Finders Category | Page 294 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Luke found, Rick returns – another team effort – at Skatet Beach

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

What are Friends for…yielding a helping hand.

July 31, 2018 Chris lost his wedding band while playing catch in waist deep water. The next morning I searched for 3 hours in an area marked on a birds eye photo of Skatet Beach. The search reviled nothing, except for a few coins and sinkers. At home I planed my next effort to locate the missing ring.
Unbeknown to me, another detecting friend, Luke, per chance without knowing of the lost ring found it. He texted our mutual friend Jim. Jim told Luke that I was looking for the ring he had just found. After confirmation that Luke had found the lost ring, he gave me the ring to return to Chris. It was mailed on Saturday and should be delivered on Monday.
Luke has now made application to become one of the elite TheRingFinders. Welcome, Luke!

Chris’ photo to follow…

Car Key and RemoteThrown Into Bushes in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

While out on the beach doing the night search for the lost wedding band I got a desperate call from Josh. He had thrown his car key and remote off of his apartment balcony into the ivy and bushes, and was unable to find them. I let him know that I would come over as soon as I finished my search for the ring.

I finished my ring search about 10:00 PM, and arrived at Josh’s house about 10:30 PM. He explained what he did and showed me the area. There was not only ivy, but bougainvillea as well, two forms of shrubbery that can hide things well. I put on my headlight, and grabbed my detector and pin pointer and began my search. I found a number of metal items such as cans and bottle caps. I continued my search a little out of the initial area, and found the car key. Josh was surprised and very happy. I continued the search for the remote doing battle with the bougainvillea, but I was losing the battle with blood dripping from my arms from the wicked thorns that were hard to see at night, so I told Josh that I would come the next day when the sun was up to do a more thorough search for the remote. I got there today and asked Josh to recreate the actions he took the previous night. It looked as though the remote was going to be in one of the bushes. I was able to get my detector coil under the bushes, and under one of the bougainvillea got a real good signal. I put the pin pointer under the bush being careful of the thorns, and deep in the bush was the remote. Josh was overjoyed to get his key and remote back, and I was happy to have made his day.


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Platinum Wedding Band Lost at Hermosa Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

I received a call from Christina whose husband Bill lost his ring the day before while enjoying the beach with his family. They are vacationing from Sacramento, CA, and to lose his wedding ring of 21 years was not what he expected on the trip. Knowing the County and how they keep this beach clean, we arranged to meet about 30 minutes later.

When I got there Christina and Bill met me and walked me out to the area they believed the loss occurred. I looked around and realized that the beach sifters had not come through the area, so I felt good about the ring still being there. I started my search immediately because although it was morning, people were already filling the beach. I searched the area as fully as possible considering the beach was filling up, but was unable to find the ring. I then let them both know that it was going to futile to continue the search with so many people coming, so I let them know that I would be back to search the whole area again at 8:00 PM when people had gone home. When I returned there were very few people left, and I began again starting from the lowest point on the beach working my up the slope. My first signal was a silver color wedding band, and I thought I had it, so I sent Christine a picture asking if was Bill’s. Bill then met me out on the beach to check the ring. It was not his, it was about 3 sizes too large and made of a different metal than his. He and his son went to get dinner, and I continued my search. About an 1 1/2 hour later I got another good signal, and in my scoop was another silver color ring. I got my flashlight and gave it a closer inspection. This time I could read PLAT on the inside, and it was a much smaller diameter than the previous find.

I called Bill to him know, and he and his son made their was over to where I was waiting. When I showed him the ring he was a bit hesitant regarding claiming it his, until he placed it on his finger and it fit perfectly. He told me he thought the ring was lost forever, and really was appreciative of my effort. I then said The Ring Finders don’t give up! It is so great to know that his joy will be going all the way back to Sacramento.


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Engagement Ring recovered in Point Pleasant found by Dennis Burlingame

This recovery has been a long time waiting. Five weeks ago Martha and Johnny were enjoying the beach when Martha lost her ring on the slope by the waters edge. I was even on the same beach that day and they saw me detecting. She called me later that night and told me what happened, not wanting to take the chance of the ring getting washed out I went back to the beach that night to search for it. No luck that night and I went back down the following day after work. The water was rough and extra high that day and I didn’t have high hopes in finding  it that day. I searched for awhile and was getting ready to leave and the last target I found on my way off the beach was her ring. I texted her the good news but with her living out of state she didn’t know when she would be able to come back to get her ring. I told her not to worry it wasn’t going anywhere. Well today was the day she had the opportunity to come and get it. I met them at the beach where she lost it and it was a wonderful reuniting of her with  her ring.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook
Jersey Shore Ring Finder

lost wedding ring found in the spokane river in Washington

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Justin and I looked for his lost ring in the Spokane river today and he found so I’m going to let him tell the story.

Justin wrote: so i have to plug this guyI lost my wedding band floating the Spokane river yesterday. I find Luke as I’m searching Google for options at 7am this morning. I call him right away because of course I can’t wait to find my ring. Luke answers my call at the butt crack of dawn on a Sunday morning and says he’ll meet me at the mishap location at 9am. I take him to the vicinity (in the middle of the river) of where I lost it. About an hour and a half into the search we found it!!! Luke is a super good guy and fair about pricing. He understands the more important sentimental aspect of the lost item. If you ever lose a piece of jewelry, or some other precious metal item, Luke is absolutely the guy you want to call! Thanks Luke!!

Big smile for a big ring find

Lost Ring Orange Beach – FOUND! 2 Day Search!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Well, this was a tough one but it turned out great!  Crystal and her family were staying in Orange Beach, AL while they watched her daughter’s team compete in the World Series of Softball. Two days ago they were enjoying a much needed break cooling off in the Gulf of Mexico right before the sun went down. Crystal was standing in waist deep water trying to catch one of the bouncing water balls when tragedy struck. As the ball hit her left hand, both she and her husband saw her engagement ring fly off her hand and into the water. They looked and looked and raked their hands through the sand with goggles and masks and all of the volunteers they could get but they were unlucky and couldn’t find it. A very distraught Crystal did get a bit of luck later however when she found me on TheRingFinders and sent me an email. So yesterday after getting what I consider to be very thorough starting point directions, I began my search in the Gulf. I spent hours and ended up gridding out a really large area and I dug everything from fishing lures to a cell phone deep in the sand. I just couldn’t find it. I was bummed out and beat up from all the digging and I made the call to a very sad Crystal. Well I will say that the occasional one I can’t recover absolutely haunts me and I lay there when I got home last night thinking about anything that I could have done differently. After checking the tide graphs again, I decided that I would try even deeper and use a different mode on my machine. My wife gave me the okay this morning and even offered to come along. I started out neck deep and after only 2 passes I heard a strong signal. I switched the machine over so that I could hear what it was made out of and instantly heard that awesome gold tone. After a couple of gentle scoops, I had Crystal’s ring headed back to where it belongs. She was so sad yesterday, it was fun to hear her beside herself with happiness today. I’m very happy for you Crystal, thank you for giving me the chance to find your ring for you.

Long Beach Island NJ Lost Wedding Rings Found

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)









I will let Jeanette explain the circumstances of our meeting…

Life Lesson 63: Never wear jewelry to the beach.

Life Lesson 64: If you do, never take it off to apply lotion.

And so it happened …

A beautiful, relaxing summer afternoon at the beach turned into the loss of my Cartier trinity ring. I had ignored those two life lessons, gotten distracted and now I was in a frantic search for my precious wedding band that had disappeared in the sand. We retraced my steps, sifted through piles of sand, all to no avail.

Early the next morning, while combing the beach again, I met a fisherman who told me about Dave, “the metal detecting man.” He said he had great results. I contacted him and explained my tale of woe. Dave, who lives at least an hour from Long Beach Island, promised he would do his best, but it would take some time.

On a rainy Saturday morning, about 10 days after my misfortune, I got a call from Dave. He had recovered my ring. My precious ring is back on my finger again.

We need more Daves in this world. He took the time to help a stranger in need – a life lesson in itself. Dave exemplified how to live. And I’m not the only lucky one who has been helped. Dave has been doing this for many years and has a treasure chest full of heartwarming stories to share. In a time when headlines are dominated by self-interest, here is a story of selflessness. People like Dave should be highlighted and celebrated. Thank you, Dave, the metal detecting man.

Jeanette Johnson

Crestwood, N.Y., and Long Beach Township

The above appeared in the SandPaper, a local newspaper on Long Beach Island. Read it here!

Ring Lost in the Sand for 2 Weeks, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Friday, July 27, I was out doing a little metal detecting, trying to find a lost ring in waist deep water at low tide, from a month ago. I started talking with Connor, who is a North Myrtle Beach Lifeguard and was overseeing a section of the Cherry Grove beach. During our conversation, he mentioned that his girlfriend, Sanibel, had lost her silver ring in the dry sand about 2 weeks ago. I had him show me the area and told him I’d see if I could find it.

I walked maybe 100 yards to the area and was planning on doing a grid search. On my first line, third target, I had Sanibel’s ring in the scoop. I slipped her ring on my little finger, walked back to Connor, and he asked, “Did you find it?” I held out my hand so he could see it on my finger. He was overjoyed and couldn’t believe it was found. He plans on surprising her with the ring.

Connor and Sanibel, so glad I could help out and get the ring back where it belongs.



Man’s 3ct Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Surf, Found and Returned Litchfield, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Damond called me at 10:30 p.m. telling me he lost his ring and wanted to know if I could help. He went on to say he was on his knees in the surf, and was playing with his 4 year old son when he felt his ring slip off his finger at about 7 p.m. He also said that he tried to grab it but it quickly sank out of sight, and he’d been out there searching for it. I got the location and told him I was on my way, and would be there in 45-50 minutes.

This was a gated resort so I had to wait until Damond showed up at the gate to get me in. I followed him down to the beach and got the details on the ring and the area he lost it in, which was a good 50 ft. by 50 ft. I first started a north/south grid line but with an outgoing tide I changed to an east/west and started in the middle of his suspected area.  One thing I’ve found pretty true to form is that most people go to the right when they enter the beach area, and this case was no different. I made about 5 or 6 passes and got a booming signal. One scoop and I had the target out of the hole. I spread the sand out with my foot, turned on my head lamp and saw the ring shining in the light. I was expecting a gold wedding band and when I picked up the ring it was “oh my God!!!” Damond was sitting on the beach access stairs when I called him down to the low tide line. I asked him to describe his ring, and then held it up and asked, “Does it look like this?” He couldn’t contain his excitement, and started doing the happy dance. I got a big bear hug. Awesome feeling!! After it was back on his finger, he told me that his wife had gotten it for him for father’s day and it had a lot of sentimental value, and I could see why. He also told me I saved the family vacation.

Damond, thank you for trusting me to find your treasure, it was truly my pleasure. Best of luck to you and your family.



Texas A&M Class Ring Lost at Cypress Creek in Austin, Texas by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Texas A&M Class Ring Lost at Cypress Creek in Austin, Texas

I was contacted by Daniel a resident of Austin, Texas who was looking for someone to help him find his lost Texas A&M Class Ring… Daniel reported he had been vacationing on Cypress Creek (Lake Travis) in Austin, Texas when he had the mis-fortune of losing his prized possession, his Texas A&M Class Ring. Daniel said, he had been playing with his dogs in Cypress Creek when he felt the ring slip off of his finger and land in three-four foot of water. Daniel reported he spent hours searching the muddy bottom with his bare hands, but he was unsuccessful at finding his ring. Daniel said, a week or so later, an internet search on lost rings..returned a search result for Houston Metal Detecting Services – The Ring Finders Houston, Texas. Daniel said he didn’t hesitate for a minute…calling to make an inquiry about finding his ring. After numerous discussion with Daniel, we felt the recovery would be possible, 3-5 foot of water and a mucky bottom…and a fairly definitive area where the ring was lost. Nearly two-weeks from the day the ring was lost…we were at the location to conduct the search for Daniels ring. The site location had changed drastically…the water level was now down 3-5 feet from when Daniel had been at the location. The search proved to be quite challenging, we were fighting a 105-degree heat index, and the displaced water had created a mud bog along the creek. The going was slow and difficult, numerous targets added to the difficulty of the search. After about and hour, and our third or fourth pass through the mud bog, success! Hit a good target buried in about 4-6” of mud.



















The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

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