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Lost ring on soccer field

  • from Erie (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost Ring on Soccer Field

On June 18th, Josh contacted me regarding his lost wedding band. Josh was playing his weekly Wednesday soccer game with friends when he noticed his ring was no longer on his finger. Josh and his friends searched the field tirelessly, but had no luck. Josh googled « lost wedding ring » and found The Ring Finders website where he then contacted me.

I met him at the soccer field that day and he showed me where he believes he lost it. I then got to work, immediately searching the area where Josh believed he lost his ring. After about 15 minutes, I recovered the ring on the soccer field.

I called Josh to let him know that I found his ring and he was thrilled!

Thank you, Josh for entrusting me to locate your lost wedding band!

Lost cross in the lagoon, Forked River NJ, July 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Curtis called asking if I could do a recovery in the lagoon behind his house. After going over some details, I told him I would be there soon. He was playing with the dog in the lagoon when his paw accidently broke the chain, and the cross dropped to the bottom before he could grab it. In almost neck deep water I got a faint signal, and sure enough, that was it.

Lost White Gold Engagement Ring At Indian River Inlet Delaware Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/17/22, I was contacted by Victoria who was requesting my help in finding her White Gold Engagement ring that was lost on the beach at Indian River Inlet Delaware on 07/16/22. Victoria said that she took her ring off and placed it on her towel while she was putting sunscreen on her child. Victoria said that her ring fell off of the towel into the sand and that she was not able to find it. Victoria said that she was no longer at the beach and that she was at home in Newark, Delaware. I told Victoria that I would go to the beach later in the day and make an attempt to find her ring. Victoria was able to describe the area of the beach where she had lost the ring and she also provided me with a photo that I was able to use to put myself in the area of the lost ring. Upon arriving at the beach, I began a grid search for the ring with no luck in finding it. I then did another grid search crossing over my first search again with no luck in finding the ring. Two hours into the search I expanded the area of the search and the lost ring was found north of where it had been lost. It is my belief that the ring was moved by the tractor that is used to clean the beach sand. I sent Victoria a photo of her recovered ring and then returned it to her by mail the very next day.

Lost wedding band, Lavallette NJ. July 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call from Ashley yesterday (Saturday) about her husbands lost ring. She explained how Jeff was throwing a football around the tide line when the ring flew off his hand and dropped into the wet sand. After talking a bit, we decided low tide was so late we would wait till the AM low tide to do the recovery, the surf was fairly calm, so it wouldn’t move to much. Jeff did an outstanding job marking the exact location of the ring, which is paramount when doing recoveries. A few swings later the ring was in the scoop.

Mens White Gold Wedding Band Lost/Found Rehoboth Beach Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/16/22, I was contacted by Guy requesting help in locating his white gold mans wedding band that had been lost on the beach in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Guy stated that he had placed his wedding band in a zippered pocket of his bathing suit for safe keeping while he was swimming. Guy said that after he came out of the water, he had put another item in the same pocket of his bathing suit that he had placed his ring. Guy stated that he believed that his ring had fallen out of his pocket into the sand when he removed the other item from the pocket for someone to look at. I met Guy at the beach at 6:00 pm after the beach was clear of people. Guy was able to place me in the exact area that he believed that his ring had fallen out of his pocket into the sand. I began a grid search and on my second pass I was able to recover the lost ring. The lost ring was returned to its rightful owner so that Guy would be able to celebrate his upcoming 20th wedding anniversary with his original wedding band on his finger.

Lost Engagement Ring Underwater, Found, Cape Cod, Sea Shore, Returned

Rick and I were metal detecting at a local saltwater beach area this morning. As we were almost done, and not much to show for it, we decided to get a quick lunch break in. That never happened, a guy stopped Rick in the water, and said that his friend Katelyn, had just lost her engagement ring. Katelyn’s Engagement Ring was lost only a half hour before, underwater. She was throwing a football with friends. Rick motioned to me, and we began to grid the area. Katelyn was getting nervous, and having second thoughts that she may never see it again. I assured her that we would prevail and to not give up till she sees us give up. I asked her to stay in that area, and to not walk away, so I could do my job with precision. Her Husband, and about five others were trying to locate it with snorkel and masks, but turned up nothing. I started to move over to broaden the search area. As Rick and I crossed paths, he saw me stop and start to dig, he asked me if I had it? I honestly wasn’t sure, it was a scratchy sound but on the third try sure enough it was in my scoop. When I motioned to Katelyn to come over to have a look. I asked her to describe it again. She was so excited that I had it. I told her she was a lucky girl today. Everyone around us were cheering and clapping. Even her friends up on the beach were yelling, I actually felt like a celebrity LOL Its such a fantastic feeling to return it to the owner. Another great day at the beach. Congratulations Katelyn ! Leighton.

Custom Engagement Ring

Designed by Katelyn

Big Smiles

13 Lucky Number for Kenyon … Lost,Found,Recovered,Returned In Salt Water…

13 is Kenyon’s lucky number today.

I was on my way off the beach the other day from recovering a ring for a gentleman, I noticed a Lost Wedding Band sign posted. I gave it a quick call to a man named Kenyon. I told him who I was and what I do. He told me he had lost it a week ago while doing butterfly strokes in the water. That it hadn’t been off of his finger in 13 years. I had him send me a picture of the area, and drop a pin where I should search if I could get down to have a look for him. I tried to go a few days in a row, but because of the wind and high waves I wasn’t able to get in the water till this morning.

I searched for over an hour with no luck in the area he was sure it was, to no avail. As I was running out of real estate, with only one target that was a small bullet. I was about to call it quits. I was going to have Kenyan meet me tomorrow and put me in the area again. I was walking out of knee deep water when I got a signal so loud it scared me. I knew it had to be the ring because there were no other targets in the area. Sure enough, there it was a size 13.5  14K White wedding band looking up at me in the scoop. I am so happy to get this back to him as Kenyon and his wife are going away tomorrow on vacation. Keep the faith.

Family Crest Ring Reunited. 21rst Birthday Present Ring Reunited

Got a call from Luke Barube last night, he is also a Ring Finder. After getting home from finding a ring for someone yesterday, he received another call about a family crest ring lost, because it was so far away he called me in on it. I asked Luke to pass my info along to him.
Later that evening, I received a call from Andy, who said he had lost his 14K yellow Gold family crest ring, it happened about a month earlier in chest deep water, while playing with his dog.
 I told him that there is no guarantee, but I will give it a heck of a try. Andy also said it was a Birthday present for turning 21. We walked down to the beach a few blocks away. I asked him to walk out to the area, stop and turn around, that I would walk out to him. I turned on my detector, and walked two feet while swinging, and my very first signal turned out was his family crest ring staring up at me in my scoop.It was very deep, even after a month in the saltwater. I motioned to him to come over, and he just couldn’t believe I had it already, or that I had found it at all. This is why we do what we do. After a few woo hoo’s and fist pumps, we walked back to the cottage and he yelled to his wife Dianne “We got it” her response was that’s just incredible. Congratulations. Andy said he has a real Treasure story to tell at the BBQ this weekend. I told him he’ll be a hit. Glad it back where it belongs.
Sincerely  Leighton,

Lost Wedding Ring Found in London Backyard

  • from London (Ontario, Canada)

I was so happy to have helped and find this women’s wedding ring! In her backyard while sitting on her patio, she raised her hand and the wedding ring slipped off into the grass. With some extensive searching and no finds, they contacted me for the final search!



Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Calhoun, GA-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I received a text this past Monday 11th from a wife.  She said her husband had lost his wedding band in the backyard about a month ago while cleaning out a pool skimmer trap.  She was searching the internet and came across where she found my contact information.  I made the trip to Calhoun that afternoon and met up with her.  She said her husband was still at work, but should be there pretty soon.  She said they had actually purchased a metal detector for themselves, but no luck in finding the ring.  When Alfred got home he was showing me how he lost his ring cleaning the skimmer with his left hand and throwing the trash over the chain link fence with an underhand motion.  He said he felt the ring leave his hand but didn’t see where it went.  With that underhand throwing motion I immediately figured the ring had gone over and into the brushy area behind the fence.  I eliminated the grass and the plant bed first of course, but no luck.  With the chain link fence there I couldn’t get close to it at all without sending my detector into an overload condition.  So that part would have to be searched by hand if I didn’t find the ring back in the brush.  I started back behind the fence, (poison ivy there too), as well as a snake, but didn’t get a good look at it, it was leaving the area.  I started from the right side and went left directly at the back of the fence.  The second pass was from the left back to the right, on a steep slope.  Of course I was finding bits of metal trash, we all do.  On the third pass from right to left I got to right where I figured the ring could have gone with that underhanded throw.  The first thing I found there was a rusted bottle cap, then about three feet away I got two signals on my CTX.  A strong 12:40 showing four inches, but literally inches away from that signal was another one, a strong 12:28 showing one inch.  I hadn’t seen it yet, but that 12:28 at one inch brought a grin to my face.  I stooped over and under my coil I saw a faint hint of something shining back at me.  I snapped a picture of it before I moved it, and you can barely catch a glimpse of something out of place under the layer of leaves.  The 12:40 signal turned out to be a toy car.  The search took about 1.5 hours.

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