#lostandfound Tag | The Ring Finders

Halloween Diamond Ring Search. Genoa, Illinois

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)

I got a call from Mary asking for help locating a lost diamond wedding ring. Her and her family were in the backyard trimming bushes and raking up the fallen leaves.  When they were done and were getting cleaned up she realized that her diamond wedding ring was missing.  She remembered having it before filling the last 6 bags. So when I arrived, we pulled out the last 6 bags they filled, into the backyard. The first 5 bags were silent.  But when I swung the detector over the last bag I got a solid 14 on the Minelab Equinox. I was able to reach into the bag with my pinpointer and retrieve the ring from there! Sucsess!! Happy Halloween Mary!!



  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

On 5/7/18 I was out on the North Shore at 5:00 AM preparing to look for a lost men’s wedding ring and it was still dark. As I’m getting ready I look online and saw a lost wedding ring posted on Craigslist on the opposite side of the island and decide to respond to the ad to offer my help. As the sun started to rise while I was on the North Shore I notice that the waves coming up and looked too risky to put my metal detector in the water next to all the reef and to look for the ring in the high surf conditions. I decide to text Faith and see if we would be able to meet up to search for the ring she posted about on Craigslist. She and I decided to meet at the beach.  She told me that she had someone come out and look for it thoroughly for an hour and a half the day prior so if I was willing she would appreciate it. I decide to go over the searched area even though it was search previously  as « It’s always good to search for yourselves »  and sure enough after a few TRASHY items I noticed on my CTX3030 a solid reading of gold/Platinum! As I look in my scoop there it is and I think to myself thats a beauty. What do I tell Faith? How do I tell her as she is simmering around the beach and telling Uncle China (Known Surfer) about her lost ring. I shout to Faith  » Do you wanna SMILE NOW or LATER? » Faith responds, « huh? »  I say it again, « Do you wanna SMILE NOW or LATER? » Faith stops in her tracks and shouts « NO WAY KAI » with tears running down her face I hold up her beautiful ring. The onlookers and the guys that were with Uncle China gave a loud shout and exciting praise!!!  The ring which is so precious was back in the rightful hands and now able to pass down to the next generation. Precious items should be kept safe and I know this family heirloom will be kept safe and passed down for more years to come. Thank you and always have FAITH!




  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

On Monday January 8th I get a call from a worried yet hopeful Wife named Kate and she explains to me that her husband Ted was in the ocean at Ala Moana beach swimming around in 6 feet deep water when He lost his Damascus steel with 14K wedding ring. I advised Her to rest assure I will be on my way and to let Ted know that it will take me around 30 minutes. While I was packing up my gear and on the phone I started to gather as much information from Kate as i could so I would be able to narrow the beach search area. Once I got the info I  needed I let Kate know…Help is on the way.


Arrived to Ala Moana beach and met up with the couple. Ted marked out the place where he believes he lost it and I started the search. After a few minutes of searching the LOST ring FOUND its way back home! I asked ted  » is the ring stainless steel and White Gold?…Does it look like this? » And the moment they seen the ring I saw relief all over their faces. Ted and Kate was very thankful and the comfort of hearing OH MY GOD…YOU FOUND IT! let me know that this is MORE THAN A RING to them…ITS A COMMITMENT OF EVERLASTING LOVE and for me to be apart of reuniting their ring WAS MY PLEASURE. Another happy family and it’s always good to hear GOOD NEWS!!! « Inside Scoops-Kate&Ted ». Well Congratulations and have a wonderful time enjoying the Ohana… Time flys so enjoy every moment!!! HAWAII RING FIND

Business Trip to Hawaii Before Christmas, LOST WEDDING RING, SAVED by the TONE! GOTT’UM

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)


On November 28th 2017 Steve just flew into Hawaii on a business trip. While here on island he decided to head to the beach and take a swim. He noticed a few kids playing football in the water and decided to join them. After some time playing he looked down and realized, NO WEDDING RING. It fell off and he started to look everywhere. The kids that were playing also stopped and put on their swimming goggles to help find his platinum wedding ring. After hours of looking they came up short. Steve was contemplating as to how he would  tell his wife that while on a business trip in Hawaii « I lost my wedding ring »!  Well, thanks to a friend of mine on the beach who noticed the commotion, he went over to Steve and asked if everything is ok.  Steve said « NO, I LOST MY WEDDING RING AND DON’T KNOW WHERE IT IS IN THE WATER ». That’s when I got the phone call. I was able to confirm with Steve that I would help him find his wedding ring and would be there in 30 minutes. I packed up the gear and my family as we were on our way to pick up our Christmas tree that evening. I arrived to the beach and noticed Steve walking waist deep in the ocean and still frantically looking. As I got closer, he looked up to me and yelled « KAI »? I responded  » I’m Ready » and started to gear up as my wife and son played on the beach. It was later in the evening and the sun was setting. After 40 minutes I finally GOT THAT TONE! I looked up to Steve who’s eye was full of depression and a lost of hope and he says « Whats this in the scoop? » At that time I heard a loud « HE FOUND IT »! I got the biggest hugs of ALOHA. In the scoop was Steve’s Platinum wedding ring. My Family and I were excited to see his joy and gratitude all over his face. Steve was very grateful that he thanked me so many times and I had to return with IT’S MY PLEASURE… Thank you Steve for believing in me and we both will have a very Merry Christmas.


Lost My Ring While Raking Leaves In The Lower Mainland/Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Well it’s that time of year again when people are losing their jewelry while gardening and raking leaves, It happens every fall! The sad thing is most people just give up the search after they can’t find their lost item. I got a call from a young man named Joe who didn’t give up the search and found TheRingFinders.com online while looking to rent a metal detector.

Joe explained to me over the phone that he felt that the ring might have come off his finger when he took his gloves off to answer his phone in his front yard. He wasn’t 100% sure but he thought it was the most likely place where the ring could be lost. Joe searched himself but to no avail,

He was not ready to give up the search so he had me come out to take a look.

I was excited for the challenge but I only had a 4 hour window before I started work so I drove out to his place (over an hour drive each way) and to both of our surprise the search only took 10 seconds! That’s right… turn on the machine 10 seconds later I found his ring, I have the best job in the world… I get to make people smile, Joe was in a little bit of shock as he couldn’t believe I was holding up his ring so quickly. In over 500 recoveries that I have made, you get lucky once in a while! I was extremely happy to have found this ring for such a nice young man.













Thanks for reading my story and if you know anyone who could use this service please share the link to www.theringfinders.com


Watch the video of the search…



Ring Lost Several Years Ago in Levittown PA, Found by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)









Several months ago I received a call from Trisha. She lost a ring several years ago in the yard of a friend in Levittown Pa. We texted back & forth and set up a date. The day before we were to look for the ring she sent me a message that there was a problem and she would get back to me. She kept in touch.

This week she texted and asked what my availability was. We agreed on Sunday morning at 8 am. I started packing up my truck at 6:30, and it starts pouring. Ok, better pack my rain gear and switch my detector to waterproof.

We met, and it is raining. I put on my bright yellow rain gear, pants, and jacket. I look like I am going to be on the show Deadliest Catch. Trisha takes me to the area that she believes the ring is located in. She was playing volleyball with friends and went to serve the ball. When she hit the ball, her ring went flying. She had warned me that there are a lot of bottle caps and pull tabs in the area, she was right!! Her husband had looked several years ago with a metal detector and didn’t have any luck.

About 10 minutes into the search her friends said that she was in a different area of the yard. So I expanded my search.  2 spoons, and several trash targets later I get the tone I am listening for. About an inch down in the dirt is a beautiful gold & ruby ring.

Trica comes running down off of the porch, and I get a very big hug. She then explains the history of the ring. The ring is her best friends mothers ring. It was given to Trica after the mother past away. Her best friend had an identical ring made while her mother was still living. She hasn’t been able to tell her friend that she lost the ring. She just saw her friend yesterday, and she was still wearing the identical ring. Trisha now says that she will tell her friend the story of her ring. So much sentimental value.

Trisha stated when we met before the search that the rain would bring good luck. She also reminded me that when we first spoke on the phone that I said if the ring was in the yard, that I would find it!!

I love my hobby!!!


If you have lost a metal item, don’t waste your time renting or buying a metal detector. It takes years of practice to learn what a metal detector is trying to tell you. Call a professional.


Lost Wedding Band while playing Volleyball~Brampton, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a phone call while nearing the end of my Summer Vacation week when I received a phone call from Himanshu. He was playing volleyball at the private compound of President’s Choice HQ in Brampton, Ontario. They had weekly volleyball matches. One of his team mates had said « you should take your ring off in case you lose it »…..

He was practicing prior to the match and sure enough…he lost it. I arrived a few hours prior to the start of the first match. Started a grid pattern from the serving line. One half of the court completed…no ring. Lots of clad coins and sharp thin copper wire pieces. Started on the other side of the court…3rd pass and BAAM…there was his 21k Platinum wedding band. Very special to him as it was India gold. We managed to capture the recovery on video!

One happy camper!!!

Himanshu was kind enough to make a donation to my charity « Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation » in which I am sledding in my 9th consecutive year raising donations for men & woman fighting breast cancer!! « PAYING IT FORWARD »…awesome, everyone WINS!!

August 2016