lost wedding ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Grandmother’s Heirloom Platinum Wedding Ring Set Recovered and Returned to Owner

  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

** *** Lost Heirloom Platinum Wedding Ring Set at Gainesville, FL.  Found after owners searched for a week with a metal detector, then gave up searching and called a professional Ringfinder**

I received a call from a gentleman who explained his wife lost her heirloom platinum wedding ring set somewhere in their yard. They searched for a week using a metal detector and gave up any hope of finding the rings. They even contacted their insurance company to let them know they were likely going to have to file an insurance claim. His wife found TheRingFinders website and contacted me. Even though they were almost 100 miles from my house, I could tell how distraught they were so I responded to their house for the search.

Please click the video link to see the recovery and their reaction.



My wife lost both her wedding band and her engagement ring somewhere in our lawn of thick St. Augustine grass.  We borrowed a friend’s metal detector and searched for over a week with no luck.  It was her grandmother’s diamond and we were distraught. We contacted our insurance company to let them know we were likely going to have to make a claim.  My wife found TheRingFinders.com and we made contact with Adam on a Thursday.  He responded immediately and we made plans for him to travel approximately 200 miles round trip to our home in Gainesville on Sunday.  Adam arrived Sunday morning with enthusiasm and professionalism.  We showed him the area of the yard that we had been searching thoroughly and had given up on, and in less than ten minutes he found both rings.  We were in disbelief, as we had truly given up hope.  Talk about results!  While I hope we never have to call on Adam again, it is reassuring to know that he is out there helping people like us with his kindness and experience.  I would 100% recommend Adam.  Thank you very much, Adam.



Gold Ring Lost While Gardening

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

A lovely couple reached out to me about a gold wedding band that had been lost while gardening in their backyard. I got their details and went to their house as soon as I could. I swung around their lovely backyard for a while in the area they thought it would be. I found a couple of coins and then came across the ring in a small pile of dirt that had been shoveled out of a hole while they were planting some new flowers. And voila! The ring was found. Such a joyous reaction!

Paladium Ring made for him by his wife!

  • from Pacifica (California, United States)

I received a call from fellow detectorist and ringfinder, Laura, who is located up in Marin County. She got a call for a lost ring at Montara Beach just south of Pacifica in San Mateo County and referred them to me as I am closer in proximity to Montara. I connected with Jenn and Zakk and planned to head out to the beach the following day. The atmospheric river had other plans for me though. I called off the hunt that day and, instead, headed out the next day when it was cold but nice and sunny.
What I found when I arrived at the beach was a HUGE cut caused by the torrential rain the day prior. It cut the beach in half and I worried that the ring may have been washed away.

Using the photos that they sent me, like a treasure map without the « X » marks the spot, I headed over the cut to the south end of the beach where they were fairly certain the ring had been lost. Because I had to go after work I knew I would be fighting the daylight. I texted Jenn asking for a few minor details to zero in on the exact spot and went to work swinging horizontally to the water, they perpendicularly, then extending the search area again horizontally and perpendicularly. Two hours later I had come up with nothing but false tones and a handful of carefully rolled up twist ties.
The sun had set and I was feeling defeated. I knew how important this ring was for them. They had take a class and each made a ring for the other from paladium so clearly the sentimental value of these rings far outweighed any monetary value (even though paladium is not cheap).
There was a second spot that they circled on the aerial photography they sent me. It was between the cut and the stairs that go up to the parking areas. Since it was dark and the trail I took down from the parking area was slippery with mud I decided to walk toward the stairs and try to swing through the second, less likely, location on my way out. It was very dark and the little light on my Legend was helpful but I took out my phone and used it’s flashlight for additional light. I swung as I walked toward the stairs until I got a loud signal ringing in my ears. Alas, it was only a bottle cap.
Thinking I was going to have to call them and tell them I hadn’t been able to recover the ring I walked a few feet closer to the stairs and suddenly a banging signal rang in my headphones. A split second later my eyes locked on a silver circle sticking out of the sand. I knew without question that this was the ring!
Excited I packed up my machine and walked up the stairs with Zakk’s ring on my index finger smiling and shaking my head. I had spent 2.5 hours out there searching for this ring and couldn’t believe my luck.

It is always disappointing when I can’t recover someone’s lost item. I don’t give up easily and often head back out the next day or next weekend to look again because defeat is not something I am willing to accept.

When I got back to my car I first sent photos and let her know I had found it. When I didn’t hear back right away I called Jenn, but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. I let her know that I had found it and to let me know how I should get it back to her.

Moments later she texted back, « OMG OMG OMG! »

She let me know they were in the process of putting their beloved dog down and my heart broke. I have been through losing my dogs 3 times in my adult life so far and it is the worst possible feeling. But knowing this made me even more grateful that I had found the ring for them. They were having a really shitty week and I was able to bring them some light in the darkness.

I kept the ring safe for a few days and we planned to meet Saturday at a restaurant a few minutes from my house. They drove in from the East Bay where they live and we met at The Ramp. I joined them a little late but they even bought me lunch and we sat there and talked for a couple of hours. We realized we have a lot in common – we like the same kind of television shows, including a lot of British programming – and Zakk was thinking about getting in to metal detecting now. If there is one thing I love, it’s corrupting new people into this wonderful, fun, interesting and educational hobby.

We tried several times to part ways and end our conversations, but kept finding more to talk about. And through all of this distraction and excitement I totally forgot to take a photo of the ring in the daylight and with Zakk and Jenn! Fortunately Jenn remembered and sent me a couple photos with the ring safely back on Zakk’s hand.

Ring recoveries are one of the most gratifying, special things a person can do with a metal detector. And I am thankful for every single person that puts their trust in me for this task.


Great Grandmothers Heirloom Blue Diamond Ring Recovered From Ocean Post Hurricane See the Surprise Return to Owner.

  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

This was the hardest and my best recovery in 30 years metal detecting.  This heirloom rare blue diamond ring belonged to my clients great grandmother, who gave the ring to his grandmother, then to his mother who gave it to my client when he got married. It is a very rare blue diamond ring.  For the complete story and adventure of finding this incredible ring, please click on the 3 YouTube links.

Part 1: https://youtu.be/BKO5eS9bktM?feature=shared

Part 2: https://youtu.be/O-Mby_Oze0Q?feature=shared

Part 3: The Surprise Reaction of the Return: https://youtu.be/qq2XcNh1ntw?feature=shared

Honest Metal Detecting Service NE Florida .. call or text for a professional metal detecting expert ..Don’t Wait, time is critical for recovery.  Text or call Adam 714-785-5111


  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Lani’s husband lost his black tungsten wedding band in a field near their home. They searched with and without a metal detector for a week. I got the call, and once I had an understanding of the job, made the 45-minute trip to the location. I met with Lani to go over the area where the ring was lost. I laid out a search area of about 1000 square feet. The first half was dry, the second had 1″ of water with the grass being about 4 inches tall. The whole area was trash-free, so all sounds were taken seriously.  About halfway thru the second half (the wet one) I got a strong 48 reading on my Garrett. Had to move grass and poke around with the pin-pointer for the ring.  Lani was very happy and so was I. Thank you, Lani, for the generous reward.


Lost diamond ring found

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)


I got a call about a lost wedding ring from Kuuipo. She explained how the ring was lost and I asked her to draw me out a map to help narrow the search area. After gathering as much information as possible I was faced with a hunt that was either gonna be on a lawn close to the beach or on the sand. I gathered my family and headed down to the spot. After careful searching on the lawn to no avail I started my way  onto the beach. As I started my gridding pattern towards the ocean I picked up a few coins which made me very happy because I knew that no one else came to this beach and metal detected. after my first pass down the beach I started my second leg while overlapping and around midway through I hear a tone that would make anyone stop in their tracks. I dig in the sand gently being careful and inside the Xtreme scoop is what was lost and now found a beautiful diamond ring. I smile as I retrieve the ring while onlookers are in anticipation. I say loudly … she will be happy. The beach goers asked if I was looking for something and I replied not no more. I get to call her about the good news. I found her lost ring! Another successful find.


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Received a text last night from a young man whose mom had lost her wedding rings while picking up leaves and tossing them over the fence. The son had found the wedding band by sifting through the leaves, but was unable to locate the engagement ring.

They had been on her finger for nearly 51 years!

I showed up at 8:00 am and the search began. After an hour we hadn’t found it yet, so we went inside to talk to his mom and get a better idea of where she was and what she had been doing prior to losing it. Turns out we were in the only area where she was tossing leaves. I suggested we go back and try again. After about another 30 mins, I decided to kick over the sifted leaves to move them more out of the way, away from the fence and I got a hit! The ring was under 2-3 feet of sifted leaves and I missed it the first 8 times because I didn’t move the leaves. It was found 3 feet from the wedding band near the fence line!

Needless to say it was a very Merry Christmas for the whole family as they both were back where they belong!

Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinders.com

Gold Wedding Ring found in Machesney Park Illinois

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)

I received a text message from Jeff asking if I could possibly help find his wife’s wedding ring that had been lost in their backyard about 4 months ago. Of course I agreed, we then set up a day and time that worked best for both of us to do a search. I met Jeff at his house a few days later after we both got off of work. He took me into the backyard and showed me the area that they believed that it was in. So I divided the yard in half, diagonally, and began a grid pattern from their backdoor to a large tree in the corner of the yard. On my 4th past I received a loud repeating 50 VDI signal that was « double tapping » on my DĒUS II. In my experiences, a ring on the surface or close to it will make this « double tapping » sound. I told Jeff, « This might be it right here. » I checked the snow covered grass with my pinpointer, which immediately sounded off! After a little digging with my fingers in the grass, roots, and dirt I could see a shiny circle peeking through! I said, « There it is! » And handed it to Jeff as he came walking over to me.

Another smile for the book!

Lost Ring in State College, PA… FOUND!

  • from Altoona (Pennsylvania, United States)

Sam reached out to me after losing his 14k white gold ring while playing in the backyard with his dog, Lupo. It was the first snowfall of the year, and Lupo was having a blast catching snowballs. As Sam shook the snow from his hands before heading inside, he felt the ring fly off his finger and heard a faint clink as it struck something near the deck.

Sam and his wife, Moyra, scoured the backyard as the snow fell harder, covering any trace of the ring. After hours of searching in vain, they reluctantly gave up, thinking it might be lost until spring—or forever.

When I arrived that weekend, the snow had melted some but there was still no sign of the ring. Armed with my Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector, I scanned where Sam thought the ring had landed. The minutes ticked by, and just when hope began to waver, the detector gave a familiar low tone. There it was, under the snow, waiting to be found.

Sam was overjoyed to have his ring back. He rushed inside to share the good news with Moyra and brought out Lupo, who was just as excited to meet me. As a final thank-you, Moyra gave me a few of her homemade Christmas cookies—an unexpected and delicious reward that didn’t last long on my drive home.

Helping Sam and Moyra reminded me why I love what I do. It’s not just about finding lost items; it’s about bringing joy and relief to people in those little moments that matter.

Mom’s Ring Recovered!

  • from Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)

I was contacted by a woman who had initially lost two rings, but had found one before calling me. While we were speaking about the when and where, she told me the backstory. Both her parents had passed and she had a ring from each. She decided to wear the two rings around her neck, but had the rings together on a hoop earring, which was in turn, looped onto a gold chain. She was spreading straw onto newly seeded grass in her back yard, and in rearranging the straw with a rake, she saw her father’s ring on the ground, which is when she realized that the hoop earring had opened and dropped the rings. As you might imagine, the hoop wasn’t strong enough to hold the rings securely and it had opened up. Finding the first ring was a good indicator about the location of the second, but she had searched extensively and hadn’t been able to locate it. After having her show me the areas where she’d been working, I started the search. After finding the usual yard trash (small pieces of aluminum, iron nails, screws, and a few pennies), I was able to locate her ring. In her own search, she had unknowingly stepped on it and pushed it down into the mud. Although it wasn’t visible, my detector wasn’t bothered by the mud and I was able to recover the ring. Given how important the rings were to her, it was great to see the joy in her eyes when the missing ring was recovered and returned!