Ontario Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Sentimental Wedding Band in Lake Baptiste, Bancroft, Hastings Highlands, Haliburton, Ontario Canada

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation ‘Pink Sista’ Beth had contacted me because her husband lost his wedding band in the waters or around their cottage on Lake Baptiste in Bancroft, Hastings Highlands, Haliburton, Ontario.

I thought it would be a good idea to put a flyer out on the lake as it was almost 4 hour drive up from my home and maybe others had last something!

I had a few people reach out about their lost items and one was from Carol Anne & Larry.

Their Son-in-law Jeff has been visiting the cottage with the kids.  Jeff was playing in the water with his kids and lost his wedding band! The area was extremely silty with very poor visibility.

I proceeded into the general area and with the help of my Minelab Manticore underwater detector and a pin pointer, I recovered Jeff’s precious wedding band in roughly 5 minutes.

I headed back to the dock and handed the wedding band to Larry with tears in my eyes. Carol Anne & Larry’s Daughter Terry Anne had passed away in 2020 after a very short illness with cancer.

Jeff was extremely grateful to receive his wedding ring back as he stated ‘how a chunk of shiny metal held so many memories and a replacement band just wasn’t the same’!

I am truly honoured to meet and help Carol Anne & Larry find their Son-in-Law Jeff’s precious and cherished wedding band! I look forward to visiting them when I return to Lake Baptiste this summer 2024!

August 2023


Check out the YouTube video below;


1940’s Family Heirloom Ring Recovered from the shores of Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Laura had received a beautiful 18th Birthday gift of her Great Grandmother’s ring which dated back to the 1940’s ear a couple of years ago.

Laura and her dog was visited the dog beach portion at Wasaga Beach Provincial Park the day prior. Her dog was running off into the water with leash attached and she felt that the ring must have slipped off as her finger as it was catching the leash.

After starting the search, our first find was a small ring. Unfortunately, this was not Lauren’s ring. Hopefully we can get that ring back to the owner through social media posts.

The next target was a pull tab and finally the next target was the beautiful 1940’s amethyst gold heirloom ring!

Lauren and her Mother both saw the glimpse of gold and we all shouted with excitement and relief.

The key to this successful ring recovery was getting the the location as soon as possible after it was lost and the strict tight grid search!

Thank you so very much Lee & Lauren for your generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation.

Check out the video of this beautiful 1940’s Family Heirloom ring recovery;

This ring recovery took place July 2023

Lost, Military Styled Dog Tags (Found in Kingston Ontario)

  • from Kingston (Ontario, Canada)

It was a beautiful sunny day in May and I had been working hard all week. I finally got a day off to myself to enjoy a day of metal detecting with a couple friends.

Metal detecting was slow that day, but just att around noon l, I had just uncovered my first decent target of the day, it was a Queen Victorian 1880s Canadian large scent, one of my favourite targets to dig.

After showing off my find to my comrades, I received a text message from a fellow Ring Finder by the name of Stephane Coutu. Stephane‘s friend “Ed” was in Kingston, closer to me at the time, & had messaged Stephane, inquiring if he knew somebody in the area to come and find his son’s military style dog tag necklace?

Stephane messaged me immediately and I told him I was packing up for the day and I would be on my way to meet with his friend .

En route to Kingston I called my RingFinders partner, Ryan Pugh to see if he was available to come help find this lost Necklace.

Of course Ryan Jumped at the chance to help someone in need and we met up at the property in question.

After hearing from “Ed”, the story of what might have happened to the necklace, Ryan & I waisted no time! We geared up, discussed a search plan, and started to execute a grid-styled search pattern.

About 10 minutes into our search I had made my way approximately 1/2 way around the outside perimeter of the back yard and was closing in on Ryan’s position, as he had gone the opposite direction.

I saw an unmistakable look on Ryan’s face, that could only mean 1 thing, he must have just found the necklace in question.

The home owner Ed, who was beside him, also noticed Ryan’s facial expression and started getting excited. Ryan reached through some tall grass his face lit up even more, smiling ear to ear as he came up with the silver dog tag necklace.

As we celebrated our efforts, the owner of the necklace ( Mike ) had just made his way to the back yard to see how we were making out.

As we approached him, his father “Ed” , whom had been the one to call us, and stood by our side during our search, was holding the necklace, he reached his hand out to his son Mike, and dropped his necklace into his hands.

The expression on Mikes face was priceless, a look of relief, and his smile said it all.

Ryan and I packed up our gear to await our next RingFinders metal detecting adventure.

The video of this day can be seen at the link below


Lost 22k Gold Wedding Band in Park Scarborough, Toronto, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Raheela was exercising in a (Scarborough) City of Toronto park. After running around she sat down by the goal post and her 22k yellow gold wedding band fell out of her pocket into the grass.

They searched the area but could not locate the wedding band.

I met Raheela after work and grid searched the area she felt the ring had dropped.

I then noticed and mentioned to her it appears the grass had been cut. I then extended the grid search and found her beloved wedding band!

Here’s the video and nice surprise;

Raheela and her Husband were very happy for its return!

#lostring #toronto #scarborough #lostingrass #OntarioRingFinder #TheRingFindersDotCom #metaldetecting #ringrecovery #lostweddingband

Men’s Platinum Wedding Band Lost in Whitestone Lake, Municipality of Whitestone, Parry Sound, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a call from Dan and Debbie of Toronto, as they were attending a Family gathering on Whitestone Lake, Municipality of Whitestone in the District of Parry Sound, Ontario.

Met up with Dan and Debbie and we headed up early on a beautiful Saturday morning!

Dan had jumped into the lake and realized his platinum wedding band was not on his finger! Brother-in-law Tony, had lost pliers off his dock four years ago!

I mentioned to Debbie and Dan that this will not take long and probably will be under five minutes!

I used my top underwater metal detector the Minelab ‘Excalibur2’ alongside my floating battery operated hooka system called the Dive BLU3 ‘Nemo’.

With-in 4 minutes I had an old ‘Lucky Strike’ fishing lure and Dan’s chunky platinum wedding band! I also explored a bit and pulled up a fishing rod, more lures, a titanium sinker and trash! Always like to leave the environment cleaner than when I arrived!

We also drove down the road to help the Deputy mayor Joe Lamb find a property marker in 5 minutes after he had been looking for it for six hours! Thank you for the boat ride Mr. Lamb.  We all thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here is the video story. Please subscribe and like!

A very happy couple to receive back an  extremely sentimental wedding band! Tony was also happy to receive his pliers back!

Lost iPhone while walking dog in deep snow in Vaughan, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Danielle took her dog for a walk after a big snow storm  in the field of a local school.

She was playing around with her dog and taking photos during the walk. Five minutes later she realized her newly replaced iPhone was not in her jacket pocket!

Danielle rented a metal detector and tried for three days with no luck.

We met the next morning after the storm passed, grid searched the main area she last took photos and in 15 minutes located her iPhone!

Thankfully, after warming the iPhone up slowly and plugging it in it was working perfectly!


18k White and Yellow Gold Wedding Band Lost After Blizzard Snowstorm Swept Through Bracebridge, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Elaine & Adam arrived home to Bracebridge, Ontario after celebrating Christmas with Family outside the Toronto GTA area.

During the Christmas holiday break there was a massive blizzard hitting Canada from the west coast, right across the prairies, into many parts of Ontario as well as the United States.

After Elaine & Adam parked their car in the neighbours driveway, Adam set up a tripod and camera to capture the snowfall with themselves showing the height of the snow accumulation. I was a beautiful photo! They then broke through the 6’ high snowbank at the bottom of their driveway and proceeded to the front door falling numerous times due to the depth of the snow.

When Adam noticed his wedding band was missing they spent the whole day clearing snow outside but gave up when it was dark and then called you.

I received and text from Elaine and called her immediately to set up a date and time.

After my half day of work I proceeded directly up to Bracebridge, set up my gear at the back of my car, walked over to the starting point where Adam set up the tripod / camera and wouldn’t you know it, I spotted the ring 7’ away in ice on the roadway!!

I started the video interview with Elaine and moved right into the surprise recovery and reveal! Shear disbelief!

Check out the video and the reaction here;

What an incredible feeling and how lucky we were to find it before the next snow clearing event!

I am so honoured to help Elaine & Adam recover this sentiment wedding band but I too was blown away at the extremely generous donation they made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! They made me cry because I really felt my work was valued! They not only received their precious wedding ring back but also received a tax receipt for the donation!

Thank you so very much Elaine and Adam! It was such a pleasure to help on the misadventure of your wedding band!



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Nolan was working in Sunridge, Ontario staking out a utility vault in a ditch at the side of a roadway. He was brushing away his pants with wet hands when he noticed out of the corner of his eye his wedding band fly off.

Nolan’s 14 karat wedding band was custom designed by his Wife with a centre ruby in between two amethyst gemstones to match her engagement ring.

We agreed to meet this weekend very early morning as the Ontario Highway 400 northbound cottage traffic can be crazy.

With a strict grid search using my Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector and small stock coil I was able to locate Nolan’s wedding band in 2 1/2 minutes!

Check out the video;

A very happy young couple and another donation grateful received came into the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!! Nolan received a tax receipt for his donation amount! #payingitforward!

Link to the charity (below) which I’ve been involved with for 13 years now with the last 4-5 years using my passion for metal/scuba dive detecting as a member of the global organization called “THE RING FINDERS”

Donation link;


One happy couple under their masks!



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a call from Brittany who very distraught. She had been having fun in the snow. She threw a snowball at her fiancé James and lost her incredibly beautiful 18k white gold & diamond filled engagement ring!
James had gone and purchased a metal detector. He tried his best to locate the ring with no success.

I headed out in -8C weather and arrived at 10:00pm. I started my grid search pattern in the gully from the driveway out. This is to date, my quickest ring recovery in 20 seconds captured on a “FB LIVE” stream!!! I then set up the surprised!! I used my Minelab Equinox 800 and the ring was a solid 12 VDI!


I am proud to use my passion for metal/scuba dive detecting to raise charitable donations for the KELLY SHIRES BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION!! I am truly blessed to have incredible benefits from my employer at The City of Brampton so I created my “pay-it-forward” program! I charge a fee to the call out. When I find the lost item, I don’t take a reward but instead I have the clients make an immediate on-line donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! The client then receives a tax receipt in the amount donated!! It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN!!

The charity helps men & woman fighting breast cancer with monetary assistance for medicine, scans, wigs, food, transportation, daycare or even rent!! Yes, MEN GET BREAST CANCER TOO!!

Thank you Brittany & James for trusting me and giving me the honor to help recover your stunning engagement ring!



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Young man Shaw was attending a Family Wedding with his Family recently. Later in the day he noticed his late Grandfather’s wedding band that was gifted to him missing off his finger.
I set out early this morning for the three hour drive, met up with Shaw to discuss the areas and the second pass back we had an amazing tone!
This Heirloom wedding band meant the absolutely world to Shaw and we are so happy to have helped recover and return it quickly!

Check out the video!!

Thanks to the land owners for permission, Shaw’s boss and my videographer Daughter Kylie!!

Thank you Shaw for your forthcoming donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!!! My personal “PAY-IT-FORWARD” program instead of receiving a reward overtop of my call-out fee!!