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Ring found on Miller Farm, Cedar Springs, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Happy again!!

While telling my mom and sister about my latest find up on Muskegon River, I recieved a phone call from Laura Miller. While washing her horses she discovered she had lost her diamond wedding ring and search all over the ground in vain. She got the sissors out and was cutting the grass around the wash rack until late in the night to no avail. I told her I would be there the next morning at 9AM.

I pulled into the drive of a quaint 4 acre, 120 yr old farm. I was

Ring found brings Happy Tears.

greated by there Golden Lab who wanted to catch a ball. Then I met Laura and Jim Miller who once again explained what happened and where it might have fallen. I got out my Bounty Hunter Time Ranger and in a matter of minutes I found her ring. It’s nice to know at 66 years old I can still make women cry. Laura ran to her husband and hug him and cried on his shoulder with happy tears.

After standing around talking about family and Jims time in the Army and mine in the Air Force we bid farewell and was invited back to metal detect the farm any time I would like.

Lost Ring at Swami’s Beach in Encinitas, Ca. Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

On Monday, a lady named Allison called and asked if I could find her platinum/diamond ring that she lost in the surf at Swami’s beach in Encinitas, Ca. I told her I’d give it my best shot and we arranged to meet that evening. My wife and I took the 1/2 hour drive and arrived about 6:30 to find Allison already there with her daugher in tow. She explained how she took her daughter into the surf the previous afternoon and felt it slip from her finger as they played in the shallow water. The ring was quickly covered and she couldn’t find it. She had a pretty good idea as to location so I started my search in the middle of « ground zero » and worked my way each way of that. After an hour or so of parallel passes from dry sand to 3 feet deep water and nothing to show but one piece of scrap metal, I decided to work a pattern the other way and search parallel to the beach instead. I started in the deepest water I planned on searching and at the end of one pass I got a nice clear signal. As the surf calmed and water cleared between waves, I spotted half a ring jutting out of the sandy bottom and as I reached for it, a wave rolled through and obscured my vision again. I tried grabbing for it several times only to have it slip through my fingers with each wave that passed. After pinpointing it again, I made another grab for it and had it in my hand when a larger wave hit me and gave me a good drenching. I managed to hang on to it this time and was able to look it over to verify it matched the photo of Allison’s ring that she had showed me earlier. Heading back to the beach where the women were waiting, it was hard to keep a straight face as I displayed it on my little finger! Smiles all around as Allison made a phone call to share the good news.

Lost Ring Found… In Iowa City, Iowa


This young man lost his deceased father’s ring on July 3rd at a park in Iowa City. It was hot and humid that day and his hands were sweating. He was on a hiking trail and tossed something in the weeds beside the trail and you guessed it his ring went too. It was just dark enough that he couldn’t find it.

He went back last Sunday to search for it but the weeds were about chest high and very thick. That’s when he realized he needed help.

So I met him at the park today July 10th and he took me to the location where he lost it. Luckily he left the item he threw into the weeds where it landed so it marked the spot.

I did about eight passes through the weeds with nothing to show for it but a buried can lid. So we did a reinactment with a junk ring I brought and I searched the area where it landed without any success.

I then made a pass further over from where my junk ring landed and went beyond the real high weeds and got a sweet 12-47 reading on the E-Trac.

I used my X-1 probe to locate the target under the weeds and up came his father’s ring. The look on his face was priceless. I was so glad I could help this young man out.

Chris is right this is a game of inches. Happy hunting everyone and good luck on your searches.

Norm Slaymaker

Ring recovered in Northglenn front yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Joe Pfifer lost his 14 karat white gold wedding band while doing yard work. Something as simple and mundane as removing dried up leaves from the shrubbery in front of their home on a cool spring morning had caused Joes ring to slip from his finger.

Joe had tried searching for the ring visually and even researched on-line on how to search for lost rings which is how he found “Ring Finders”. And with the thought of somebody who knew what they were doing as opposed to Joe giving it a go on his own, Joe contacted me.

When I met up with Joe he explained what he was doing and the location of his efforts to clean up the yard. Within a few short minutes I had recovered Joe’s ring from under the tree bark mulch that was hiding it from sight. This search area was being hindered by metal edging, but when you know your machine interference from such can be minimized.

Ring recovered on March 25, 2011.

Joe Pfifer and his ring

Joe happy to be holding his ring once again


Joes 14 kt white gold ring

Lost White Gold Ring at Cocoa Beach, Florida….FOUND!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Early Monday morning I received an e-mail from Chris stating that his girlfriend had lost a small gold ring at Cocoa Beach late Sunday afternoon. As they were leaving the beach they realized their bag had a hole in it and the ring had slipped out. They spent an hour looking in the sand but were not able to find the ring. That night Chris went online to look for information on recovering lost jewelery and came across my name at theringfinders web site.

Later Monday morning I was able to talk to Chris and we set up a time to meet up half way and drive to the exact location. It was an absolutely beautiful spring day in the low 80’s with a cool breeze coming off the pristine Atlantic Ocean!

Chris showed me right where they had put their bag and the two paths on which they had walked to and from the car. (He also had lost a single car key that later on as we were searching the sand Chris was able to spot by eye and we were only 15 minutes into the search!)

I found the usual junk items in the sand–bottle caps and a few pull tabs along with a cool little hot wheels car–but no ring! I then decided to widen my search along one of the path ways and got a small signal that was barely audible and as I kicked the sand away to reveal the item— there was a small silver part of a band showing in the sand!!

It was such a thrill to be able to hand Chris his girlfriend’s precious ring and to see the joy it brought him!

And now what was lost has been found!!

Lost something?

Call ASAP: Mike McInroe 321-363-6029

Lost Wedding Ring or Jewlery, Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Delaware and Ocean City, Maryland

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

Hi, My name is Alan I joined the Ring Finders to help people find their lost jewelry. If you have lost something and need it found contact me ASAP. I look forward to helping you find what you thought was lost forever.

My first Blog

  • from Sarnia (Ontario, Canada)

Just wanted to say hi to everyone from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. I have been a member of the ring finders for close to a year now and just love what is represents. Chris Turner has done an excellent job building this great service. I love metal detecting as a hobby and nothing is better than helping someone find lost jewelry or keys that they think are gone forever. This year I was only able to do 2 searches for people, one was for an earring that I was unsuccessful with and the other was for 2 lost rings that had a great ending. The rings were tossed out a door in a moment of grief but then promptly searched for without success. The next day I was called. When the rings were tossed they were said to have hit a parked car and ricocheted off the car. I was able to locate the first ring on the other side of the car in the neighbours yard and the second ring was about the same distance in the total opposite direction. luckily both rings were found within about 20 minutes and needless to say the teary eyed owner was very happy. I am still working on getting some pictures which I will post soon after.

Lost Gold Ring at Bear Mountain Resort

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A couple of days ago I got in touch with a lady who lost her gold ring while she was vacationing at Bear Mountain Resort in Victoria.

She told me that there were two different places that the ring could of come off her finger, but one place she felt was more likely then the other, and that was at Bear Mountain Resort.

She remembered walking her dog by the golf course(not on the course) near her hotel. Her dog did its business and Lisa unwrapped the lease from around her left hand to clean up, this was the most likely place that she could think the ring could have come off.

We talked for some time and I could tell that this ring meant the world to her! I found out later that the ring was a gift from her Aunt and it was her most cherished passion.

I decided that I would go to the resort to take a look, Lisa made arrangements with the club and we got the green light. The next step was to get Lisa to draw me a map…And she did just that, it was a great map and it gave me a good idea where to look and how to do the grid.

I set the alarm for 3:30 AM and off I went to catch a ferry to Victoria Island. I arrived and started the search around 9 AM.
After hitting the spots and no luck I decided to work the area from her patio to the gravel road.

It was pushing 3 hours and all I had to show was 10 golf balls.
Then in an area of green long grass(most of the grass was brown) I received a great hit on my detector! I slowly bent down and moved the grass to see a beautiful ring with all colored stones looking back at me! You’ll never see my immediate reaction but I’ll tell you it makes me give a little Ya! Ha!

I walked back to pro shop to thank the man who let me search the course and showed him the ring. I found a caddy and gave him the golf balls then I made the call to Lisa.

If you knew me you’d know that I’m a bit of a prankster, I told Lisa that I did everything I could but I was packing up and heading home. I said that this would give her closure.

The phone was silent, I then said closure that I found your ring…
She replied »What »!! I told her that I found her ring and I was coming back to Vancouver to drop it off to her…Well she lost it! She cried for a couple of minutes on the phone…I have the best job in the world! I can make people happy!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call:Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)

Yakima County, Wiley city Washington Lost Earring

  • from Yakima (Washington, United States)

I accepted an earring search today. I know that finding a small diamond earring can be almost impossible, as metal detectors can have trouble sensing them. But I was eager to have a search, and I thought I would like to give it a try. The area it was lost in was small, just a few feet square and grass. It belongs to a lovely young child, and I knew the smile if I found it would be worth a million bucks. So off I went. Just a short drive and I was there. I met with the family and looked at the site. Next I was lucky and she had the matching earring. I tested it in my normal search program on my XLT and it was completely silent as it passed under the coil. I made several adjustment and finally was able to get the faintest signal. The search began and after only 15 or 20 minutes I had a similar faint signal among several loud and deeper signals. I went carefully through the patch of grass and caught the faint glint of metal. It turned out to be  the back of the earring. Very tiny and a lucky find. Since she was standing still when it came off, I moved over about 6 inches and had another faint signal. Searched through the grass and there it was. I did this search for the smile, and I was well paid as you can see in the picture. Happy all around. Great hunt and I will take a lucky find every time. If you have lost something special, give me a call and lets find it!

Million Dollar Smile!

Found Lost Ring Walla Walla/Eastern Washington/Platinum Ring

  • from Yakima (Washington, United States)

Today was a good day to hunt for a ring. Well, just about any day is good for hunting. I was contacted by a man from Walla Walla, Washington, who had listed a lost ring on Craigslist. The ring was lost about one week ago, and they had already rented two metal detectors and searched the area with no luck. It is always hard for someone to pick of a MD for the first time and understand what all the « beeps » are about and he was no exception.

The story was that they were out on the deck trying to get their barbecue going. She was fanning the flames and suddenly her 4K Platinum engagement ring flew off her finger. They did not see where it went and did not hear it hit anything.

Upon arriving at the house I did a ring test to see the areas that it might have landed in. Each test showed a low trajectory directly to each side. I started the search on the deck, where the bench around the deck was open underneath and was dirt and gravel mix with dry leaves on top. After that did not show any ring I started on the lawn. I did a grid search twice of the area using two different settings on my XLT and the ring was not there.

The only other place that it might have gone, I felt was over the fence to the neighbors yard, but that was a long shot because of where she was standing, and the other ring tests did not even come close to the fence. After suggesting we check over the fence and see if it had somehow made it over, I stopped and searched one more area while a relative went into the neighbors yard to look. He found the ring on the ground under a camper parked next to the fence. It must have been some wild arm flapping to get the ring to come off and fly back over her shoulder at least 20 feet. It was pretty amazing. Everyone had just about given up hope on finding the ring. You can imagine how happy they were when it was found.

This was such a nice ring, and it had only just began its journey, to be lost and ended there, would have been to bad. The owners were such nice people and now they have a story to go with the ring.

The owner of the ring was pretty excited to have it back, and was thinking of ways he could tell his fiance that it was found. Big smiles all around.

Thanks guys for letting me be apart of the adventure and thanks for the nice reward!