lost ring Orlando Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost gold ring while planting flowers in Lake Alfred, Florida…found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service…just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you.  Don’t wait until tomorrow…call or text me now at 321-363-6029 and let’s talk!

Mr Chester was planting some new plants in his front yard and using a post hole digger and other tools he managed to get the holes dug deep enough to hold some new soil and using his hands he began setting the first plant.  Only minutes into the planting process he felt his large gold ring slip off of his finger and he immediately picked it up, brushed it off and put it back on his finger…thinking that now he would be more careful.  Ten minutes later Mr Chester again noticed that his beautiful gold and diamond ring was not on his finger and this time he figured it had to be deep down in one of those holes he had just dug and filled.  Not wanting to totally pull up the plants and sift all the dirt, he got to thinking about other ways to locate his lost ring and that thought led him to search online for a « Ring Finder » and up popped theringfinders.com and one of my successful ring search and recovery stories.  He called me and we made plans to meet up at his place the following Saturday.  Mr Chester was 99% positive that he lost it in the dirt while planting so that is where I concentrated my efforts.  I recovered two small items of aluminum and the 3rd signal was strong and repeatable which proved to be Mr Chester’s lost gold ring!  It truly was an honor and privilege to meet Mr Chester and to be able to help him find what he thought he would never see again.

Have you lost something and need my help?  Call or text me ASAP and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…super thankful to be a member of TRFs!

Lost Diamond in grass, Orlando, Florida…..Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

In Tina’s own words, she says, »Saturday, March 11th I brought the dog out to do his business. He was taking his sweet time and as I was waiting for him I started fidgeting with my diamond ring, as I often do! With the first twirl around my finger I felt the diamond pop off of my ring. I was sure it just dropped straight down into the grass. I hurried the dog back inside and then returned to where I was standing so I could get a better look at the ground. It was no where to be found! I then woke up my husband and my son and they both rushed outside to help me look for my lost diamond. We even had a couple of our neighbors join in the hunt as well. After approximately 5 hours we decided to borrow a friend’s metal detector and we dug up a good section of our yard, but we had NO LUCK! We then waited until it got dark and went back out with a couple of strong flash lights to see if we could catch a glimmer of the diamond sparkling in the light but even that failed! It made it more difficult since it was just the diamond, with the prongs still attached and not the whole ring. So after exhausting all the suggestions we could think of I tried the internet and Googled « How to find a diamond in the grass »! Then I came across theringfinders.com! There were a couple of Ring finder members in the Orlando area so I went with the one who had the most successful recoveries! I called Mike McInroe shortly after 12 noon and he was able to come by our house around 4:30pm that same day! He thoroughly searched the immediate area and after two hours my husband and I were starting to give up hope. And then all of a sudden Mike came over to me with my diamond in his hand!!! We were so so very thankful! It was truly a blessing that I found him on line and that he was able to find my precious diamond. We couldn’t thank him enough! »

Lost something special and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found and Returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from Scott asking if I could help find his lost wedding ring in his front yard! I asked him the usual questions like…When did he lose it? How did it happen? and Did he have a good idea of the exact area where he lost it? And all of the answers that Scott gave me indicated that his lost wedding ring should not be very difficult to find.

Armed with that information and my trusty Garrett, ATMax metal detector I headed for Orlando with high hopes. Made me think of how many people have lost rings, earrings and necklaces while playing with their favorite pet! Sometimes they are able to find their lost item and at other times the grass or sand swallows their personal treasure, never to be seen again.

Scott on the other hand was very sure of the exact spot where he was when he felt his ring come off. So I began my grid search just wide of the area he indicated and it took only 5 minutes to get the solid, shallow signal I was looking for. And Scott was thrilled to get his lost wedding ring back and I was honored and thankful to have been given the opportunity to help him!

Lost something recently or years ago…maybe I can help. Call, leave a message or text me ASAP! I would be honored to help you.

Mike McInroe…glad to be a part of theringfinders.com

Lost large gold wedding ring, New Symrna Beach, Fl…..Found in ocean and returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?…Call ASAP! 321-363-6029

Kim was relaxing at New Symrna Beach with her family and was especially enjoying the warm tidal pool area! She was in knee deep water and was pushing herself around–alligator style–using her hands to pull and push her way along and then « IT » happened! She felt her wedding ring come off of her finger and before she could blink, her ring disappeared into the sand below the water. She stopped immediately and called out for help and in an instant she was surrounded by a group of family and new found friends all wanting to help. They all walked around bent over here and there intently looking into the shallow water, hoping to catch the glimmer of gold! They searched for a while and then slowly began to realize the futility of looking for such a small ring in that sort of environment. Kim was distraught because her wedding ring was actually made up of various family hand-me-down rings that were used to make her one-of-a-kind ring.

Later on that day Kim posted on Facebook about her loss and someone recommended a very specialized group of metal detectorists that actually help people find their lost jewelry. So Kim decided to look up theringfinders.com and up popped my name and one of my stories. She promptly gave me a call and I decided to try and look real early the next morning just after low tide to see if I could find her ring. But I was a bit too late, as low tide was at 4:30am and sunrise was at 6:30 two hours after low tide. I spent an hour and a half looking and as I dug each target, Kim’s heart would soar and then plummet as I revealed a variety of items. As I exited the water, Kim acknowledged that I gave it a noble effort and had all but resigned herself to accepting the sad realization that her ring would not be found. (I knew that later in the evening there would be another low tide and I assured her that I was coming back at 3:00pm to chase that low tide out and cover the tidal pool area once again…and much more thoroughly!). That was wonderful news to Kim’s ears and a blessing to her hurting heart. Earlier, while Kim was anxiously watching me search, a friendly lady stopped and asked what I was looking for and Kim, with tears running down her face, explained her dilemma. The dear lady asked if she could pray for Kim and right there on the beach they bowed their heads and prayed together. Kim told me later that she immediately felt peace and a calmness come over her.

I returned later on that day two hours before low tide and the tidal pool where Kim was swimming was very obvious and now I began another grid search making sure I covered every inch of water. It took only 30 minutes to hear that sweet, sharp sound of gold! I motioned to Kim with a big thumbs up and I could see the emotions and tears of joy flooding over her and I silently thanked God for answering the prayer of a dear stranger just passing by!

Lost a ring or something valuable and sentimental?

Call, text or email me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….waiting to help you in your time of need and thrilled to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring, Apopka, Florida……Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Scott was playing with a football in the pool with his son and some friends and as they finished up he noticed his wedding ring, of 12 years, was not on his finger. So he immediately started searching in the pool thinking that was the most likely place where it probably slipped off while he was swimming. Scott is a certified diver and had no trouble checking all the corners and crevices where his ring could have been hiding–but he came up empty handed. That led him and his friends to search the deck area around the pool and along the fence surrounding the deck. And still no ring. Along the outside of the fence was a row of 5 foot hedge type bushes that gave the pool area some privacy and it was very likely that the lost ring could be hiding either in the bushes themselves or at the base of one of them. Scott and his friends spent a few more hours searching those areas and still could not seem to find his lost ring. The next day they packed up and headed home to the Tampa area and Scott was not happy to be leaving his wedding ring behind. He kept thinking that there had to be a way to find his ring, and that thought led him to search on Google « What do I do when I lose my ring? » and up came one of theringfinders.com stories. So Scott called me and explained what all happened and described the pool area quite well. I asked him to contact the Holiday Inn Express manager and ask for permission to conduct a thorough search of the pool area.
When I arrived later that day the skies were cloudy and rain was threatening. It turned out to be a very tough search and took me 5 hours to finally find Scott’s lost ring. Thankfully the hotel manager left the pool lights on and Scott’s ring had landed in the grass at the far end of the pool on the other side of the hedges!
Thanks Scott for calling me and it was an honor to help you get your lost ring back to you.
Mike McInroe — ready and willing member of theringfinders.com

Lost pacemaker in Orlando, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Todd gave me a call with a very unusual request! He needed to find his mother’s pacemaker because their dog had apparently grabbed it off of the counter and had possibly buried it somewhere in the backyard! WOW!! You can imagine the questions that came to my mind but Todd was quick to explain « the rest of the story »! Unfortunately his mother had passed away and her pacemaker was removed for the purpose of making sure it had been functioning properly. I had never been asked to search for a pacemaker before and was not exactly sure just how one would ring up on my metal detector. This particular one was made of titanium and that usually rings up on the low end of the non ferrous readings.
Later that day I met Todd at his home and we discussed the possibilities of where the dog could have dropped or buried the small pacemaker. (You can see in the photo the size and shape of this unusual item! It’s about the size of a half dollar and almost twice as thick!) As we began walking around the backyard looking at various holes where the dog had been digging and I was trying to get a feel for what I was up against, Todd exclaims, « Look at that! There it is! » And sure enough there it was, laying on the cement slab under the edge of the outdoor table, between 2 chairs.
Todd had previously looked the obvious areas over quite thoroughly and we came to the conclusion that one of the dogs must have dropped it there sometime that afternoon. What a relief it was for Todd and his sister to have their mother’s pacemaker back in safe keeping!
After a nice visit I said my goodbyes and headed home. And as I pulled away I realized how thankful I was to have been blessed and privileged to have helped another person in need. God bless you Todd and thanks for giving me a call. Got something that needs finding? Maybe I can help!
Mike McInroe, privileged to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring, St. Augustine, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Rob gave me a call and asked if there was any way I could help him find his lost wedding ring. Apparently while herding some horses on a small ranch where he and his wife live and work, his ring slipped off of his finger and landed into the soft sandy Florida dirt. He was amazed at how fast it disappeared and even knowing about where it landed, his efforts to find his ring in the sandy soil were futile.
About a week later, while searching the internet, Rob found one of my search and recovery stories on theringfinders.com web site. And that’s when he discovered that there is an amazing service of metal detectorists who help people find their lost rings.
As Rob explained what happened the day he lost his ring, I felt quite confident that his lost ring could be found. And this was great news to Rob! Especially as he had only been wearing it for two months.
Two hours later I arrived at the small horse ranch and met Rob. As I gathered my gear and followed Rob down a narrow sandy trail- I could not help but notice how peaceful and quiet a place this was. The smell of fresh straw and the unmistakable odor of horses gave me a calm feeling of being way out in the country. As we got closer to the gate, Rob showed me exactly what he did the day he lost his ring. The area was no more than 15 feet square and would not take long to search. And sure enough I walked no more than 5 feet when I got my first signal. It came in around 16 on my Whites DFX metal detector and I was almost certain it was Rob’s lost ring. And as I kicked back the sand, there was Rob’s ring. So glad to be able to help you Rob and it was a pleasure finding your ring!
Lost something special? Call or e-mail me ASAP!
Mike McInroe, proud member of theringfinders.com

Buried wallet in sand, New Smyrna Beach, Florida…….found!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brandon was enjoying a beautiful day at NSB with his family and as he thought about going out into the water he wondered where he could put his wallet for safe keeping. Not wanting to leave it somewhere exposed, he decided to bury it in the sand under the corner of his towel. And as the afternoon wore on Brandon sort of forgot about his wallet and picked up his towel a couple of times to dry off. It wasn’t until later that he remembered his wallet.
So he went back to where he thought would have been the corner of his towel area in the sand and started digging. All the sand looked the same and the more he dug the more frustrated he became. His family started giving him a hard time and after an hour or so of digging—he realized it would take more than sheer luck to find his buried wallet. Thankfully Brandon had a single car key inside his wallet and thought about a metal detector. So on his phone he typed in « Metal Detecting Service »! This led to theringfinders.com web site and my first conversation with Brandon.
After making arrangements to meet on the beach, Brandon called me one last time to make sure I had a shovel or something to dig with, and I reassured him I had my metal detector and a couple of things to dig with! An hour later I met Brandon and we walked onto the beach to where his family was set up for the day and you could see the 6 foot square area where it was all dug up! I reassured Brandon and within seconds I got a signal on the edge of where he had been digging. And sure enough, as I pushed the sand back, there was the corner of Brandon’s lost wallet peeking out at me. Brandon was so happy to have his wallet back and I could see the relief on his face. Thanks Brandon for calling me and it was a pleasure to meet you and help you get your wallet back!
Buried something valuable and cannot seem to find it? Maybe I can help! Call or e-mail me—ASAP!
Mike McInroe, honored to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring, Disney Caribbean Resort, Orlando, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Last Friday I received an e-mail from Iain asking if I could help him look for his lost ring. Apparently Iain was playing goalie for his young son who was kicking his soccer ball in an area with very soft sand that the Disney Caribbean Resort provides near all of their pool locations. Iain found himself diving to the left and to the right, blocking the ball with his hands. And having put on sun screen beforehand, added to the soft sand and sweat…well, that usually adds up to « Lost Ring! »
It wasn’t until later that Iain noticed his ring was missing and that led him to search online for « metal detector rental ». And thankfully up popped www.theringfinders.com and one of my stories. So Iain decided to send me a message. (Sometimes you can wait a day or two before doing a search but at other times it is best to look as soon as possible. Especially in a public area where there are allot of people coming and going!)
There were plenty of coins, pull tabs and a few bottle caps in the 40 X 40 foot soft sandy area. But with a man’s platinum ring one has to dig every signal that even sounds good. It took about 2 hours to finally pinpoint Iain’s lost ring hidden among a small coin spill.
For 12 years Iain had not taken his ring off and it was so worth the 2 hours to see the big smile on his face!! Even his dear family came out to tell me thank you! And thank you so much Iain for the generous reward and again it was a real honor and privilege to meet you and your dear family!
Lost a ring? Give me a call—ASAP!
Mike McInroe, proud member of theringfinders.com

Lost ring in lake, in Heathrow, Florida…returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

The other day my good friend Chris texted me about a lost ring in a small lake in the Heathrow area. In casual conversation a neighbor mentioned to Chris that she had lost her precious silver ring while feeding bread to the fish. It happened just after Christmas and Tina could not get her mind off of loosing the very ring her brother had given her just a few years ago. After hearing her story Chris told her « I know just the guy to help you get your ring back! » So the following day—Valentines Day–I made arrangements to meet Tina and have her show me where she lost her ring. The original information I received was that the ring was lost only a few days ago so when I arrived and got set up–I concentrated my search efforts in the water from the shore out to about three feet deep. After a thorough search in the water and coming up empty handed I called Tina to come out and explain to me again what all happened the day she lost her ring. Come to find out she actually lost it a few days after Christmas, so that turned out to be 6 weeks ago and we have had very little rain and the water level had dropped a good two feet or so since then. I realized just where she would have been standing and the drop zone area would be up the bank further. And sure enough after a few sweeps of my coil over the dry ground–there was Tina’s lost ring just under a thin layer of dirt and mud! Tina could not believe I had found her lost ring and was thrilled to get it back on her finger!
So thanks Chris, for contacting me and helping bring joy and relief to Tina!
Lost something recently? Call or e-mail me ASAP!
Mike McInroe proud member of theringfinders.com