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Lost Rings at the Beach – FOUND!!! – Pensacola

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I’m late on posting this one but a few weeks ago I got a call from Chris and Heather. They had been enjoying one of our local beaches here in Pensacola looking for shells the day before when Heather’s rings came off of her hand. Unfortunately, this was both her engagement ring and her band together and they fell off somewhere on the beach in all that sand.  When Heather told me where they were I immediately headed out because I knew that it was a popular beach and I had to find them quickly. Chris sent me a google pin and when I got there something didn’t look right based on my conversation earlier with Heather. A quick phone call and some telephone detective work got me to where I thought they had been and I started my search. It wasn’t very many passes laying out grid lines until I looked over just a little outside where they thought the rings might be. I remembered them saying that they were looking for shells and I saw a little pile of broken shells. These were the kind that you might pick up and then discard later when you realized they were broken. I decided to walk that way and sure enough, moments later I had the rings in my scoop. I love it when people trust me enough to have me look for their rings even when they can’t be there. When I send them that initial picture and talk to them on the phone you can hear the pure happiness coming through the line. Congratulations Chris and Heather and thank you so much for trusting me to help you out. 😃💍

South Mission Beach ring recovery

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Neiva decided to play some volleyball and soon discovered that her ring was hurting her finger, so, she removed it. After the game she tried to put the ring back on, but, found her finger had swelled a bit and wouldn’t allow that. The ring was then thought to have been placed in her bag, but, apparently it was left on the blanket. Later when getting ready to leave, Neiva picked up the blanket and gave it a shake to remove the sand. When she searched for her ring, it wasn’t in the bag, and obviously now, wasn’t on the blanket either. She and her friends searched with their fingers sifting through the sand, but, could find the ring. Neiva Googled for help, and my name came up. Being a sunny Sunday afternoon during the summer, I knew the beach traffic and parking was going to be a nightmare, but, headed into the fray anyway. Sure enough, traffic was backed up, and once I got to the beach, dozens of cars were circling the lots waiting for an opening. I finally found a spot and headed to the volleyball court to meet Neiva. She showed me the area where she had her blanket and bag, and I began my search. First target read a nice solid 10 on my Equinox, but, turned out to be part of a pull tab. Next signal was a solid 6 and was her ring. A happy Neiva could now join me in the traffic and head home. A pleasure meeting you and thank you for the reward.

Lost Tantalum Wedding Ring Recovered In Edmonds Washington!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

With the great weather we can experience in the summer months, comes yard work! A large number of my ring searches take place in gardens, yards and yard waste bins! And it is definitely the season for lost rings!

Micheal emailed about his Tantalum (I had to google that metal, it was new to me!) ring he had lost in his beautiful front yard garden. He tried to find it to no avail, and needed my services to find it quick, or he was going to be in the « doghouse » with the wife! 🙂

I was able to come by this Saturday and was very glad I was able to find it quickly! It would have been a real difficult search without a detector, but just took moments with one. I was very impressed with the style and metal of this handsome ring and happy to give Michael a positive outcome! If you or someone you know loses a metal item, don’t delay! Call the Ringfinders!


Gorgeous Tantalum Ring!

Tantalum wedding ring found!


Lost ring found at Mission Bay

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Lindsey was guilty of the most common cause of lost rings at the beach. She took her rose gold ring off to apply lotion, set the ring in her lab, and then forgot about it until sometime after she had stood up. After realizing what had happened, she and others looked through the sand hoping to recover it. After that failed to locate the ring, she called a local detector rental shop and tried her hand at finding it that way. After 3 hours and nothing but scrap metal, she returned the detector and was advised by them to contact She initially got a hold of  Curtis Cox in Carlsbad. He was out of town and referred her to me. My wife and I headed to the site and met Lindsey who explained the situation and showed us the search area, which was mainly a reasonably small sized section of dry sand overlooking Mission Bay. Lindsey had to leave for a while and left me to do my best. After covering the dry sand section in one direction parallel to the water and coming up empty, I started at the beginning again at 90 degrees from the first. My first pass went closer to the water than previous passes and over some wet sand, but, it was on the return of that pass that I got the sound I wanted still in the wet sand. After some cheers from other folks on the beach who knew about the lost ring, I texted Lindsey with the good news. I went and rinsed the ring of sand and let everyone oooh and aaah over it while waiting for Lindsey to return. Needless to say, Lindsey was very happy to get this family heirloom back on her finger. A pleasure to met you Lindsey and thank you for the reward.


Lost ring in American Fork, Utah: found

I got a call to find a lost SD memory card. A professional photographer had done an engagement photo session, then unfortunately lost the memory card in the park. I searched for a couple of hours, but the card was just not there. Someone must have found it first. I really hate it when I can’t find something I’m looking for, but if it isn’t there, I can’t find it.

The photographer mentioned that while he was looking for the card, he talked to someone else that was looking for a lost ring. He pointed out the area, so a few days later when I had time, I returned to the park. After a couple of hours of searching in the sun, I found a ring. Then the detective work started. I found the name and number of the park activity organizer. She was able to connect me with the man that had lost the ring.

Here’s the story: The American Fork City summer festival was underway. Art Dye park was full of people enjoying the activities, including food, concerts, and a big bubble machine. Someone challenged a local high school teacher to dive into the big pile of bubbles. He got a running start, dove in, jumped to his feet, then shook the bubbles off his hands. His white gold wedding ring flew off into the pile of bubbles. They searched, and even came back with a metal detector, but they couldn’t find the ring. I was super happy to be able to return the ring. High school teachers put up with enough grief, so I’m happy to be able to help out when I can.

14k mans gold wedding band found in 100+ year old Chicago park

  • from Chicago (Illinois, United States)
Found today 14k mans gold wedding band.
Lost in Lincoln park while playing ball with his 6year old son.
Threw the ball and the ring followed.
Approx. a one hour search, as usually found in a place other than where he thought is should be.
Lot of trash in this 100+ old park but hit it and he’s a happy camper.

Engagement Wedding Band Combo recovered in Marriottsville, Baltimore Co, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I received a call on Wednesday, June 5th from Frank stating that his wife lost her engagement ring and wedding band(which were permanently joined together) a few days before while doing yard work. He went on to say that they searched for hours on their hands and knees and even rented out a metal detector to search for it. All of this was to no avail. His wife then found me when doing a web search She told Frank about me and my service and asked him to give me a call to see if and when I could come out and « give it a try, although I don’t have high hopes ». Frank and I immediately made plans that very day to meet up and get to work! After all of 15 minutes of searching I found an old penny, a pull tab, and crumpled up piece of electrical wire and this………….

Yes, it didn’t take long for me to get this ring back to Frank and eventually to his wife…….

Luckily Frank and his wife did everything right to maximize the recovery of her ring(s). They didn’t waste any time contacting me, they had a great recollection of just where they were in the areas of their yard which in turn made my jog a bit easier and they chose not to go to Craigslist to look for help, but rather a trustworthy, reputable site in It is very fulfilling to know the ring is back where it belongs and not lost in the ground or in a display case at a pawn shop.

2 diamond and gold rings lost at Marathon , Keys Florida… found.

  • from North Miami Beach (Florida, United States)

2 diamond and gold rings lost at Marathon , Keys Florida… found.


I got a call from a very distressed father his daughter lost 2 gold/diamond wedding bands. I spoke to the daughter and after learning the situation. arrived at about 0900 . we went by boat to the location where the ring was lost I found both rings within an hour. the whole family was very happy to say the least . It was a excellent experience.

Lost Ring, Pensacola Beach, FL – FOUND!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Friday night I got a call from a man named Wes saying that his wife had lost her ring on Pensacola Beach. I talked to him for a bit and got some info. He told me that they had tried to look for it already and said that they might try again. I explained to him that searching for it can usually drive a gold ring deeper into the sand because of the differences in density. I also told him that I was going to be in the area the next morning dropping off my son at Lacrosse practice. Wes asked if I would head across the bridge after and we set a time to meet. When I walked down onto the beach I got a bit concerned because I could see the fresh tracks of the machine that drags the sand to pick up trash, etc.  However, when I found Wes and he pointed to the area where the ring was lost, I started to get the feeling that this nice couple was going to be lucky since the tracks stopped about 50 yards away. When Wes told me that they were sitting 37 steps away from a landmark and he had brought a 100ft measuring tape, I knew that there was a great chance of finding his wife’s ring. Sure enough, in less than 10 minutes on my third pass I got a nice tone and gently pulled up her ring in the first scoop. Thanks for calling me Wes and thanks for being so thorough. I’m very glad y’all got your ring back. 👍😃💍

Lost 10k Gold Wedding Band, Westmount Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta – Found

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received an email from Robert requesting my services to locate a family heirloom which had been given to him by his late grandfather. Robert told me he was gardening with his wife and he had his hands in his raised garden beds also in his flower beds. After he was done he gathered all the dead foliage into plastic bags and then he realized the ring was missing of his finger.
I told Robert I was out of town until Wednesday so I assured him that since the ring was lost on his property it was in a safe place and to not throw any of the garbage bags out until I checked them.
Once at Robert’s house he showed me where the ring could possibly be, and he checked the area for a couple of hours with no luck.
The soil in the five raised beds was eight inches deep and Robert told me that he was digging with his bare hands to the bottom of the beds. I used my propinter to check his beds and had no luck. I also checked the flower beds with no luck so then I checked his four garbage bags. The third bag contained his ring! Robert was very grateful to have his grandfather’s ring back on his finger.
Thank you Robert for entrusting me and The Ringfinders.

Norm Peters