Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 26 of 388 | The Ring Finders

Diamond Wedding Ring Found for Owner, Falmouth Heights Beach, Falmouth, Massachusetts

  • from Falmouth (Massachusetts, United States)

Shelby wisely removed her conjoined engagement/wedding rings and put them in her pocket when she and her family went to enjoy some time on the beach.  Unfortunately, when she later slid her hand into her pocket to retrieve the rings, there was only the heart-rending realization that they were gone.  She had stowed her cell phone in the same pocket, and she felt it was very likely that the rings had come out and dropped in the sand at the same time she had pulled out her phone.  Her mother called Falmouth’s Mitchell Bathhouse to seek help, and they informed her about the RingFinders and provided her with my name.  I received a call the next morning and half an hour later met Shelby and her sister at the beach, ready to hear her story and see if I could replace the gloomy faces with happy smiles.

Shelby and her sister showed me the location where the family had been on the previous day, which now included some morning beach goers.  When these folks heard the story of the lost rings they very kindly moved a couple of times to make sure I was able to cover the full area in my search.  I did several beach-parallel swaths, finding a few trash items, but within a half hour or so heard the sweet signal of success and soon Shelby’s rings were in my scoop.  I walked over to her, letting her look into the scoop and remove the rings while I had the great pleasure of watching the joy burst across her face.

As it turns out, the large diamond in the engagement ring had quite a story.  I’ll let Shelby tell the story:

« As I mentioned yesterday, this ring has been in my husband’s family for over 60 years.  The stone was found when his great uncle was on a walk and saw it on the side of the road.  Being a jeweler he took care of it, cleaned it up, and reset it on a band.  The ring stuck with his family passed down to his grandmother, then his mother, and finally to me.  My husband had the stone reset onto a new band working closely with a jeweler to give me something special for me.

I’ve been wearing this ring for 2 years since our wedding and it means everything to me.  There is simply no replacing it.

I’m so grateful that you came out within a half hour of calling and found it as quickly as you did.  I can’t thank you enough.

We jokingly talked afterward that you’re having found the ring and having so many friendly vacationers cheering and clapping was almost better than the engagement itself (haha).  You are truly incredible.

From being found on the side of the road in California and again on Falmouth Heights beach decades later, I’d call this the luckiest ring ever. »

Thank you, Shelby, for the opportunity to be added to saga of this ring!


Shelby with her ring – a very happy young lady!


Shelby’s mated wedding and engagement rings.


Smiles of success!

3rd generation gold band recovered in Heavenly Valley, NV Lake Tahoe

  • from Reno (Nevada, United States)

I received a call last night from a father telling me his son is visiting the Lake Tahoe area and had lost a family heirloom while hiking up an embankment. I was able to drive up the next morning and invited a good friend to join me in the hunt.  After 40 minutes of searching we found it!!

It’s always such a rush when you find a lost item for someone. : )

Lost Wedding Ring Found on Narragansett RI Town Beach

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call from Jake, who lost his wedding ring on the beach the day before while vacationing with his wife.  The couple is from out of town and planned to leave the next day. They had only been married eight months.  He was frantic to find his ring and asked for my help.  I asked a friend to help with the search for Jake’s ring.  We searched the beach area, where Jake and his wife were, for about two hours and couldn’t find the ring.  My friend had to leave, but I didn’t stop searching.  Jake said that he was carrying chairs and other things to the beach so I searched the area where you enter the beach….still no luck.  Jake thanked me for trying and left the beach.  I persisted and did a grid search of the large area where you enter the beach.  In the third row of the grid, I found Jake’s ring and was excited to call him with the good news.  He was still in the parking lot and rushed back to the beach.  Jake couldn’t believe that I found his ring.  He was ecstatic!

Lost Wedding Ring Found in Warwick RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call from Steven who lost his wedding ring while doing yard work.  He asked for my help and identified where he had been working in the yard.  Coincidentally, he connected with me through his future daughter in law, a former co-worker of my wife.  She knew that I was a member of The Ring Finders ( and could help him.  Steven and his wife thought the ring was lost forever until their future daughter in law told them about my services and were convinced that they would have to buy another ring. I went to their home and found Steven’s ring and in about twenty minutes.  He was very happy to have his ring back.


  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)
David called me with his lost Wedding Ring in Okanagan Lake, he was on his way home to Calgary, and tried to tell me the secret location, I could not find the location. He sent me a map, it is a property just taken over by Kelowna Parks., Once I got the location I responded the next day. After 45 minutes of searching the Lake I found the ring and shipped it off to the Calgary owner.
May be an image of ring

Lost – Lady’s Custom Diamond Wedding Set, New Smyrna Beach, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Late Friday evening, I received a text from Lindsay, who said she had lost her wedding ring at New Smyrna Beach. She and her family had spent the day there, and she had placed her ring in the pocket of her shorts. Shortly after, she realized it was missing—it could have been on the beach or in the water.  I replied to her text and told her to call me with the details anytime.

Early the next morning, I arrived at daybreak, just after low tide.  As I made my way to the beach, a lady noticed my equipment and cheerfully said, “Happy treasure hunting!” I replied, “I’m actually searching for something someone lost.” She responded kindly, “Then I’ll say a prayer to St. Anthony.” I thanked her and got to work.

Lindsay had sent pictures to help pinpoint the area. I quickly covered all the dry sand and the area leading down to the water. As the tide started to rise and the surf grew more active, I decided to come back at the next low tide, this time with my friend, Brian.

When we returned, a massive storm had just passed. We wasted no time getting back to the search. Brian used his XP Deus 2, while I had my Minelab Manticore. We methodically swept the same area I had focused on earlier. As the storm intensified and lightning flashed around us, I headed north. Just then, Brian, with a hopeful tone, said, “Ok, St. Anthony, what do you have for me?”

Almost immediately, he got a hit—it was the ring! I quickly texted Lindsay pictures of the find and followed up with a call. Her joyous shouts echoed through the phone. Soon after, the beautiful ring was back in her hands, where it belonged

Edward Duffey, member,

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond, DeLand area, call Detector Ed ( at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.

Lost Wedding Ring in the sand Found at Broad Beach Malibu

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)
Lost Ring Recovery in Malibu – Dave MacDonald at
Lost a ring, pendant, bracelet, or necklace in the sand at Broad Beach, Zuma Beach, El Matador Beach, Point Mugu Beach, Thornhill Broome Beach, Sycamore Cove Beach, Leo Carrillo State Beach, or Point Dume Beach in Malibu? Don’t waste time renting a metal detector—call or text Dave MacDonald, Malibu’s top metal detector expert and Ventura County Ringfinder, at 805-290-5009 or visit I’ll set up a fast appointment to recover your valuable jewelry, wherever it’s lost in Malibu!
This morning, I got a call from Lauren, a Chicago visitor who’d been enjoying Broad Beach in Malibu with her family the day before. To protect her wedding ring while swimming, she’d placed it in the cupholder of a beach chair. But when the chair was moved, the ring flew into the sand. Hours of searching on hands and knees across Broad Beach—near spots like Zuma Beach and Point Dume Beach—left them empty-handed and frustrated. That’s when they turned to me, Dave MacDonald, for expert lost ring recovery in Malibu.
I met Lauren’s husband, Daniel, at the Broad Beach path entrance, and we headed to their estimated spot. Armed with my Minelab Manticore—perfect for ring recovery—I gridded the sand methodically. The beach was quiet, unlike busy Leo Carrillo State Beach or El Matador Beach, but I expanded my search toward the high tide line. Then, a strong signal pinged just inches from the water’s edge. One quick scoop, and Lauren’s wedding ring was back in hand—a swift win for lost ring recovery in Malibu!
For lost ring recovery in Malibu at Broad Beach, Zuma Beach, El Matador Beach, Point Mugu Beach, Thornhill Broome Beach, Sycamore Cove Beach, Leo Carrillo State Beach, or Point Dume Beach, I’m your go-to expert. Dave MacDonald at has the skills and tools to find your ring, pendant, bracelet, or necklace in the sand, surf, or beyond. Don’t delay—call or text me at 805-290-5009 now. Like Lauren and Daniel, you can trust Malibu’s metal detector expert to recover your jewelry fast!


Lost gold wedding ring recovered, Wall Lake, Orland Indiana

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

While searching for another lost gold ring for a guy, a neighbor lady mentioned that her husband had lost his gold wedding ring a couple years ago, out from their pier, while handing items from boat to boat. She said divers had searched for the ring, but no luck, it’s very weedy and a muck bottom area.
After findng many pull rings, lead sinkers, beer cans, foil balls and fishing lures, I got a clean sounding target that was also quite a trick to scoop up, due to the thick snaggy weeds. After about 5 tries, the target sound was no more, so I checked the scoop and long behold, a nice thick men’s gold band was in there.
Trudged over and let the lady know I had likely found her husband’s lost ring. Handed it over and sure enough, that was it and they were shocked that I had found it.

Lost gold wedding ring recovered, Wall Lake, Orland Indiana

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

Jude contacted me after losing his gold wedding ring that he’s been wearing for 37 years. He was visiting family at their lake cottage and playing volleyball in the water. Upon hitting the ball, his wedding band went missing. He thought it had fallen down near where he was standing. He contacted me, we made the arrangements for the search promptly.
The depth was from waist to chest deep, some weedy areas and the bottom had a thin layer of muck that clouds up quickly.
Searched and searched, round and round, trudged through the weeds, to no avail. I was sure the ring had went flying elsewhere, but Jude was confident it was near where he stood. I tried to expand my search zone, but it didn’t seem like that went over too well, so I kept over on the area he was thinking. AFter a long while, maybe a couple hours, I called it off and mentioned I’d maybe try again when I get by the area, so I could search further out, etc. He said that’d be no problem and I was on my way home to go to work soon after.
Decided to do some tests the next day. Went through the motions of hitting a volleyball, had a ring with some colored string tied to it, and measured the distance in paces. An average distance of 13-20 of my 3ft paces was constant.
Return trip, brought a hunting buddy and we started searching. AFter doing battle with more weeds, many other metallic targets, I moved into more shallow water and got a solid signal, about 18 paces from where Jude was when he lost the ring.
Bingo, potentially his ring, a nice gold band in the scoop with writing and some fancy on the outer part. But, another guy said he had lost a gold band there 20 years ago, so had to confirm with Jude if it was or wasn’t his. Thankfully upon texting, it was quickly confirmed, that « Lindy » was part of the inner engravings. Mission accomplished. Next-Day shipped it back to him in NC.

3 Lost Gold rings Recovered from the water, Lake Maxinkuckee, Culver, Indiana

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

Betsie messaged me late last night in regards to her 3 lost rings. She was playing catch with her son in the water, it was almost dark out. She said that as she was catching the football, she realized her rings had fallen off, in chest deep water. Her and her son frantically searched for the rings, with no luck finding any. She mentioned her son felt guilty, because they were playing catch and she had lost them doing so. Which made finding them even more important to me.
We made arrangements, although I had to work until 6am, I agreed to meet her at the location as early as I was able to. She showed me where they thought they were and I began searching. This spot is mostly target free, as it gets detected often, which was a concern, that someone else may get to them first.
After seraching the zone for like 20 minutes and seeing some craters, I was worried that maybe someone else had got them. I moved shallower than she described, did a pass and got a nice signal. ALso, had another signal near that, so likely it was the culprits. Gazing down at my search coil, I could see the edge of a ring, so I plucked that one with the scoop, then scooped the other. The second scoop was the main wedding ring, thankfully. Two down, one to go. Got another target signal just a foot away and scooped the wedding band ring also. The 3 rings all nice and close together made for a simple triple recovery today. She was thrilled and her husband likely was too.