Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 4 of 389 | The Ring Finders

Metropolitan Detroit Michigan Professional Ring Recovery Specialist Metal Detective Service

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)


Time is of the essence when recovering a lost item of value belonging to you or a family member.

If you have lost your ring in snow, beach, underwater, in your car/house/yard, ect…..

Or you want to search for a deceased family member’s cache of missing money……

The chances are good for 100% recovery of your lost item the sooner I can search.

Check out my 200 finds here on

Looking forward to meeting you and recovering your lost item(s) of value.

Jonathan Hamill


Paladium Ring made for him by his wife!

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I received a call from fellow detectorist and ringfinder, Laura, who is located up in Marin County. She got a call for a lost ring at Montara Beach just south of Pacifica in San Mateo County and referred them to me as I am closer in proximity to Montara. I connected with Jenn and Zakk and planned to head out to the beach the following day. The atmospheric river had other plans for me though. I called off the hunt that day and, instead, headed out the next day when it was cold but nice and sunny.
What I found when I arrived at the beach was a HUGE cut caused by the torrential rain the day prior. It cut the beach in half and I worried that the ring may have been washed away.

Using the photos that they sent me, like a treasure map without the « X » marks the spot, I headed over the cut to the south end of the beach where they were fairly certain the ring had been lost. Because I had to go after work I knew I would be fighting the daylight. I texted Jenn asking for a few minor details to zero in on the exact spot and went to work swinging horizontally to the water, they perpendicularly, then extending the search area again horizontally and perpendicularly. Two hours later I had come up with nothing but false tones and a handful of carefully rolled up twist ties.
The sun had set and I was feeling defeated. I knew how important this ring was for them. They had take a class and each made a ring for the other from paladium so clearly the sentimental value of these rings far outweighed any monetary value (even though paladium is not cheap).
There was a second spot that they circled on the aerial photography they sent me. It was between the cut and the stairs that go up to the parking areas. Since it was dark and the trail I took down from the parking area was slippery with mud I decided to walk toward the stairs and try to swing through the second, less likely, location on my way out. It was very dark and the little light on my Legend was helpful but I took out my phone and used it’s flashlight for additional light. I swung as I walked toward the stairs until I got a loud signal ringing in my ears. Alas, it was only a bottle cap.
Thinking I was going to have to call them and tell them I hadn’t been able to recover the ring I walked a few feet closer to the stairs and suddenly a banging signal rang in my headphones. A split second later my eyes locked on a silver circle sticking out of the sand. I knew without question that this was the ring!
Excited I packed up my machine and walked up the stairs with Zakk’s ring on my index finger smiling and shaking my head. I had spent 2.5 hours out there searching for this ring and couldn’t believe my luck.

It is always disappointing when I can’t recover someone’s lost item. I don’t give up easily and often head back out the next day or next weekend to look again because defeat is not something I am willing to accept.

When I got back to my car I first sent photos and let her know I had found it. When I didn’t hear back right away I called Jenn, but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. I let her know that I had found it and to let me know how I should get it back to her.

Moments later she texted back, « OMG OMG OMG! »

She let me know they were in the process of putting their beloved dog down and my heart broke. I have been through losing my dogs 3 times in my adult life so far and it is the worst possible feeling. But knowing this made me even more grateful that I had found the ring for them. They were having a really shitty week and I was able to bring them some light in the darkness.

I kept the ring safe for a few days and we planned to meet Saturday at a restaurant a few minutes from my house. They drove in from the East Bay where they live and we met at The Ramp. I joined them a little late but they even bought me lunch and we sat there and talked for a couple of hours. We realized we have a lot in common – we like the same kind of television shows, including a lot of British programming – and Zakk was thinking about getting in to metal detecting now. If there is one thing I love, it’s corrupting new people into this wonderful, fun, interesting and educational hobby.

We tried several times to part ways and end our conversations, but kept finding more to talk about. And through all of this distraction and excitement I totally forgot to take a photo of the ring in the daylight and with Zakk and Jenn! Fortunately Jenn remembered and sent me a couple photos with the ring safely back on Zakk’s hand.

Ring recoveries are one of the most gratifying, special things a person can do with a metal detector. And I am thankful for every single person that puts their trust in me for this task.


Gold Ring lost in Hayward, CA…Recovered!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

Our first ring recovery of 2025 came while I was providing First Aid support for a Cub Scout knife safety/whittling class for our Pack.  I had received a call for assistance in Hayward, CA to locate a yellow gold chain ring lost in tall grass along a trail.  I informed them that I was committed for another two hours but would head their direction shortly thereafter.  I had them text me an address and informed them I would let them know when I was on my way and again when I was 10 minutes out.

My two older boys would accompany me to provide assistance and loaded their detector as we made for the location.  It took just under an hour to reach the site and a short 3 minute walk put us in the target area.  I provided some orange soccer cones for them to define the search area as I prepared our detectors. I was excited when my oldest boy got a promising hit on his Vanquish 540.  Upon further inspection it was found to be spectacle frames for a pair of glasses.  Moments later, I got a great signal on the 800 (12-14) and when pinpointed…we had made the recovery!!!

It was a beautiful day and I had almost wished it took a bit longer to locate while spending time with the boys among the tall Kelly green grass of the East Bay hills.


The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590


2nd time was the charm! Gold ring lost in the snow – found in Indiana, PA by metal detecting specialist Brian Carpenter

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery/metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I was contacted by Justin who lost his ring while walking his dog in the cold and snow. Justin lived locally but we were having a tough time getting together. Because it was an apartment complex I wanted to get over there and search as soon as possible to try and make sure I/we were the ones who found it. I got held up and by the time I was able to get to Justin’s place he had returned to work so I talked with his girlfriend who pointed to two general locations where he walks the dog. I searched both places a small patch of grass on the corner and a larger patch on the backside of the complex. I looked for a long time with no luck and decided to give up as it was cold and snowy. I told Justin I did not have any luck but I would come back over since it was so close.

It took a week and a half or so before Justin and I could meet back up. Actually I was on my way to his place when he got called back into work. Luckily I was able to get there before he had to go. Justin took me back and showed me a more specific area to search which was not part of my initial search. Prior to going over I had strapped on my small coil to look for the ring as the areas I had searched before were pretty small. However this time, the area Justin pointed out was a lot bigger. I was kicking myself for not bringing my larger coil but because I was so close and had been there before I did not pack it. The thought went through my mind that I should go back to the house for it but I decided to go for it with my small coil and come back out again with the large one if I needed to. It was about 15 – 20 mins of searching the field I located the ring laying on the top of the grass where the snow had melted.

Justin was at work so I sent him a text and he was very happy. We arranged a time for me to meet up with him after work and return the ring. It was a pleasure to meet and help out another kind and generous client. I was also reminded that it is always best to talk to the person who had the loss when possible (I might have found it my first time out) and to take all my equipment no matter how close.

As a side note – the young lady who I had looked for her ring in Plum, PA sent me a text that the ring had been recovered after all the snow melted. I also had another potential customer in West Mifflin, PA text me that he found his ring. Unfortunately I had not been able to make it out as quickly as we would have liked for the search. It is great that all of these rings have been recovered either by myself or the owners and I thank them for updating me. This mean that all the rings that I have been called about for 2025 have been recovered to date – awesome!

Lost diamond earring found in home in Winter Garden, Florida…found by metal detector specialist Mike McInroe!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding your lost ring or other sentimental item, call a professional metal detecting expert. Mike’s metal detecting service is here for you…call or text anytime, day or night, 24/7 at 321-363-6029!

Here is a short review by Abhi and what all transpired with his wife’s lost diamond earring! Abhi writes, « I am beyond thrilled that we met Mike! What a pleasure and blessing it was to work with him. My wife lost one of her treasured diamond earrings a few weeks ago going back and forth between our kids rooms at night as they were not feeling well. There was a lot of tossing and turning! She took her earrings out, placed them on the night stand and a few days later only found one of them there! After extensively and exhaustively searching our home, we decided we needed some professional help. Mike came to our house and was incredibly patient and thorough, asking amazingly detailed and thoughtful questions. He was looking EVERYWHERE! Even diligently taking tissues out of the trash bin, one by one, to make sure no stone was unturned! We ended up finding the lost diamond earring underneath a rocking chair cushion tucked all the way in the back corner which was only seen due to the large industrial flashlight he was carrying. He was amazingly sincere, patient and ultimately got the job done. Thank you Mike! »

How I thank God for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to help Abhi and his dear wife! Maybe someone else has experienced similar situation and needs help locating a lost ring, piece of jewelry or other metal object! Do not hesitate to call, text or leave a message. The number is 321-363-6029…give me a call and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…eager to help you in your time of need!

Lost Ring Found in Gambier, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Shortly before the holiday break, I received a call from Dottie (from Massachusetts) who found me on the Ring Finders website. She explained that her daughter had just called her from college (in Ohio) and was pretty upset. Her daughter was on her way to class when she slipped in the snow and lost her Signet ring! It was a very special ring and Dottie hoped I could help. We made arrangements to meet her daughter Stephanie on campus an hour later. When we arrived, Stephanie and her friends described what had happened and showed us where she lost the ring. We turned on our detectors to get to work and BEEP, BEEP!! First swing of the coil and there it was! Stephanie and her friends couldn’t believe we found it so fast! We took a few pics and messaged Dottie. Everyone was happy! The whole thing took less than a minute, but that feeling lasts forever!

Lost wedding ring found in the snow and returned to its rightful owner!!

  • from Coventry (Rhode Island, United States)

Search of Burned Home in the Altadena Fire Sentimental Recovery

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

I received a call from Michelle asking for help in searching her burned home, We agreed on a day to conduct the search.

When I arrived I could see the home was completely gutted. Michelle and her husband David met me, and explained that they, some fire fighters, and their friends had searched the site, and recovered most of what they were looking for with the exception of a few items. I began looking for one of the items, and then Michelle asked if I would redirect my attention to another area of the house where she had lost something of great sentimental value to her. It was a small bronze sculpture of the mythological Greek Goddess Athena’s helmet that she had had for many years that was associated with someone she admired. The previous searches turned up the head dress of the helmet, but not the helmet. She showed where it had been, so I began my search. After about 30 minutes of searching, a little rounded object no bigger than a tennis ball came out of the rubble. I picked it up, it was heavy, and formed. I turned it around and saw the shape, then called out to Michelle who got very excited that this memory was still intact. So very happy to be of help.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.




Recovery of Valuables in Burn Zone Altadena Fire

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Chris contacted me about searching his home that had burned during the Eton/Altadena fire, we made arrangements to do the search.

When I arrived Chris and his wife Laura met me at our arranged meeting point, and they took me to their property. Driving through the area just makes my heart sink knowing how all of these people lost everything they had worked so hard for so rapidly. When we arrived they told me that the home was searched already by a Samaritan’s Purse team, but the wanted a more thorough search to insure everything that could be found was found. I searched 3 different areas, and was able to find 5 lumps of melted silver, one of Chris’ hand planes, a decorative anchor, and 5 small pieces of gold including a partial chain, and fully intact earring with gem. They were happy I was able to help, and I was thankful to be able to help as well.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Lost Wedding Ring Found at Carpinteria State Beach

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)
Lost a Ring in the Sand at Carpinteria State Beach? Call Dave The Ring Finder!
If you’ve lost a ring, necklace, pendant, or bracelet in the sand at Carpinteria State Beach, don’t waste time or money on a metal detector rental. Instead, contact Dave The Ring Finder, a proud member of The Ring Finders network, at 805-290-5009 (call or text). I specialize in recovering lost jewelry fast, so you can get back to enjoying your day!
Today, I received an urgent text from Mike, who had been camping and playing football at Carpinteria State Beach. While diving for a catch, his ring slipped off—stripped from his finger in a one-in-a-million moment. He wasn’t sure of the exact spot, but we narrowed it down to a 20×20-foot area of sand. I grabbed my gear and got to work.
The challenge? The beach was littered with bottle caps, pull tabs, and melted aluminum scraps. My Minelab Manticore was picking up a symphony of signals, making it impossible to zero in on the ring’s tone without digging every target. With so much metal trash, I couldn’t risk the ring being masked, so I committed to clearing the area scoop by scoop.
After 40 minutes and about 40 dug targets, doubt started creeping in. Had we misjudged the spot? I expanded the search slightly, and within a minute, I hit a solid 50-51 tone—a promising sign. I plunged my CKG scoop into the sand, gave it a few shakes, and there it was: Mike’s lost ring gleaming in the sunlight!
What started as a tougher-than-expected hunt ended in success. Losing a ring in the sand at Carpinteria State Beach doesn’t have to ruin your trip—Dave The Ring Finder has you covered. Call or text 805-290-5009 today, and let me reunite you with your lost treasure!