insurance claim jewelry Tag | The Ring Finders

Accidently Buried White Gold Wedding Ring Found Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Received  a call from Kevin last evening in regards to his lost wedding band while unloading clay/mud from his dump truck since the load was very heavy and wet the load was stuck to the box and could not dump the load, he did not have a shovel with him  so he used his hands to try and free some of the clay to unload. Then after he finely got home that evening he noticed his ring was missing.

I got to the site where Kevin thought the ring could be and I said to myself WOW this is going to be a challenge as you can see in the pictures, took out the Spectra V3i With high Voltage power lines nearby and at peak  usage hr. My V3i just would not work properly in any mode or adjustment, So out came the Garrett AT pro and away I went doing a grid search N/S and E/W picking out beer cans and bottle caps from the clay after about 2 hrs. searching and Kevin fearing the worst I received a low tone and a VDI 65 about six inches, buried in the clay was his ring so I call Kevin over he could not believe his eyes that his ring was found in all that gumbo.

Another Happy Client Thank you Kevin for entrusting Me and TheRingFinders to find your ring.

Found Diamond Wedding Ring South Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


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Chris called me on Tuesday in regards to his wife’s lost wedding ring which was thought to have been in the back yard. As I had other commitments I told Chris that I would be available on Friday evening, and that since the ring was lost in their back yard, it would be safe. Amanda was very distressed about her ring and  I reassured them both that if the ring was there I would find it for them.

Amanda told me she had been in the back yard for a couple of hours with friends, visiting and playing with their children. They then had gone inside the house for a while. When her friends left and after putting her daughter down for a nap, she realized that her ring was missing. Panic set in.

Amanda and Chris looked for the ring but had no luck.  Then Amanda went on Google to check about renting a metal detector.  Our website came up and she contacted me.

Amanda showed me the area in the back yard where she had been. I went to work slowly checking all possible areas in both the front and back yard as I knew how import this ring was to her.  Two hours later, I had to tell Chris and Amanda that the ring was not outside.  Amanda burst out crying. I told them that it had to be inside.  They told me that they had looked every where in the house and so I asked Amanda to retrace her steps.

She told me she had been in the freezer and the refrigerator.  Chris had also taken the plumbing apart in the bathroom incase the ring had fallen while Amanda was washing her hands.

I asked many questions and  Amanda told me she had been sitting on their leather couch.   Chris had already checked the couch but I needed to check for myself.   We turned it over and I checked the inside of the couch, and between the back rest and the cushions.  I then checked around the back support of the couch and found the ring.  I shouted « Bingo ».Amanda jumped out of her chair with enormous relief.

Thank you Chris & Amanda for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to reunite your wedding ring. Thank you for the generous reward.


Diamond Earring Found on the 8th Floor Jasper Ave, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Charlotte as her diamond earring had fallen in the thick shag carpet of her apartment. Charlotte had spent several hours looking between the fibers of the carpet and had no luck. The earring had been given to her by her late father and therefore had much sentimental value, and so it was very important for her to find it.

I met her this morning, and explained to her that due to interference from wires, nails, and screws, the earring would be very hard to detect. I used my pro-pointer but could not detect it. I then got down on my hands and knees to see if I could feel it, but had no luck. Finely with Charlotte’s help, we managed to pick up the carpet, turn it over and shake it. I saw the earring land on the floor.

Another very happy client! Thank you, Charlotte for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to find your diamond earring.


Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost ring in a lake. She was just washing her hands in the water and there went the ring, off her hand into the water. She searched for the ring with her hands, but no luck. We setup a time and day to conduct the search. With all of my metal detecting gear, we headed out to the location on a 20 minute boat ride. After reaching the location and determining the starting point to search. As the water level as changed quite a bit since the ring was lost. I had my first hit in a couple feet of water, used my sand scoop and pull up nothing. I try again and there was a gold ring inside of my scoop. I asked her if this ring is yours and she cheer with joy as yes it was hers missing ring. The ring mean a lot to her as it was her moms. She could not believe that I found the ring. She try a couple of times before to find the ring with no luck. She did have insurance on the ring, but it would not have replaced the ring with so much sentimental value to the ring as this one did. She is very happy to have the ring return back to her.

Here is her testimonial: « Many thanks to Jon and his father-in-law with out them I would have never seen my mothers diamond my father gave to her. We had looked for days, before, he came out with us on the boat. I took him to the spot and within 5 to 10 minutes he found it in the lake. I am forever greatful to this man. Both were very nice gentlemen, God Bless you too. Thank You so very much Ill pass the good news around. » Mandy

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”












25 Year Work Anniversary Ring Lost and Found – Another Reason Not to Rent a Metal Detector in Madison

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


I received an email from Al on Easter Sunday. I was up at my sister’s house in La Crosse, so I wasn’t able to call Al back right away. I did exchange some emails back and forth to ensure that this wasn’t a recent loss, as timing is so important when attempting to find a lost ring. The quicker you can get our on site, the higher likelihood you have of finding your lost ring.

The next day Al and I finally connected via phone. Al explained that the ring was a men’s gold ring, with a black onyx center stone with diamonds along the side. He had received the ring as recognition for 25 years of service from a local insurance company. Al explained that he was out mowing his lawn on his riding mower. Behind Al’s lot is a common greenway, which he frequently mows and maintains – almost like part of his own yard. He approached a set of trees which hadn’t been trimmed recently – so the branches hung down low. In order to mow around the tree, Al had to raise up the branches with his hand as he passed under the tree on his mower. While doing this, one of the small braches hooked around his ring and when he let go of the branch, the ring was ripped from his finger and flung off into the grass. He stopped his mower, got off and got a leaf rake. He raked the entire area, hoping to stir up the ring. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to find anything.

A year passed, and Al always wondered if his ring was still out there. One day, he was reading the Sunday paper and came across a story by Doug Moe, a local reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal. The story was about our Ring Finding activities ( Al read the story and wondered if I would be able to find his ring he lost the previous year. Al had always thought about renting a metal detector, but was worried he wouldn’t know how to work it. Al did the right thing by calling us. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard of people renting a metal detector – only to become completely frustrated after only a couple of mins.

I told Al I would need to check with my wife to see what our plans were, and we tentatively planned to get together over the weekend. After hearing Al’s story, I knew that I would be able to find his ring. If you know the exact area and moment you lost your ring – someone with a metal detector will find it, almost 100% of the time (unless someone else finds it first J).

After hanging up the phone with Al, I talked with my wife and the weekend was free. Only problem was it looked like rain for the next 7 days. If you read my other stories, you’ll know that I metal detector with my two kids. I told them the story about Al’s ring, and they started to get excited. You see, we had been on 3 previous hunts where we did not find the ring we were looking for. We are scheduled to go back on all three, as they were all lost between 1 and 8 years ago, and we haven’t given up yet. Al’s ring sounded to me like a slam dunk. Unfortunately, it was Monday night and the UW Badgers were playing for the National Championship against Duke – first time since 1941. We have season tickets and love Badger Basketball. Tipoff was a little after 8:00 … it was 5:45. I looked at the kids and said, “Maybe we just go out and take a look at the site and see what we find?” They were totally on board, and we were all excited to break our dry streak. We jumped in the van.

Al only lived about 15 mins away, however, as we pulled into his driveway it started to rain. Argh. We decided to give it a shot anyways, and headed to the backyard. Al explained how he lost again, and we started to search the area. We got some hits right away, but all turned out to be junk. You’d be surprised how much junk is buried in your backyard. I always tell people not to get discouraged when we don’t find their ring right away, and we assured Al that we’d keep looking until we found it. I widened the search area around the tree, not knowing how far that branch might have flung the ring. After about 20 mins, my daughter says to me, “That tree over there looks a lot like this tree.”  I’m not sure if Al heard her or not, but a min later he said, “Maybe it was closer to that tree.” Sure enough, after moving over … the very first hit we got was Al’s ring – about an inch below the grass.

Al was relieved to have the ring back on his finger, his wife also was surprised we were able to find it … and even in the rain! We quickly returned home to watch Bucky play a heck of a game, but came up short in the end.

Thanks for the reward Al and so glad we were able to get that ring back on your finger.


Newspaper Article – The Man Who Finds Lost Rings

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)

Very nice article run in the Wisconsin State Journal about a recent find, as well as some other past finds.


White gold wedding band found in Denver, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

On December 13th David and his wife had a small gathering of friends at their house, one of their friends brought their dog. David being the kind of guy he is, didn’t want the dog to be left alone in the back yard so he spent some time playing with the dog. While playing with the pup David noticed that his wedding band was missing and he went back inside to see if it was there, no luck. The whole of the party then went into the back yard and searched for David’s missing ring, no luck again. Photos from earlier in the day show that David had the ring on so the window of opportunity for the rings loss were narrow. David spent several hours over the next few weeks searching the back yard. Due to snow fall and the holiday season the search for David’s ring had to take a back seat till warmer weather.

On January 16th David found my profile on and he contacted me about searching for his ring. We set up a date and time for me to conduct the search of Sunday the 18th at 10:00AM. Upon arrival at their home David took me to the back yard and gave me a run down of the events. My search area was the side yard which was pretty small and the back yard a nice size yard for an older home. I knew the search wouldn’t take too long as the yard wasn’t expansive. I pulled out my V3i and prepared it for the search, upon starting the machine I could hear all kinds of electrical inference from the overhead power, phone and cable lines. Luckily I had my trust old MXT with me as well so I prepared that machine for the search. After a few potential targets that turned out to be pulltabs my MXT let out a signal that was truly different than any of the others, the pinpoint let me know it was a surface target. I pulled back the grass and there sat a pretty silver colored ring. I pulled the ring from it’s hiding place and hollered for David. He was quite happy to get his ring back and was quite surprised at the speed of recovery, this search lasted less than 5 minutes. David mentioned that this recovery saved him 50 or so years of grief from his wife. We talked a bit, shot some photos and I was on my way home by 10:30. It was a great way to start off a Sunday.

Ring recovered 1/18/2015

  David and ring Davids ring

Lost Rings /Ermineskin South Edmonton

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Received a call this morning @ 9:00 am from Blake he said that he had lost his gold ring last night while trimming a spruce tree in a yard and the yard had four inches of snow on the ground Then he tells me he used a metal detector to try and locate his ring with no luck, I believe the detector he was using was a old Radio Shack analog type he then used another gold ring to try and find the one he had lost with no luck and his detector could not pick either one so I had to find Two gold rings,

Told Blake I would be there within the hour, I meet up with Blake at the yard and within five minutes found both rings, another happy client thanks Blake


Blake 2Blake Ring

Lost Ring Found in Volleyball Court at Wisconsin Dells Hotel

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)



I got a call from Mark and Rachel, owners of the All Star Value Inn in the Wisconsin Dells.  Rachel said that her husband had been playing volleyball the night before with friends.  The court was recently redone and was part of their property in the Wisconsin Dells.  He did not remember it specifically flying off, but does remember having it on throughout the match.  Rachel said that he even thought to himself, « I should probably take off my ring so that I don’t lose it ».  Famous last words, right?   Seconds later, while about to serve, Mark felt two of his fingers rug together and there was no ring on his finger.

The good news is that they were the owners of the court, but how would they find it?   Mark had plans to rent a metal detector and find it himself.  However, he would have found out that operating a metal detector isn’t as easy as it might seem.  The average person wouldn’t believe how much junk is located in the ground, even in a freshly redone volleyball court.  Rachel went on Google and searched for « Rent a Metal Detector ».  One of the pages she found was, and there just happen to be someone specifically located in the Wisconsin Dells area.  She sent a quick email to me, and I immediately responded.  I set up an appointment the next day to take a look.

When I arrived, Mark and Rachel were having a friends and family picnic right next to the volleyball court.  My son and daughter were along for the hunt.  I started the hobby of metal detecting and ring finding as a way to spend time outdoors with my kids.  They love the hobby, and love helping others find what was lost.  My daughter was first on the metal detector.  We found 4-5 pieces of trash: a pop top, a Matchbox Car, some small metal objects, and a nail.  The mosquitoes were  pretty bad that night, but we kept on hunting.

All of a sudden we got a pretty strong signal from the metal detector, which is usually a good sign.  My daughter reached down, grab a fist full of sand and pulled out Mark’s ring!  We walked over to the picnic table and handed the lost ring back to Mark.  Everyone was surprised that we had found the lost ring, and so quickly.  Mark’s ring had a unique inscription on the inside, « P.S. I Love You », so there was no question it was his.   My daughter was probably the most excited, as it was her first lost wedding ring recovery all by herself.

Mark and Rachel were generous with their reward for finding the lost ring.  They then asked if we had eaten anything that night.  I responded no, and that we had to head back home as my kids had started school already.  She asked if we had ever eaten at the Top of the Rock on the strip in Wisconsin Dells, which was their favorite place to eat.  We had never been there, so she called the restaurant and opened a tab with our name on it.  She said, « Order whatever you guys want and put it on our tab ».  What a cool reward.  We felt like celebrities when we walked in.  The manager of the restaurant practically greeted us at the door, « You must be the people who found that lost ring ».  We responded yes, and he showed us to our seats.  After a nice dinner, the kids and I headed back home.

So remember, don’t waste your time figuring out how to rent a metal detector, just rent a Ring Finder! 

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Unforgettable 4 Year Wedding Anniversary – Lost Ring at Devil’s Lake State Park, Wisconsin Dells

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Mandy and I were looking forward to a long weekend to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary.  After enjoying a night at Madison’s Concert on the Square, a round of golf another day and exploring some of Wisconsin’s hidden gems we decided to meet family at Devil’s Lake State Park for a pleasant Saturday afternoon.

The sun was shining and Max (our beagle) was by our side.  After a full day of activities, including Wollersheim Wine, New Glarus Beer and of course cheese curds in hand, we decided to hop in the lake.  Although the water was chilly, the volleyball was flying and we were having a great time.  Not even five minutes in the water, the weekend became ever so memorable.  I turned to Mandy and calmly told her my wedding ring had just flung off my finger. She thought it was a joke until she glanced down at my hand.

I was able to see exactly where my ring hit the glossy water but the vision didn’t last long as it disappeared into the cloudy lake water.  Everyone froze … not a movement was made.  A friendly family on the beach offered their snorkeling gear to us to aid in the search. I stayed put while Mandy and family member Cody swam in circles, periodically coming up for air while trying not to stir up the mucky sand on the lake floor.

We thought it would be easy to spot a shiny ring sitting atop the muck but we were sorely mistaken.  After the remaining afternoon and the entire evening (over 5 hours in total) was spent searching, daylight was gone and we called it quits.  Needless to say the ride home was quiet.

We threw around ideas: « Should we go back and search the next day? », « Do we call the jewelers right away? », « Call the insurance company? ».  Late Sunday night as we were getting ready for the week ahead it dawned on us, maybe there are such people as treasure hunters?  It was worth a Google search at least.

Sure enough, the first website that popped up was  We entered Wisconsin Dells as the location and a man by the name of Dan Roekle was revealed.  I got on the phone right away and explained exactly what happened.  His response, « We’ll find it, guarantee it. » While we knew nothing is ever 100%, his statement was enough to bring a huge smile to Mandy’s face.

The very next day, Dan and I coordinated our schedules and decided to meet at Devil’s Lake in the evening. Cody and I headed up to the State Park and after securing the proper paperwork from the Park Warden to use a metal detector in the park, we headed to the infamous spot where my ring was lost. Dan often takes his two children with him on treasure hunts, teaching them patience while having fun at the same time. I stayed back as to not stir up the sand.  After only five minutes, Dan came back with his son by his side and sadly told us the conditions just weren’t ideal that evening to search for the ring.

My heart sank.

Mandy was going to be so disappointed? The ring itself wasn’t important but the sentiment and memories behind it were invaluable.

Not even 10 seconds later with a huge smile on his face, Dan’s son pulled his hand out of the water and revealed my ring!!!  I couldn’t believe it.  After spending our entire Saturday afternoon in the water, it took them only five minutes to locate and dig up my ring, which had sunk about 3 inches below the mucky sand.  I got Mandy on the phone and tried to tell her the conditions just weren’t right.  Of course, she could tell by the tone of my voice that wasn’t the case.  When I told her, she was overjoyed and couldn’t believe how quick the ring was retrieved!  The ring is now safely back on my finger and after four years I finally got it re-sized as to avoid anything like this in the future.

Thank you Dan and family for your enthusiasm and confidence.  Although it’s just a ring, it means a lot to us and we are incredibly grateful for your assistance. One thing is for certain, we will probably never forget our four year wedding anniversary!



Allan and Mandy G.


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Alan’s Text to His Wife Right After Finding the Ring                          The Lost Ring