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Grandmother Was Not Affraid to Ask for Help in Yarmouth, MA to Find a Ring.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 14, 2021, Yarmouth, MA

After leaving the beach were I had found and returned one ring that had been lost the day before by Mark while he was applying sunblock on this two children – See the Cape Cod, Massachusetts Lost Ring Returned blog. Leighton and I traveled to the beach we had originally planed to detect that day. Usually when heading to and while detecting in the water we get the usually questions, too many to list. But this day was a bit different and the question was “Could you help us find a ring that was lost yesterday? My son lost it while playing catch with his son?”

Leighton had moved down the shore line while I was getting the information on the lost ring. Of course I said we would listen for it. About 15 minutes later Leighton came back as I had not moved very far and he thought I might need help. Of course I did and welcomed it.

Another 15 minutes passed and I got a signal, yes, it was a ring. John had just walked past me to talk with Leighton. I turned around and went to them and sure enough the ring was as described and fit perfectly onto John’s finger.

Thanks and picture taking followed. An exchange of a few returned ring stories and a bit about metal detecting. John’s son, John, told us he was interested more in the detectors than the stories we were reminiscing about. We answered all his question. It was wonderful to have someone more interested in the hobby than the just best things we have found. I think Leighton and I may have seeded a budding metal detectorist. What a great hobby.

Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Lost Ring Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 14, 2021 Cape Cod, Massachusetts Lost Ring Returned in Sand Found and Returned

Dang, if applying sunblock is not the cause that more people have their ring slip from their finger I don’t’ know what is. Not the case with Mark. He had removed his ring and placed it safely on his lap but a sudden call from his son and a quick turn caused the ring to slip off his lap and into the sand. After two hours of looking with no ring to be found it was time to call for help from someone, but who?

A chat with the gate keeper, Mark’s hope was heightened, he was told to call the RingFinders, and he did. I got the call and made arrangements to meet up with Mark before he left for home. I then called fellow RingFinder Leighton and together we started a long day of detecting as we met up with Mark and were shown the area where the ring sank into the soft sand. Leighton held back from starting to search the was to give me a head-start. Why? The day before we were starting a search for a necklace. Before starting I helped move a large log from the area. My bad, as within 4 seconds Leighton had unearthed the necklace. So he was going to give me the first search at some of the area.

As is the case many times, the ring was not found until the both of us had search the immediate area and then enlarged the search beyond the area we were told the ring should be in. Not bad, it was only about 15 feet east of the initial search area. Now Mark could return to finish packing for the trip home from the Happy Vacation Land on Cape Cod. Of course it was to be a happy ending to a vacation. And the ride home was sure to be in a car of happy people in that husband / father had his wedding band returned. Great memories for a wonderful week.

West Harwich, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Lost Ring Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 8, 202 It never hurts to reach out and ask.

And that is just what Andy did after searching with no results for his lost wedding band. I had been out looking for a ring that was lost over a year ago and saw another detectorist searching along the low water line. We never got close enough to talk and he left before I left the water. The kicker for me is that Andy had reached out to me because he saw a sign about TheRingFinders on the back of my car.

A text asking if I had found a ring was on my phone waiting for an answer. No, I had not. I replied and also sasked if I could help find the lost ring. Later that afternoon Leighton, another RingFinder and I returned to the beach searching the area we were told the ring had been lost. Three hours of detecting and no ring was found. The next morning I was up early and thought it would not hurt to cover the dry sand area we had not searched. I was out before the sun rose and found nothing in the sand. One more scan in the water would be relaxing before heading home. Not finding anything in the water, I was heading to my car and about a foot from the water line and some 60 feet from the area we had been searching I heard the last signal that I was going to dig before turning off my detector. YES, the sun’s sparkle reflected from a wedding band was a real surprise. I had found Andy’s ring.

A few texts later, I met up with Andy at lunch time to return his ring. He had a Thank You card filled with very heart warming words all ready to give me. His Thank You was a first for me in that I had never received a note in such a short time between the time I found a ring, told the owner, and returned it to the owner.

Wedding band recovered in surf at Deal NJ by Dennis Burlingame

I was getting ready to go out detecting when I got a text from Max asking for help. While enjoying the day at Deal beach with his wife he decided to go in for one last dip. Out in chest deep water he felt his wedding band slip off his finger. He tried to catch it but couldn’t. Upset he went up and told his wife what had happened, she became upset as well. Thinking about it he did a Google search about lost ring at beach and discovered one of my recent recovery posts. He texted just to see and I called back immediately. He said he was getting ready to leave but when I told him I could be there within 15 minutes he agreed to wait. We met and he showed me where he was swimming and I started hunting. With a 2 hour difference in tide I figured it shouldn’t be as far out as when he lost it, maybe waisted high water now. After making just 3 passes back and forth I recovered his ring. They couldn’t believe I found it and how fast. Both were so happy to get Max’s ring back. Glad I could put a happy ending to their day.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

Lost White Gold Wedding Band at Turtle Bay Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Anthony from Phoenix, Arizona who was on his honeymoon and staying at the Turtle Bay Resort. He laid his white gold wedding band on his lap or the chair’s arm while applying sunscreen and realized when he stood up the ring was gone. He had only been married a week and the ring has disappeared in the dry sand. They hunted desperately but to no avail. I checked google maps and told Anthony it would take about an hour and fifteen minutes to get there but to just relax on the beach and we would find the ring. When I arrived Anthony met me near the parking lot and we proceeded down to the beach where his lovely mother and bride Austy were waiting. We had to move two beach chairs then I fired up the Nox and started the tiny grid search. I immediately got a loud « 12-13 » and after two scoops there was Anthony’s Gold Wedding Band in the scoop. It must have been stepped on to be that deep. We had a few hugs and pics then I had to get home for dinner. Honeymoon saved! Aloha to Anthony & Austy!

Lost Wedding Band and Engagement Ring Found Ocean City NJ By Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Jackie about her sister Aileen’s wedding band and engagement ring that were lost earlier this afternoon in Ocean City, NJ.  I met with the family on the beach to get some additional details and a general idea for where to start the search. The rings fell into the water when Aileen was throwing a football in the surf.  I found the engagement ring buried approximately 8 inches in the sand, much deeper than expected since it was dropped only a couple of hours prior.  The wedding band was roughly 10 feet away at the bottom the slope, buried just as deep.  It was very exciting to find the rings since the couple just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary this past Friday!  Congratulations!

Lost Wedding Ring in Priest lake Idaho, FOUND!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

I had the ok from the wife and a wide open weekend to go scuba diving. So I got up early and set out to a local lake. As I was just about to head into the water I checked my phone one last time. Along with the I love you text from my wife, there was another text from a wife named Anne. She was asking for my help finding her lost wedding ring. Anne had lost her wedding ring while enjoying a late afternoon swim at a white sand beach. Anne tossed a frisbee back and forth and swam for about an hour. All that activity in 60 degree water made her 3 band white gold ring slip off her finger. Anne’s family searched and searched the water with no luck. Anne’s computer savvy neice found my Ring Finders profile and let Anne know that The Ring Finders could help her. After listening to her story I could hear her confidence in the details. So I loaded back up and headed to Priest Lake. Anne’s brother took us on his pontoon boat to the other side of the lake. As we passed over the white sandbar near the beach Anne’s brother pointed out where the family was playing. We docked on the beach and I made ready my gear to head out to the sand bar. A few directions were given and then I began my grid search. While swinging my Fisher cz21 around, I noticed that there was white sand with algae floating on it and white sand without. My thoughts were that, the sand without was where they were playing . So decided to searched around the rim of the disturbed area. One last check on my furthest location and then I was set on a grid that lead me too Anne’s ring. After sliding the ring on my finger I asked Anne if she would like to see what I had found. She quietly said yes and clutched her hands in excitment. Anne’s husband and sister in law were on the dock when we returned. The news of her ring found sent the sister in law into a screaming frenzy. It was all happy rejoicing from there on out. I even got the nickname scuba steve. So all in all my weekend of scuba diving turned into to a Ring Finder’s happy ending, and that my friends is a way to end a great weekend. Thank you Anne for trusting The Ring Finders and for the handsome reward.

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Lost Gold Hawaiian Heirloom Wedding Band at Ulua Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a late night call from fellow Ring Finder Kai. Siu & Cherie from Las Vegas contacted him about the Husband losing his Gold Hawaiian Heirloom Wedding Band in shallow water at Ulua Lagoon while swimming and diving into the water. I was heading there the next morning so I told Kai I’d contact them to get some details and start the hunt first light. Cherie answered the phone and said the ring would be in waist deep water about three feet from the rocks on the extreme left side of the lagoon. This should have been an easy hunt but the ring was no where in the general vicinity. I called Cherie remembering she said they were staying in Makakilo which is a few short minutes from the resort. Her and Siu decided to come down to make sure we had the location correct. Guess what? It was way off. More like 30 yards from the rock wall. Siu drew a grid in the sand and I recommenced the search. After hunting that grid for 15 minutes and not finding their ring, I did find a nice Silver Hawaiian Style Ring, I asked Cherie which direction should I expand the grid. She confirmed with Siu I should go more right. Low and behold on the second leg of the expanded grid I got a boomer on the Nox and in one scoop there was Siu’s amazing ring in the scoop. Vacation saved and beaming smiles from this happy couple. Aloha to Siu & Cherie!


  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Justean lost her ring while swimming in Lake Okanagan, she sent a great picture of the location. Without it I would never have found the ring, It was next to a weedy location. I love returning lost items.

Wedding Ring Set Lost in Sand at Baby Beach, Dana Point, CA. … Found by Metal Detector Man

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

**** Raloul and Lisa vacationing from Germany spent their last day with their kids at Baby Beach in Dana Point, CA.  Here we go again, Lisa took her wedding ring set off putting them in a pocket of her shirt. After a couple hours playing with her kids in front if their beach camp. When Lisa reached into her pocket both wedding rings were missing. 

Someone on the beach noticed both Raloul and Lisa searching through the sand. They told the couple how to contact me to help them find their rings. After they called me they agreed to stay in the asea till I arrived. 

We met on the beach less than an hour after the initial call. I this case, getting to the location could not be an advantage. Many people still on the small beach. Also, part of the sandy area was not soft sand. The rings may not have been under the sand and could have been picked up by one of the many people on the beach.

There was some searchable spots around the sides and in front of their beach tent. It took about 15 minutes to clear those open spots. Then just before I ran out of space to hunt, I got the first ring. The second ring was just two feet away. Both rings we’re less than two inches deep and only a few inches from the people set up next to them. The search worked out well with little wasted time. If we didn’t find the rings. I know I was willing to wait till everyone left the beach to complete the search.

Both Lisa and Raloul were excited and happy to have their wedding rings back. It would not have been terrible to return to Germany without Lisa’s rings. Another happy day on the beach with several beach goers witnessing this ring recovery. Most people say they didn’t know the ring finders metal detecting service exists.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136