silver Tag | The Ring Finders

Barnstable, Cape Cod, MA Pearl Earring Lost and Found with RingFinder’s Help

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

September 15, 2024

A wonderful day at a nature center turned into a stressful night for Carolyn. While helping her children through the Nature Trail and before leaving the center one of her cherished pearl earrings came dislodged from her ear, however the earring back did not. Thinking of how to find the earring, Carolyn went to a hardware store that rents a metal detector. Luckily the store person knew a bit about the detector they rent and would not rent it to Carolyn. The reason was it just was not sophisticated enough to detect such a small piece of metal especially in an environment that would have many metal objects in the area i.e. pull tabs, nails, pieces of fencing etc. An effort was put forth and proved the rental cost would not be justified by the known detector’s results.

Another suggestion by the employee was to contact “TheRingFinder”, in this case. me. The sun would have set by the time I could have been on site. So an 8AM meeting was set. Carolyn and a few others returned to the event area before the sun set and frantic looking all over the parking lot and areas that could be seen before the sun set, but did not find the pearl.

In the morning I, along with Carolyn, started by first looking through the car’s seats, floor, voids between the center console and seats, cup holders to mention the obvious. Nothing was found and a quick walk over the parking area and on down to the kids nature trail. This was straight forward from the place the loss was discovered going back along the path of the previous day’s activities. Even with my adjustments made to my detector of choice for this search, the search was hampered by the many bits and pieces of metal in the area I had to search over. I stopped to do a bit of control tweaking because I was now on wood chips and not gravel and I wanted to have the best setup to find the earring.

Up to this point I was following Carolyn pretty closely, and she got about 10 feet ahead, looking down and at her foot was the earring. The was the end of my searching the area. Carolyn said if it had not been for the store emplyee’s honesty as to the rental detector’s capabilities, my logical thinking and implementation of a methodical search “we” would not have found the earring. We both agreed it was “Meant To Be”.

With a happy Book of Smiles photo, pair of earrings, need to get back to her children, the hugs, Thanks, Best Wishes, and a weekend to remember ended is short order as we parted to go on with each of our own day’s agenda.


Dennis Port, MA Heirloom Ring Lost, Found and Saved the Vacation

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

September 10, 2024

Vacation time on Cape Cod has almost come to an end. Now it was time for a local to leave far a vacation thru Spain with a 15 mile a day hike itinerary. That is Chris’ plan but first she had to find a family heirloom ring. She had looked “everywhere” with no luck in finding the ring and new it was time to reach out for help. One town official gave her the name of the local dealer of metal detectors, J&E Enterprise. Due to the urgency of finding the ring before the air flight to Spain left, my number was given to Chris. One call for help, a few minutes to determine if I could help and I was on my way to start a search.

I arrived even before Chris showed up. After I had my gear ready Chris pointed out the area where the ring might have been lost, and we reviewed the previous day’s activities. While I started my search Chris, with a few suggestions from me, went inside to do a search of her own.

I started in the outdoor shower with a pin-pointer and a detector that could “see” through the floor boards. Nothing rang out, I moved to the path to and the bird feeding area. Again, nothing. That is when Chris came out to show me the ring I had been searching for. It had come off of her finger the previous night as she packed for the trip. At this point we both were thrilled, Chris because she had the ring back on her finger and myself because I would not have to tell her that the ring is not in the areas you have told me about. There is nothing worse that having to tell a person “I did not find the object”.

This type of search has happened more than once. It is related to the fact that one feels that the “missing” object is right “here” when in reality it is over “there”. The “here” is where the object was noticed that it was missing, not where it was really lost. That is why I ask a series of questions before a search begins, just to determine the entire area that may be involved with the loss. An average metal detector is useless inside a house due to the amount of metal, electronic appliances, house wiring, and plumbing also creates a problem. A pin-pointer or a detector with notch filtering may be helpful in certain areas such as an attic.

Another terrific outcome for the day. I am sure the trip will be very special and more enjoyable that Chris will not have been wondering about the ring, at least until she had unpacked.

Truro, MA Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found, and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

September 1, 2024

“Chris I Love You Susan” was engraved in a wedding band that took a slip from Chris’s finger as his daughter looked on. Chris visualized were the loss took place and that there were 51 steps to the stairs leading off the beach. During the next few hours Chris made many unsuccessful dives to retrieve the ring from its watery resting place. A visual search also took place. Susan then took charge, acquired my number and called for help.

The next morning at 7AM the search began and lasted about 2 hours before the tide had come in and prevented further searching. I would return for the afternoon tide. Which I did. I paced off the 51 steps, took visual reference points into account and began a search. First I gridded over the sand that was under water in the morning. Nothing to dig, I moved into the water. Low tide, with between 1 and 2 foot waves along with some seaweed made detecting a bit tough. The second signal I had was over the small drop-off at the bottom of the beach’s slope. With everything moving as it was I had to take a third scoop before I caught the object in the scoop. I love to see the glitter of gold among the shells and sand. Without emptying the scoop I left the surf and counted 68 steps to the stairs. On the walk I pulled the ring out, verified the inscription, and dumped the shells.

Next feat was to climb the 98 steps to the top of the dune and my car. I cleaned the scoop, put the ring back into it, changed the boots I was wearing to sandals for safer driving and drove off toward Chris’s vacation home. I turned the last corner and there Chris was, walking back to the beach to see if I was there. I told him the surf was now too rough and it would be worthless to climb down to the beach and back up. But I would appreciate him looking in my scoop. A bit perplexed, he did and could not believe that it was HIS ring from Susan.

At the house, a cappuccino, many friendly licks from his dog, and lots of wonderful stories were related. I just love how I get to know people by just going a bit out of my way to help them. It is also great knowing that there is at least one more reason for having wonderful memories of a vacation on Cape Cod.


Dennis, MA Wedding Set Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 31, 2024

On my way home from some hobby detecting; not looking for anything specific, just enjoying the afternoon sun and sea swells, and waiting for another call for help in locating a lost object. I was less than a mile from home when my wait was over. A neighbor, Barbara, was calling to request that I respond to a woman in distress over a missing marriage ring set of 36 years this month. Sure, I am on my way was my answer as I pass the road to my home. Next I called home to tell my wife I would be a bit longer, put dinner on hold, I had to go and find 2 rings.

Within twenty minutes I was ready to start the search. While being escorted to the area on the beach where the rings were lost I was told that another detectorist had found the engagement ring but had no success in locating the wedding band. Maura had removed her wedding band and engagement ring at the beach to apply sunscreen. She put the two rings in the cup holder of her chair, but forgot to put them on afterwards. A few hours later she folded up her chair and left the beach. Back at the house she realized she didn’t have her rings and knew instantly what happened. Returning to the beach and sifting through sand with hands. There were also many interested people all wanting to help. Unfortunately the only help to find the wedding band came from the call to my phone. One woman helping – Barbara told Maura about a world wide group TheRingFinders, that she had a connection, and then called Richard 1 of some 600 TheRingFinders.

It took me about a dozen swings of my coil before I located the wedding band. My advantage over the other detectorist was in the quality of the detector being used and some 40 years experience with detectors. I passed a few detecting tips on to the new detectorist, Thank Yous were passed among all the helpers and I left for the waiting dinner.

Yarmouth, MA. Gold Celtic Cross Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 29, 2024

Almost five weeks ago, Caeleigh was enjoying a day on the beach. She was wearing a very sentimental Celtic cross that her parents had bestowed upon her on the day of her first confirmation.

I am not positive on just how the chain with the cross became separated and lost in the fine sand.

Today I was out testing a new detecting scoop grip and found only pull tabs and a screw. About to give up for the day, I got out of the water and headed to my car. Gerry had been watching me and was inquisitive about my detector and could find a hearing aid. Yes it is possible, but unlikely unless the detector is “tuned” to react to the hearing aid’s metallic characteristics. When our conversation was about over and I was about to start searching for the hearing aid, Katie approached and asked the same question ecept her item of interest was a gold Celtic cross. The answer was the same.

The first area I covered was for the hearing aid. The detector I had been using in the water was just too sensitive over the 18 inch sweep to locate the hearing aid, but I tried. I moved over to the area of the cross and chain. I knew the cross could be located, but the fine chain would be very difficult. I was correct, the cross was retrieved from the sand with no problem

My second detector in the car did not have programming capabilities. One of my detectors at home would fit the needs perfectly. So I left the beach to get my best detector for the items I was searching for, a hearing aid and a gold chain in salty beach sand environment. I returned an hour later to complete the search. At the beach I was in luck with the adjustments I made to the third detector, it would react equally well to either object with the same settings.

As good as the detector that I chose for the situation and adjusting it for the objects to find, I did not find either one. There are possibilities that; either object may have been found, the beach cleaning rake buried them beyond my detector’s depth range, or I just missed detecting them. Also, the hearing aid may have been lost elsewhere.

I had talked to all involved and took pictures of Caeleigh and her cross before going home to get the third detector just in case what I feared happened, which it did. The active search for the chain and hearing aid have ended for now, but the information will be retained per chance I do find either one at a later date or hearing of another detectorist finding one of the still missing belongings.

Eastham, MA, RingFinder Finds and Returns Lost Wedding Ring to Military Member

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 29, 2024

Mike and I just did not connect on the game of phone tag last night. This morning we did. Mike was in desperate need of help for a solution of how to find his sister’s wedding ring that was lost in the sand. The loss happened when a towel was forcefully removed from a beach bag bringing the ring out with it and a few other items. All but the ring had been found.

Within an hour I was at the beach getting a run down on where I should be looking for the ring. I could see a gallant effort had taken place before I arrived at the beach. There was a 5X10 area of the sand that had been sifted to a depth of about 2 inches. That is where the ring should be. So, I started a search pattern parallel to the water’s edge and about 20 feet long as marked by two inverted red beach buckets. Ten passes and no ring, time to turn and cover the area perpendicular to the rows I had already made. It was on my third perpendicular pass between the second and third parallel pass that I had a great sounding tone that I was excited about. Yes, a shallow scoop and the signal producing object was in my scoop. It was the golden wedding band.

Time for pictures, hugs, and kind words. Another vacationing couple on Cape Cod would go home with everything they came with. Eliza and Sam, both active serving military members, are a fantastic couple that I enjoyed talking with and hearing of their military service and sharing some of mine with them. Mike stayed in the background but could not leave without my thanks for reaching out to a RingFinder for help doing what we do best, ending a stressful situation with a picture perfect for the Book of Smiles.

Oh, I will not forget what I and my wife left the beach with, a box of Cape Cod Treats of outstanding donuts. How they knew my favorite is the glaze covered cake donut and my wife’s, a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles I will never know. My first such gift. Thank you all.

Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA Wedding Ring Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 26, 2024

I was home talking with my wife about the day’s happenings and saying how glad I was that it was now time for rest. The sun was going down and the dinner dishes were done and put away. But I should have known better that the rush to find a lost item was not over. I was right. A wedding band was lost on a public beach and could not be found. I could not refuse to help as the original call was to J&E Enterprise and the caller had been suggested to call me. Rick, TheRingFinder.

The beach was less than 5 miles away and I was on my way. I arrived and was greeted, given a brief synopses of how the ring was lost and what had been done to find the ring, and got ready to search. Derek had removed his wedding band and placed it on his T-shirt for safe keeping while he frolicked int the warn evening sands of Cape Cod. Not thinking about his ring he picked up the T-shirt to put it back on. That is all it took and the ring was “gone”.

The area had been marked out, some of the sand was sifted, crawled over, felt and searched by about 10 others. I started searching at the high tide line and then moved toward dryer sand. In less than a minute I “heard a solid tone in my ears and then a jingle of gold in my scoop. The ring was no longer in the sand. It was on the way back to the rightful, waiting ring finger.

Derek was one happy person. Hugs and Thank Yous were going to last for ever. The end of a perfect day was here and I was on my way home, again. I will have a bit of time to relax and reflect on the day, just in time before the next call for help is received…


Truro, MA Ring Finder Richard Finds Lost Ring and Returns It Withing Minutes

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 25, 2024

I was sitting at home after an unsuccessful morning’s search for a bracelet, sipping on a well deserved cup of coffee, a text chimed out on my computer. Oh yes, another lost wedding band. This time from a party on a beach about as far out on Cape Cod one can go. Tired and just about out of energy, I read the text and could not do anything but reply with I will be ther within 2 hours. For this search I had my wife accompany me as I had logged over 10 hours of searching in the past 24 hours. I did not want her to feel neglected, besides I enjoy her company on any search I go on. One good part of the 70 mile trip was stopping at a wonderful Farm Stand for fresh tomatoes and zucchini. So much for “me” back to the search.

I arrived at the address and was met by Hannah. A short introduction and onto the search. It seams that Belinha (a beautiful 4 year old) had been given the task of carrying her father’s wedding band in one hand and a piece of (more to her interest) food in the other hand. On the way from the beach to the cottage a little stumble and the food was saved, but the ring had fallen into the sand. A few hours of searching, raking and looking could not bring the ring out of the sand.

AH…the internet is a wonderful thing and it can even find someone like myself that can help locate a misplaced metal object. That is just what Hannah did, then she texted me. Within 3 hours from the time I received the first text Steve was wearing his wedding band again. The was nothing special: lost between A and B well mark by an attempt to find the ring by raking. The second pass on the given area produced a Blue Moon bottle cap and a top off a Smirnoff’s nip just before the prized ring was in my scoop for Steve to remove. Now, that is how a search and return should be accomplished.

This loss ended happily for everyone involved: Steve got his ring back; Norma was had the foresight to search, find, and arrange for help when needed; daughter Belinah did not have to have her parents get married because she was the one that “lost” the wedding band; and finally Grandma Ester was elated that every one was once again joyful with big smiles and a great story to tell friends.

Harwich MA. Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned by Ring Finder Rick

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 22, 2024

As so many visitors to Cape Cod were trying to catch a few more wonderful days at the beach before summer ends, Jared and his family were braving the rough waters when Jared’s wedding band slipped into the water something that had never happened before to Jared. Five days after that event Jared discovered and contacted me. Within an hour I was ready to start a search. This was going to be a tough search and the area was very large and the water on the rough side. Three hours of searching and I was getting tired. The tide was coming in and the area that had the best possibility of holding the ring was beyond my reach. It was time to call it a day. I’d be back for the morning tide.

The morning of the 22nd was a start of a great day for detecting with light wind, smooth water and gentle breeze. Another 3 hours of detecting and the undetected area was getting smaller with each swing. I was about to call it quits and get a refreshing cup of coffee when a signal rang in my headphones. It was just one of those signals that whisper to you and say “Dig Me!”. And I did. It did not surprise me sto see a gold hiding in my scoop. What did surprise me was that I did not see the initials or date that was said to be on the inside of the ring. I call Jared to verify the inscription. Well within a couple of minutes Jared was on his knees in the shade of a house, squinting to find the initials and/or the date. The faintness of the inscription was soon verified by Norma, Jared’s wife. I was the one thanking King Neptune for not tricking me with a ring that I was not looking for, but rather giving up the precious one.

Stories, thanks and an “enjoy the rest of your vacation” and I was off to get a well deserved cup of coffee. Sylvia, Jared’s daughter, was also looking forward to an ice cream sandwich later in the day. Cape Cod has so much to offer, fun on the beach, water to play in and many very special treats. A true Vacation Land.

Dennis, MA Platinum Ring with Diamonds Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 18, 2024

A mid-day text from Jeanna would keep me busy for a couple of hours with only half the results I strive for. It seams that her daughter Julian had been enjoying time at one of Cape Cod’s private beaches. She had taken her 4 rings off and place them in a pocket for safe keeping. The rings, each given to denote a special occurrence, is a tradition held by her father.

I arrived at the area of loss to and found more beach goers than I thought would be in the area I needed to search. Carefully I searched the open area and very soon found one ring. Nearby was an unoccupied tarp for young children to rest on. There was no children on it so I gently swung my detector over it, heard a target and ask the father if I could retrieve what I thought was a second missing ring. “go away and come back tomorrow.” I explained what I was looking for, and why I was requesting to retrieve the target under the tarp. Begrudgingly he said I had two minutes. It only took 15 seconds to carefully pull the tarp back half way, retrieve the target which was the second ring and replace the tarp exactly as it initially was, minus some sand that had been on it. I wondered just how he would have reacted if it had been his daughter’s ring I was looking for.

Well there were no more signals at the time. I would have to wait for other beach goers to leave for the day so as not to interrupt their enjoyment. I returned three hours later, and after the last of the beach goers left I completed the search of an area four times that of the area I had been shown that the rings might be in. The search did not reveal either of the last two missing rings. I wonder just where those two rings might be. Either way they were not there for me to find, even after I went back a third time, just to put my mind at ease for doing everything I could to find them. My best two theories are one someone else had already found them or they had not fallen from Julian’s pocket in the area I searched.

I made arraignments to return the two rings to Julian’s mother, Jeanna. We both agreed that I had done my best and all were not lost. Had I been contacted on the day they were lost, the outcome may have been different. That is why it is so important to start a search as soon as possible after a loss is made. In this instance I was searching 6 days after the rings had been lost. My best guess is that someone just happened to see the rings and picked them up. I did contact other known detectorists about the loss with negative results.

In the end, both Jenna and Julian are thrilled to have back what I was able to find.