The Ring Finders Blog | Page 324 of 944

Handoff at Coronado, resulted in a fumbled lost ring being found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

No, it wasn’t football that prompted the ring search this time. Anders was at Coronado beach with his family, and in the process of handing his child over to his parents, his ring (which matches his wife’s) must have escaped his finger and fell into the fluffy white sand. He tried finding it, notified the Hotel Del Coronado and their staff, and also the lifeguard service, but, for some reason, they didn’t pass on my contact info even though I keep in touch with them. After heading home to LA and a few days had passed, he was able to find and my phone number. After getting a good description of the area, I felt reasonably good that the ring could still be there, even though that beach gets searched daily by other detectorists.  I headed to the site that evening after dark so I could actually get parking and most of the people would be off the beach. After about an hour or so, I got a real sketchy signal for a gold ring, but, it was right next to a stack of aluminum chairs, so, they were interfering with the signal a bit. I went ahead and scooped it anyway and was happy to see Ander’s Tiffany ring in the bottom of the basket. Rather than taking a chance on it getting lost in shipping it, Anders came back down here to pick it up. A pleasure to meet you Anders and thank you for the reward.

Lost ring at Wind and Sea Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Skylar was visiting here from her desert home and was enjoying a relatively cool day at Wind and Sea beach here in La Jolla California At the end of the day, she packed up her gear and headed 60-70 yards across the dry sand to the stairs up to her vehicle. Once at the vehicle, she discovered her engagement ring was not on her finger anymore. She hadn’t taken it off and was at a loss as to what could have happened to it. Checking her possessions, and retracing her steps back to where she was camped didn’t result in finding the ring. She had a rather sad 2 hour drive back home. She and her mother managed to get my contact info and called me for help. Being she was a bit unfamiliar with that beach, all I could get was a general area where she had been, so, working with just a map would have been pretty tough. Skylar volunteered to drive back and show me the search area in person. Wonderful! That always makes thing easier. She and her mother drove to the beach, and met me the same day she called and at about the same time she had left the previous day., so, things should look very familiar. We proceeded to the spot she was camped and I started my search. Quite a few people were still there on the beach at 7pm, so, I had to be mindful of that and not encroach too close to anyone. After coming up empty searching the surrounding area where Skylar had been sitting and storing her gear, and as close as I wanted to get to a couple close by on their blanket, I asked Skylar to try and take the same path to the stairs so I could follow and check that section of beach. We got all the way to the base of the stairs without finding the ring. I mentioned that maybe they could look upstairs in case it fell out there and was maybe (but extremely unlikely) still up laying there in plain sight by where she had parked. I turned around and headed back to the camp site, taking an abutting path slightly closer to the water. I made it all the way back to ground zero, but, still no ring. I then expanded out a bit more around that area, even closer to the couple on their blanket, and got the signal I was waiting for, just 2 feet from where I had stopped when I first started the search! I turned around and headed back toward the stairs, but, didn’t see Skylar or her mother initially, so, I just slowly detected my way back thinking they must be upstairs. I dug a few junk targets along the way, and when I got close to the stairs, I realized they were waiting there. They thought I still hadn’t found the ring yet, seeing me lollygagging my way back but, I pulled out the ring and surprised them both. They were both very happy and will now have a much more joyful ride back home. A pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

Silver-Dollar Ring Found After 13 Months! – Tichigan Lake, WI

  • from Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin, United States)

Thirteen months is a long time! But for Greenfield, WI resident, Steven Mantsch, the agony of losing a highly sentimental ring in the waters of Tichigan Lake near Waterford those many months ago was still very fresh. The one-of-a-kind ring was hand made by his brother from an old silver dollar. Steven described how the coin’s stamping was still visible in places; United States of America… Now the ring lay somewhere in the deep mud amongst aquatic plants by a public boat dock. It happened like this.

Returning from a boating excursion, Steven stepped out of the boat onto the dock and brushed back his hair with a wave of his hand. As he did so, the precious ring slipped off his finger, bounced off the dock, hit a boat moored in the next bay and ricocheted into the water. Steven, along with friends in the area, tried unsuccessfully to extract the ring from the mud using nets and scoops. But the mud, some twelve to twenty inches deep, had swallowed the heavy ring, making even metal-detection challenging. To make matters worse, an aquatic plant harvesting machine later had been at work in the same area, stirring up the lake bottom. The ring certainly seemed lost forever.

Steven called me in response to seeing an advertisement on my car. It was a long shot, but would I consider trying to search for his ring? We arranged to meet on location, Saturday, July 31st. Beginning at 9:00 a.m., I entered the water and immediately sank into the mud. The suction constantly threatened to remove my shoes, making navigation a huge challenge. Aquatic plants wrapped around my coil making it almost impossible to “sweep” in the usual way.

Then there were the relics of bygone years, beer cans from before the age of pull tabs; the lake bottom seemed alive with metal. After a couple hours, I knew it was time to change tactics. I discarded my trusty Minelab Excalibur Detector and using a hand-held probe that vibrates in response to metallic presence, I began to systematically poke the mud, reaching down with my fingers and retrieving the targets. It was painstaking work, but finally, after 2 more hours of probing and feeling in the mud and weeds, I felt Steven’s precious ring and pulled it up to the surface! The silver was blackened after being in the water so long, but I quickly spotted its unmistakable lettering, “United States of America…”

This search was a most-challenging and memorable one! The time and the conditions seemed to join forces in preventing Steven’s ring from ever being discovered. But in the end, Steven’s perseverance coupled with technology, experience and patience, triumphed!

News of the find spread quickly around the public boat dock. Some of the same boaters and neighbors were present when Steven lost his ring over a year ago. It was a magic moment for sure. As for Steven, a glimmer of tears betrayed his joy and relief!

If you or a loved one has lost a ring, even a long time ago, chances are the ring is still there. Don’t give up hope. Steven didn’t.

Wedding Ring In A Hat Found! – Nagawicka Lake, WI

  • from Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin, United States)

This search and recovery experience was definitely a family affair! July 4th weekend found Minnesota resident, David Stoesz, relaxing on the dock of his brother, Michael’s home on Wisconsin’s beautiful Nagawicka Lake. An urge to take a swim reminded David that his Tungsten Carbide wedding ring needed protection. He had heard horror stories of people losing their rings in the water and so he carefully removed it and placed it in his hat for safe keeping. But as luck would have it, a wind gust blew the hat and ring off the dock and into the water! The ring disappeared in the deep mud and aquatic plants, its dark tungsten color working like camouflage making it impossible to see. Repeated attempts to locate the ring failed to bring it to the light of day.

I was contacted by David’s brother-in-law, Nate, who discovered me on The Ring Finders directory of metal-detecting specialists. He reached out on behalf of David. Nate didn’t want to give up on the ring and asked if I might try and find it. I made arrangements with David’s brother, the home owner, to do a search. Three weeks later on July 25th we met.

As is often the case, the area around the dock was full of metallic debris—old beer cans, rusty bolts, screws, pull tabs and aluminum, evidence of nearly a century of cottage life. Tungsten Carbide is a unique metallic composition which can make metal detecting even more challenging. It masks other metals. After nearly 45 minutes of searching and sifting through the mud and weeds, David’s wedding band finally lay in my sieve amongst shells and stones. It blended in so well it nearly escaped my notice. Michael, my helpful companion throughout the search, received it vicariously on his brother’s behalf.

It was clearly a case of family coming to David’s rescue. And I was privileged to have a part in keeping the story of David’s wedding ring alive and well.

Volley-Ball Wedding Ring Found! – Delafield, WI

  • from Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin, United States)

Not many people have their very own beach-volley ball court in their backyard. But Delafield, Wisconsin resident, Travis McGoldrick has one. He was playing volley ball with his kids the evening of July 12th when a spike of the ball dislodged his wedding band. The ring just vanished! Despite raking and sifting through the sand, searching the areas close by, even renting a metal detector, the ring remained in its hiding place.

I received a text message from Travis on Monday, July 26th asking if I might help to locate his ring. That evening I arrived at his home and together we walked behind the house to view the volley ball court and surrounding grass, woods and gardens. Did the ring leave his hand in the forward stroke or flip behind? Either way, a heavy gold ring can travel quite a distance when propelled by such force. In my mind I prepared for a long evening.

Travis wasn’t certain about his ring’s metallic composition, whether it was made of gold, silver, platinum, or one of the newer titanium or tungsten carbide models. Knowing this information helps calibrate my equipment. Travis left me to start searching while he went to the house to double check with his wife about the metal. “She would know,” he told me.

Assuming the ring was made of gold, I started searching the sand court with my XP Deus wireless detector, beginning at one corner. Immediately, I encountered a heavy presence of electromagnetic interference from buried power lines in the yard. It took some fine tuning to overcome the noise. Such interference had hindered Travis’s search efforts with his rented machine.

Imagine my surprise when less than 10 minutes into the search an appropriate signal reached my headphones. More surprising was when It turned out to be Travis’ ring!

Travis returned from the house and confirmed his ring was 14K white gold. I responded by holding out his ring saying, “Well, that description matches this ring!” His wife of 15-years soon joined the celebration. And Travis’ smile tells the rest of the story.

“Lost my ring playing sand volleyball with my kids. After multiple amateur attempts to find the ring with a rented metal detector I contacted Paul & he found it in the sand after 10 minutes. Wonderful guy and would recommend him if you find yourself in need of his services!”

Marriage Proposal on the Beach Goes Wrong.. Engagement Ring Lost in Sand.. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












If you lost your ring in the sand call  “Stan the Metal Detector Man ”.. 949-500-2136 

*** Geisia was vacationing in Newport Port Beach, CA. with friends and family. Just before sunset they were all on the beach ready to be present when Matthew surprised Geisia, asking her to marry him. When he opened the ring box to give Geisia the ring, the ring was not there.

Panic set in amongst the group, but Matthew proposed anyway. Afterwards everybody in the group tried their luck at finding the ring in the sand, even though nobody actually saw the ring fall into the sand.

The next morning they spent the morning searching the car and the hotel room, because there was a strong probability it could have been lost before getting to the beach. Then they had to drive back to Sacramento, CA. . Four days after the loss Geisia found me while searching for ideas to find the engagement ring.

She realized that several days had pasted when we talked on the phone. There were several areas where the loss could have occurred but I offered to grid search the location on the beach. At least I could give her closure that the ring was not there.

Even though there were people on beach, I went to the beach before noon to cover part of the area where they walked in. It was close to where I live, so I returned to continue clearing the whole area after sunset. It’s hard to stay positive while doing a search where there so many other places the loss could have happened. I love to have people say, ” I saw it fall off my finger ”.. Even then, there are times when the item can not be found.

Long story, short and to my surprise after two hours I got a little weak signal that is typical for a small 10k white gold ring. ”Boom” Geisia’s diamond white gold engagement ring in the scoop. It came just before giving up on the search, because I had been running out of search space. I was more than 25 yards outside the search area box when the miracle happened.

I called them with the good news. Then the next morning, mailed it to them using next day mail service. She sent me awesome thank you messages and photos of her and all their friends.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136

Beautiful Gold Diamond Ring Lost & Found On Sandbanks Beach

  • from Bournemouth (England, United Kingdom)

Louise from Devon enjoyed a bite of luxury staying at the Haven Hotel, Sandbanks with her friend one weekend in June. It was the first time she had been away for years since losing her husband of 58 years & caring for him in his last seven. She doted on the ring he had given her all those years ago & was devastated to see it slip from her finger whilst swimming in the sea. Neck deep in water she could see it before it finally succumbed to the shifting sand, depth & waves.

Still upset it took 10 days for her to break the sad news to her daughter who took a chance to look for a potential miracle. When I received her call it was already 2 weeks since losing it in a notorious area of soft sand. Unsure of her exact position, difficult water depths to work in &  listening for the faintest signal made it seem a futile search. It was time to switch machines to the Whites Surf Master PI & patiently await a low tide..

During the following 2 weeks I spent 2 hours a time over five visits, digging over 100 holes. On my 11th hour, much closer to the shore the Surf Master gave a ‘Ghost Signal’. As usual I thought « another nail or bottle cap ». The signal grew stronger, passing 12 inches down a positive bleep and the from the blackened sand I caught a glimpse of gold! « A gold beer cap » I thought? Hurriedly I scooped again tossing the black dirty sand on to the shore. Proudly sitting on top in alls its crowning glory- there it was! I’m often asked ‘what’s the feeling like to recover something’? In this case utter relief, both physically & mentally.

I called Louise’s daughter Sarah to break the good news. So happy were they that the next day they drove an 8 hour round trip to collect it. I’m happy with every recovery I make but this one touched me more because of the sentiments the ring held. Later I was moved further when I learnt that Louise & Sarah had made a donation to the Margaret Green Animal Rescue beyond my furthest imagination.

Special Silver Ring Lost in the Sand at Venice Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 310-953-5268

Arvin called, and he was very unhappy, because he had lost the special ring his father had given him in the sand of the beach. He was shaking the sand out of his shoes when his heavy silver ring slipped off of his finger, and disappeared in the sand. I left immediately to do the search, as I could tell he was very disappointed about the loss.

I got to the beach and found Arvin. We went over what had happened, and I began my grid not finding even trash metal. Then I received a very high signal, so high in fact it was bordering on rusted iron. I dug, and in my scoop was a very heavy silver ring. I gave it to Arvin who was so happy to know that his dad’s gift was with him again!


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.



Soldered White Gold and Diamond Engagement and Wedding Ring Set Lost on the side of the road in Malibu… Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 310-953-5268

I received a desperate late night call from Monica. She had been traveling down the coast on her way to the airport, and while stopping on the side of the road to apply sunscreen, she removed her soldered engagement and wedding rings, and laid them in her lap. She then got out of the car forgetting her rings altogether. She left, and was at the airport getting ready to head back to Colorado when she realized the loss, so she had no way to get back to look for the rings. I let her know that I would leave immediately to look for them.

I got to the spot she directed me to, and there was one vehicle in the area she had told me about. I was hoping the car tire was not covering the rings, or that maybe they were knocked out into the highway by another vehicle. I turned on my light and began looking around on the shoulder. As soon as I got in front of the car I spoke of earlier, I flashed the light around the bumper, and got the beautiful glimmer from Monica’s rings right under the front of the car. I took a picture with her rings, sent her a text of the recovery with my picture. She was so surprised and happy to know they had been recovered. We then arranged to get the rings back to her via USPS, and I am happy to report she has them back.


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.



Silver Engagement Ring Lost in the sand at Santa Monica Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 310-953-5268

Alexis contacted me in the evening about the loss of her engagement ring in the sand of the beach. She was pushing her child on the swing, when the movement of her hand caused her ring to fly off of her hand, and was immediately lost in the sand. She and her husband searched to no avail for the token of his love for her. Knowing the area to be metal detected frequently, I told them that I would get there as soon as possible to do the search.

When I got there it was dark, but I could see Alexis and her family still searching with flashlights for the lost ring. The area was close to the playground equipment so I turned the sensitivity down on my detector so as to not be too influenced by the playground equipment, and began my grid. I worked one side of the swing set with no ring. I then worked under the swings, still no ring. I began working the other side of the set, and got a nice signal, dug, and had her ring in my scoop. She and her husband were so happy to see it again, and were able to leave for a late dinner, and getting the children to bed. Those smiles are precious!


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.