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Lost Wedding Ring

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


Lost Wedding Ring

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your « Ring » or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek



wedding ring

How to Find a Lost Ring in Harrison River

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received an email the other day from a young couple who told me that they had lost a diamond wedding band in Harrison River. I called them and we discussed the search and decided to meet at 8.am the next morning. It was about 1 1/2 hours to get there so it was an early up for me…That’s ok because I love this job!

We met at a location not far from where the ring was lost and I followed them as I have never been to this beach before. When we arrived it was quite and not many people. The young couple showed me the area where they believed the ring was lost and they only had a half hour to wait and see if I could find the ring. But it would take much longer then that for me to find this ring.

They said good bye and they hit the road, I could tell that their hopes were not so high that I would find the ring. I started in on the shallow water where they thought it would most likely be and started my grid search.


After approximately two hours in the water I took the search to the dry sand, shortly into the search in the location where the ring was not believe to be…I found it. What a great feeling it is when you look into your scoop and see the sparkles of diamonds and not a pull tab or  bottle cap.











I’m sure not hearing from me for 2 hours made them feel like it wouldn’t be good news when I called so I text them the picture of their ring.

We made arrangements to meet at their place and I delivered the beautiful diamond ring to a very happy young lady and her husband.















Thank you for the kind reward!


I love my job!

If you lost something and need help finding it…Call me ASAP!

You can watch the video of the recovery below…Thanks for reading my blog!




Keys Found in Franklin, MA

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On Valentine’s Day, I received a telephone call from Kelley, a fellow employee, explaining that she had lost her keys in the company’s parking lot somewhere in the snow.  It was my day off, and another employee suggested that she call to see if I could help.  The company has huge parking lots, so I was concerned that it may have been plowed into one of the huge mounds of snow, but I agreed to give it a shot.  I searched three areas of the parking lot where she thought she may have dropped the keys without any luck.  Finally, I searched around a light pole in the parking lot and found the set of keys.  Kelley said it was the best Valentine’s Day present she could have received!


Lost Wedding Band at Jericho Beach, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a phone call from a friend that I work with that told me that his friend lost his wedding ring at Jericho Beach when he was swimming. He goes on to tell me that he’s at the beach the next morning searching for it because his friend couldn’t be there as he had to work… Then it hit him…I know  a guy who finds lost rings! (Me) He tells me that his friend had lost his ring while they took a swim and that he was married for over 25 years so it was extremely sentimental.

I happen to have the day off so I rushed out there to help him find his friends lost ring. When I get there the tide is slowly coming in and he shows me an area where he believes the ring was lost.

After 10 minutes of searching I found a silver native carved ring so I popped it out of the sand and left it were it was found so I could come back and film it. Later Marty goes to move the bag closer to shore and see’s the ring. He thinks its the native ring that I told him I found the day before at that beach…I told him that I found that one but I thought that he told me that it was a white gold ring that I was looking for…




Well we decided to call his friend to see what his ring looked like and this was the match! I don’t get to meet his friend but here is the picture of  a good friend, who did what he could to do to help find his buddies ring for him…




He also made a donation to my charity(Children’s Hospital) because I wouldn’t except anything for my time…Thanks Marty!!!Lost something? Call me ASAP!I love my job!


You can watch the video below…

Metal Detecting Service for a Lost Wedding Band in the Ocean at Kits Beach, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call the other day from a young man who lost his wedding ring in the ocean while swimming, he tried for a few hours to find it but the tide was fast moving in and the depth was getting to deep to continue the search.

He remembered a friend of a friend who lost their ring and how they found me on The Ring Finders Directory, so he got on line and found the directory and called me.

From his description of where the ring was lost I knew I’d have to hit it hard at low or a little before. Lots of people metal detect the swimming areas everyday at low tide.

I decided to make a night of it and arrived at midnight at Kits Beach and searched the dry sand until 6am. I found a little over $20 in change 1 iPhone 4s that was returned back to the owner later that day, 1 Tungsten wedding band(still looking for the owner) 1 big Heart pendent and long chain and loads of bottle caps, pull tabs & booby pins.

At 6 am I tested the water and it was cold but I knew I better get at it and search for the lost white gold wedding band. After 15 minutes in the nice but cold water I got a good signal and after checking the scoop I saw the glimmer of white gold mixed in with the rocks and sand.



It only took 15-20 minutes because David remembered to take notes and references to where the ring was lost and that helps me a lot.




I love my job!

Lost something…Call me ASAP!


Watch video of the search here…

Metal Detecting For a Lost Diamond Ring at a Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Its been a very hard week due to the loss of my wife’s father, we’ll miss him very much!I was away for the past week dealing with the preparations of the service and I had 3 calls and 2 that I passed on to others Ring Finders, after I arrived home late last night I was able to do a search for a diamond wedding ring that was lost on Spanish Banks Beach here in Vancouver.

I was extremely exhausted but looking very forward to getting away to the beach and and helping someone find their lost smile as this is more like relaxation for me.I met with Mary at 11pm and she showed me where her wife lost her ring and it took me a little over an hour to find it.



It would have been a quicker search but due to the fact that it was late and dark it took a while for Mary to put me in the correct area but when she did it only took minutes and we found the ring and I got to see her big smile!

Thank you very much for the generous reward Mary it helps me with my gas money and equipment and 15 % of the reward money goes to charity… Children’s Hospital




I love my job!

Lost something…Call ASAP!You can watch the video of the recovery on the link below…

Lost Wedding Ring in Calgary…

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Lost ring, Call Calgary Ring Finders. Give kevin a call you will be glad you did. When he finds your ring for you it will put a big smile on your face and your spouse.He or she will be thrilled with you that you have your weddding ring or other ring back. Call today to get your ring back. Kevin will also find any lost item you may have lost car keys, chains, anything metals.  🙂

Diamond Ring Found at Kelly Beach, Bonnet Shores, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

After locating me through The Ring Finders’ website, Paul contacted me a few days ago about a ring he had lost while swimming at a Rhode Island beach.  This ring was precious to Paul.  It was a beautiful gold ring with five diamonds that his mom had given to his dad on their 25th wedding anniversary–the diamonds signified their five children.  Before Paul’s dad passed away 11 1/2 years ago, he gave the ring to Paul, the oldest of the five children, who never took it off.  That is until 12 days ago when he lost it while swimming.  I met Paul at the beach early this morning when I could take advantage of the low tide.  Within 20 minutes, in knee-deep water, I located the ring about 8 inches deep in the sand.  Paul couldn’t believe it!  He was thrilled to have this special ring returned to him.  Thank you Paul for this opportunity.  I was so happy to be able to return this keepsake to you and your family!

White Gold Wedding Band recovered in Trippe Creek in Easton, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Success once again! This time my buddy and I found ourselves back in the water looking for this target. I have to be honest, after 20 minutes or so of searching this creek bed I really thought we would be skunked for the first time since joining The Ring Finders. The bottom of the creek was not only muddy, but it was extremely SOFT! So much so that every step we took put us 6-9 inches deep in the clay-like bottom. What was worse, when we went to scoop a potential target, we sunk another 6-12 inches! It was like searching in quicksand. One slightly off scoop attempt could push the ring down into no man’s land making recovery impossible at that point. We decided a few minutes later that we would give it another 20-30 minutes and admit defeat if we were unsuccessful at that point. Luckily, a few more minutes of searching I got a good audible signal and made a very careful scoop attempt and……..well, I’ll let Denise tell you her story!

Up the creek!


My son was kayaking with my nephew in Trippe Creek near our house in Easton, Maryland.  Men will be boys, and they started cutting up and tipped over the kayak. His wedding ring (which should have been sized better) slipped off his finger in 4 or so feet of water.  He could not find it.  He was in serious trouble with his wife and was quite upset with himself.


The next day I searched online to find someone who had equipment for us to buy or rent or perform the search for us.  I found The Ring Finders website and called the person with the address closest to our home and it was Jim.  He agreed to come out on Sunday with his friend.


He asked us to try to narrow the search area as much as possible.  So, when they arrived on Sunday we had lined up my mom who had witnessed the incident and with my son on phone (he had already returned to his home out of state) we outlined a search area. The guys were patient, polite, and friendly. They were thorough in the search, and after almost 45 minutes in the water, Jim found the ring. Even they were amazed to find it, as it was in the muddy floor of the creek in almost 4 feet of water.  I would highly recommend to anyone as Jim says, they have 100% success rate.



Easton, Maryland

Returning the ring to Denise


A happy Denise!


The « thought to be lost forever » band.

-Video- Chesterman Beach…3 Lost Platinum Rings in Tofino, Vancouver Island…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This video is a search for 3 lost rings at Chesterman Beach,  Tofino,  Vancouver Island