The Ring Finders Blog | Page 328 of 961

Ring Found In Suffolk VA For Farmer

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Got a call from a farmer, that lets me metal detect on his property, and he tells me he lost his ring in the field after cleaning his hands. He looked for it for a while with no luck so he gave me a call. The ring was recovered in a short time! He was one happy farmer!

lost Silver Ring lost in CDA Idaho….FOUND!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Sometimes lost ring searches arrive in our lives in the most unique ways, regardless of how they may come, recovering lost rings is The Ring Finders purpose.

Alex and Sam had a problem today. Sam had a cup in her hand and that cup had it out for Sam. See, Sam walked outside with her cup in hand and right before she reached her car the handle of the cup got snagged on her silver ring and the ring flew off into the freshly fallen snow. The frantic couple raked the snow with no luck. After no one would rent them a metal detector, Alex posted on facebook that a ring had been lost. That’s where I came into the story. I sent Sam a text and then we had a brief chat about where and when. I loaded up my gear and headed off to Cda Idaho. After reaching the destination of the couple’s front yard, I relived the moment with Sam of how she lost her ring. I quickly scanned the area where they raked and right at the end of the rake marks in the snow I got a hit in the high 80s on the vdi scale. The signal was reading less then an inch in depth so I turned my pinpointer and made quick work of revealing Sam’s lost Silver. I have to say her silver ring was one of the most beautiful silver rings I’ve seen. It had a large opal stone with silver facets that streamed across the tops of it. See the pictures. Sam told me that her mom had given her that ring 7 years ago when she was in high school. The back story coupled with the beautiful ring made my trip well worth it and is what makes The Ring Finders the best directory ever created.

Sam’s lost ring[/caption

Gold Wedding Band Recovered and Returned in West Chester, PA!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Boyd reached out to me after losing his beautiful, large gold wedding band while landscaping his backyard in West Chester, PA. He had been looking for it for a week with no luck and was about to give up when a friend of his referred him to to me and the Ringfinder directory. I had helped his friend find a lost phone with my metal detector the year before. Anyway, I agreed to meet Boyd at his house and he walked me through the facts surrounding the lost ring. He was 100% sure he had it on while he was raking leaves and cleaning up brush around his backyard. After losing it he spent hours looking with his eyes and raking around in case it was hiding underneath remaining leaves. As I always do I started by demonstrating my machine to Boyd…I throw my wedding band on the ground and let him hear how clearly my detector picks it up. Basically I want him to feel confident that if I swing the detector over it…I’m not going to miss it!!! and miss it I did not! About 10 minutes into the search I heard that satisfying surface gold signal with my metal detector! It was underneath some leaves and brush in an area where Boyd said he had searched several times. Boyd was very happy to have his ring back in his possession! I told him being a ringfinder is always a lot more fun when you’re able to return the missing item!

Sand and Gravel Quarry… Broken Equipment…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


Most of my searches are for lost rings, cell phones, car and house keys… Today I got a call to travel two hours to a rock quarry in Agassiz BC, Armstrong Sand and Gravel LTD, to look for a broken part of machinery. It was the finger from a backhoe that had broken off and was hiding somewhere in the rock and gravel, out of sight.












This was a huge concern for if it made its way into the rock crusher it would’ve destroyed it completely (weighs close to 200 pounds), not a good time as we are just dealing with disastrous floods in the area for the past week. I didn’t realize how important a rock quarry is and how essential this service is, as without them it would be impossible to rebuild infrastructure’s like roads and railroad tracks, This company was incredibly busy unlike any other year in their history, section of our highway were closed for close to a week and we have lost the use of the Coquihalla highway that is the « lifeline » between BC and the rest of Canada. Most likely to re-open in January, Abbotsford which suffered huge floods are said to have a two year recovery ahead of them to rebuild their infrastructure… The floods caused at least 450 million in damages. Local crops were contaminated, vegetable crops destroyed by floodwaters.


My search took approximately one hour and 30 minutes and I found it in the third location.  It was covered up and buried but not deep, they were very very happy that it was found and they can continue crushing rocks and getting trucks out to rebuild the infrastructure’s and help our roads get fixed.















Lost Gold Ring Found In Birmingham Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Yardcore Daddy

The warmer than usual weather this week in the Detroit area was drawing people out for one last property cleanup effort. One of those people was Barrett. Barrett considers his yard a sacred place….a personal retreat and takes great pride in keeping his yard in pristine condition. Eager to get out of the house he approached the task of removing the leaves from under the bushes. Once in motion, moving around the bushes positioned the leaves ready to rake into the large pile. Once completed, he noticed his ring slipped off. This afternoon I turned on my MXT metal detector and scanned under the bushes. Nothing was detected in the loose dirt. I double checked the area with my Garrett carrot pin-pointer with the same result. Resuming the search with the MXT around the bushes and moving towards the leaf pile I got a metal signal in the range of where his ring should be on the detector meter. Pinpointing revealed the metal item was shallow and poking the pin-pointer into the thick ivy revealed his shiny gold wedding band! As I handed it to him he was thrilled it was found and now he could continue bagging up the leaves without worry and while enjoying the upcoming holidays, can look out the window at his grand designs.


Lost Gold Wedding Band in Port Moody… Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


I received a call last night for help to find a lost Ring that went missing one day before he called me. He told me he was cleaning out the gutters when he felt his ring come off his finger, he knew the approximate area but couldn’t t find it. He found TheRingFinders online and gave me a call.

I came out the next morning and he showed me what he was doing and where suspected the ring would be, the only problem was it should’ve been pretty visible and easily spotted. The fact that it was white gold and there was a lot of rocks in the area it could easily hide there so I put on a north south east west great search of the area and after approximately two hours I did not find his ring.

The chances of making it to the road was slim but you have to look everywhere and think out of the box and to go to where it doesn’t make sense, guess what? That’s where I found it! On The Road for 2 days, lots of dog walkers passing by, run over a few times by cars so his ring has some battle scars but it’s back where it belongs! Out of all the years I have help people find rings it never really surprises me where I end up finding them, the only thing is you really have to push yourself away from where you believe it should be and sometimes that’s hard to do when you are so focussed on where these people believe it could be, if you know what I mean. Well the smile says it all…











Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.


Big hematite wedding band lost in Cottage Grove, MN – Now found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Shane was making snow angels in his back yard after a big snow when he lost his wedding band. He texted me soon after, but we decided that, since warmer weather was on the way, we’d wait until the snow melted before attempting a search.

It was a cold and windy 21 degree evening when I came to search, but almost all of the snow was gone. It took about 10 minutes to find it and I saw Shane’s wife in the window literally jumping for joy when I gave the ring back to Shane.


Lost ring Napa, Vallejo, Sacramento… found

  • from Colorado Springs (Colorado, United States)

Hi my name is Ory, I just joined ringfinders. I started metal detecting about a year ago and it is my newfound passion. I have found countless exciting valuables. However, I am more excited to see the reactions of those who are reunited with what was « lost forever ». To me, that is priceless. So call or text and I’ll meet you there!

Lost White Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Aulani Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Ring Find began when I was called by the Aulani Beach Team. They told me a guest lost her White Gold with Diamonds Engagement ring somewhere in the dry sand by their beach chairs. I told them I was doing a scuba hunt for a ring the next morning at the resort next door. Since I would be waiting for the sunrise I said I’d hunt for their ring first. The beach team gave me a 2nd row umbrella 4 location to start. When I arrived the next morning it was still dark so I moved all the location chairs out of the way first then I grabbed the Nox from my car and started the hunt. No ring in that box. Puzzled I noticed a guy sitting nearby drinking a cup of coffee intently watching me. I asked him if it was his wife that lost the ring and he said « No » but he saw the couple last night tearfully sifting sand looking for her lost ring. He was positive I was searching in the wrong spot. He was sure it was 3rd row umbrella 5. So I returned the other lounge chairs and cleared the new area. The gentleman walked away wishing me luck and as soon as he said that I got a nice tone on the Nox and in one scoop there was the ring. Thank you for having a messenger on the beach Lord! I informed the beach team of the successful recovery and they called the guest’s room. They said she burst into tears and that’s when I found out Shana from Ohio was only married one day and on her honeymoon when the ring fell off the lounge chair and disappeared. Shana and her husband were very grateful and obviously elated for the recovery. Honeymoon memories! Aloha to Shana!

Signet Ring Found near Woodstock, Oxfordshire


When I realised the ring I had been wearing non-stop for the last 10 years wasn’t on my finger one morning, I immediately panicked. This ring was a 21st birthday gift from my parents, engraved with my initials on the top and a message from them on the underside, so it was incredibly sentimental to me. I wracked my brains as to where it could be and my heart sunk when I realised there was a chance I could have lost it on a run the day before.  

I posted about losing my ring on an online neighbourhood community group which is where someone recommended, which led me to finding Constantine. 10 days passed between losing my ring and Constantine coming to the rescue. These 10 days were spent tearing my hair out and turning my flat upside down, searching through hoover bags and food waste bins – glamorous!  

I had a gut feeling that my ring would most likely be somewhere outside, as I had been cleaning out my guinea pig’s hutch the morning I noticed it missing, and it was a particularly cold morning so my fingers had probably shrunk and were verging on numb so I wouldn’t have felt the ring come off.

 Constantine scanned the garden and piles of leaves thoroughly, but no joy. Then we decided to empty the garden waste bin (the contents of which covered the lawn!). I saw Constantine bend down to pick something up, and there it was! He’d found it! I couldn’t believe it.