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Lost Gold Nugget & Diamond Wedding Ring found in Tolt River, Carnation Washington!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

Distraught Paul looks on as I hunt deeper…

« Difficult ring search in swift current of Tolt River leads to family heirloom reunited with its owner! »

Yesterday night I got a text from newlyweds Trisha & Paul regarding Paul’s lost wedding ring. They had been spending the day floating around in Tolt River, very close to where it merges with the Snoqualmie River in Carnation, WA.

At some point, Pauls’s new (to him) wedding ring slipped off in the strong current in chest high waters. The ring was his father’s and was a one of a kind gold nugget & 14k band with a diamond! Needless to say, they were distraught and searched until they were exhausted. Thankfully, they somehow found me online, texted me and we set up a meeting for Sunday morning.

I arrived, geared up in my fishing waders and chose one of my waterproof detectors for the hunt. We hiked from the parking lot for about 10 minutes, crossing the winding river in at least 2 locations. Hiking isn’t easy in waders! Once we arrived in the area, I began detecting the perimeter, testing the depth and current. It was very difficult detecting in such strong moving water, and I was doing all I could not to end up soaked! Once I got the hang of it, I began gridding and was coming up with no targets, aside from a bottle cap and a rock containing natural iron deposits.

I was getting tired and needed a break after about an hour of exhausting searching, but I decided to give it a little more, further down stream. I speculated that how fast the water was moving.. maybe the current pushed the ring further, as it fell, than they thought…

Some time later, I got a hit and had to move some good size rocks with my scoop, but could see a faint, ring-sized glimmer on the bottom! Minutes later, it was in my scoop and Paul & Trisha were very emotional as I told them I had done it! I have to admit, I felt emotional too… this was a hard hunt and it was exhausting to fight the current as long as I did. Especially since I was fighting a head cold!

We all celebrated on our hike back to the parking lot, and the newlyweds were super thankful they found me. I’m really glad they found me too! 😉

« This is the ring you are looking for! »

Gold Nugget & Diamond Family Heirloom Wedding Ring!


Upset newlyweds happy again! Ring recovered!


Lost ring at Ocean Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Marcio was at Ocean Beach with his wife and child having a nice day in the sun when the outlook changed. He had been building sand castles, washed the sand off the toys in the surf, and went in for a short dip. After all this fun, he realized his wedding ring was missing. He does an online search and contacted me for help. Even though the tide was coming in and approaching the evening high, I agreed to meet them and get an idea of where the ring may have been lost, do a preliminary search, and maybe get lucky with a quick recovery. Oh well, that wasn’t to be. I searched all the dry sand around where they were camped out for the day and also hit the slope heading down to the water. The tide and surf was up on this steep section of beach and had a nasty shore break, so, a water search at this time would have been pointless. I told Marcio that I would return in the early morning hours to take advantage of the minus low tide at that time. Fast forward to 12:30am when I arrived at the beach. I started a grid from dry sand to knee deep water, and at 1:10am got the signal I was waiting for. I texted Marcio with the good news and connected with him later that day for the return. Great to meet you folks and thank you for the reward.


Diamond platinum engagement ring found in Warwickshire village!

I was contacted while on holiday by the husband of a lady who lost her ring while feeding her chickens.

The husband was quite upset as was she and there was talk of lots of hassles with the insurance company.

I was convinced it would still be there unless the chickens stole the ring!

After an extensive search of the garden and repeated searches in the shed, I found the ring in a sack of hay!

Very happy all round!


Ring found and returned at Carlsbad State Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

If the sun lotion scenario is the #1 reason for losing a ring at the beach, this is probably #2. It’s the « I took the ring off and put into the chair pocket, forgot it was there, folded chair and packed everything up when we were ready to leave, drove away and then remembered the ring scenario ». Marcus didn’t get far….just out of the parking lot when he realized what he had done. He returned and searched to no avail. Out came the phone and a Google search. He found my ad on Craig’s list and gave me a call. I told him I would be there within the hour and met him at the location. We walked over the the spot where they had the chairs laid out (the most likely spot of the loss) and I started my grid. Maybe 30 seconds later, I get the sound I wanted to hear on my E-trac and scooped out his ring. A happy Marcus gets to go home, tell the wife, and not have to share the accommodations with the dog. A pleasure meeting you Marcus and thank you for the reward.


Keys and phone recovered at Torrey Pines State Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Elisebeth was enjoying a day at the beach and buried her keys and phone in the sand under her blanket for safe keeping. When the tide started to come in and getting close to her blanket, someone moved it to higher ground, but, didn’t know about the keys and phone. Later when she was ready to leave, she realized her blanket wasn’t in it’s original location. The water had washed over the old area and she couldn’t locate the exact spot to retrieve her belongings. After a Google search and finding me on website, we agreed to meet and conduct a search. Before we started, I mentioned that the phone and maybe her car fob may have been ruined by the salt water, but, she wanted them anyway. After showing me the search area, I started a grid right in the middle of it. After expanding out a couple of passes in each direction, I got a big signal that just had to be it. Sure enough, with just one scoop, up comes her keys and phone. Thankfully, she had the presence of mind to (previously unknown to me) put her items in a sealed plastic bag. Inside, everything was still nice and dry and working. A happy Elisebeth headed home with a smile on her face and not confronted with the ordeal of having to replace everything. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.


Low tide hunt… Kayakers wedding ring found!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)


Last week, a kayaker lost his wedding ring after slipping and falling into the bay while launching at the shoreline during low tide. After he and some others tried searching for it this week with no success, I hit the beach this weekend to try my best to reunite him with with his precious ring.

Good information is key to a successful hunt, and I asked him to get some satellite photos where he was, and circle the place he thought it could be. I headed to the beach before I got any answer, and searched anyway. I did my best to guess based on other factors, where I thought it could be.

I hunted for some time before I realized I missed the email, and he had sent me info and pictures that were key to finding it.

He wrote: « I will say another ring finder did a search of the area on Thursday and was unable to find anything. The tide at this beach is enormous. Probably 80ish feet of beach disappears at high tide. Looks like low tide is at 3:48pm this afternoon, if you do still want to look. I will attach some images that may help. The image with the green kayak at the shoreline is where I slipped and it must have come off my finger. But the tide could have taken it anywhere. The big tree stump doesn’t seem to move as well as the flat and curved driftwood I highlight in the image. I was between these two landmarks circled in red at the shoreline where you can see the other kayak in the background. The ring is made of palladium by the way, a member of the platinum family. The tide was somewhere around midway between high and low when I fell in. It will be much further out, as you will see, at 3:48 than it was in this photo. »

He also provided me with a crucial picture that he had taken that day. In it you can see the area he launched from, and some static landmarks.

After hunting another 45 mins or so, I FOUND IT!

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to finding your precious belongings! Don’t give up hope, and give me a call or email me please! I want to help you find your rings, and your smiles!

Good info was the key!

Lowtide success!

Saved from Elliot Bay!

Lost Platinum Ring in Crystal Cove Found and Returned

  • from Santa Monica (California, United States)

I was finishing up a search searching for someone’s lost jewelry this Sunday and I was approached by someone that said, « Can you please help us? My friend just lost his platinum wedding band ». I walked over and met Paul. He just told me that he was playing in the sand with his family and lost his platinum wedding band and that his wife was going to kill him. I swung the coil a few times in the area that he showed me and surprise! Within a minute it was in my scoop. He said, « you did that like it was nothing! » I said, « Finding it quickly was the easy part, the 30 years of practice was the hard part ». I made sure Paul was on the way home to his wife and ensure he would not be in the doghouse tonight.

Cape Cod: Lost Ring Found, with a little help from a friend.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

It is great to have a helpful and concerned friend in time of need. That is just what Greg was for Sam. Greg posted signs around the beach. At home he reached out to TheRingFinders for help in finding Sam’s wedding band; that is where I came in. Just hours after Sam’s wedding band had slipped from his finger into the crystal clear water and under the soft white sand Greg and I were exchanging pictures of the area of loss were exchanged and set a time to meet the next day.

Sam met Jim (my summer time detecting comrade) and myself just after sunrise, lead us down a one-way dirt road to a 3 car public parking area were we geared up and took a hike to the lake. After Sam answered a few questions about the loss, Jim and I headed out to the area believed to be where the ring had slipped from Sam’s finger.

I had dug three coins and then a ring. It was not as I had envisioned it and called back to Sam…“is it a square ring?” To which Sam asked “what do you mean?” “Well, not round” I called back. The resounding YES was probably be heard all over the lake. Jim looked puzzled and on my way back to shore I let Jim have a peek at the ring in my scoop. When I got back to shore Sam had the enjoyment of retrieving his ring from my scoop and placing it back where it belonged, on his finger. Time elapse…three minutes. The pictures tell it all!

Ring recovered at Wind and Sea beach La Jolla

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Justin was photographing another couple on the beach for some wedding album shots, when a rogue wave blasted through and knocked him off his feet and pushed him onto some rocks. In trying to keep his feet and save his expensive camera gear, his wedding ring came off. Finding it in that soft sand they have at that beach was impossible without a metal detector. When I received the call, I was skeptical it could even be found, but, was more than willing to try. That is one of the worst beaches in our area to make a water recovery. It has a heavy surge, large shore break waves, steep drop off, and sand so soft and loose, that it’s almost like quicksand. He sent me a photo of the site of the loss. I arrived the next morning at 4:30am to take advantage of the minus tide. I had the photo on my phone to use so I could match up the area. Unfortunately, it was real foggy that morning and hard to tell the exact area in the dark and fog. I saw a couple of features that looked like a match and began my search. After over an hour of gridding, no ring. In fact, no good targets of any kind. Not surprising at that beach. Once it started to get light from the approaching dawn, I looked again at the photo and then realized that I wasn’t in the right area. I finally determined the correct spot and started a 2nd grid. Still no luck. a few pieces of scrap aluminum and that was it. Nothing more to do but give him the bad news. It was still pretty early, so, I decided to move down the beach to an area where I had good luck in the past. I headed about 200 feet south and started hunting for fun. I liked to hunt the cracks up on the rocks and cliff. stuff falls into them all the time. While up on a ledge checking some cracks I got a good signal in some loose sand. It was only a couple of inches deep, so, easy to make a recovery. What do you know, it was a ring that matched Justin’s description! His was a fairly common tungsten carbide, so, I wasn’t positive that it was his, but, I was hopeful. I got to looking and it was a long way from where he took this photo. After contacting him later, he told me that he was using a telescopic lens and that he was a lot further back from what it looked like in the photo! He wanted to come and look at it to be sure, but, I was pretty certain at that point. Sure enough it was a perfect fit. Glad I could help Justin.


Lost Ring? We can help find it!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)



Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!

The Ring Finders South Jersey

Lost ring in tbe sand? Lost ring in the ocean? Lost your keys? Even a cellphone!

We are just a call away! Don’t wait!
