metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders
200th Return by Richard Browne Member of Centerville, MA
February 24, 2025
It was the second warmest day since January 1st and a grate day to clean up some of the winter’s wrath on tree limbs. Dan was in the wooded area next to an old cranberry bog behind his house doing just that. He was carrying a fallen limb to the rear edges of his property when a low hanging branch snagged one of his hearing aids from his ear. After hours of searching, without finding the hearing aid, Dan reached out for help.
A call to Eleanor, at J&E Enterprises, got Dan two useful bits of suggestions. First he was encouraged to call one of TheRingFinders and in the meantime he could try dragging a magnet. Dan called me first. I answered the call and I was on my way. While waiting for me to arrive the search with a magnet was on. Something I had never thought of while searching for any of the 6 hearing aids that I have returned.
As I had done the day before, I adjusted my detector to the specific model hearing aid I was searching for. The area was again less than a 20 foot diameter around the branch. A standard cross hatch search pattern because of the foliage and terrain was about impossible. About 20 minutes passed with many bogus iron alerts from my detector, right tone but wrong numeric reading. A slower, shorter swing of the detector started on the outer edge of the most probable area that the hearing aid would be in. Low and behold right under the branch that had caused the loss and again, as in yesterday’s find, the hearing aid could not be seen while standing above it. I had to get on my knees and carefully move the foliage that was covering the hearing aid before retrieving it for Dan.
This was my 200th return since I joined TheRingFinders and as I did on the 100th return I wanted to give something special to the owner of the lost item. Unfortunately I did not have the Carpe Diem token with me and I had to return to Dan’s home the next day. The token was designed by a metal detecting friend, Jim Wirth. Sentimental Memories are something that cannot be replaced and I am so fortunate to have so many. Thanks to all that have reached out to TheRingFinders for help and in making Unforgettable Memories.
Paladium Ring made for him by his wife!
I received a call from fellow detectorist and ringfinder, Laura, who is located up in Marin County. She got a call for a lost ring at Montara Beach just south of Pacifica in San Mateo County and referred them to me as I am closer in proximity to Montara. I connected with Jenn and Zakk and planned to head out to the beach the following day. The atmospheric river had other plans for me though. I called off the hunt that day and, instead, headed out the next day when it was cold but nice and sunny.
What I found when I arrived at the beach was a HUGE cut caused by the torrential rain the day prior. It cut the beach in half and I worried that the ring may have been washed away.
Using the photos that they sent me, like a treasure map without the « X » marks the spot, I headed over the cut to the south end of the beach where they were fairly certain the ring had been lost. Because I had to go after work I knew I would be fighting the daylight. I texted Jenn asking for a few minor details to zero in on the exact spot and went to work swinging horizontally to the water, they perpendicularly, then extending the search area again horizontally and perpendicularly. Two hours later I had come up with nothing but false tones and a handful of carefully rolled up twist ties.
The sun had set and I was feeling defeated. I knew how important this ring was for them. They had take a class and each made a ring for the other from paladium so clearly the sentimental value of these rings far outweighed any monetary value (even though paladium is not cheap).
There was a second spot that they circled on the aerial photography they sent me. It was between the cut and the stairs that go up to the parking areas. Since it was dark and the trail I took down from the parking area was slippery with mud I decided to walk toward the stairs and try to swing through the second, less likely, location on my way out. It was very dark and the little light on my Legend was helpful but I took out my phone and used it’s flashlight for additional light. I swung as I walked toward the stairs until I got a loud signal ringing in my ears. Alas, it was only a bottle cap.
Thinking I was going to have to call them and tell them I hadn’t been able to recover the ring I walked a few feet closer to the stairs and suddenly a banging signal rang in my headphones. A split second later my eyes locked on a silver circle sticking out of the sand. I knew without question that this was the ring!
Excited I packed up my machine and walked up the stairs with Zakk’s ring on my index finger smiling and shaking my head. I had spent 2.5 hours out there searching for this ring and couldn’t believe my luck.
It is always disappointing when I can’t recover someone’s lost item. I don’t give up easily and often head back out the next day or next weekend to look again because defeat is not something I am willing to accept.
When I got back to my car I first sent photos and let her know I had found it. When I didn’t hear back right away I called Jenn, but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. I let her know that I had found it and to let me know how I should get it back to her.
Moments later she texted back, « OMG OMG OMG! »
She let me know they were in the process of putting their beloved dog down and my heart broke. I have been through losing my dogs 3 times in my adult life so far and it is the worst possible feeling. But knowing this made me even more grateful that I had found the ring for them. They were having a really shitty week and I was able to bring them some light in the darkness.
I kept the ring safe for a few days and we planned to meet Saturday at a restaurant a few minutes from my house. They drove in from the East Bay where they live and we met at The Ramp. I joined them a little late but they even bought me lunch and we sat there and talked for a couple of hours. We realized we have a lot in common – we like the same kind of television shows, including a lot of British programming – and Zakk was thinking about getting in to metal detecting now. If there is one thing I love, it’s corrupting new people into this wonderful, fun, interesting and educational hobby.
We tried several times to part ways and end our conversations, but kept finding more to talk about. And through all of this distraction and excitement I totally forgot to take a photo of the ring in the daylight and with Zakk and Jenn! Fortunately Jenn remembered and sent me a couple photos with the ring safely back on Zakk’s hand.
Ring recoveries are one of the most gratifying, special things a person can do with a metal detector. And I am thankful for every single person that puts their trust in me for this task.
Lost Ring Found in Gambier, Ohio!
Shortly before the holiday break, I received a call from Dottie (from Massachusetts) who found me on the Ring Finders website. She explained that her daughter had just called her from college (in Ohio) and was pretty upset. Her daughter was on her way to class when she slipped in the snow and lost her Signet ring! It was a very special ring and Dottie hoped I could help. We made arrangements to meet her daughter Stephanie on campus an hour later. When we arrived, Stephanie and her friends described what had happened and showed us where she lost the ring. We turned on our detectors to get to work and BEEP, BEEP!! First swing of the coil and there it was! Stephanie and her friends couldn’t believe we found it so fast! We took a few pics and messaged Dottie. Everyone was happy! The whole thing took less than a minute, but that feeling lasts forever!
Lost Diamond/Garnet Gold Ring flys away
We are off to a an exciting 2025, so many calls this year already.
This afternoon we got a call from a lady who said 3 days ago she was working in her very large front yard, clearing weeds and frozen plants clean-up. At the end of the day she realized her Ring Guard and her Diamond/Garnet center Ring were gone off her hand,
Very distraught, she search and searched, she even purchased a metal detector and it totally confused her because she had no one to teach her how to use it. She had her husband and children out searching but no luck. Her husband finally said ”just hire a professional”. So she searched the internet and found The Ring Finders and called us.
As luck would have it we were only 20 minutes away having just finished another Ring find. So we immediately went over and did our search. After just a few passes through the yard and flower beds, when I got a solid 45 Gold Signal on our Garrett AT Pro. We were able to put a big smile on her face that made our day….we love our hobby.
Lost Gold Ring In Snow, Brandon, Manitoba
Karl called and said he lost his gold wedding ring in the snow when he was brushing the show off his hands on the boulevard in front of his house. He had searched the area with no luck and his wife found my name on the Ring Finders.
I made the trek 4 hours to Brandon, Manitoba, on my day off it was -24 degrees Celsius. Searching the boulevard, it was covered in 11 inches of frozen snow. After two false readings near what should be gold on the metal detector the ring was found in the ice on the road in the curb area.
Thank you, Karl, on the opportunity to find your gold wedding ring.
Lost your ring or any sentimental item contact a metal detecting specialist ASAP 24/7 Ben Griswold 306-630-3016
Finding Icelandic Treasure in Calgary
I received a call from Benedikt. His daughter had lost a family heirloom here in Calgary. A very meaningful and sentimental heirloom. It took two hours but I finally found it but not quite where expected. Watch the video for details.
Finding a Ring in Calgary Using The Process of Elimination
Cody’s wedding band went missing when loading his van. He was sure it fell off into the fresh snow. Watch the video to see the whole story.
Lost rings found in the house in Orlando Florida…found by Florida ring finder, Mike McInroe!
If you have lost something or need information on how to find a lost metallic item…call or text Mike, the Florida ring finder at 321-363-6029…any time!
Elefteria tells her story… »I had lost not just one ring but TWO rings while laying on the couch. Hours later my husband and I searched for hours in the couch and around that area. I was so upset when we couldn’t find them as my wedding and engagement rings were passed down to me from my grandparents. We searched again the next day and still nothing. I found Mike online and decided to take a chance on his ring finding skills after reading so many successful reviews. I’m SO glad I did! Mike came to the house and was super friendly, optimistic and thorough. He asked me to explain again what happened and then he went to work doing a preliminary and extensive check around the area of the couch. Then he went to work on both couches where I thought the rings might be lost. He flipped the couches, used a flashlight and a special camera tool and searched every crevice. It was not looking very promising. He seemed pretty sure that they weren’t in the couch so he looked again behind the couch where we stored things. Just when we thought it was a lost cause, Mike found them hovering on the plastic of the air filter we were storing on top of a bin behind the couch! I would have never seen them, but Mike did! It was such a relief and I was so so grateful for his extra set of eyes, patience and thorough searching. Don’t hesitate to hire Mike! »
Have you lost a ring, jewelry, keys, phone, or other metal keepsake or object? Call or text me…or a ring finder near you and see how we can help! 321-363-6029
Mike McInroe…more than happy to be a member of
Lost Gold Wedding Band in the Flower Bed-Found
I was contacted by Addison and she said her Grandfather had lost his wedding band in the yard while pulling weeds. It was a two and a half hour trip to Nashville from here, but well worth the trip. Peter said he was pulling weeds in the front flower bed for most of the afternoon and it was after dark, around ten oclock before he noticed his white gold band was gone. He went back out and looked for it but didn’t see it. After pulling the weeds and putting them in a wheelbarrow he rolled it to the back end of the lot to dump it out, so I had several places to search. I started in the lawn area bordering the bed and frankly, that is where I expected to find it. Not finding it there I went into the bed and did find numerous peices of scrap aluminum and metal that was close to the surface. About 3/4 of the way through the bed my Manticore locked onto a solid 15 in all directions and it was also close to the surface. The soil was soft so I just rubbed the surface area of the ground from over the signal and I saw the glint of white gold shining at me. That’s what I saw in the attached photo with my finger pointing at it. It was totally buried so he would not have seen it. The search time was around 30-40 minutes.