ringfinders Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Tiffany 18k Gold Ring In The Sand Found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Yesterday morning, Allison reached out to me in a panic about her lost ring from the previous night in Ocean City, NJ. Her beautiful gold Tiffany ring had slipped from her fingers and disappeared into the sandy beach as she was pulling out some clothing from her bag. Determined to help her, we met on the beach and I immediately began scanning the area with my metal detector. And then, just like that, a signal! With one swift scoop, I unearthed her precious ring. The look of relief and joy on Allison’s face was priceless. Another successful recovery mission in the books!

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Ring Finders South Jersey in Ocean City NJ

Ring Finders in New Jersey on Facebook in Ocean City NJ

Lost Ring & Jewelry Recovery

Ocean City NJ Ring Finder

Ocean CIty NJ Ring FindersMetal detector Near MeJersey Shore Ring Finder Ocean City NJOcean City NJ Ring Finder Metal detector finds lost ring

Lost Wedding Band Brigantine NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


I can help find it!

Call NOW!


Josh and his family began their day at 7AM, setting up their tent at the picturesque Cove in Brigantine, New Jersey. However, sometime during the day, Josh discovered that his wedding band had gone missing. He speculated that it might have slipped off while he was changing his son’s diaper near their truck. Determined to recover the wedding band, Josh met with me later that day at the spot where they had set up camp. After digging several potential targets, I finally unearthed the lost wedding band – a fantastic conclusion to an eventful day in Brigantine, NJ.

Lost and Found gold bracelet in backyard using metal detector

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you’ve recently lost something and need a metal detecting professional to come out and find it, give me a call (Louis 305-608-1870).  This bracelet was lost on New Years Eve at night during a party.  They searched for several days and couldn’t find it.  They figured someone must have picked it up and walk away with it.  They wanted closure by hiring me to detecting the whole yard.  They just wanted to exhaust all efforts before giving up, but instead I was able to find it !!! This bracelet was very special and sentimental.  If you want your lost item found, whether its in the shallow water at the beach, sand, or backyard, give me a call.

Lost Class Ring Found On Beach in North Wildwood, NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


The class ring was found! I received a call from Dieter, owner of the Fishtown Pizza Truck, that Darby had lost her ring on the beach in the sand. The family was happy the sentimental ring was found!


Avalon NJ Lost Gold Blessed Mother Medallion Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


I received a text late last night from Yvette who told me about how she lost her Blessed Mother medallion  while on the beach in Avalon, NJ the day before.  The medallion belonged to Yvette’s grandmother and had been blessed by the Pope. I met Yvette and her friends on the beach to get the details and began my search. The beautiful medallion was found a few minutes later. Yvette was very happy to have it back and able to wear it again with great joy.

Avalon NJ Beach Ring FinderAvalon nj, jersey shore ring finder, Ring Finder South JerseyAvalon ring Finder, NJ Ring FinderNJ lost Ring Finder, Call Ring Finders, Avalon NJ

Lost wedding ring in the bay, Ocean Gate NJ, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Andrew called asking about locating his wedding ring he lost in the bay the night before. We talked for a while and he was positive of the location the ring popped of while catching a football.  He said it was in chest deep water, and he had pictures of exactly when it came off. I met him at the house a few hours  later, got my gear together, and we walked out to the spot.  Well, the water was quite rougher and deeper than it was the prior evening, but we continued the search with no luck, as he stood in the exact spot he said it flew off. After 2 hours we threw in the towel, and decided to resume searching in the morning at low tide. I brought my weight belt to hold me down, and a buoy to mark the spot. After about an hour I got a strong signal that turned out to be his ring. Turns out it was closer to chin/shoulder deep where it was lost, and low tide with no boat traffic allowed me to get his ring in my scoop in roughly 5′ of water.  Definitely one of the more challenging recoveries, due to the water depth, and not being able to see my equipment on the bottom.  Andrew and his wife were totally amazed.

Lost wedding ring in the sand, Ocean Grove NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Ally called and said her husband lost his wedding ring about an hour prior, throwing a football down by the waters edge with his son.  She knew the general area and had it marked well, but was concerned because the tide was rising, and there was a rough surf from the south east winds that were blowing. I told her I could  be there in about 30 minutes, and rather than waiting for the next low tide, we needed to get moving  ASAP, or it would most likely get pulled down past the drop off where it would get buried and out of reach of my machine.  When I arrived Ally and Tom discussed how the ring flew off, and that she had briefly seen it while looking, but the waves made it quickly disappear.  There was quite a huge audience of sunbathers watching, as I started my search in waste deep water, figuring that was the most likely spot the ring would have settled.  The waves were making this a very challenging recovery, but in just a short while the ring was in my scoop.   All eyes were on me and I knew I had to get it on the first scoop, or it would possibly slide down below the drop-off. I walked up out of the waves, held up the scoop, and Ally, Tom, and their family were shocked, along with the audience patiently waiting to see the ring.  Another fantastic recovery.

Lost Ring in the sand, Harvey Cedars NJ, LBI, « Aggies » Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I had just gotten off work when Henry called. He had lost his  Texas A+M  ring in the sand while at the beach enjoying the day with the family. Henry explained that he had taken it off while he was fishing, and put it in the chair cup holder.  The chair had tipped over and when he looked for the ring it had disappeared into the sand. They had dug around for a bit with no luck, so he decided to call a professional. He had gotten my name from one of the locals, who mentioned the many successful recoveries I have.  I told him it would be about 30/45 min depending on the holiday traffic. When I arrived he pointed to the chair the ring was in, and the area he had been looking. Just like Henry said, the ring was right there, but it had sunk about 8″ inches or more in the soft sand.  We snapped a few pictures, and he gave me the thumbs up « Gig’em » Aggies sign.

.#njringfinder, #lostring,#lostcross,#bradleybeachnj,#manasquannj,#pointpleasantnj,#belmarnj,#lavallettenj,#ortleybeachnj,#seasideheightsnj,#seasideparknj,#shipbottomnj,#surfcitynj,#beachhavennj,#lostringLBI,#lostringholgatenj,#lostringsurfcitynj,#lostringlongbranchnj,#lostringnj,

Lost cell phone on the beach, Seaside Park NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I got a call from Steve about a cell phone his wife had lost at the beach. He sounded pretty nervous, and explained that the tide was washing over the spot it was lost. I told him I would be there in about 20 min, and to stop digging with the shovel in fear that it would get broken, and the salt water would ruin it.  When I arrived there was a small moon creator where he had been digging. Steve explained his wife was doing a sand heart video when the hole caved in, which was about 2′ deep.  Then a few large waves washed over it and made it next to impossible for her to continue looking, that’s when she called him for help and the shovel. After a quick search of the area I came up empty handed. Unfortunately after slowly digging and searching it was still no where to be found, and he decided to give up. He messaged me the next day with a picture he didn’t know existed and it showed his wife about 3′ east of the area we had previously looked. To top that off it was right where he had put a large pile of sand to block the rising tide. He picked me up the next evening and the phone was found in about 5 minutes. Steve couldn’t believe how quick it went once we were searching the right area.

Lost Ring OB III Lavallette NJ found by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)
I was tagged in a post about a lost ring at OB III Lavallette NJ over Memorial Day weekend. A few people had searched for the ring with no luck. I knew the general area it was lost, from the information I was given. Trevor had placed the ring in the chair pocket, applied some sun block, and shortly later fell asleep to the sounds of the surf hitting the beach. When he woke up he folded up the chair and forgot the ring was in the chair pocket. With that said I knew the location would be different than where he set up for the day at the beach. About a week later I went to do the recovery, and 20 min. later the ring was in the scoop. Trevor and I finally were able to make arrangements for him to pick up the ring, and now its back on back on his finger as I am writing this.