how to find a lost ring in a park Tag | The Ring Finders

Rose Gold and Diamond Engagement Ring Lost in Griffith Park…Found and Joyfully Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 310-953-5268

Meredith contacted me regarding an engagement ring she lost the night before at the Griffith Park Haunted Hayride. She had been there with her fiancé when after the ride was over she stood up to get off, and her loose fitting engagement ring slid off of her finger, and was lost somewhere in the hay. She and her fiancé, along with some of the staff stayed until 3 AM searching for her ring with no luck. We arranged a time to meet there, and I was on my way.

When I arrived Meredith and her fiancé Mehrdod had emptied the hay from the area of the loss from the trailer onto a tarp, and spread it out, so I began my search there. I went over the hay very carefully, but there was no ring there. I then went into the trailer to search the remaining hay but was unable to find it there. There were gaps in the floor of the trailer that a ring could easily fall through, so I got under the trailer and searched; nothing. I then repeated the whole search again to make sure nothing was missed, and again no ring. I asked if this was the area where she disembarked, and she said no it was another area. We went to the place where she stood to get off of the ride, and I began to search there. She and her fiancé were doing something in another part of this spot when I got a great signal, put the pin pointer in, and found her ring. I walked over with her ring hidden in my hand, and asked an inquiring question, to which she walked over to Mehrdod to discuss it with him. It was at that time I held up my hand with her ring, and asked, « Are we looking for this? » Meredith got very emotional at that point with joy, and later said that that was the best « jump scare » she had ever had. She then told me that they were getting married in 12 days; WOW! What a pleasure it is to see that kind of joy restored in a person’s life! What a great day!


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Lost Ring Aldergrove Regional Park…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  Anytime 24/7   778-838-3463

I received an email from a young lady and this is what it said…

Hello Chris,
My name is Erin and I am hoping you can help me find my wedding ring that I lost yesterday afternoon, somewhere in a small section of Aldergrove Regional Park. I noticed fairly quickly that I lost it, so I spent most of my time there looking for it instead of enjoying the park. Are you available to help me look for it with your metal detector? I would be very grateful if you could! Please let me know.

Thank you,
I replied back that I would be very happy to help and asked her to call me which she did pretty soon after, it’s very important to get there as quickly as possible in order to have a chance to find it before someone else does. I met Erin at 7 pm, she was a very nice young lady, she showed me what she was doing and where she believed the ring was lost, it didn’t take long before I found her smile. It really helps when people can put you in the ballpark, sort of speak, and she did that. This was a first for me to find what they call a  »ring jacket » it’s two rings soldered and separated so that the engagement ring can sit the middle. Aaron also told me her husband said to her don’t worry I will buy you another one, what a great guy, I think I saved him a few dollars by finding this one.

Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about

I love my job!

Watch the video of the search below…

How to find a lost ring, Vancouver Park…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  778-838-3463


Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from a young lady who said she lost her ring at a local park in Vancouver. She asked if I could come and help look for it, I asked her to make sure to check the area really well before I came out. Sometimes people can find their own ring just by looking in the area they believe it was lost in, after a half-hour I got the phone call to come out and help.

Paula was at the park with friends and family celebrating her nephews birthday, I asked her to text me when the party was coming to an end, she said around 6:30 pm. I arrived at 6:15 and was greeted by Paula, we discussed the possibilities of where the ring could be. I started a grid search in the most likely area I believed the ring could be in,  after one hour and 45 minutes I shifted my search into a bushy area that was very hard to swing my detector, I knew I had to use my pinpointer in this area.

Paula asked me if it was OK that they went home to celebrate her girlfriend’s birthday, I told her absolutely, as I knew I had another 45 minutes of searching left before it goes dark. Shortly after they left the area I found the ring and was able to call Paula back before they drove away.

Surprising someone with a ring that they lost is the funniest part of my job! I love the smiles and happiness it brings to a stranger! This ring was her father’s wedding ring that he gave her before she moved to Vancouver from Brazil. One can only imagine how sentimental that ring is to her and how important it was to find.










Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about I love my job!

Watch the video of the search below…


Sentimental Friendship Ring Found @ Bearspaw Park, Edmonton’ Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Bearspaw1 BearsPaw

I received a call from Justine around 1:56 pm asking if it was possible for me to come out and find her 10ct white gold friendship ring that she had lost this morning, along the side walk in Bearspaw Park.  We were in the midst of a heavy snow storm with about 4 inches of snow. She told me her and her boyfriend had searched in the snow for about three hours with no luck.  She turned to the internet and found and called me.

I told her I would be down in 45 minutes, met up with Justine, and together we went over to the park where she showed me approximately where the ring had flown off her finger. It took me approximately 45 minutes to locate her ring. She was a very happy young lady when I found it as the ring was of sentimental value to her.

Another happy Client – Thank You Justine.

Gold Ring Found Edmonton, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

photo 2MattIMG_0585

Received a call yesterday afternoon from Matt in regards to finding his ring which was lost last November after his girlfriends chucked it over the fence into somebody’s back yard after having a disagreement, I asked Matt why it took him this long to try and find his ring he said since it had snowed that day his ring would be buried and it would be safe there until spring, yesterday he was searching on the internet and found me and the rest is history.

Matt told me he had permission from the owner to look for his ring. Made arrangement to meet this morning at the lactation, arrived in the back yard where there was around two feet of snow lucky for me the yard size was only 33’ x 50’ with a deck and fenced; Matt told me it was a heavy gold ring with his initials. Searched the area for about 30 minutes with no luck, then bingo ring found! Underneath the table on the deck somehow the ring must have bounced off something and ended up there as you can see by the picture the ring was very large. Mat & Sam was very happy to get the ring back once again. Thanks Matt for entrusting me and the TheRingFinders to search for your ring.

Lost Wedding Ring At St. Martha School Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Stephen Addison    Stephen Addison

Received  e-mail from Stephen on Thursday July 11, that he had lost his wedding ring the night before while he was playing soccer in the rain at a soccer field in west Edmonton. I spoke to Stephen in regards to his lost ring; he was not sure where about he had lost it. I meet up with him at the field and he showed me where he was playing. He told me he was taking turns playing goal keeper and his ring could be anywhere on the field. after about 20 minute searching « bingo »  I found his gold wedding ring about 20 feet from the goal post I called him over  he could not believe his eyes that his ring was reunited once again, Another happy client.

Lost Wedding Ring on Her Wedding Day in Stanley Park, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The call came in Saturday afternoon and the young man said that his wife had lost her wedding ring at Stanley Park while taking wedding photos. He asked if I could come out and take a look and I said that I could be there in two hours as I was visiting my dad who lives a good hour plus from Vancouver.

I grabbed my detector and headed for the park and when I got there I received a call from the young man who I thought was going to meet me there to show me the area but as we talked I realized he was the groom and it was his bride that lost the ring.

They were at the reception celebrating and he told me over the phone where he knew the ring was lost and I thought I was in the right area but not 100% sure. After 3 1/2 hours I packed it up until the next morning when I received a call from her bridesmaid.

We met up and she was able to show me the area that they were taking pictures and she told me the story about the ring that was lost…It was the brides great-grandmothers ring that was handed down to the brides grandmother then past on to the brides mother and her mother gave it to her on her wedding day.



This would make the ring extremely sentimental and to lose it on that special day just broke her heart.  After getting good directions of where they were and what they were doing I was able to utilize my process of elimination and shortly after three hours I found her great-grandmothers wedding ring.




I have the greatest Job in the world… I get to make people smile!

Thank you so much for reading my blogs, until the next one.

Best Regards, Chris Turner


You can watch the video of the recovery below.