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Wedding Rings found on Oceanside Beach, Calif.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


I got home the other night about 5:30pm. I sat down at the computer to write a post for my RingFinder blog. Before starting my post I checked my emails. There was an email from Katie that had been sent about 8:30 am. She was desperate and had asked if I could help her find her lost rings, the most important thing that she owns. I was upset that I had not checked my mails in the morning. She had been at the public beach in Oceanside, Calif. watching a surfing event. Even though it was starting to get dark and it was a 45 mile drive I wrote her quick email telling her I could meet her tonight if she had not found anyone to help her. Within 10 minutes she called me and I jumped in my little Mini Cooper  » Calif. RING FDR  » and headed down Pacific Coast Hwy.. My favorite drive.

At 7:00 pm,  I pulled up in front of the vacation rentals where Katie and her husband Brian were staying. They walked over to the area where Katie said she had walked out to the water the day before. She rinsed the sand off her ring and walked back up to the dry sand playing with their small dog. In that 20 or 30 minutes she realized that her ring was not on her finger. I am always competing with the sand sifting machines on these popular public beaches, but we were fortunate that after summer has past they don’t sift everyday. It was dark and I was trying to be careful to grid overlapping my swings. I did have the advantage that there was two rings, so if I missed one there was a chance to get one of the two. Then I could hone in on the other ring.  I covered about 7 or 8 passes about 60 feet in each direction before the larger of the ring gave me 12-03 reading on my CTX3030 .  I called Katie and Brian over to show them. It was an exciting time for all, even Brian who had mostly given up that the rings could be found. A couple more swings and the smaller ring gave me a 12-02 reading on my detector screen.  Another happy couple and a special beginning to their marriage of 45 days. Brian is a Marine and will be leaving the county next month. Look at those smiles.


How to Find a Lost Ring in Pemberton, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The other day I got a call from from a gentleman from Vancouver Island. He asked If I could help find his lost ring and went on to tell me that the ring was very special to him.

He put all the rings his wife bought him over the years and had them melted down and made into one heavey ring with diamonds.

He told me he was visiting his son in Pemberton, BC (3 hour drive for me)  and they were working on changing the oil for his son’s car. That night his father went to the Bed & Breakfast that he was staying at and in the morning he realized that his ring was missing…He checked his room but nothing, So he started to think where the ring could be…

1- The car he and his son were working on was in the barn and when they finished working on the car he remembered brushing off the straw from his son’s back.

2-The father remembered taking the car mats out and brushing off the straw at a Bed & Breakfast that he was staying at in town…

He thought for sure it must have came off when he was brushing the car mats, so he spent time searching the grass and shrubs around the area where he parked. When he couldn’t find the ring he remembered the barn and brushing the hay off his son’s back. The brushing motions could have made the ring come off his finger?

After he and his son did a search of the barn and no luck he went online to find a metal detector and found me on The Ring Finders. We made arrangements and I met his son the next day. He showed me the area and it wasn’t a big area and within 5 minutes I found the ring!



We figured the horse had stepped on the ring as it was buried in the dirt out of sight. His son was very happy and sent a text message to his father to tell him the good news.




The drive was a total of 6 hours there and back and the search took 5 minutes. I love my job! I always get to meet interesting people and learn the story of their ring and hopefully find their Smile!


Lost your ring…Call me ASAP! Thanks for racing my story!


You can watch the video of the search below.




Lost Gold Signet Ring / Vintage Family Heirloom Recovered In Raleigh, N.C. on 10/20/2014

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On Sunday Night on 10/19/14 I received a call from a nice young lady named Christine M. about a lost gold ring that was a Family Heirloom. She explained that she had lost the ring in the grass in front of the apartment building she lives in. She had just got out of a cab in front of her building and was walking up the walk way to the building when the ring slipped off her finger. Christine and her roommate attemped to locate the ring with no luck And even attempted to look up metal detector rental places online to find the ring. I agreed to come out the next morning between 8 & 9 am to help her find the ring.. Because of traffic I was running alittle late and got there alittle after 9 am on the morning of 10/20/14.. Christine was at work when I got there but her roommate show me the area she lost the ring.. I began my search and even expanded the search area some to make sure i covered all the area.. This was a very hard search to do, the area was so littered with buried trash target and iron and pulltabs.. I used two different detectors and made several passes to make make sure I covered all the area.. I dug over 100 trash targets along with 2 fake aluminun rings, a toy car and over $6.00 in loose change.. This ground was loaded with targets. After searching over 4 hours and still had not found the ring i was almost ready to give up as I covered all the area good.. I called Christine back up to let her know I could not find it yet and was thinking someone else might of picked it up.. I asked for more details and she explains the ring was a small ring and even texted me a pic to show me what the ring looked like.. I agreed to continue the seach.. As it turned out the reason I had so much trouble is the ring was a small gold ring and so much iron trash in the ground, the ring was stepped on and pushed into the ground.. The iron was so much that it was masking the ring which would of made it ring up of a iron target which i was not looking for.. So I decided  to changed up my  method of search and started crawling the area on my hands and knees useing only my hand held  metal detector and after about about 30 minutes I found the ring .. I called her up to let her know I found it and waited around town another 4 hours until she got home to return it to her.. She was very happy to get it back and I was happy to help her..

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School ring found after 42 years and returned

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Here is an article that Justin Breen a local reporter did on the story. Pretty much covers everything.


BEVERLY — James Murphy Sr. never gave up hope believing he’d find the 1970 high school class ring he lost in 1972.

Friday, with assistance from a Northwest Side man operating a metal detector, the gold ring was discovered at the same Beverly home where it originally slipped off the ring finger of Murphy’s left hand.

« It drove me crazy for more than 40 years, » said Murphy, 62, a retired Chicago Police officer who now lives in Mount Greenwood. « I knew it was in that yard. I’m in shock still. »

Justin Breen says Murphy was brought to tears:

On Wednesday, Murphy called Ron Shore, owner of Norwood Park-based Windy City Detector Sales & Rental, Inc., which helps customers find long-lost items. Shore referred Murphy to Jim Evans, an actor who in his spare time conducts « search missions » throughout the Chicago area to look for anything from diamond-studded earrings to car keys lost in the snow.

« Seventy percent of my calls are from what I refer to as anger management issues, where the wife gets upset with the husband and chucks her ring and then regrets it, » Evans, of Old Irving Park, said with a laugh.

Murphy has regretted losing his 1970 senior class ring from St. Bonaventure High School — a private school in Wisconsin — since it disappeared on a September afternoon in 1972. That day Murphy was washing his brand-new, metallic dark green Ford Pinto in preparation for a date when he dipped his hand in soapy water and then flung his hand in the air. When he did, the ring went flying as well.

He heard two dings and then nothing. For two full days, he searched every part of the front yard of the Beverly house his grandfather built in 1926 and where Murphy lived from 1952-73. No ring was found.

« I had worn that ring every day, » Murphy said. « It was my pride and joy. »

The house was sold in 1973 and Murphy said the owner wouldn’t let him conduct further searches. But earlier this year, it was sold again, and this time, the new owner was accommodating to his wishes.


A ring that was lost in 1972 was found last week by Windy City Detector Sales and Rental Inc. James Murphy (r.) was the owner of the ring, which was found by Jim Evanphoto 5 photo 6 photo 7 photo 9 photo 8

On Friday, Evans met Murphy at the house, asked him exactly where he was when the ring went missing, and then set up a 10-square-foot search grid with strings attached to stakes. Within 10 minutes, Evans located a metal button, a rusty nail, and then, buried six inches in the ground, Murphy’s ring, which was hidden in a clump of mud.

« I hugged everybody I could find, » Murphy said.

Evans charged Murphy $50 for the visit, and Murphy gave him $100 for finding the ring because that’s all he had on him. He plans to send him another $100 soon.

« I love this guy, » Murphy said. « I’m still as high as a kite. »

Shore said the key to locating lost items is to look for them right away. So he was shocked and thrilled Murphy’s treasured class ring was found after more than four decades.

« When he told me he lost it in 1972, it was a stretch that it would be found, » said Shore, who noted rings and other objects have a tendency to sink into the ground after a significant amount of time.

Murphy on Saturday took the ring to a jeweler, who cleaned and polished it.

And Murphy, who now has the jewelry back on his left ring finger, doesn’t plan to ever lose it again.

« This ain’t coming off again, » he said. « Maybe I’ll Krazy Glue it on. »


Gold Wedding Band found in Huntington Beach Park

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

imageI received  a call from Evan asking me if I could help him find his 18kt gold wedding band.  I was a couple miles away so it was just a few minutes to get to the park where he had lost the ring the yesterday. He and his wife were sitting on a curb along the side of a service road in the park. They realized they were sitting on some ants. When he stood up he swatted the ants off his pants with his hands and felt his ring fly off his finger. He actually heard the ring hit the asphalt, but it had bounced off the side of the road. Heavy leaf and ivy covered the side of road and the edge of road was a steep slope. It could of bounced 20 feet or more down the embankment . After crawling around in the leaves and ivy I moved 50 feet down the road from where Evan had been sitting.  A few swings with my CTX 3030 about 12 inches off the edge of the road laying in the leaves and rubble was Evan’s ring. The ring was not only special because it was his wedding ring. His dad had made the ring for Evan.  It was a special search with some tuff conditions. Another time that I was thinking about coming back tomorrow with some other search coils and equipment. A couple more swings outside the main search area proved to be the solution to making this a successful search.  And a lot of luck.
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Ring Found in Attic, Worth the Wait!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Keith L 1 Keith L 2 Keith L 3

A perfect duo – ATPro and 4.5” Sniper coil – for an attic search

With out this duo Keith would more than likely still be without his father’s wedding band that he had worn for several years. In his original E-mail; Keith wrote “I am not 100% certain but I think the ring fell into about 2 feet of blown-in insulation in my attic. Back in February my roof was leaking, I went into the attic to investigate, and later that evening I realized my ring was gone. If the ring is in the attic it’s in a tight spot close to the eaves, it’s a difficult area to search. I borrowed a metal detector and spent some time searching without any luck. I had never used a metal detector before, and I don’t have a lot of confidence that I was using it efficiently.”

I agreed with his assessment plus it was now May and attic temperatures were on the rise. Also I did not have the best equipment that I thought would locate the ring. I had the ATPro, but not the Sniper coil. A request went out to two clubs and a dealer for help in locating one I could buy or beg, borrow, or steal for a day. No luck! Then in October a new coil came into the dealer and I bought it. Three days later I was in the attic, on a nice cool morning, poking around in the deep insulation. It took about 10 minutes to search the 14 inch space between each set of ceiling joists. In the third area I got a repeatable signal close to a wire loop. I moved the loop and the signal was still there and so was the ring. Seconds later an emotional Keith had the ring on his finger. As I left, Keith was on the way to his mother’s house to show her the ring had been found.



Thanks again for finding my wedding ring, I couldn’t be happier to have it again, and I owe it all to you. At times in the past few months I felt devastated over having lost the ring, but you brought what was needed and I’m so glad to have found it. I’m attaching the photos I took with my phone from the attic. I’m not sure they completely do it justice as the insulation was at least 2-3 feet deep in spots. And here is a recap of the story of the ring, please feel free to post about it on your blog:

My father passed away when I was 5 years old, and 30 years later my mother gave me his wedding ring to me to wear as my own wedding ring. My wife Christine thought it was a great idea to use the ring. The ring is engraved with my parent’s initials and wedding date. I have little memory of my father, and the ring helped to create a connection that was very important to me. In February of this year, during a healthy snow storm, I noticed a water stain on the bedroom ceiling and realized there was some type of roof leak. As you know, the leak was in a far corner of the attic, and I had to investigate the leak on my hands and knees partially buried in insulation. A few hours later I realized the ring had slipped off my finger at some point during the day. The most likely place for the ring was in the attic, and I made several search attempts in the area. I borrowed a metal detector, but having no experience with one, this attempt and all my attempts were fruitless. I thought it was gone for good, and it was then that despair would set in when I thought about having lost it. As I mentioned, it was extremely painful for me to tell my mother that I had lost this ring. But then we waited out the summer, you got the coil, got down on your hands and knees into the corner of the attic and found it. I didn’t tell my mother that you were coming to look, I didn’t want to create any false hope if we couldn’t find it. I was able to surprise her later on Sunday with the ring. I really can’t thank you enough for finding it.



Metal Detector Rental Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detector Rental Houston


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                         Texas

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Engagement Ring Lost at La Jolla Shores… Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I received a call in early Sept from Zach about two lost rings at La Jolla Shores. His fiance Maria had been out kayaking with her friends and on the return leg of the trip, got caught in a wave, overturned, and her engagement and promise rings came off in the waist deep surf. By the time I got the call, Maria had returned to San Bruno so I had to go by a map and description of the search area.

After gridding the area for three days (about 12 hours) I had to  give Zach the bad news that I just couldn’t find them. I had found many other target so I figured it was unlikely anyone else had hunted the area and found them,  but, I told him I would keep it on my « list » and check with others I knew to see if it had been found. Nobody fessed up so I put it on my « return at low tide » list so I could venture out a bit further in the ocean.

Fast forward a month…..nice minus tide and calm conditions made the area inviting to search. After about 2 hours of virtually no targets, I get a weak but promising sound in my Excalibur’s headphones. In about knee deep water, I sifted one full scoop and discovered a beautiful platinum diamond ring in the bottom. Since I had earlier received a photo of the rings, I knew right away that I finally had one of them. I searched another couple of hours centered around that find, but still couldn’t come up with the promise ring. A task for another day. I texted Zach with a photo and the question, « does this look familiar? » and received an excited reply « YES! »

He said he would fly down here in a couple of days to pick it up. Since he hadn’t been here when it was lost, he wanted to go to the site and see where it all happened, so, I picked him up at the airport early Friday morning and took him there, where we snapped a few photos and took a little tour of the area. Over a nice breakfast, I learned that he hadn’t told her about finding the ring. He plans on getting it resized and proposing  to her again! Boy will she be surprised when she sees that ring again! (I hope you’re going to video that Zach!) Oh, and they were scheduled to have some of their upcoming wedding photos taken this coming weekend, so the timing couldn’t have been better.

Even though it was one of the most difficult and longest  searches I’ve had so far (about 16 hours total), it was very satisfying to make this recovery. It was a pleasure to meet you Zach and thank you for the generous reward. Maybe you two will decide to honeymoon in San Diego, now that Maria’s painful memories are alleved somewhat. Wherever you go, I hope you have a great time and happy marriage!

Right about where the surfer is in the first photo is where I found the ring. Tide’s quite a ways in compared to when I found it, but you get the idea.

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Ring Found Camp Pendleton Delmar Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Friday  October 10, 2014

Sean called me early this morning telling me that he found my name in The RingFinders directory.  He had lost his white gold wedding band in the sand the night before. He had been working out with a squad of Marines  doing  some type of crawling exercise in the sand. Sean told me that he knew exactly when the ring slipped off his finger, but even that he knew the location it couldn’t be found. He said  about 40 guys searched the sand for about 15 minutes with no success .  I met Sean at 10 am and he walked me to the location  where it was lost.  Sean had placed a traffic cone in the general location and had ask the beach cleaning crew not to rake the area with the tractor rake.  ( last week I missed an easy search because the rake beat me to the location ). This  looked like an simple search, but I went south instead of north. After about 45 minutes I thought I’d cross grid and also check a little area north of the cone.  Ten or fifteen feet in the new direction my search coil was over the ring. After digging the ring in my sand scoop I called Sean over and we both were elated. Sean and myself were beginning to give up hope. I wasn’t ready to quit, but I was thinking of what words to say if I didn’t find it. After finding the ring Sean told me that he had just recently got married and he had not told his wife about the loss. At least he did save her a night of worrying about the loss.  I’m sure if Sean did not mark the spot and ask the beach crew to avoid raking that area we may have never found his ring..  I love  being able to help people, look at that smile.


The Finder of Lost Rings and Jewelry in the Greater Houston area

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

                 Houston and Surrounding Areas


John Volek / Metal Detecting Specialist

Underwater Metal Detecting Specialist


Home Location

Houston, Texas



Search Locations

State of Texas and beyond


Search Types

I can search virtually any location regardless of the conditions or technical difficulty. Most calls are for lost personal possessions like Rings, Watches, and Bracelets, but we can search for virtually any lost or missing item.

I have experience in Forensic Evidence Recovery, Insurance Jewelry Claims, Underwater Recovery and Estate Searches to list a few.

In short, if you lost it, I can assist you in finding it.

I maintain a Scuba Diver Certifications through (SSI) Scuba Schools International, placing your lost possession with-in reach even when overboard.

I train regularly and use the best equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost items.

Assistance to any Law Enforcement Agency upon request.


Cost For My Service

For land and shallow water searches I work on a reward basis…That means you pay me what you can afford, and what it’s worth to you, to have your lost item found.

Travel and other incidental fees will be agreed upon prior to rendering any Metal Detecting Services.

If the search requires me to scuba-dive for your lost ring or property there will be a set fee discussed prior to suiting up.


John Volek’s Bio

I am a certified Texas Law Enforcement Officer of twenty-five years. If you lost something important, I have extensive experience and training in helping people find what they have lost.

“in scientia opportunitas”… In Knowledge, there is Opportunity


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek
