jena gets her ring back!


Not an easy find, a VDI of 3 due to the ring being chain mail style.

Ring found 3/19/2013.

Fireman Looses Grandfathers Wedding Band while Fighting Brush Fire, Fort Worth,Texas – Found!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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Fort Worth,Texas Fire Fighter Looses Grandfathers Wedding Ring in while Fighting Brush Fire!

On Friday afternoon we received a call from a Fort Worth fire fighter.  He said that he and his crew had been fighting a brush/fence fire behind a home where a woman had thrown out some 2-day old fireplace coals.  The coals had set the compost pile and fence and part of the yards of 2 homes on fire.  He said his buddy had lost his Grandfathers ring which he now wears as a Wedding Ring.  It was 3pm on Friday afternoon, they were 52 miles away across Dallas & Fort Worth and 5pm Friday afternoon traffic was a major contention.  I knew it would take a minimum of 2 hours to drive there so I asked if we could come on Saturday due to traffic, but the young firefighter had panic in voice and ask us to please come.

How can you say ‘no’ to a Fire Fighter?  It took us nearly 3 hours to get there due to the heavy traffic.

He was waiting for us when we arrived and explained that he had been inside the backyard of the home and was knocking out the burning fence slats with the palm of his hand while fighting the fire.   He knew exactly where he was standing (in the wet, smelly compost pile) when it came off, and it was lightly raining… Get the picture?, pretty much a yuck site.

With a desperate customer, our Garrett equipment and rubber boots we went to work.  Thinking the ring flew off some distance into the field behind the home, we searched everywhere.  Eliminating nails, iron, junk, etc. doing everything we could to find the ring.   After an hour it was starting to get dark and everyone was loosing hope my wife went back into the backyard and began slowly going through the compost pile with her detector and pinpointer.  Understand this compost pile was about 18-inches thick and 5-ft by 5-ft  in size.  It was soaking wet from the fire being put out, burnt from catching on fire and wet burned trash just really stinks. But this is what the fireman was standing on when he was knocking out the burning fence slats.  I was coming into the backyard to help her when I heard her yell out « I Found It », the fireman was standing right there when she found his ring, he was so excited.  He kept saying « you guys are awesome, you guys are awesome, unbelievable!, wait till I tell the guys back at the station! ».

This was by far our dirtiest  hunt, but one of our most rewarding.

Our Firefighters across this country will run into a burning home or building for us without thinking twice about it, the least we can do is work through muck to find a wedding ring for them.

This was a very emotional find for us and we are so glad to be part of « The Ring Finders ».

Till next time, detectors ON!

Don & Ellen

Palladium Wedding Found in Double Oak, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)



We got a call from a wonderful lady that said her husband (a pilot) had lost his ring while working in their front yard.  He was standing in a culvert ditch tossing some large rocks from one side of the driveway to the other and felt his ring slid off; he said he heard it « tink » twice but never saw it land.  He and his family searched for months looking for the ring without luck. He bought a cheap metal detector himself  but without success, his father-in-law came over with another detector but had no luck either.  Months past and his wife was playing around on the internet and found « The Ring Finders » website and called us.

We arrived and met with the couple, I truly think the husband felt is was a lost cause.  The ring had be lost for over 6 months. With the snowy/wet weather we have had this year he felt it was lost forever.

My wife & I got our Garrett Detectors and went to searching; we checked everywhere the husband said he thought is might be but had no luck.  So we went back over to where he stated he had been standing originally when he lost the ring.   The ditch was knee deep in leaves, trash, mud and an 18-inch metal pipe that went under their driveway.   After scanning over that area many times we decided everything had to come out of the ditch due to way too many hits on trash.  So on our hands and knees we began to pull out all the leaves and junk using our Garrett pinpointers to check every handful of trash for the ring.  After a short time I saw something shiny and I told my wife « I Got It ».  There stuck in the mud, 5-8 inches down in the muck, right where the husband had been standing throwing the rocks was his ring.  The « Tinking Sound » he heard must have been the ring hitting the metal culvert not the driveway as he thought.  The ring was in great shape.

And for the fun part, we went up to the door and rang the bell, the wife came to the door and she said « No Luck Huh » and we just smiled and I open my hand revealing her husbands « Palladium Wedding Ring », she said « Oh my gosh, let me go get him »  he was thrilled and we had « Another Successful Hunt for the the Dallas Ring Finders ».

God I love this hobby!

Till next time, detectors ON!

Don & Ellen

Petone Beach, Wellington, New Zealand Wedding ring located

  • from Wellington (New Zealand)
9ct Gold ring with Damascus inlay

9ct Gold ring with Damascus inlay

Caleb reunited with his ring

Caleb reunited with his ring

Caleb contacted me through the Ring Finders website when he lost his wedding ring, a 9ct gold with Damascus inlay.

He was playing with his dogs in the water and when he reached down to pat one he saw the ring slip off his finger and fall in the water.  He felt around for it but couldn’t find it and had to wait for the tide to go out.  With a group of friends they spent 4 – 5 hours digging and sieving, and even borrowed a metal detector, but couldn’t find it.

I arrived just as the tide was starting to come in.  We quickly established an area 30m x 30m and I began a grid search.  I wasn’t sure what signal to expect from this ring as I wasn’t sure how the Damascus would come up on the AT Pro, so I dug everything that had a strong signal.  Found a fair bit of trash but after more than 2 hours I got a solid signal, mostly ferrous, about 5 metres up the beach from where Caleb thought he had lost it.

It was such a good feeling when I delivered it to him at his work.

New couple to Calgary Canada lost Ring at motel 8

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)
14k wedding band

14k wedding band


New couple to Canada from Australia lost his 9k white gold wedding band. He lost the ring while taking stuff out of the car at the motel 8 where they were staying.He dropped it in the snow.They serached for a couple of hours.With no luck they found ringfinders and called me out.I went ot right away about 9 pm. It was very cold out -9 and windy. I sreached for about a hour couldn’t find it.I thought it might be under one of the other cars.I went back the next day and recovered it and returned it to the wife they were very happy.Another happy couple.






  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Hi,  My name is Stan Ross.

I am a member of The Ring Finders. I have been metal detecting sense 1970 and have found many nice pieces of jewelry that I wish I could have returned to the person who had lost it. Being a member of The Ring Finders has given me the opportunity to help people find valuables that they believed were lost forever. This is my hobby, it is not a business for me.  I can search So. Calif. from  LA. county to San Diego Co. I will travel anywhere with prior arrangements.  I hope I have the pleasure to help you find your valuable that you think has been lost forever..