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Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Ashburn, Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I’m very proud of my perfect recovery record thus far as a member of The Ring Finders. The most recent recovery gives me a perfect 4 for 4 record!  I must admit, this time it was my detecting buddy who I asked to come along with me that actually found the lost platinum ring we were looking for, but nonetheless the recovery was a success! Being able to make a  couple’s St. Patty’s Day extra special sure was nice. I’ll let Sarah tell you the rest of the story in her own words….

My husband was out in our yard doing some gardening including spreading grass seed and pulling up weeds and throwing them over an embankment in a wooded area behind our house.  A few hours after finishing the yard work, he noticed that his ring was missing.  Even though he wasn’t sure he had lost it in the yard, he immediately went out there searching for hours with no luck.  He was even able to rent a metal detector and searched the area and still had no success.  He finally gave up and decided that the ring was lost for good.  When he told me, I wasn’t sure that a metal detector would pick up platinum so I did a search online for lost platinum ring and I stumbled upon Jim’s blog.  I sent him a quick e-mail asking if it would be worth it for him to come out if my husband had already searched with a metal detector.  Jim wrote back right away saying that the skill of the detector had a lot to do with the ability to find things, so I figured we’d give him a try.  Jim came out about a week later on St. Patrick’s day with his friend Lance.  They both brought their metal detectors and after my husband gave them a description of his yard work activities they began searching in what they thought were the most likely areas to find the ring: over in the area where he was throwing weeds and in the area he had been planting the grass.  Maybe 15 minutes after they arrived, I started to head out to meet them and my husband said to me « I hope you don’t get your hopes up. »  I said I hadn’t, but I really had!  I stepped outside and asked if they had any luck yet and they said they had found it already!!  It was located in the area where my husband had been planting grass and was under about an inch of dirt.  My husband and I couldn’t believe that they had found it so quickly!  I think it took longer to write this letter than  it took for them to find the ring.  I later realized that it was the 5th anniversary of us getting engaged.  So five St. Patrick’s days ago he had given me an engagement ring and on this one, he had gotten his wedding ring back!  Now St. Patrick’s day is twice as lucky for us.  Thanks again Jim and Lance!

There she is!

Lance and one happy camper!


Back where it belongs!

Lost Jewelry ,Woonsocket, Rhode Island,

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

 Hi!  My name is Gary Bonin, and I joined The Ring Finders Directory to help people find their lost jewelry at beaches, parks, lakes, and yards.  If you’ve lost something special and need it found, call me.  I can help you find it.  I work on a reward basis if the item is found, 20% of which is donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of RI.  I do ask for a call-out fee of $25 just to cover my gas, up to 50 miles.  For more information, please contact me.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Laurel, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

People say things like, « three is the charm » and « things come in threes ». If you are a hockey fan like myself you are familiar with the term « Hat Trick ». Any way you put it, it rang true today! I was able to help my third person this year by recovering his lost ring. Speaking of threes, all were platinum wedding rings!

I was contacted by Adam earlier in the week through thefingfinders.com. We made arrangements to……..actually, let Adam tell you in his own words!

In December of 2011, I lost my platinum wedding ring while rough-housing with our 2 dogs in our back yard. I felt my ring slide off of my finger and thought I heard it fall into leaves a few feet away. My wife and  I searched the area on our hands and knees for the next several hours without any luck. We even bought a cheap metal detector to aid our search but couldn’t find it.

I decided to search the internet to see if platinum could actually be detected and came across Jim’s blog.  My wife was skeptical, but I figured it was worth a shot and sent Jim an email to see if he could help. From this point forward I do not have enough positive things to say about Jim. He responded to my email within 20 minutes and was very responsive in all of our exchanges afterwards.

Unfortunately I cannot say the same thing about myself. We had agreed to meet up at 5:00pm. I had trouble leaving work and showed up 10 minutes late. It was dark and slightly rainy but by the time I arrived Jim had already found my ring !

Thanks so much !




Platinum wedding band found in Denver, Colorado yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Mark very happy to be holding his ring once again

Mark Rubinstein was hanging out in his back yard having a couple of brews with a buddy on a cool September evening. Guys being guys they ended up in a friendly slapping match, the kind where it is all fun and games till somebody loses their wedding ring. The pair searched in earnest that evening trying to find Mark’s platinum wedding band without any luck. The next day mark searched the area one more time on his hands and knees pulling the grass apart and visuallysearching, again no luck. A couple of weeks went by with sporadic but intense searches yet still the searches were fruitless.

Mark sent me an email regarding my services and explained that the ring was lost in him back yard. I assured him that if the ring was truly in his back yard I stood a very good chance of recovering it. But I also made no promises about the rings recovery as I have made searches that were not successful.

Another week went by and I did not hear from Mark so I sent him another email and also left him a message on his cell phone.  After a couple more days Mark sent me an email and we arranged for me to come to look for his ring the following day at 1:00 pm.

I arrived at the address Mark gave me at the prescribed time, Mark was in his car taking care of some business on his cell phone. He showed me to the back yard and explained what had occurred the night that he lost his wedding ring. I readied my Whites XLT with my Bigfoot coil and prepared to search.

Mark needed to take care of a bit more business so he excused himself and left me to my search. Within 10 minutes of starting I had recovered Mark’s ring. The ring was well hidden by the grass and not visible to the naked eye, but the ring was quite visible to a metal detector. By the time Mark made his way back I had already taken close-up photos of his ring and was just hanging out on the deck.

Mark was elated that I had found his ring as he thought that it could possibly be gone for good.

Ring recovered October 21, 2011.

Mark's platinum wedding band


Lost Ring at Boundary Bay, Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)











We received an email at 1o:15 pm from a young man that lost his ring at Centennial Beach, Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen. The strange thing was that we had a search that morning for a man’s lost ring in water. It was a massive area and we found it in a few hours…My wife found it! She was so excited!!! that video will be up as soon as we meet the person who lost the ring and give it back…

So this search Danny told me that he knew the area the ring came off at and my question was did you lose it by a log? Yes he replied, not far from a log. I knew we had to hit the beach ASAP because if we waited till the next day someone could beat us to it…

We met up and discussed the search and set out to the location he lost the ring. I have a big  battery powered light that lit the way to the area he lost his ring.

Because Beverley found the last ring at this beach she decided that she’d find this one too. Danny was confident that the ring was lost in a relatively small area so Beverly started her grid search and within 5-10 minutes she found his ring!

Beverley was so happy that Dan got his ring back and this was only the second time we ever hunted this beach! The same day Beverley found a diamond ring(32 diamonds) for a man that lost it a week before we were able to search for it…

I’m so happy that my wife is excited to compete with me…I just hope she lets me find a few!


Lost something? Call The Turners ASAP

You can watch the video below…


Ring recovered in Northglenn front yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Joe Pfifer lost his 14 karat white gold wedding band while doing yard work. Something as simple and mundane as removing dried up leaves from the shrubbery in front of their home on a cool spring morning had caused Joes ring to slip from his finger.

Joe had tried searching for the ring visually and even researched on-line on how to search for lost rings which is how he found “Ring Finders”. And with the thought of somebody who knew what they were doing as opposed to Joe giving it a go on his own, Joe contacted me.

When I met up with Joe he explained what he was doing and the location of his efforts to clean up the yard. Within a few short minutes I had recovered Joe’s ring from under the tree bark mulch that was hiding it from sight. This search area was being hindered by metal edging, but when you know your machine interference from such can be minimized.

Ring recovered on March 25, 2011.

Joe Pfifer and his ring

Joe happy to be holding his ring once again


Joes 14 kt white gold ring

Lost platinum wedding ring recovered! Fort Meade, Maryland.

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

This is my 2nd recovery in 2011 so far….and I’m 2 for 2! I’ll let Jeff P. tell the story. Thanks for checking out my page!

In May 2011, my platinum wedding band came off during a soccer game. I knew I had it on at the beginning of the game and realized midway through the second half that it had come off. I thought back and suspected that it flew off during a throwin, but had no idea where on the field it had fallen. The field is a very large area, approx.100×75, so I thought it was a lost cause.
After the game, I went home and began researching metal detectors with the intention of renting one and searching for it myself. I was surprised to find the RingFinders.com community and decided to contact Jim Wagner. Jim returned my email and within 2 hours, we were out on the field looking for the ring. After only 40 minutes of searching, Jim found my ring! What a feeling of relief! My wife was out there with us and she was thrilled. Thanks, Jim!

Jeff P.

Yours truly and a VERY happy Jeff P!


Lost Gold Wedding Band Found Yakima Washington

  • from Yakima (Washington, United States)

Another great smile

When you are a Ring Finder, you never know when your next search will be. I had a feeling that I might get a search this week because here in Yakima we had a very cold and snowy spell.This can often mean valuables such as keys and rings can get lost.

When the call came asking if I was willing to help find a lost gold wedding band I was not surprised. After speaking with the wife of the man who lost his ring I was ready to start the hunt.

The ring had fallen off while the husband was cleaning the snow off the car, and then brushed his arms and hands off. He told me that he heard a metal « clank » but did not put it together that it was his ring that made the noise. When he arrived at home, he realized that his ring was gone and was sure that it was his ring that must have come off back in the parking lot. Well he returned to the site, but there was two inches of fresh snow in the lot and he could not find the ring. I was called the next day after they found my listing on The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service on the internet.

I agreed to meet them after work to look for the ring. Now I said earlier that it was cold and snowy, and it was. Although the snow had mostly stopped it was still only around 18 F outside and by the time the search was called off for the night it was well on the way to -5 F.

Unfortunately when we arrived at the search location the parking lot had already been plowed. There was only a 1/4 of packed snow on the parking lot, with two large piles of snow off in the corners. The man was able to put me exactly where the ring came off so I searched that area first. I then expanded the search grid to include the most likely route the scraper would have taken to move the snow into the piles. Still no ring. So after looking at the two piles of snow we decided to search the most likely one, which of course was the larger of the two.

I began to shovel layers of snow off the pile and search the remaining snow. After about two hours I had searched about half of the pile, and called it quits for the night.

The next day was even colder, but the sun was out and I was again eager to continue the hunt. My oldest son was home from school, so I asked if he would like to help me search for the ring, and fortunately he did. So off we went. It took about another hour of digging each layer of snow, and then searching it to come up with the ring. It was sitting just hidden in a clump of snow. About the time I swung the metal detector over the ring, I heard the beep and there was the ring. I could not believe we found it. I thought for sure that I would have to just wait for the pile to melt before the ring would be found.

Now I wanted to surprise the husband with the ring and capture that on video, so I called his wife and told her that I had found the ring but wanted to surprise him. So I asked her if she could get him down to the search area to give me some more details about losing the ring, and she agreed.

When they arrived I asked him if he could tell me about what significance the ring was to him and to go over how he lost it again. Then I asked him to describe the ring and after he was done I pulled out the ring and asked if it looked like this one! He was very surprised and happy to get the ring back.

I was pretty happy to have found it for him with the help of my son. It was a great moment I will not soon forget.

They were very kind in giving me a nice reward, which was much appreciated. I do accept rewards as it helps me cover costs and keep my equipment up to date, but for me the true reward is the great smile and joy that I get to witness and be a part of.

Thanks guys for giving me a call and letting me be a part of your wedding ring story.

Lost Gold Wedding Ring at Kits Beach…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Kits Beach Vancouver, a young married couple playing Volleyball on a hot and sunny day  and enjoying the long weekend, that was until the young man’s wedding ring came flying off his finger into the sand… they searched the sand for hours but no luck!

Thankfully a friend approached the lifeguards for help and they passed my flyer to them. I received a call for help around dinner time and I was off to the beach.

I met the couple and they told me the area they thought the ring came off at and I started my search. There were few good signal and about 20 minutes into the grid search I had a loud signal and I felt it was going to be the ring…It was!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call;Chris Turner
