lost wedding band Tag | Page 73 of 88 | The Ring Finders

Long Lost Boston College Ring Found at Horse Neck Beach in Westport MA

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

In August 2016, while searching for a lost wedding ring in the water, I came across a Boston College ring buried underwater in the sand. Someone had tried to scratch out the owner’s name, but with the help of a magnifying glass, I was able to identify the name, Christopher P. Martin.  I searched the internet and social media for months trying to find him. I even called Boston college twice to enlist their help in locating this graduate but that didn’t help.  After six months of searching, I decided to contact WJAR Channel 10 to see if they could help me in my quest to find the owner of the ring, and they agreed. After the story aired on Channel 10, I still didn’t hear anything. My wife had an idea.  Through the Boston College website, she connected with the Facebook of the Class of 1998.  She messaged both Chris Martin and a college friend of his with a link to the Channel 10 story.  Her detective work and the Channel 10 story paid off!  The friend forwarded the link to Chris Martin, and he contacted me.  Chris told me that his apartment was broken into about 15 years ago and his Boston College ring was stolen.  He agreed to do a follow-up story about the ring return with Channel 10. With the help of my wife and Channel 10, I was able to reunite the ring with its owner.  As you can see from the videos and photo, Chris was very happy to have this ring back!    videos…….. Local man finds lost Boston College ring  and   Missing ring reunited with owner

Ring found and returned at Mission Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I was running errands all day, so, I didn’t get the e-mail cry for help right away. When I finally realized it, I e-mailed back to say that I was available. After an exchange of information, I met Charles at the beach location that evening. He had been out playing football two days prior with other family members when…….well, we know the results of that! His wedding ring of 40 years came off somewhere during their romp in the dry sand. Initially, the search area was fairly good size, but, not ridiculous. Maybe half the size of a standard football field or a little less. After hitting some « hot spots » where Charles remembered being tackled in the sand and having no luck, I started a complete grid of the area. After 15-20 minutes I had found virtually no targets except a few minor pieces of foil and other junk targets. Not even one coin.  Hmmm…..maybe the area had been detected by someone else in the last two days and had already been found? I soldiered on and finally did find a couple of coins, and then, wow, a ring. Oops, not HIS ring. Oh well, not a bad looking ring, and not a bad sign either. At least that area hadn’t been detected extensively. I completed the whole designated search area and nothing more but a few coins. Darn, well, time to expend the search area. I made a few more passes at the north end with no luck.  Charles told me he hadn’t gone that far north, was resigned to the fact that it wasn’t going to be found, thanked me, and left for the night. I told him I’d hunt a bit longer and crossgrid the same area to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. I then went to the southern end of the search area and extended that a ways too. Still nothing. I then started my crossgrid and found absolutely no additional targets…..until……on one of my passes at the southern end, I was looping around to come back north, when I hit THE signal. Finally! It was getting dark and the search area was now about the size of a whole football field! A call to Charles resulted in voice mail, so, I left a message, sent an e-mail, and cooled my heels a while until he contacted me. I detected back south toward my truck, the bathrooms, and showers when Charles returned my call. He and his son then walked down to meet me and pick up his ring. A pleasure meeting you both and thank you for the generous reward. It helps keep the service going. Have a safe trip home today.

Lost Diamond Ring Found in Cumberland RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On February 25th, I received a somewhat frantic call from Lisa.  Her custom-made diamond wedding ring-band had been missing for two weeks.  It was last seen in a bathroom drawer in their house, and Lisa and her husband had been combing the house since that time.  They assumed that their two-year old son had hidden the ring somewhere in the house or that he may have thrown it out of an open second-story window in his room.  Lisa had learned of The Ring Finders from a friend and asked for my help with the search.  I covered the area in the backyard directly under the window without any success.  I also suggested that the ring may have landed on an eave or its gutter just below the second floor windows but would have needed a ladder of over twenty-feet to reach the area.  We moved our search into the house, trying to imagine where a toddler would hide a ring.  After searching through closets, drawers, under furniture, etc., I saw her son trying to stuff something through a small space in his parents’ bedroom window and suggested that he may have done the same with her ring.  We opened the bedroom window, and Lisa hung out the window to check the eave and gutter, while I made sure that she didn’t fall out.  She was shocked and ecstatic to find her ring on the eave right under the window.

Lost Engagement Ring Victoria B.C. Recovered and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)
















Sarah was training her horse on Monday, it was cold and she was wearing gloves.

Sarah took her ring off and placed it in her pocket for safe keeping. When she went to put it back on it was gone, so she searched and could not locate it. Sarah went home and told her husband I have really bad news.

She told me that she didn’t expect to ever see the ring again.

Wednesday, February 1st. she Googled « lost ring » and found me. I was able to meet with her 30 minutes later and after 20 minutes searching I was able to reunite Sarah and her engagement ring.

Love my job.

Lost Keys Found Highlands Neighborhood Edmonton

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)




Julie called me last evening requesting my service to find her VW key fob and office keys! lost while she was snow blowing her driveway! I told her I would meet her at her home first thing this morning and of course the weather changed overnight with temperature -4 below and blowing snow which would make the search a little harsh.

Met Julie she showed me where she had been shoveling and blowing snow around her home within 10 minutes I found her keys in the back alley behind her garage in about 6” of snow, Julie was very happy to have them back in her possession once again.

 Another happy client thank you Julie for entrusting me to locate your keys.

Lost ring in Kaplan, LA – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Ashley called on December 22. Her husband, Rahn,  lost his wedding band, while working in the yard. Carrie and I were in California, spending time with the grandkids, so we set the 28th for the hunt. We arrived back from California and went the next day to FIND THE RING. Rahn had worked in the back yard but security camera footage showed the ring still on his finger as he left to do front yard work. He next went to the front yard to clean grass from three grated yard drains. The grass was tossed to the side and the ring may have left his finger with that motion. Carrie and I each hunted around a separate drain with no luck. I went to the third and final drain. The metal grating had caused problems searching the others but I got a strong signal a foot from this drain, far enough for the metal grating to not interfere. Buried in the grass was the prize. Ashley was beyond excited. It was a pleasure reuniting Rahn with his beautiful ring. Thank you for your generous reward. This allows us to continue providing our services.

Lost Ring In Prairieville, LA – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Rosetto called me on Tuesday. She had lost her husband’s diamond and tungsten carbide wedding band the day before. They had searched the yard without success. I questioned her on the loss. “Where do you think the ring is?” “It’s either in our yard, the neighbor’s yard or in the tree.” “The tree??” “I was really mad at him”.  Being 2 hours away, I told her I’d look at my work schedule and the weather and get back to her. I found an opening on Friday with neither rain nor work. Carrie and I arrived at Rosetto’s house and had her throw flagged test washers. All three washers hit the tree branches and fell within a foot of each other. Within 10 minutes of searching, Carrie had a good signal (80 on the AT PRO) and found the ring close to where the washers dropped.  Another very happy client. We accepted a generous reward after telling her, “We are  lucky you throw like a girl.“


Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring Set in Westerville, OH. “FOUND” with Testimonial

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a white gold diamond wedding ring set lost while cleaning off her car from snow and ice. She remembers seeing the rings as she starting scraping the ice off and by the time she completed the whole car and got inside, the rings were missing. She searched and searched with no luck in the snow cover ground.

I got there in the evening with single digit temperatures, a flashlight and my metal detector to start searching. I searched around the car and yard with no luck. Finally, I searched behind the car bewteen the sidewalk and the road where there was undistrub snow. I found one ring and the second about a foot apart from each other. I went to the front door of the house and ask if these are her rings and she started to cry in joy that her rings have been found.

See her testimonial below.

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Rings Set in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Rings Set in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Rings Set in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Rings Set in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”





















Here is her testimonial:

Dear Jon,
We couldn’t thank you enough for not only coming on the same day we called you, but at night and in the bitter cold no less!
I lost not only my engagement ring but my wedding band that was only 7 months old.
I was in a frantic hurry on a frigid cold Wednesday morning. I rushed to get my kids in the car and get the ice scraped off. When I got in my car, I realized my rings were gone!
I had 2 very generous people come help me search my yard and after no luck and a full days worth of tears, I had almost given up all hope!
That is when I stumbled upon theringfinders.com and found Jon B!
I poured through 2 pages of blogged testimonies and decided to call!
I’m so glad I did! Thank you so much Jon from the bottom of my almost broken heart! The 2 hugs that I gave you weren’t nearly enough!
Andrew & Anell Pike of Westerville, Ohio

The Ring Finders Jersey Philadelphia, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Bucks County

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I can find your lost ring, jewelry or other valuables! Don’t wait to call! 215-850-0188

We Cover Philadelphia, Chester County, Delaware County, Montgomery County, Bucks County, Southern New Jersey, the Jersey Shore!

Malvern, Berwyn, West Chester, Exton, Wayne, Radnor, Doylestown, Downingtown, Glen Mills, Yardley, Newtown, Newtown Square, Gladwyne, Wilmington, New Castle County,  Ocean City, Stone Harbor, Strathmere, Avalon, Wildwood, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Brigantine, Margate, Ventnor, Longport, NJ

Like us on Facebook! Click Here!

Lost wedding band in Youngsville, LA. – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)


Tim called me on a Saturday morning as I was heading to the health club. I traded the gym bag for my detector bag and was on site in 20 minutes. He had lost his wedding band in the back yard 2 days before while playing with his daughter. He had put the ring in his pocket with his cell phone. He took out his cell twice in different areas of the yard. The areas where he removed his phone from his pocket were the first searched. After finishing the second area, I started a whole yard grid search. I had a not-so-great hit so I marked my grid line and searched the hit. Nothing there. As I turned back to pick up my marker, the ring was on top of the grass a foot from the marker. As I was on my knees, being that close to the grass made the ring a lot easier to spot.

Thanks Tim for the generous reward. This will help keep our services available.