Finders Category | Page 412 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Diamond Engagement Ring found in Fire Pit in Batavia Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call to look for an engagement ring that was lost on the lawn while collecting leaves.

The client was throwing some leaves onto a fire pit and later discovered that her diamond engagement ring was gone. She searched endlessly on her knees an even used a metal detector to search for it. They had dumped the ashes from the fire pit and could find nothing.

I arrived and asked her about what she was doing at the time. I immediately told her to put some water in the fire pit and we emptied the water. Nothing! I search the yard. I gridded it for over an hour, Nothing. Then I went back to the pit. The interior was metal so I could not use the handheld pinpointed. I looked very closely at the silt that remained in the pit. BINGO!!

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Lost Wedding Ring Northwest-Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Recovered Northwest-Houston, Texas


Received a call, regarding a lost wedding ring in the backyard of a residence in Northwest Houston.

The caller Allen was wanting to check on my availability in the event he could not find his ring.

Allen reported he had placed his ring on his cellphone in his backyard, and later when he grabbed his phone the ring flew into the grass.

Allen said he was going to continue trying to find the ring himself, and was going to borrow a Metal Detector from a neighbor.

Allen said he would call ne tomorrow if he was unsuccessful at finding his ring.

I am not sure if Allen’s wife Nikki made him sleep outside that night, but he seemed pretty happy to see me the next day 🙂

Allen had to leave for work upon my arrival, but you can see from the smile on Nikki’s face it was a good day.



























Equipment used:

CTX 3030



Lost Ring Lake Livingston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring Lake Livingston, Texas

Received a call from Mike in Kingwood, Texas regarding his wife’s lost Gold Wedding Ring. Mike reported while swimming in Lake Livingston his wife lost her ring. Mike said he was pretty sure she lost the ring on a sand bar in the lake where they had spent most of the day.

I made the trip with Mike up to the lake and spent 6 hours in the water with the new (replacement) Excalibur II and could not find the ring, The plus, the Excalibur II ran like a champ, and the pictured ring was found while searching for my clients ring.

Men’s 14kt Gold wedding Band (owner unknown)

It was an unfortunate out-come, but Mike was very grateful for the extraordinary effort.














Equipment CTX 3030


Lost Wedding Ring Southwest Houston (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Received a call from Kathy who advised her husband had lost his wedding ring in the backyard of their residence. Kathy said her husband was shooting some hoops when the ring had come off his finger and disappeared in the grass. Kathy said they were unsuccessful at finding the ring and later found on an internet search..

The photograph tells the rest of the story.



























Equipment used on this search CTX3030





Ring lost 7 years, found in Kentwood, MI mobile home park.

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

We just found a ring today that was lost for 7 years. A metal detecting friend of ours named Mike had a son-in-law who lost his ring while changing oil in his car. His son-in-law has since passed away and Mike wanted to find the ring for his grandson who was 9 years old at the time the ring was lost. Mike wanted to find the ring to give his grandson as a keepsake of his fathers. Mike is legally blind and needs a little help getting his detector gear ready. We, (Dave B. and myself), got started at a mobile home park in Kentwood, MI. We spread out on the small lot which was now vacant and about 20 minutes into the hunt Mike came up with a beautiful gold ring with 6 diamonds. We continued to detect around the lot and the adjacent lot to see what else we could find. After coming up with coins, toy cars and pull tabs we went over to his daughters and presented her the ring. The following pictures says it all, the ring and Mike with his daughter.


Platinum Wedding Band Recovered near Wye Mills, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I’m happy to say that the 100% success rate is still going strong!!!!! With that said, I was fairly confident on this occasion that we would find the lost wedding band simply because of the conviction the owner had.  As you have probably seen mentioned many times here at the Ring Finders, being able to describe in detail how, where and when you lost your valuable is the biggest factor when it comes to a successful recovery. Jeff had two of those three things going for him. He was able to describe in great detail exactly where and what he was doing when his wedding band slipped off his finger. Unfortunately Jeff did not hear of The Ring Finders until recently and despite losing the ring almost a YEAR ago, I was able to get it back where it belongs! Jeff was fortunate that this happened in a secluded, wooded area and not a community park, playground or ball field as the result could have been quite different. With that said, if you are reading this and think too much time has passed since you lost your valuable, keep in mind that might not be the case! Here is how things went down in Jeff’s own words…..


It was around a year or so ago when I went hunting near Wye Mills, MD (across the bay bridge). It was getting late in the day when I shot a deer, then had to field dress the deer in the dark. I walked into the woods and threw away the insides of the deer, and then wiped my hands with some old hickory tree leaves. After getting the deer back to my Jeep and driving for a while I noticed my wedding ring was missing! I sadly had to tell my wife that I lost my ring. We both were pretty disappointed, but I had hope because I was going to go back the next day to search for it….on my hands and knees for hundreds of yards. No luck finding the ring, but I still would not lose hope. I knew in my heart it was there in the woods, or somewhere in the field where I was hunting. Every time I would go hunting in that spot, I would always look in the direction of where I thought the ring was.

A year goes by, always thinking what if? I was reading an article on Yahoo about a woman who lost her ring, and how she used « » to find her ring. I immediately thought to myself, this is my chance….no way! I contacted several members and Jim Wagner (who had a 100% success rate) was the first to call. I gave Jim my story, and I said I know it’s there or that’s what my heart tells me. Jim said, « If it’s there, I will find it »!! Wow, was he right! Lance and Jim started their search, and BAM… Jim says to me, your search is over! He found the ring!! I was in tears and so thankful that I never lost hope. I was also very happy that their 100% success streak  is alive and well!

Both me and my wife are so thankful for Jim and Lance! We will always be thankful to both of them for returning the ring in style. I have been telling everyone about these guys. What a awesome end to a search that was going on in my heart! They are simply the BEST, and two of the kindest people I have met. Jim and Lance, you guys are definitely classified as « Lord of the Rings »! Wow……  


Jeff and Senayit


It’s always a great feeling to return a lost item to anyone, but it was a little extra special with Jeff because you could see how much his marriage and the symbol of the marriage really means to him!

My Daughter Lost my Key Fob Somewhere on our Street!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We got a call about 5:30pm from a customer that we had help several months ago, her daughter had lost daddy’s very special knife in the high grass.  We were able to find it and created a happy customer.

This same lady’s neighbor’s daughter grabbed her mom’s car keys and ran through the yards of about 5 homes chasing a dog and then ran back to her house.  Now you need to understand these are hugh yards, 100-200 ft across per yard.  All the neighbors and family had been looking for 1 key and key fob that had fallen off.

Our previous client came home and heard about the keys and immediately said « I know who to call, lets call « The Ring Finders »,  she gave us a call and explained what happened and we said let a us grab a quick dinner and we would head that way.

We arrived and chatted with the owner of the keys, the little girls dad, the little girl was in bed being punished for losing mom’s keys.   He explained where she had run and told us we had permission to scan all 5 of his neighbors yards.  Ellen & I got our Garrett ATPro’s and began to search, some areas were very thick grass.  About 5 minutes after we started my son and his girlfriend arrived to assist.  Sometimes just more eyes in a situation helps, it was starting to get dark.

We all spread out and it 5 minutes I hear my son say « Found It »  we all ran to him, including the owner and all his neighbors, my son was not even using a detector, just walking and looking.  As I told him, son we do not care how it gets found only that it gets found.

Everyone was happy the father said it would have cost him $300-$400 per replace the key fob for his wife’s car.

So from a referral comes another successful hunt for « The Dallas Ring Finders »

Don & Ellen with assistance from Tripp & Shannon

Lost Wedding Band while Tube Fishing at Lake Lavon,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We received an email from Crystal after she did a exhaustive google search to find someone to help her husband find his wedding ring.  Her  husband Aaron had been tube fishing on Lake Lavon in Texas all day long.  He had no idea where he lost the ring and I think really did not expect us to find it.

Trying to coordinate schedules for us to make the hour drive out to the lake took several days, so today when we all arrived at the lake the ring had been lost for 9 days.  We arrived about 9am and met Aaron & Crystal,  remember he was very unsure where he lost the ring, in fact he thought it was probably out in 20-25 ft deep water where he had been tube fishing.

Aaron showed us the area where he and his buddy cleaned the fish in a picnic area.  Ellen & I got out both of our Garrett ATPro’s and began the search.  Aaron and Crystal took a walk down the beach while we were detecting.  We had only been there 20 minutes when we spotted the Silver Carbonite Wedding Band.  We could not believe we found it, this was one of those searches you go on almost knowing its going to be a long shot at best.

BUT, it turned into a awesome day.  Ellen & I walked down the beach and Aaron & his wife spotted us and began walking back our way.  As we got close to them I said « Boy the lake is really low » instantly you could see their faces get a little sad thinking we had not  found the ring and already given up.

THEN, I said, « Aaron let me ask you a question, would you like to have this back » and I held up his ring.  As you can see in the pictures, they were ecstatic and could not thank us enough.

What a wonderful hobby we have and the joy we get to bring to people when we find their lost item.

Another successful hunt for « The Dallas Ring Finders »

Don & Ellen

Minelab Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Minelab Excalibur II

Recently sent back my Excalibur II for a warranty repair and requested a new replacement instead of a repair on the 10 month old unit.

Minelab service department will be getting a Cherrios (Cheer) Post Card from me this week.

Just received a brand new Excalibur from Minelab today, « Way to Go Minelab »


Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Equipment Upgrades 2013

The Hookamax E2005C-12V is a high powered, portable and versatile battery operated hookah diving system.

I find this unit to be far more effective on my shallow water jobs than my traditional dive gear.
