Lost Ring at Boundary Bay, Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen BC...Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)











We received an email at 1o:15 pm from a young man that lost his ring at Centennial Beach, Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen. The strange thing was that we had a search that morning for a man’s lost ring in water. It was a massive area and we found it in a few hours…My wife found it! She was so excited!!! that video will be up as soon as we meet the person who lost the ring and give it back…

So this search Danny told me that he knew the area the ring came off at and my question was did you lose it by a log? Yes he replied, not far from a log. I knew we had to hit the beach ASAP because if we waited till the next day someone could beat us to it…

We met up and discussed the search and set out to the location he lost the ring. I have a big  battery powered light that lit the way to the area he lost his ring.

Because Beverley found the last ring at this beach she decided that she’d find this one too. Danny was confident that the ring was lost in a relatively small area so Beverly started her grid search and within 5-10 minutes she found his ring!

Beverley was so happy that Dan got his ring back and this was only the second time we ever hunted this beach! The same day Beverley found a diamond ring(32 diamonds) for a man that lost it a week before we were able to search for it…

I’m so happy that my wife is excited to compete with me…I just hope she lets me find a few!


Lost something? Call The Turners ASAP

You can watch the video below…



5 Replies to “Lost Ring at Boundary Bay, Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen BC…Found”

  1. MATT BOEVERS dit :


    1. Chris Turner dit :

      Hi Matt, this search made up for the 1 1/2 hour search that Beverley and I did the same day…she found that one too!

  2. Ed Cropski dit :

    Nice team work! Congrats Bev!

    1. Chris Turner dit :

      Thanks Ed, She is hooked again! Loves the smiles!

  3. Mike McInroe dit :

    Way to go Detecting Duo Turner Team!!

    Mike Mc

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