Jersey Shore Lost Ring Finder Tag | The Ring Finders

Family Heirloom Ring, Lost at Dock ( 2nd trip back) Point Pleasant NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

The ring finders south Jersey ring finder lbiHow to find lost ring The ring finders south jersey Ring Finder LBIIf you didn’t have a chance to read the original story, Jennifer had lost 2 ring in the water where they dock their boat. I recovered the one ring (wedding band) on the first trip, but the beautiful family heirloom diamond ring was hiding on the muddy bottom, in a location that my metal detector had not yet covered. It was getting late so I packed it in for the day and promised I would return after vacation in a few weeks. It was a safe location, otherwise I would have never postponed looking for the second ring. We made arrangements as I usually do prior to showing up, and quickly got to work upon my arrival. I decided to use my other machine with the 6′ coil, as the target location is a much more concentrated location. The reason for that was because marina locations tend to be very trashy, due to the fact that once an item is dropped into the water, its usually forgotten about. The larger coil I had used on the first recovery attempt was picking up to many signals at one time, therefore the beautiful filigree diamond ring was getting overpowered by other metallic items on the bottom. WELL, that was obviously a good idea because I had Jennifer’s ring in my scoop in under 5 minutes.

Wedding ring lost in field, Holmdel NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

lost ring lbi nj ring finder jersey shore ring finder I received a call from a gentleman who was inquiring about my ring finding service. He was basically gathering information for his son, Nick. He explained that Nick was off loading some hay bales,  when one of the strings grabbed his wedding ring and flung it out into the cow pasture. We discussed how my services work, which he felt was extremely reasonable. His one main concern was that they had been looking for the ring about 1 week already, with a pretty decent metal detector, and had absolutely no luck finding it. He was wondering if the same thing would happen when I came in to try and locate the ring. I had explained that unless you are extremely experienced in recovering lost items, it could be very challenging, especially in a cow pasture with about a week of rain. Talk about smelly and muddy to say the least. He was going to talk it over with his son, and assured me I would most likely get a phone call in the next day or so. This was a private location so there was no rush. As  figured, Nick sent me a text asking if I wanted to give it a shot, to which I replied, absolutely! Nick’s one concern was being he had no luck, what do I think the odds of me finding the ring were. I assured Nick that if he was 100% positive his ring came off in the manner that was explained the night before, I was just about that positive I would be able to recover his ring. We made arrangements to meet after work that day. Once I arrived I put on my boots and out to the location we went. Again, as I do  with every,  I went over and over again exactly what, where, and how the ring flew off. After about 25 minutes covering every inch in multiple directions, all I had was a pouch full of trash. Actually, I was starting to think his ring may have not came off where he said. We took a few steps back to survey the location, and the only thing possible was the hay trailer was about 10’ or so closer to the road side of the field. I worked one or two paths from the already covered spot, and my machine let out the sweet sound of success!!!! I bent over and pushed the slop around until my pin pointer held a steady sound, and just as I figured, there was Nicks ring. I so so love when my clients are positive they know when their items fly off. Thank you agin Nick, it was a pleasure.

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Lost wedding ring on the beach, Seaside Heights NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I got a text one evening from my old boss, he was asking it if still do recoveries. He explained that he was on the beach and a guy was digging around in the sand looking for something. He couldn’t help but ask what he was doing, and he said looking for my wedding ring. With that he told them about my and exchanged my information. Alex called a few minutes later and we went over what happened. He had decided to jump into the ocean for a swim, but prior to doing so, placed his ring and other stuff he was holding into his pants pocket. I had to head right there due to the fact that beach is heavy detected, and the ring might not last overnight. We walked right out to the surf as the tide was coming on rather quickly. Alex had some things marking the area, and i quickly started searching down low on the hill. He was pretty sure his stuff was up higher but I just wanted to make sure before the water got too far up. I completely covered the area we thought the ring would be, without any sign of the ring. Alex and his wife Carlie were on vacation and has to leave, as some friends were up at the restaurant waiting for them. I wasn’t given up just yet, and continued to search the path they had taken back to the dune walkway. With the very deep/soft white powdery sand the Jersey beaches have, it was no to easy seeing right where they had walked. After walking half way back, I turned around and did another sweep back to the water with no luck again. Spreading out even further to the north I located his ring about 150’ from the high tide line. I quickly called him, hoping to catch them before they left the area, which I did. We met on the boardwalk where I handed his ring back, which made the end of his vacation fantastic.

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Lost wedding ring in the grass, Manahawkin NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I was over on LBI checking out the beach when I received a call from Stephen. He had been doing yard work earlier in the day and noticed his wedding ring was not on his finger when he was wrapping it up for the day. Stephen had stated that between raking leaves, trimming some bushes, and a few other odds and ends around the yard, somehow his wedding ring went missing. I asked him if anything was brought to the recycling center, and his response was no, which was a big relief. I told him I could swing by in about 30 min. which worked perfect for the both of us. Once I arrived we went over in detail exactly what he was doing, and then we narrowed it down to the most likely place his ring could have been lost. After a short discussion, we headed over to the area he had been bagging some leaves, and in the same spot he had been loading brush into cans. I made a half dozen passes with my machine, when I received a really nice signal, and BINGO, there was Stephens wedding ring just a few inches under some yard debris. The look on his face was priceless as I handed his lost ring back.

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I-Phone lost in the surf, Lavallette NJ, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

  Tony was doing some surf fishing in Lavallette NJ early one Saturday morning with his buddies. It was pretty close to high tide when he realized his phone was missing, but he wasn’t quite sure where it could be. He looked everywhere possible when he figured it must have fallen out somewhere in the water while he was fishing. Loosing a phone can be very devastating with all the pictures, videos, and other information that can be stored on them now. Needless to say this was the situation with Tony, especially the pictures and videos of friends and family that can NEVER be replaced. Luckily I was able to locate his phone during the next low tide, about  20′ down the hill, right where the low tide waves were breaking. It was already buried in the sand over 12″, and prob. very close to being lost for ever. Time is so important when recovering lost items in the surf or ocean, that is why you need to call  ASAP when an item is lost.

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Wedding Ring lost in the water (bay) Surf City NJ, LBI, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

  Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey I received a message from Larry about his lost wedding ring. He lost it in about 5′ of water the week before in the bay, and was pretty anxious about possibly having it recovered. We arranged to meet on location about 2 hours later that day when some of the traffic cleared. After I arrived we discussed the details, in which he was adamant on the location where it came off his finger. which is always KEY with a successful water recovery that distance from the shore. Larry said the ring had writing on it which he could identify, and into the water I went. Once I was in the spot he gave me the thumbs up, and I started to search. Just a short while later I recovered a ring, which I didn’t think was his. This ring had writing around the outside, but he never mentioned that. After my arrival on shore, and with many swimmers relaxing in their chairs watching the ring return, I asked Larry more details about the ring. The next 5 min. or so were EXTREMELY comical, then Larry proceeded to recite the writing on the ring, which had never been discussed, and was in Hebrew. It read, « I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine » Well, I was in total shock at this point, due to the fact we had never really discussed these identifying features. Larry is prob the most comical person I have ever done a recovery for, as I was in a chop busting mood that day, and poor Larry got his share from me. Larry, It was a real pleasure, thank you again, so glad I was able to help.

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Lost Engagement Ring Found Galloway NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call now!


Alexa lost her engagement ring while on the volleyball court a few days ago. I met her in Galloway, NJ and she gave me the details of where the ring might have been lost. I started a grid pattern in the sand with my metal detector and got the signal after a few swings. Alexa was relieved that the engagement ring is found and back on her finger!

I can help find your lost ring!

Watch the reaction when the engagement ring is found in Galloway, NJ.

how find lost jewelry in the sand

ocean city nj ring finder

Gold Cartier Love Ring Found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring? Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Dawn whose friend saw my Ring Finders South Jersey page on Facebook and referred her to me.  Her daughter Julia lost her Cartier gold Love ring in the surf during a severe storm in Ocean City, NJ.  She was in ankle-deep water when strong gusts of wind suddenly blew the ring off her finger.  After speaking with Julia about the details of how and where she lost the ring, I started the search in knee-deep water and worked my way toward the beach.  I had to expand my search out about another 35 yards and the ring was found on the high on the slope! Never give up the search the rings can be found!


ring finder, NJ, new jersey ring finder, metal detector service, jersey shore

Lost Wedding Band Found Sea Isle City New Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call early in the afternoon, from Jason who had lost his wedding band in the sand in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. Jason said he had lost his wedding band while putting on sunscreen and it had flown off over his left shoulder.  After searching the sand around where they were sitting the ring was unable to be found.  With a quick internet search looking for a Ring Finder they found me and gave a call.  I was only 20 minutes away and within minutes of the speedy search where they were sitting the ring was found and returned! Jason was so excited that the ring was returned and that they could enjoy the rest of the weekend at the Jersey Shore!

ring finder

The Ring Finders South Jersey

Sea Isle City Ring Finder




  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)



                      I received a call  from Ali Saturday afternoon after she realized she lost her 14k white gold

and diamond engagement ring in the sand during a day at the beach in Avalon,  New Jersey.

Ali gave me the details of how the ring was lost; she put the ring in her T-shirt pocket, and it

 must have fallen out when the shirt was removed.  The search began in the area where

 she and her family were sitting. And after a few swings of the metal detector, the ring was found!

ring finder

Avalon Ring Finder can find your lost engagement ring.

Find my lost ring in the sand Avalon New Jersey