lost ring Tag | Page 37 of 149 | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring at Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I opened up Facebook two nights ago and saw that Pensacola Ring Finders had been mentioned in a comment. Ellyce told Amanda that if there was any hope, I could find her ring. I thought to myself as I turned in for the night that if Amanda reached out to me, I really hoped that I could live up to Ellyce’s trust in me. Sure enough the next morning I saw I had a text from Amanda and I quickly gave her a call. She told me that their family was staying in Navarre and that her niece Kaylee had lost her engagement ring in the surf while posing for a picture and they were pretty distraught. I told her that I could come out after work in the afternoon and I would be glad to help. When I got there I also got to meet Felix, Kaylee’s other half and you could tell that he was really concerned about losing Kaylee’s ring. The two of them walked me down to the water and told me where they thought the ring was lost and where they thought it might be. I started canvassing the area above the top shelf of sand with no luck and then switched to the deeper area below the shelf. I tried east and west and north and south and even expanded the search area a bit but I got nothing. Everyone had focused on two blue chairs on the beach and when two people who had helped the day before came up and confirmed the same location I thought, “ okay, it’s got to be down there I just can’t hear it”. I decided to use a trick I have learned over the years and I got down where the sand was being curled back into the shelf by the waves. I turned my machine onto a different pinpoint mode and cranked up the sensitivity. I got right in front of the chairs and heard a very faint grunt that was so deep I couldn’t hear it any other way. I started taking out sand with my scoop and after several tries I looked down and there sat Kaylee’s beautiful engagement ring 💍. That one surprised even me a little bit. 😃. I went up and showed Kaylee and as she started to cry and celebrate with her family I looked up the beach and saw Felix coming back from a trip to the room. I saw it dawn on his face that I had found it judging by all the happy smiles and he took off on a dead sprint and picked me up and jumped up and down with me in the air in celebration. This was a great reminder of why I do this and I want to thank everyone for having the trust to recommend me every time they do. I know that Kaylee and Felix are very thankful as well!  Congrats y’all.

Lost Wedding Band – FOUND in Greensburg, PA area near Pittsburgh #10!

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA.

I received a call from Blaize that he lost his wedding band while he was working. Blaize has a lawn care business and was emptying a bagger when his ring fell off. Luckily it was in a private location as I was out of town and needed a few days to assist him.

Upon arrival Blaize showed me where he had lost the ring. He had rented a metal detector and had a co-worker help him search, but they could not locate it. As Blaize was completing the search contract I hurried to get started, he had a meeting and I did not want to hold him up. I fired up the old Garrett AT PRO with my large coil, ground balanced and BOOM first couple of swings it was right there. I quickly uncovered the ring from under the grass and turned around as Blaise was just walking down through the yard, a few moments more and I could have saved him the walk.

Blaise was very grateful and generous. While it was where he had dumped the clippings it was not where he thought it would be in the pile. This was one of my fastest if not the fastest recovery and it got me up to double digits (10) as well! It was a pleasure to meet Blaise and help him out…and by the way…the yard I was looking in looked great and he is a nice guy so look him up…Blaizin Bladez Lawn Care!

– Never found and gave back a ring that I did not receive a smile in return!


Surf City NJ (LBI) Lost Wedding Ring on the Beach recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call from Susan about her ring she dropped in the sand today in Surf City NJ. It had great sentimental value to her, as I could tell after just a short time on the phone. Lucky I was able to arrive promptly, as she had made reservations for later in the afternoon. Kudos to her and her husband for preparing the area it was lost, which made for a quick recovery. A very short time later they were on their way, with her cherished ring back on her finger. So many happy memories doing this.

Wedding Band recovered in Long Beach Island by Dennis Burlingame

This one started with Heather posting a lost and found ad on a local FB page for husband’s Erwin’s lost wedding band. People on there referred her to RingFinders where she contacted Ed Cropski but he was on vacation so he got hold of Matty St Germain but he was working which lead them to me. I took on the recovery and drove the hour to meet up with her on the beach. Heather said her husband was in the ocean playing with his daughter Krystina when he felt his ring slip off his finger. The water was clear that day but looking for it they just couldn’t see it. I went out to the area where she thought he was but with no luck. Going back talking to her Krystina said they weren’t out as far, so I moved in closer to shore and sure enough about 10 minutes later I found Erwin’s ring. Heather couldn’t believe it. Another happy ending for all.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

22k gold wedding band lost at Bluffer’s Beach in Toronto, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Akshay was visiting Bluffer’s Beach in the east end of Toronto.

He was assisting with the lines for the volleyball net, went to wash his hands and afterwards noticed his precious 22k gold wedding band was missing!

I met with Akshay very early morning 2 days later and we were lucky to find his ring within 5 minutes!

Check out the video;

Akshay was so happy and thank you for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!


Lost Wedding Ring in the Sand, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call Saturday from Karen about her husband Victors ring, that was lost in the sand in Beach Haven on LBI. I met them at 5AM Sunday, but had no luck in locating the ring. Victor was positive the ring had fallen off his chair when he was applying sunblock, so I decided to go back Monday afternoon. After a short while, and with the help of lifeguards Grace, Maggie, and Kyle, the ring was located and returned to Victor.

Lost wedding ring found in water at the Pinery

After 2 weeks away from his lost wedding ring, this couple had found me on the ring finders site. He had been in waist water off the beach where his wedding ring slipped off. There had been a number of windy days and big waves so I told him not to get his hopes up too much, but for sure we would give it a go. A beautiful day presented itself, and we were off to the beach. While 20 minutes into my search pattern, I received the signal, and the only signal! After a few attempts digging with my scoop, the ring came up from deep in the sand in all its glory! It was a great find, and a great day on the beach!




Lost Wedding Band Found North Wildwood NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Just a call away!


I received a call from Tony’s wife Blyss about his lost wedding band in North Wildwood, NJ. He placed the ring on his knee before applying sunscreen and forgot it was there. It fell off his knee and disappeared in the sand as soon as he stood up. I met the couple on the beach and the ring was found in less than 30 seconds.
Check out the website for more stories and info..

Ring Finders South Jersey in Ocean City NJ

ring finder



Wedding Ring Recovered From Watery Grave & Returned to Owner, Falmouth, MA

  • from Falmouth (Massachusetts, United States)

A morning call from Daniel came with the hope that I could find his wedding ring, which had slipped from his finger into the surf the previous evening.  I met him at the beach a half hour after his call and he explained that he felt the ring fall off in chest deep water, near low tide.  He had made good visual notes as to where he stood with respect to landmarks.  He and companions had actually returned to the spot with goggles and tried to find the ring in the sandy gravel bottom, but to no avail.

The morning tide was about the same level as when the ring was dropped the previous evening, so I waded out and set a small buoy in chest-deep water where Daniel thought the ring would be.  I began my search from there and made a half-dozen swaths parallel to shore, working back and forth past the buoy.  Then bingo! that lovely ring tone…  One scoop, a good shake to wash the sand out, and I could see Daniel’s ring nestled in the gravel.  I dumped the gravel and left the ring in the scoop as I waded ashore.  Daniel walked down to the waterline, looking rather puzzled (he later said he wasn’t sure if I’d found something or was giving up!), but he was delighted when he saw his ring in the scoop.  He was just about right on with respect to the ring’s location, as I found it only 15-20 feet from the buoy.  I wish all recoveries were so easy!

Thanks Daniel, for tracking down the RingFinders and giving me the opportunity to recover your ring.  Have a great summer!




Ring lost at Mission Bay Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Sebastian took his ring off to apply some lotion, and forgot about it until later when it was time to leave. He had been paddle boarding that afternoon too, so, it could have been in the water or dry sand….he just couldn’t remember for sure if he put it back on at one point or not. He and his parents Ed and Karen sifted and raked through the dry sand for hours, all the way down to the water’s edge and couldn’t find it. In talking with some other folks there at the beach, a suggestion was made to find someone with a metal detector to help locate the ring. An online search brought them to TheRingFinders.com site where they got my contact info. I received the call at about 8pm and made arrangements to meet Ed and Karen at 8:30pm. We found each other easily at the parking lot and made our way over to where they had been camped that day. When they told me it was a silver ring, that put a smile on my face as those are a lot easier to find on a trashy beach than a gold one. This wasn’t just any dime store silver ring though! It was custom made by Sebastian’s grandfather who has since passed away. Sebastian was devastated losing it, so this just had to be found. Ok, man’s silver ring…..that should be a nice high conductor sound…..like a quarter (30 reading on my Equinox). On the first pass, that’s what my first target was, a 30, Alright, found it right away….not! Just a quarter like my machine told me. Drat, or words to that effect when his ring wasn’t in the scoop! I continued all the way to the water,  made a return pass to the top of the slope, and started down the next pass only hearing low conductors, when I got a 19 on the display. Hmm, not likely it’s the ring, most likely a crusty zinc cent, but, it was high enough to scoop anyway. Well, no one was more surprised  than I was finding his beautiful silver ring in the basket. Ed and Karen were over the moon with appreciation for getting this family heirloom back. Karen put the ring on her finger, took a photo, and texted it to Sebastian. All he texted back was OMG over and over again. Just as we were all done and ready to leave, the fireworks started across the bay at SeaWorld. An appropriate celebration on a successful recovery! A pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the reward.