where to rent a metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Diamond Ring at Seal Beach, CA. Found by Member of TheRingfinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

… A few days ago I got a call from Matthew. He was at Seal Beach, Calif.  He had lost his Gold and Diamond ring in the dry sand. My first question was to verify that could wait at the general location for half hour. I didn’t waste time discussing other details. It was more important to get on the road.

I was able to drive to Seal Beach, meeting Matthew and Lilly on the beach. This was very important to make this a quick recovery.

Shortly after turning on my metal detector, I got the nice sound of gold in my metal detector headphones. Digging in the dry sand with my Xtreme Titaium scoop revealed Matthew’s awesome white gold ring.

I know this beach well and I’m sure the beach cleaning machine would have scooped this ring up the next morning with all the other trash. The towel line always gets sifted in this part of the beach.

If you need help finding an important metal item, call for help or information about how this service works. 949-500-2136 .. I will try anywhere.

Successful Search for Gold Chain Lost in the Sand at Huntington City Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call as soon as possible if you’ve lost something important that a metal detector can find. Contact Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 …, 

 I was at Huntington City Beach on a call out. While on that search for a cellphone on a massive area of the dry sand, Dave came off the beach to ask me if I had found a gold necklace. He had lost last night and had been searching for it since 6am.

He told me that he had wrapped his gold necklace in shirt laying it on the beach, while he took a dip in the surf. He picked up his shirt and realized the chain was missing after he returned home.

He was walking off the beach assuming that the chain was gone forever. I told him I could give the area quick search if he could walk me to the general area. The location was just a couple hundred feet from where I was, so I walked over to give it a quick scan. BOOM !! Dave’s gold necklace found.

Don’t waste time buying or renting a metal detector. Get an experienced metal detector expert that knows how  to conduct a proper search.Call or Text .. Now   Stan the Metal Detector Man  .. 949-500-2136   .. “I Will Try Anywhere”

Lost Silver Pendant Found in the Grass .. Costa Mesa, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you’re trying to find a lost ring or other important metal keepsake.. Call or text now for information on how our metal detecting service works.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** This was a recovery back in January 2024 .. Gary had hung his Silver Pendant on his Christmas tree. As in remembrance of his grandmother who had passed away. She had given this to him years ago.

After the holidays were over Gary took the covering the base of the Christmas tree outside to shake off the pine needles. The next day he realized he had not  removed the Silver pendant from the tree. After checking the tree that had been in the trash, the pendant was not to be found. He suspected that it could have been in the floor covering and could possibly be in his front yard.

He called me instead of renting or buying a metal detector. I met him that same morning and it didn’t take long to find the silver pendant. It was definitely deep in the grass and not visible.

I could see right away that this small silver pendant meant the world to him. It was a pleasure to be available to help Gary.

I can help you find your lost ring or other important metal item .. Call or text ASAP.. 24/7 .. 949-500-2136

San Clemente, CA. .. T-Street .. Third Time Finding Same Platinum Ring

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metal jewelry.. Call or text as soon as possible 24/7 .. Also my email is: stan@metaldetectorman.com

*** Jeremy has experience losing his ring at the beach. He has called me two other times to find his lost ring in the sand at the beach. Now he’s much more careful to not lose his ring at the beach. While on the beach with his wife and child. He took his platinum wedding ring off putting it in a bag with the rest of their belongings.

He went into the surf for a swim while his son and wife stayed on the sand. Upon returning he saw that his son had been playing with the bag. The ring was missing. More than an hour later he had not been able to find the ring. He took photos of the area for future reference and left the beach.

That evening he sent me a text with all the information and the photo. I texted him that it was unnecessary for him to meet me at the location. I could be there early that morning and it should be an easy recovery. I know my area beaches.

The ring was there about 4 inches deep in the dry sand. He put me right on the right spot.. After returning the ring later that morning, Jeremy told me putting the ring in the bag was not safe enough. He vowed not to ever take his ring to the beach, it will be left home from now on..

I’m ready to help you find your missing metal item lost at the beach, yard, park or in the water. Also I have been able to recover jewelry in cars, homes or other places where a metal detector can’t be used using endoscopes and other search tools.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ call or text for help or information .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136

Small Gold Pendant Found in Surf 4 Months after Lost .. Balboa, Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Newport Beach Ring Finder Stan Ross .. Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call or Text Now .. 949-500-2136

*** While metal detecting in the surf at Balboa Beach, I found a super small gold pendant that had two red garnet gem stones in settings. MIt was unique and for some reason it seemed familiar.

Later that night I went to my lost jewelry photo album, where I saw that this was lost 4 months ago along with 2 other items from a young lady’s necklace. I’m glad I keep photos given to me by people who have ask for help finding their lost items. I did find a small gold ring during the first search.

Next I had to find the contact information, so I could return it. Checked my texts and was able to contact WC who was shocked to get this unexpected good news. She lives quite a distance from me, so I mailed her the pendant. She agreed to send me a photo after receiving it.. This is not the first time I was able to find a keepsake lost months after the first search.. The ocean surf is unpredictable, moving sand and objects in and out with each tide change.

Types of searches .. Beaches, Parks, Yards and Water to 20ft …. I will try anywhere. If item is lost in a public place call or text  ASAP.. 24/7 ..Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Lost Wedding Band While Playing Church Youth Volleyball…Found in Fairfax, Virginia

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Kristo’s priceless 14 karat yellow gold classic wedding band that went missing somewhere on his church’s property…found on the grassy volleyball court by ring finder and proud member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph.

Kristo shows off his wedding band that professional metal detectorist Brian Rudolph had successfully recovered on the Redeeming Grace Church’s outdoor volleyball court!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Kristo is a full time youth pastor at Redeeming Grace Church in Fairfax, Virginia. He was playing a game of volleyball with his church’s youth group when he realized his 14 karat yellow gold classic wedding band was missing from his finger. In the 4 years that he had been married, Kristo had never taken the band off. However, because his fingers were sweaty and he had recently lost a little weight, the very special « symbol of his marriage covenant » apparently went MIA.

The teenagers that were there that afternoon all pitched in and tried to find the missing ring. Twelve of them linked arms together (like a search and rescue team) and sifted across each of the sides of the volleyball court. However, sadly, there was no ring to be found.

At some point the next day, Kristo was told by a colleague about the THE RING FINDERS website – an international directory of metal detectorists who are experts in finding lost rings. He called me on the phone and we immediately set up a time for me to come to his church and help recover Kristo’s lost wedding band.

Once I arrived, my client showed me where he had been playing volleyball and also another area where Kristo had been having some fun with his youth group. Next, we said a prayer to the Lord, asking the Almighty to help me with recovering this very important « symbol of love » for my client. I then got out my metal detecting equipment and immediately got started with the search over by the outdoor volleyball court.

After laying down grid lanes in order to help me not miss an inch, I started to detect one side of the court. I am happy to share that I eventually discovered Kristo’s very handsome 14 karat yellow gold classic wedding band! If one were to face the net from the left side of the court, the jewel was hidden below the grass over by the far left end of the court, almost where the net was tied to the pole!

I could not have been happier for Kristo and that youth pastor could not have been happier for himself as well because he called my metal detecting service in Fairfax, Virginia once he found THE RING FINDERS website! The rest was all praises to God and glorifying the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for guiding me to help Kristo that day!


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Wedding Ring recovered from Sunset Beach in Huntington Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)


Chris contacted me last night and asked for help to find his wedding ring. He put his Tungsten wedding ring in the pouch of his chair. When he packed up his ring fell out into the sand and he spent 1 1/2 hours searching for it.
We met up in the parking lot the next morning and Chris new exactly where he was sitting which helped me locate the ring in about 2 minutes.
Thanks for contacting me Chris!

After the mayhem … the ring was missing.

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

Don & I rec’d a call from a very special couple whose story is quite remarkable.  The groom-to-be purchased a beautiful ring one morning, proposed to his sweetheart later that afternoon and in celebrating that evening, misplaced that same ring (those pockets were just not deep enough).  The instructions given to us as we walked onto the property is ‘it’s somewhere out there’ meaning in the yard.   It took a while but with the patience the bride and groom showed and the belief that Don & I had we knew we wouldn’t leave until we found it.  And find it we did.

check out our Website: TheRing Finders.com

check our our YouTube Channel: Dallas Ring Finders

In the News – Pro Helps Briggsville Man Find Cherished Ring

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Check out this newspaper article about a recent lost ring find.  This was a great hunt and proof that a ring is not always where you think it was lost.  We spent a good hour searching the inside of an animal pen looking for 45 year old wedding band lost while spreading a bale of hay.  After searching the area 2 to 3 times, multiple different ways for close to 2 hours – I asked where else Jim might have been the day he lost his wedding ring.  After 5 mins of looking in this different area, I spotted the ring.  I called Jim over and handed him my handheld metal detector and let him find it.  Check out the link below for the full story of this lost ring including video of the hunt – the expression on Jim’s face when he found his ring is priceless and the reason we do what we do.

Newspaper Article: « Pro helps Briggsville man find cherised 45-year-old wedding ring on his farm »

Original Story: How to Find a Lost Ring – “Like Finding a Ring in a Haystack”



Lost Ring – Never Give Up Hope, Ring Found 3 Years Later

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Recently, we were featured in an article by Doug Moe, a local reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal. The story was about our Ring Finding activities (http://host.madison.com/news/local/columnists/doug-moe/doug-moe-the-man-who-finds-lost-rings/article_3ef64cca-adf5-5735-8399-4f6e440631e0.html). After the article ran, I was contacted by about a dozen people who had lost their wedding ring between 1 and 8 years ago. This was awesome, because a lot of time people just give up looking for their ring. If you have a good idea on where and how you lost your ring, there is probably a pretty good chance it is still there. One of the couples who contacted me was Heather and Ron and this is their ring story.

Three years ago, Heather was preparing for an Easter Egg hunt in her backyard. The weather was just starting to warm up, so she decided it would be nice to have the hunt outside. She first wanted to clean up the dead leaves that were around her shrubs and in her planting beds from the past fall. Heather’s lot backed up to a wooded area, which was a convenient place to throw leaves and other yard waste. It was here that Heather tossed the leaves from her yard.

The next day, she was busy preparing for Easter dinner, when suddenly she realized that her wedding ring of 19 years was missing. She had been so busy getting ready for company that she didn’t focus on the fact that her ring was not on her finger. She felt absolutely sick, but hoped that it would show up. Days passed, but still not ring. She wondered if she had lost it in the house or maybe it fell down the drain? Ron, Heather’s husband, inspected all the traps under the sinks in the house. No ring. Time went on, but still no ring.

Heather thought back to the day she lost it and remembered that the day prior, she was in the backyard raking and cleaning the leaves. She also remembered that she was not wearing any gloves while working in the backyard, and there was a chance the ring could have fallen off while scooping up or tossing the leaves in the woods. They searched the areas she was working, but did not find anything. It’s amazing how a ring can quickly disappear from sight. After about a year of searching and wondering, Heather gave up – accepting the fact that she’d never see her ring again. They went to the jewelry store and picked out a new ring to replace the one missing from her finger.

Fast forward 3 years, and Ron was reading the Sunday paper one winter day. He showed Heather an article about some local “Ring Finders” who had helped others find their lost rings in the area. Ron called me the next day and told me their story. I said we could help, but needed to wait till Spring when the snow had melted and the ground thawed. This past weekend, I happened to be visiting an old family friend on the same side of Madison that Heather and Ron lived. I called Ron and setup a time to come out and take a look.

When we pulled up, we were greeted by Ellie, the family dog. Kylie, my daughter, enjoyed playing with Ellie … and I think Ellie enjoyed playing with Kylie too. Carter, my son, and I immediately started the search. We first scanned the planting area where Heather was working in 3 years ago. Amazingly, we found nothing. Typically around the perimeter of the house, we find a fair amount of junk left over from building projects or a recent roofing job – but there was nothing (which is awesome). So, we moved to the area where Heather had tossed the leaves. Almost immediately, we got a good strong and consistent signal. Carter scratched away the soil and we could quickly see the edge of a ring start to appear. The ring had been lost for 3 years, and after only about 5 mins we had found it!

I called Heather back out and distracted her with a “question”, when she turned around, she saw me holding up her ring.  She was shocked.  I don’t think she would ever had guessed that we would find her ring that quickly. After a couple of seconds, she let out a loud scream and jumped up and down with joy. This is my favorite part of Ring Hunting … the reveal. I love the reaction and expressions on people’s faces when we pull something out of the ground, that just seconds earlier, had been lost forever.

Thank you Ron and Heather for the generous reward. We will donate a portion of the reward to Carter and Kylie’s school, as we do with all rewards. We will then use the remainder to purchase some additional “test rings”. We have a couple of rings that we’ve found and have not been able to return. These prove very valuable when first starting a hunt. If we can get a similar ring and drop it in the same environment, it helps us tune our machines and focus on what signals to look for.

Remember, even if it’s been years – there is still hope that your ring can be found.

Every ring has a story, what’s yours?
