lost ring New Symrna Beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Buried wallet in sand, New Smyrna Beach, Florida…….found!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brandon was enjoying a beautiful day at NSB with his family and as he thought about going out into the water he wondered where he could put his wallet for safe keeping. Not wanting to leave it somewhere exposed, he decided to bury it in the sand under the corner of his towel. And as the afternoon wore on Brandon sort of forgot about his wallet and picked up his towel a couple of times to dry off. It wasn’t until later that he remembered his wallet.
So he went back to where he thought would have been the corner of his towel area in the sand and started digging. All the sand looked the same and the more he dug the more frustrated he became. His family started giving him a hard time and after an hour or so of digging—he realized it would take more than sheer luck to find his buried wallet. Thankfully Brandon had a single car key inside his wallet and thought about a metal detector. So on his phone he typed in « Metal Detecting Service »! This led to theringfinders.com web site and my first conversation with Brandon.
After making arrangements to meet on the beach, Brandon called me one last time to make sure I had a shovel or something to dig with, and I reassured him I had my metal detector and a couple of things to dig with! An hour later I met Brandon and we walked onto the beach to where his family was set up for the day and you could see the 6 foot square area where it was all dug up! I reassured Brandon and within seconds I got a signal on the edge of where he had been digging. And sure enough, as I pushed the sand back, there was the corner of Brandon’s lost wallet peeking out at me. Brandon was so happy to have his wallet back and I could see the relief on his face. Thanks Brandon for calling me and it was a pleasure to meet you and help you get your wallet back!
Buried something valuable and cannot seem to find it? Maybe I can help! Call or e-mail me—ASAP!
Mike McInroe, honored to be a member of theringfinders.com

Platinum wedding ring lost at New Smyrna Beach, Fl. …..Found!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from David asking me if I could help him find his lost platinum wedding ring in the dry sand at the beach. He explained that he and his Dad were heading to a beach side restaurant and as they were coming to the wooden stairway he felt his ring slip off of his finger. He immediately stopped and began running his hands through the sand desperately hoping to find his ring—but it had completely disappeared! He looked for sometime and finally realized he needed more help and that led him to search the internet. Up popped theringfinders.com . New Smyrna Beach is only an hour drive due east so I packed up my gear and hit the road. An hour later I walked up to David and introduced myself. I could see that David had marked the area by setting out two lawn chairs and his bags around an upright wooden post. He explained what happened and then asked me a few questions. It only took a minute to set up my Whites Dual Field and then I made two swings with my detector and I got a good signal. I paused and mentioned that generally during a search I get various signals and dig other items–like pull tabs, bottle caps, coins, etc… But this signal was very strong and had a slight double beep! (Large rings occasionally give that sound!) So I dug a large scoop of sand with my homemade digger, sifter and as I shook out the sand–there in the bottom was David’s 13 year old platinum wedding ring!
It’s always an awesome feeling to help someone find their lost item–expecially one as important as a wedding ring!
Have you lost an item recently?
Call me or send me an e-mail!
I am here to help!
Mike McInroe–proud member of theringfinders.com

If you lose a ring or other metal item of value, don’t buy a metal detector or rent a detector, but call one of the members of this directory. Look at the different metal detecting ring finders blogs and read their success stories, then call them ASAP! They will work hard for you to find what you thought might never be found again.
I search Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach, Ormand Beach, Flagler Beach, Cocoa Beach and all parks, yards, gardens, beaches, lakes and ponds (up to 5 foot depths) in Seminole County, Volusia County, Brevard County and Orange County!040044