Lost Diamond Earring Summit NJ… Found!!

The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
It was early in the morning Saturday the 9th when I got a text message about a lost ring in the garden. I was on my way out the door with two of my three boys to hand out flyers for the BSA’s big annual community service project Scouting for Food. I text the couple back arranging to meet them for a search after the scouting project was completed.
I arrived at the home around 11:30am and met the sweet couple. They told me the story of how they had been gardening together in the yard performing a number of different tasks. The yard was huge and very nice and as we identified areas on interest, I created a kind of priority list in my head. I explained a number of things about how the metal detector worked and how the search would be performed and we started in. As systematically we checked off site after site in the yard and had not made a recovery I could tell the couple (who wished to remain anonymous) was getting discouraged. We looked at the very last location on our list when I got a very low blip and honestly if I wasn’t performing a search for them, I might not have bothered investigating it. It was coming in at a 1 or 2 on the Equinox 800. As I moved some yard debris I saw the ring and quickly recovered it.
When I revealed the ring to the couple they were both surprised and relieved that…WE MADE THE RECOVERY!!!!
Thank you to the couple for trusting me and the process to locate this beautiful lost heirloom!
The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
Imagine this if you will… Your anniversary is 11-11-11 and only days away. You are only hours away from leaving for an amazing out-of-state anniversary trip with the entire family. In fact, you were supposed to leave earlier this morning. However, flights were canceled and rescheduled due to inclement weather in another state. Plans will have to change.
Now imagine it is a beautiful cool Autumn day. The sky is blue and the grass is Kelly green. Crisp and colorful fall leaves are everywhere. In an attempt to make the best out of your rearranged plans, you pack the truck with bikes, balls, and games and head to the local park. Upon arrival, the chaos of unloading everything required for a fun time with the family ensues. Everyone is excited!
In less than an instant, excitement turns to panic when you realize your Platinum wedding band is no longer on your hand and is missing. Everything stops and a search for the ring becomes the new priority. Anxiety and stress takes the place of joy and excitement. Hours into the search and the ring is still at large. Most of the family have now returned home leaving you to continue the unwavering search. Eyes glued to the ground you cautiously rake the area inch by inch hoping that the ring turns up. Leaving for your trip seems unfathomable without the object.
At some point, a stranger shows up with a metal detector. Located on THERINGFINDERS.COM, an international network of elite metal detectors, your wife has requested help. In less than 30 minutes help has arrived on the site. You give the dashingly handsome detectorist a quick run down of the events and locations pertinent to his search. He asks you to complete a search contract while he gets started, and before you can even finish the brief form the platinum wedding band is recovered and the nightmare is over.
To the family…I’m so glad that I was able to assist you and with an overwhelmingly positive outcome. Happiest of Anniversary wishes and have a safe and amazing trip!
The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
Metal Detecting Service anywhere in SoCal cities.. call or text for prompt a professional metal detecting expert .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136
** Rob called me asking for help to check his lawn for a lost silver religious pendant. He had been given this pendant to repair for a friend. When he returned home, he believed it slipped from his hand as he was carrying bags from his car to the house.
He was calling me from work and could not meet me at his home in Bellflower, CA. His aunt Vicki would be there to meet me. She showed me where he normally parks his car. After a short time, I was able to find the pendant in the grass.
Call or Text now for service or information of how a metal detecting service can help you.. 929-500-2136. Your privacy is important to me.
It was very late in the evening when I heard my phone ding, it was the sound of an incoming text. The text was from Skylar, who had earlier in the day, lost 3 extremely precious rings, with great sentimental value. Unfortunately, the exact location information was also posted on a local Facebook page. I will ALWAYS make contact and request that information to be pulled down immediately, just for safe keeping. It was around 3 A.M., and when we finally made phone contact, Skylar agreed pulled down the location info, as I was going to head out to the location and attempt to recover the rings. Once I arrived and made just a few short sweeps of the area, my metal detector signaled a real nice high tone, which was consistent with the material her rings were made of. Sure enough, in the first scoop, BINGO, all 3 rings were safely in my possession, waiting to be returned, later that day. I sent Skylar a picture while we were on the phone, but prior to telling her I had the rings. I could tell by the tone of her voice when she opened the pic, she was in total shock. Its those moments that make this so rewarding. We arranged to meet half way to return her rings, talk a bit, and snap a few pics.
The Ring Finders San Diego Metal Detector service is here to help find your lost buried treasures. Call or text Curtis Cox @ 760 889 2751
One recent sabbath day I had another successful ring recovery that was lost while playing cricket ball during a tournament in San Diego. Kaushik felt the ring slip off & called me just after it happened. He offered me a reward to help & I was there later when they had a break in the game for me to perform a grid search with my metal detector equipment.
This didn’t take long to unearth from the thick grass as he knew the approximate area and I know the sound of Gold rings! Kaushik was relieved & The team cheered when I found it.
Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…
I was contacted by Lynn who informed me her husband had lost his gold wedding ring while working in the front yard of the house. This is common during this time of year as many of my calls are for items lost doing end of the season cleanup. We made arrangements for me to come out the next day as I probably would have ran out of daylight by the time I arrived.
I arrived the next day and was greeted by Lynn and shortly after her husband Hal. Hal explained that he saw the ring come off his finger and heard it clink on something before it disappeared. They had been removing leaves one by one from the area where it was lost being careful not to throw the ring into the leaf bags.
I looked around and they had done a very good job of cleaning up the immediate area. I was thinking the ring was further back hidden in the bushes. I began to search and came up empty. There was an azalea bush in a metal cage to keep the deer away and it sounded just like the ring I was looking for. I informed Hal that we might have to take the cage down for me to find it. He asked if I would check the leaf bags before we did that in the off chance it was there before we removed the cage. I started to check the bags using my pinpointer…and inside the first bag I got a hit. We dumped the bag only to find out it was not the ring. I checked the other bag and went back up to the front yard in the area by the bushes. I asked Hal if we could take the cage down and started to look one more time prior to doing so. All of sudden I got a nice sound and on the exterior of the garden bed next to the brick edging was the ring! I was confident that I was going to find it but thought for sure it was going to be in the bushes. It was a relief to find it and before we took the cage off. Hal was extremely thankful and appreciative!
In talking to Hal he informed me that the ring was a family heirloom and had belonged to his grandfather who was a war hero that fought in both WWI and WWII. The ring was immensely important to him as an heirloom and wedding band and I was glad I was able to locate it. I spent the next little while speaking with Hal and Lynn about all sorts of things and could have probably spent the entire afternoon talking and not even realized it. It was great to meet such kind and generous people and return the very special ring to Hal.
Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…
I was contacted by Zach who had lost his gold wedding ring in the leaves in his backyard. He had been playing in the leaves when he noticed it was gone. We set up a time for me to come out and try to recover his ring. Zach was unable to be there but I met his wife who showed me where I needed to search. It was a pretty standard wooded area in the backyard with a ton on leaves. They had been moving leaves and looking around to no avail. I got started and determined it was not in the initial area where they thought it might be. I started to expand my search and suddenly got a nice hit. I removed some of the leaves and there was his ring. I texed Hanna and asked her to come outside and then showed her the ring. She was very happy that I was able to locate it and took pictures to show Zach were it was in the yard. Zach later texted me his thanks as well. I had been out a few times on some other searches and came up empty (however, in two of the cases the rings were found either while I was there or after I left – which is awesome!) so it was great to be able to locate Zach’s ring and return it. As always it was nice to meet and work with such kind and generous people and a pleasure to be of assistance.
I had a couple contact me today. They were celebrating their Anniversary. She had lost her ring working in the yard two years ago and wanted it back. Someone mentioned to her husband at work he should contact a ring finder. He called and we set up a time. After a quick search the detector gave the tone I was looking for. Sure enough it was her ring.