An early evening call from a very distressed and emotional young lady, Krista, pushed me to the limits to find a lost combination ring of great sentimental value. So much so that I went out at dusk to look for it. I only had about 45 minutes of daylight left but did my best to no avail.
The next day I had plans to detect with another Ring Finder, Gary Bonin from Woonsocket RI. I had to change our plans and go looking for the lost ring. Nothing we would not have done, as long as were were enjoying our hobby, we would have a great day. With sunrise and permission to park at the resort Gary and I headed into the water to search for the ring. Hours past, the tide went out and came back in without either of us finding the ring. My mouth was drying out, I had used my last bottle of water the night before so it was time for me to call it a day. Gary on the other hand wanted to finish covering an area before leaving. OK, another 15 minutes I could survive. I was not paying any attention to holding a grid pattern and just wandered aimlessly when my detector’s audio signal brought me back to reality. I looked down to my coil, where to place my scoop and much to my surprise I saw THE ring! What a ring, it made my knees shaky, my heart rate went up, all was great. Had it not been for Gary wanting to stay just a bit longer, the recovery would not have been made without another search, another day.
Krista, a quite remarkable person, what an interesting life she has lead. Within the first hour of this vacation she with her two sons and husband were playing a bit of football in the cooling water of Nantucket Sound. Her ring had never slipped off in the water either salt, fresh or pool. This day was different for whatever reason it did followed by frantic searching over the next 5 days. Krista had to leave the Cape, the traumatic vacation was now a thing of the past. She had kept up her best spirits as to not spoil the vacation for all involved. But she was not to give up on finding her ring.
Social media came into play. A plead for help lead Krista to and to my name and contact information.
If you have read this far you know she was to have her ring returned. Many options were mulled over such as mail, a 4 hour drive to pick the ring up, seek help on social media… The last provided the perfect solution. Sandy and Larry, close friends of Krista, were leaving Cape Cod the next day and were to make a drive to my house, pick up the ring, and return it to Krista on Saturday.
Covid19 be danged, Krista asked Sandy to give me a “big, well deserved hug”. Somethings just have to be done. This return is one that will certainly be one of my top 5 of the 243 I have now made, almost half while a member of TheRingFinders.