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Lost Woman’s Diamond Engagement Ring in Lancaster, OH “FOUND”.

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call from a guy on New Years Day about a lost White Gold and Diamond Engagement Ring. The ring was lost in the snow during the night before. I showed up a couple of hours later to search for the missing engagement ring. After asking more questions, I found out that the ring was thrown. I searched in the freezing temperatures in 3 inches of snow for a hour and a half with no luck.

A week later he wanted me to come back out and try again. Since the snow was mostly gone and more grass was visible. About a hour later of searching there was the ring laying on the grass beside the melting snow. I am very happy that the ring was found. He recently bought the ring for her and I wish them a happy engagement.










Lost Woman’s Diamond Engagement Ring in Lancaster, OH “FOUND”.










Lost Man’s Wedding Ring in Hilliard, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received an email from a women asking if I could find her husband original wedding band that was lost, back in the fall of 2009, in the backyard from pulling leaves off the rake. He always talked about his original ring.  She wanted to try to get his ring back for their wedding anniversary in a couple of months. After searching the non sun barring with frost on the grass for an hour using a grid search I found the ring. I showed her the ring and she was very surprised and happy that I found his ring.











Lost Man’s Wedding Ring in Hilliard, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Wedding Ring in Hilliard, OH. “FOUND”



Lost Knife in Dallas,Tx Found

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We received an email from a very nice lady stating that her husband’s small pocket knife was lost in their yard.   We thought it was a little unusual to get a call on a knife but we are always excited to help people .  As we talked further we found out that the family had gone out and cut down 2 Christmas Trees this year and had strapped them to the top of the family SUV.  Upon arriving at home the father had pulled out his very special 3″ knife that his wife had given to him as a gift on their wedding day.  He used it to cut the rope holding the Christmas Trees to the SUV and then gave it to his oldest 10yr old daughter Ally to cut the other side.  She cut the rope and put the knife in her top pocket of her jacket and helped her dad and sisters drag the 2 trees into the house.  After getting the trees inside, she realize the knife was no longer in her pocket.  After 3 days of searching the 3″ thick grass cover in large leaves they had nearly given up.  10yr old Ally was heart broken at losing her daddy’s special knife. 

Ally’s mom got on the internet and found our « The Ring Finders » website .  She called and my wife and I set a time come by.  Upon arriving at their home we had a roughly 80ft by 40ft area of thick grass and leaves.  We got out our equipment and I began the search.  My wife’s ACE250 was acting funny  and she decided to just let me hunt.  She had her pinpointer with her while talking to the customer.  As you can imagine at every beep our detectors or pinpointers made the 3 daughters were right their with us looking for the knife.  Finally I suggested to the mom that they go check the SUV one more time while we continued the search of the yard.  My wife just sat down in the beautiful yard and kinda of just moved her pinpointer around and it went off.  She said « Don, go get the girls, I GOT IT ».   Ally the daughter who lost the knife came running out and grabbed the knife out of the yard and held it to her chest, she was almost in tears.

Ally and her family thanked us and thank us and then even took pick pictures with us and our equipment so they could so their dad.  Just another happy customer for « The Ring Finders ».

This hobby is so much fun!

Don & Ellen Wilson

The Dallas Ring Finders!

Shannon’s Husband Wedding Ring Lost now Found!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


Ellen & I got a call from our « The Ring Finders » website.  It as about 8pm on Sunday evening.  Shannon said that she and her husband had been at the local recreation center playground.  Her husband took off his wedding ring and put it in his pocket so he would not scratch it while working out using the playground equipment as a gym.

Upon returning home he realized his ring was gone.  He and Shannon searched for 6 days looking for the ring.  She found us on the web and called. I told her I would come on on Monday morning after 9am, but after hearing her voice and talking to my wife.  My wife convinced me to go do our 1st night search. We had our headlamps and our flashlight and the playground was in a nice area of town, so we decided to give it a try.

After 20 minutes of searching in the dark I hit something strong and thought to myself, I got it… but no it was a child’s charm bracelet.  I stood up and got another hit just 2 feet from the bracelet.  I bent down using my pinpointer and light and there was the ring.  I had to use the flashlight to be sure I had Shannon’s husband’s ring.  It was.

I called Shannon at 9:30pm and she seemed concerned when she realized it was me,  I said hello and ask her if she would like to come up to the park playground and pick up her husband’s ring.  She was estastic.  She said she would be right down.   She arrived in 15 minutes and was extremely grateful.  This is my favorite part of this hobby, seeing the smiles, seeing the relief, it is a win, win moment for everyone.

Now I thought this adventure was over, but on Monday I received a very special text message from Shannon.  I have pasted the text in below…

 «  » Thank you again sooo much, Don!! I surprised Aaron with his ring when he got home from work last night…. I sat him down and proposed to him :).  Luckily he said yes 🙂 We are both so happy to have his ring back. You and your wife are so wonderful! It was an honor meeting you two! «  »

Another successful NIGHT find for The Ring Finders »

Don & Ellen Wilson – Dallas,Tx



Lost Wedding Ring in Calgary…

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Lost ring, Call Calgary Ring Finders. Give kevin a call you will be glad you did. When he finds your ring for you it will put a big smile on your face and your spouse.He or she will be thrilled with you that you have your weddding ring or other ring back. Call today to get your ring back. Kevin will also find any lost item you may have lost car keys, chains, anything metals.  🙂

You Lost Your Ring in the Bathroom???

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

You Lost You Ring in the Bathroom???Lost Ring in the Bathroom????

We received an email from a gentleman named Les, he said that he was changing clothes in his apartment bathroom and when he went to pull his shirt over his head his wedding ring slipped off and hit the floor.  He said he actually heard it hit the floor.  He decided to finish dressing and then find the ring.  Mind you this is a very small apartment bathroom.

Les looked and looked for the ring, he and his wife checked everywhere.  They even had the maintenance men come and move their washer and dryer in the attached room to see if the ring was underneath.  Les lost his ring on his ONE MONTH wedding anniversary.  It has been 3 months since the ring went missing and he found « The Ring Finders » on the internet.  He lives literally 5 minutes from my home.

My wife, Ellen, and I arrived about 7pm not really believing we would have much luck.  Metal detectors are not of much use inside a home let alone a small apartment bathroom.  But Les was so nice and asked us to try so we agreed.  We took our Garrett Pinpointers and our Detection Camera Scope.  Upon seeing the size of the bathroom we knew it had to have bounced somewhere strange.

      In looking at the bathroom we found a small open lip under the cabinet where the kick plate is. It was only a 1-1/2 inch opening that I could not even get my hand into, I got out my 3ft Detection Camera scope and worked it into the slot, nothing at first but on the second side, there in the dark glowing under the light from the camera scope was Les’s Platinum Wedding Band.   I said, ‘hey Les, take a look at my detection screen, is that your Ring?’  He was so excited, he and I had to break loose the baseboard under the sink in order to reach it.  He hollered for his wife, « they found It, they found it! »  Another successful hunt for « The Ring Finders ».

Don & Ellen Wilson

Dallas, Texas

Ted’s Wedding Ring Found in 15 minutes

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got the call on Saturday evening,  Ted had been working on his home all day, cleaning the gutters, small repairs and such.  After a long day of satisfying of projects on his home he went in to clean up and shower,  that’s when he realized his wedding band was missing.  He panicked as we all would.  He and his wife looked extensively all over their yard around the home, both front and back yard.  He got the ladders back out to search the gutters, went through all the trash, all his clothes only to realize he still had NO RING.  He decided to see what services were available on the internet and found « The Ring Finders » website which directed him to my wife and I just 20 minutes away.  Ted called and explained the situation, I told him that we would be over after church on Sunday and not to worry.  We met up about 12:30 on Sunday, Ted showed us around the home.  My wife and I both geared up with our detectors and began the search, naturally beginning on one side of the home working our way around to its opposite side.  As I was going along the side of the home,  I intentionally turned with my detector  heading toward the neighbor’s water hose which was loosely coiled in the  side yard. (Knowing the ring could have gone that far due to the height of the gutter line.) My detector responded with a loud ping when it crossed over the water hose and though I thought it was strange, I knew a water hose would not have any type of metal in it, just at the end where the handle was.  I moved the hose and ran my detector over the area again and still received a loud ping.   I reached down using my Garrett pinpointer  and hit the target – the ring had been pushed down flush in the mud in the grass.  That moment of locating a lost item always puts such a great smile on my face.  I called out to my wife and said get the camera, I have found the ring.

Two Lost Gold Diamond Rings at Calve Barn in Mt. Sterling, OH « FOUND »

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)
Two Lost Gold Diamond Rings at Calve Barn in Mt. Sterling, OH "FOUND"

Two Lost Gold Diamond Rings at Calve Barn in Mt. Sterling, OH « FOUND »

I received an email from a lady that lost both of her Gold Diamond Rings while helping her neighbor feed some calves. Some of the calves were sucking on her fingers as she feed the others. Before she lefted the barn, she realize that both her rings were missing. It was dark out and it would be impossible to look for both rings since there is straw and calve manure everywhere in the barn.

I came with my rubber boots and my metal detecting and started searching though the straw and calve manure. Found the five stoned gold ring within 15 minutes of searching. But the other bigger diamond ring was no where to be found after another hour of looking. I then switched to a smaller coil and moved some calve pins. There was the other ring, in the corner where the bigger coil could not get to. Her face lit up when she saw the other ring.




Diamond Wedding Ring Found at Green Hill Beach, South Kingstown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Two days ago, I received a call from Andrea, who was vacationing at a beach house in South Kingstown with her husband and three young sons.  Andrea explained that she had lost her diamond ring while playing football in the water two days earlier.  She was so upset about it that she had lost sleep and asked for my help.  When I arrived at the beach house, we took a small boat across a salt water pond and followed a path to get to the ocean beach where the ring had  been lost.  I searched for two and a half hours in the surf.  When I emerged with the ring on my little finger, Andrea was so surprised and delighted!  Her husband was shocked.  He was so certain that it couldn’t be found that he had made a bet with his son, a bet I’m sure he wasn’t upset about losing!  The best part was when their youngest son turned to me and said, « Thank you for finding my mom’s ring. »


Lost Wedding Ring Found…Iowa City, Iowa


On Thursday I got a call from a guy who lost his gold wedding band . He thought he lost it either while washing the dog in the front of his house or when he was playing baseball with his son in the backyard.

This was over a year ago, he thought May of last year. So I got my things together after work on Thursday and searched for it. I gridded out an area in his front yard where he washed the dog. Two hours later no ring.

So I went back today and gridded part of his backyard where he was playing ball with his son. An hour and a half and still no ring. I was beginning to wonder if it was in his yard. I stayed with my grid some more and got a decent 12-21 signal on the CTX. I knew it could be it but I was getting many pieces of aluminum siding and gutter that were hitting in this range also.

But it was the ring! Yahoo! Isn’t it a great feeling when you pull something like that out of the ground. His young son was out watching me work, so I washed it off and gave it to him and told him to take it to his Dad.

They all were very happy and couldn’t believe I found it. Never give up on your grid search. HH